my name is ferguson

Chapter 633 Richard Harvests Nuclear Weapons

Li Cha received a call that upset him, Cavani wanted to transfer.

Cavani has made great progress in Burleigh in the past few years. He believes that he should have a main position, whether he is playing as a winger or a striker. He feels that he should always be on the court, not on the bench of the coach.

This is justifiable. If the comparison between Van Persie and Cavani is calculated according to the suitability of Burleigh's lineup, Cavani must be ranked behind Van Persie. This has nothing to do with personal ability, it is completely a matter of understanding .According to Li Cha's vision, Burleigh's striker does not need to move at all now. When Van Persie's state declines in 2014 or 2015, Cavani can easily take the main position and become a superstar in one fell swoop.Nai, he overlooked a crucial issue, that is how hungry young players are for the main lineup and the team.

Cavani personally called Richard. He hoped to complete the transfer during this transfer period. He didn't want to tear himself apart with Burleigh and Richard, but he could compete with Van Persie for the position in the main lineup. At the age when he should have played more games on the court, there is no problem with making this choice.

Li Cha didn't agree right away, he felt that everything had to be thought through carefully. [

At this moment, an unexpected thing happened. The Qatar Investment Authority made a comprehensive acquisition of Paris Saint-Germain in advance. Paris was born in Europe ahead of schedule, and the moment the Paris Gold Dollar policy struck However, the Burleigh Club actually received another call, asking Paris to buy Cavani.

Is there such a coincidence in this world?

Cavani kept saying that he had not contacted any club in private, and he didn't want to tear himself apart with Burleigh, so the Bank team will come to buy someone in a few days?

Li Cha put on a show and said directly, if you want to talk, you can talk, come to heaven, I don't have time to go back!

With the passage of time, the first round of the Olympic Games, which started on August 8, is getting closer and closer.The first round opponent of the British Olympic team is Japan, and the opponent of the Netherlands is Nigeria. Now Li Cha really can't leave.

The next day, Li Cha met a man named Nasser Al-Khelaifi at the hotel. He was the new "chairman" of Paris Saint-Germain, but this man was indeed a puppet.The real power behind Paris is actually Tamim Al Thani.Li Cha has seen too many clubs like this kind of double reed. At the beginning, Chelsea and later Manchester City had similar situations, so he didn't pay much attention to it. However, the day Nasser and Li Cha met, he had already shown himself Attitude.

"Mr. Richard, we are not here to fight a price war. We are willing to become good friends with Burleigh. As long as Cavani's price is within the acceptable range, money is not a problem, and we don't need to pay in installments."

Looking at Nasser in a suit, Li Cha always felt that if he hadn't been more ruthless, he would have been a little sorry for himself.

"Mr. Nasser, I understand that any consortium that has just stepped into the football world needs connections. They would rather spend a little more money. Accumulating some popularity in Europe is actually a gold dollar policy in the eyes of fans. Among them are What you mean by 'making friends'." After saying this, Li Cha felt disgusted, do you have any friends in today's football world?You don't want to spend real money to buy the head of other clubs. You see, is there anyone who smacks you.But this is how this world is. If you say things nicely, things tend to go bad. You get used to it.It's that simple to be able to live in this world with lotus flowers on your mouth and blood on your hands.

Nasser agreed very much: "That's right! In Europe, Mr. Richard has absolute influence. If a new club wants to rise, Mr. Richard's help is indispensable!"

Watch Nasser's emotions.The corner of Li Cha's mouth twitched with a smile, and he said in his heart: "Don't do this kind of thing, I'm just left over from my tricks." What came out of his mouth was: "If others say this, I must think it's flattery , I don’t get in touch with people who flatter me, but Mr. Nasser, I feel that there is a relationship between us, as if God has set up an intimacy for us. I feel comfortable when you say this. No matter whether the business is successful or not , I've made up your friend."

A pair of smelly and shameless, the opening remarks are very nice, but when it comes to the truth, it is definitely white in and red out, and you are not welcome at all.

"Then, Mr. Richard, let's talk about Cavani's transfer. Paris Saint-Germain has no goals this season. We need to accumulate enough strong players to attack the European Champions Cup. Therefore, our first The goal of the transformation is the striker. Paris is the place where Weah was trained, but unfortunately we have not been able to train a super shooter like George, so... Mr. Richard, according to Cavani's performance and influence in the Premier League , our stock price is between 2000 million and 2600 million, but we are willing to pay 3000 million for Cavani, but we want to put forward an additional condition. In the future, we have the right of first refusal for players produced by Meulensteen Football School. Of course, For this purpose, we are willing to provide Burleigh with a fixed spot on the pitch every year, which can play at least ten Ligue [-] games and all French FA Cups and French League Cups."

When Li Cha looked at Nasser, the expression on his face slowly began to change a bit embarrassed: "Mr. Nasser, I don't really want to sell Cavani. To tell you the truth, Atletico Madrid has come to buy it once before, and Atletico Madrid also often buys it. The teams that appeared in the European Champions Cup have even reached the knockout rounds. In comparison, Atletico Madrid is much more attractive than Paris Saint-Germain. I even rejected Atletico Madrid..." Richard is asking you Where does self-confidence come from.

