my name is ferguson

Chapter 647: People are united, Mount Taishan moves!

The locker room of the British Olympic team was unusually quiet. The players bowed their heads and remained silent, and Li Cha was even more silent. The whole locker room seemed to be covered with gloomy clouds and mist. Everyone was depressed and took deep breaths in the locker room as if they couldn't find air.

Under such circumstances, the situation in front of any head coach is a psychological battle. No matter how the opponent plays in the second half, he has a great chance of winning, and no matter how he chooses, he has to accept the impact of another voice in his heart.attack?Don't be kidding, playing against Brazil, wouldn't the result be more goals?Is it possible for the current British Olympic team to achieve an exceeding goal rate? ?defense? no!That game was not won by defense, even if it was a defensive counterattack, he had to be able to steal the ball and press it out. Now it is obviously the end of not being able to press it out.

What should I do?

This has become a difficult problem in Li Cha's heart!

Now Li Cha knows the difference between leading a national team and leading a club. Li Cha has no pressure at all when leading a club. The fans will always support him. He only needs to be responsible to the fans and himself. If you lose, it’s okay. win back.You have to be responsible to the whole fans who like the British team, but also to these young players. If they lose, the psychological blow must be taken into account, otherwise Li Cha is likely to lose because of an Olympic Games. Ruined a group of future stars and let these people disappear from the game. [

The pressure is too great, wanting to reverse it is simply a dream, if there is a goal to be scored, then Li Cha can also give me a little bit, the key is that the current British Olympic team has not even scored a goal and is forced to a 2-0 deadlock .

Raising his head, when Li Cha looked at all the players in front of him, he felt that these people seemed to be waiting for his decision, even the captain Terry was no exception, Li Cha felt really lost if he didn't say anything at this time.

Encourage offense?Lost a lifetime of fame ruined.The Miracle Coach's broken heart at the Workers' Stadium, the six-time champion, the creator of the new Premier League giants, didn't they still fail to pass the national team in the end?Li Cha is now putting all his honors on his hands and fighting for this round, a dead end.

"Uh..." Li Cha groaned, attracting everyone's attention.At that moment, Li Cha looked at everyone and said: "The current situation is very unfavorable to us, but I want to say that this is not a hopeless situation for you. If you lose in the Olympics, you can go back to the club and start again. There is no such thing as the Olympics. Gold medals will not prevent you from becoming superstars on the pitch."

No matter how these words sound like the opening remarks of a head coach who has already admitted defeat, first prove that the result is not so serious, I am afraid that the next step will be to scold each other and shrug off responsibility, and finally publicize how great he is in the media.How useless the player is, he washed his feathers and patted his ass and left.

All the players think that Li Cha can do this kind of thing in their hearts. Li Cha's reputation...does he have a reputation?

"Me too, I can go back to Burleigh and continue to enjoy my six crowns. My club, my team, my fans will never blame me for not taking the British Olympic team well, really. I can go back Go to Burleigh and continue to be my God, in fact, losing this game will not cause any loss to any of us." Li Cha looked at everyone's expressions.It was found that someone was getting impatient, and the first one was Terry.

Terry suspects that he followed the wrong person. Following such a head coach who has no desire for honor and no fighting spirit at all, his football career may be ruined!

Li Cha ignored it and continued: "I was originally a poor and white person. When I became the chairman of Burleigh, I had nothing. But I want to tell everyone. In the case of nothing, I have come to today and won The trophy of the six-time champion..." Speaking of this, Li Cha raised his proud head and continued without batting an eyelid: "I can hold the trophy of the six-time champion because I have the determination to fight to the death with my opponent!"

"Yes. Losing this game is no loss for everyone, but in a short period of time we will be scolded by the fans, and scolded will be scolded. Is there anyone who is not scolded by the fans? Is there anyone who is Mr. Perfect? ​​No!! !"

Li Cha was a little excited, stood up on his seat, stretched out his hand to "pa, pa" his chest and said, "But I don't accept it!"

This roar made all the lowered heads of the British Olympic team players raise their heads, as if they were also dissatisfied.

"I'm afraid of having nightmares after I lose. In my dream, there is always a questioner who looks exactly like me pointing at my nose and smelling myself, 'Why did you lose? Why did you lose so much at the critical moment and win so many games? , why didn’t I win this game!’.” Li Cha’s voice became louder and louder, and finally the one who shouted directly became hoarse: “In my life, I only seek the advantage of the tongue, who won’t let me talk? Happily, I'll make him uncomfortable for the rest of his life. But if I ask myself that in my dream, I can't-he-m--can't answer! Richard Ferguson has never been in a game that didn't even try hard in five years give up!"

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about myself." When Richard finished speaking, pointing to his temple, all the players seemed to have stopped breathing, and there was no sound of deep breathing in the entire room.

Li Cha swallowed dryly, and his heart was beating wildly: "So, I decided to read everything about me in this game, and fight! Don't care about the score, don't care about who the opponent is, give it to me!" Fight!"

"I bet all my honor on this game. I want you to play and play according to my tactics on the court. If you still lose the game like this, then I will take all the responsibilities in the post-match press conference. , Said that my decision was opposed by all the players, it was me! Going my own way!!”

"It's not a matter of glory, it's because I don't believe in this evil, even if I kill 11 people on the opposite side, I don't believe that the [-] people on the opposite side can make you hot-blooded men wilt like chickens with their throats cut, and just flop around on the ground. "Li Cha looked at everyone and said: "Now, everyone puts down all burdens. Our goal is not to win the gold medal, but to kill Brazil and let Dunga die!"

Li Cha took a deep breath, his face was flushed red, and he looked like a demon who wanted to kill: "I don't hate Brazil, I don't hate Dunga, I hate everyone who makes me lose the game No matter whether his jersey is Brazilian yellow or Italian blue, as long as he makes me lose, I will fight him to death!"

"But you don't have to bet so big. You listen to me on the court. You still have to listen to me before I am kicked off as the head coach of the Olympic team. If we lose after the game, you will fight with the media." Said, it was Li Cha who made the wrong tactics, it was Li Cha who forced you to play football that you are not familiar with, it was Li Cha, he was the culprit, I said it!"[

At that moment, everyone in the room was infected. They had never seen any head coach who could go crazy to such an extent and take the initiative to bear the psychological burden of all the players and fight Brazil to the death.At this time, the general head coach should be cursing people, or formulating new tactics, but Li Cha is not, Li Cha is helping everyone to unload their psychological burden.

Which player representing the Olympic team has no psychological burden?Who wouldn't want to win their country's first football gold medal?Who doesn't want to be famous in history?Who wouldn't want to be featured in a documentary forever? ? ! !

Under such heavy pressure, they reached the semi-finals, which can already demonstrate Li Cha's ability. At this time, Li Cha dared to make such a big bet, why didn't everyone move?

Terry smiled, very easily, the affair with his friend's wife had cost him everything.He lost the fans of Chelsea and was reviled by thousands of people; he lost his gleaming personality, and even the closest woman was in a cold war with him. At this time, Li Cha accepted him... But I was still doubting Li Cha just now. Cha, how could Terry not laugh at himself?

No, I definitely did not follow the wrong head coach. On the contrary, I followed a person worthy of my admiration, a lunatic who dared to bet everything on a game.

"Count me in!" Terry stood up and said: "I am the captain of the Olympic team, and the responsibility should be shared by the captain and the head coach, just like voting for Mr. Football should be qualified by both the head coach and the captain. "

Everyone looked at Terry, and suddenly found that Terry was different from the legend. He was not as bad as the legend. He was around his friend's wife all day long, but a man who dared to act.

"Count me in!" Regan stood up, walked to Li Cha's side and said, "Boss, I will never say what you just said, because you are Li Cha, and I am Regan, Burleigh. No separation!"

Bell, Falcao, Shawcross, Baines, Richards and other Burleigh players all stood up, looked at Richard's completely distorted face and said, "Burleigh never separates, count us in!"

The atmosphere in the entire locker room reached a blazing level in an instant, as if the Burleans were born with an invincible charm, and they could completely defeat any opponent by relying on this charm.

Gerrard stood up. He is not from Burleigh. At this moment, he seems to be the representative of all players except the Olympic team. Everyone is looking forward to his statement. In this makeshift team, as long as Gerrard Ladd and Terry are the most qualified: "I want to correct a mistake, here, there is no Burleigh, only England, we never separate, of course I must be counted as one."

When people are united, Mount Tai will move!

Rooney also stood up, Gary Cahill also stood up, all the players of the British Olympic team stood up and looked at Richard and said: "Britain!!!!"

The Berleans headed by Richard habitually yelled the slogan of Berle: "wn!!!!!!" (to be continued...)

ps: Thank you for forgetting the end of the play, Juventus brothers for your reward, thank you both!

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