Nasser seemed to have figured out Richard: "3500 million!"

"Mr. Richard, don't get me wrong. We have no intention of throwing money at people. The most important thing is to make friends. We know that Burleigh sends players to Porto every year. Burleigh owes more than half of Porto's achievements over the years. , even Belgian teams and Italy's Udinese have contacts with Meulensteen International Football School. In fact, we care more about the in-depth cooperation with Burleigh. The price increase is just to show our sincerity, just like me It’s like flying to Beijing in person, do you understand?”

Li Cha pointed at Nasser and said, "Of course I understand, otherwise why would we be chatting here? Hahahaha..."

"But Mr. Nasser, Cavani has been used to Burleigh's tactics during the years he played for Burleigh. Burleigh's midfielder also knows his running position. Burleigh's winger knows how to send the ball to Cavani. I In order to train Cavani, he even played on the right wing. I'm not talking about money, absolutely not about money, I'm just saying, hard work."

"4000 million. Mr. Richard, you can't add more. It's an anecdote that Cavani, who was born in 1987 and just turned 21, sold 4000 million. In addition, after we buy Cavani, we have to set an annual salary based on his worth. You I also know that the taxation in France is very inhumane, and the Paris Saint-Germain law is under greater pressure. As you said, it is not a matter of the transfer price. It is impossible for us to give Cavani, who is worth 4000 million, an annual salary of 100 million. We Give him an annual salary of at least 500-600 million, that is, at least 10 a week, he is only 21 years old after all, and Rooney doesn’t get 10 a week at this age.”[

Li Cha shook his head and said, "Mr. Nasser, you misunderstood me. I have been saying that it is not about money. Cavani likes Burleigh, and he doesn't want to leave. He has feelings for this place." Li Cha picked up the cigarette case and thought To light a cigarette.

Nasser couldn't bear to hear this.He took the initiative to say: "How did I hear that Cavani seems to have asked to leave Burleigh? It seems that it is because of the main position in Burleigh..."

Snapped! ! !

Li Cha stretched out his hand and threw the cigarette case directly on the coffee table, slowly leaning on the sofa with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, his hands placed across the top of the sofa back a little higher than his shoulders, like a bird flying in the sky The eagle in the middle is in a fighting posture.

"Are you willing to tell the truth?" Richard looked at Nasser: "Cavani called me personally and promised on the phone that he would not tell anyone that he mentioned the transfer, so as to ensure the safety of the locker room. An Ning. Mr. Nasser, how do you know? I never mentioned that Cavani asked for a transfer, but I have been rejecting your bid, or declined."

"Don't, don't say it. Let me guess." Li Cha smiled mysteriously: "Uh, uh, uh (sounds are getting higher and higher), I smell it, I smell the French sunshine on vacation, it seems Cavani went to France for vacation and met someone there, so in a romantic French restaurant, Cavani's agent Mendes sat with you and Cavani. You are chatting, chatting I am very happy, finally someone promised that Cavani can appear in the main lineup of Paris Saint-Germain at the age of 21, and as long as he works hard enough, he can guarantee the main position, and the annual salary is not low."


Li Cha suddenly waited on the coffee table with his feet, and suddenly got up from the posture of leaning on the back of the sofa.But he didn't rush out to beat anyone up, but he was still sitting on the edge of the sofa, with his feet on the coffee table and an unlit cigarette in his mouth, pursing his lips and saying, "Maybe the time and place I said are wrong. , but the meaning is not wrong, Mr. Nasser, please see if your money can blind his eyes before calling someone an idiot, Mendes was picked up by me, you think you paid Mendes to dig Boss Can Lee's corner escape my eyes!!!"

Mendes didn't tell Richard anything, but since he cheated out Nasser, who was inexperienced in transfers, by using the delay method, he knew that Mendes must have made a lot of money here.Mendes knows Burleigh very well, and he would never dare to move Burleigh's main lineup, but like Cavani, who is on the edge of the main lineup, he wants to make a fortune from him. Cavani paid 4000 million, what's so special about Mendes' 500 million signing fee?

As long as this matter is done shrewdly, Li Cha will definitely not find any clues, because Atletico Madrid just bought Cavani, and Cavani is also very popular in Europe.

This made Li Cha feel very uncomfortable. No wonder Mendes spared no effort to get busy with Luo's affairs, and almost broke his legs because he ran away at the Tianchao press conference. He felt ashamed!

How to deal with Mendez Richard knows what is important now is Nasser.

"Friends, friendship, friendly attitude, sincerity, oh, so these words can be interpreted in this way, Mr. Nasser, I'm sorry, now Cavani's price has increased, 6500 million pounds, even a penny less, if you want Calm down my anger, if you don't want me, Richard, and Paris Saint-Germain to become enemies, if you see what happened to Manchester City, if you know a man named Figel and a man named Mino Raiola!"

This is money grabbing!

But what Richard was talking about was not about money, but about calming down his anger!

Li Cha said to Nasser: "Call your boss. I know you can't make the decision."

Ding dong, ding dong.

Li Cha didn't even look at Nasser, he got up and walked towards the door. After opening the door, Ferguson stood angrily at the door.


As soon as a roar came out, Li Cha whispered a sentence through his teeth: "Old man, there are guests."

Ferguson immediately shut up and dragged Li Cha out of the room.Li Cha closed the door and followed the old man to the end of the corridor.

The old man stretched out his hand and threw the folder in his hand directly under Li Cha's feet, and roared in a low voice: "This-he-mother-is the Simone Pepe you gave me!!!"[

"Hehehehe..." Li Cha smiled, and his smile couldn't be closed from ear to ear: "Old Sir, you snatched it from me in a vain manner, and I didn't tell you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll just ask you, do you even want to cheat me?" Ferguson was furious.

Li Cha hurriedly stood beside the old man and said, "Keep your voice down, if you don't want Li Cha, who inherits Ferguson's surname, to become a funny pronoun in the football circle."

"My assistant coach found me all his game videos and training records in Udinese. He-he-mother is worth 1000 million at most, and this has to be in the case of trying to tap his potential! And Luo is worth [-] million , at least [-] million!"

Li Cha suppressed a smile and said, "Then what do you want to do?"

"Mata, Cavani, Sanchez, take your pick!"

"Should I give it?" Li Cha asked tentatively.

Ferguson was absolutely ruthless, glared at Li Cha, and yelled, "Li Cha even lied to his own father... woo... woo... woo..."

"Okay, okay, old man. You are powerful, you are ruthless!"

There is really nothing Li Cha can do to play tricks on Ferguson.The old man is really too threatening, if he puts on his face like an elder and plays a disobedient drama, Li Cha will never even think about raising his head in this life.

"Mr. Jazz, I added 1000 million to tell you two feasible acquisition targets, and then you and I will settle the matter."

Li Cha felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.In this world, he is the only one who can make the old lord start rejecting him.

"Listen, the first one is called Thomas Muller, and the second one is called Toni Kroos. Both of them are in Bayern Munich and have not been able to play the absolute main force so far. Muller was born in 1989 and is 19 years old this year. There is no Bayern first-team appearance record. Toni Kroos was born in 1990. He played 12 games for Bayern last year. He performed poorly and failed to score a goal. I am afraid that Bayern will rent him out for training. I guarantee that these two people are in line with your wishes After training, it is definitely a frontcourt connecting line to use with Lukaku. The center, shadow forward and midfielder are all in place. Is it enough to make up for your loss?"

"I know these two people. You have loaned them, but will Bayern sell them? They are all hopeful stars!"

"Bayern are discussing plans to acquire Atletico Madrid's Forlan and Aguero. Atletico Madrid once approached me to buy Cavani, but I didn't sell it. Otherwise, a shocking transfer should have appeared long ago. If this deal is negotiated, Bayern There will be no place for Muller and Kroos in the future, the key is that they are only 19 years old, you are Ferguson, if you invite them personally, guess..."

Ferguson glanced at Li Cha and said, "This is your last chance, bastard!"

"You old man didn't contact Simeone Pepe, did you? Otherwise, I would have to explain it a lot, otherwise it would be a big blow to the player's heart."

Ferguson reached out to pick up the folder on the ground and said, "My players don't need you to worry."

"Hey..." Looking at the back of Ferguson leaving quickly, Li Zhanai shook his head, originally planning to fool him and let it go, the old man's eyes are too poisonous.But this result is not bad. The two cheated Bayern, and I don't believe that Bayern can slow down.

Li Cha of Chennai returned to the room after being tricked by the old master. As soon as he entered the room, Nasser stood up and said to Li Cha: "Mr. Li Cha, 6500 million, no problem, but you have to help us Do us a favor, we would like you to be involved in the Paris Saint-Germain transfer, we tell you the positions we need, you are in charge of the players, with the best possible purchase price, that's all."

Li Cha understands that Paris Saint-Germain intends to use the extra money to buy Burleigh's scouting system, but Li Cha knows that this will definitely not let him suffer the slightest loss. If you make good use of it, Paris Saint-Germain will help Kill the opponent's same sharp weapon by yourself!

"What about the cost? Is that what Paris Saint-Germain does? I'm the waiter at the entrance of the hotel? Do you want to see the mood of the consumption?"

Nasser said, "6%, 6% of the transfer fee, are you satisfied, Mr. Richard?"

"No!!!" Richard said with a smile: "10% of the transfer fee, if you give this price, I will give you a rationalized lineup suitable for the gradual development of Paris Saint-Germain, if you give 6%, it will be much easier , whoever is famous will appear on my list, and the collective premium is five times, I have always been very democratic, and I really want to make friends with Paris Saint-Germain, Mr. Nasser, you choose one."

Nasser shrugged his shoulders, he felt that dealing with Richard was too tiring: "Do I have any other options" (To be continued.. ps: Thank you for the 588 reward from Yuanye, thank you for the reward from the Alzheimer's Scorpion, thank you both .

Hey, finally reached the tenth...

The Olympics is starting, can I have a monthly pass?

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