my name is ferguson

Chapter 650 A tactic that can be either 1 or not 2!

70 minutes, this is a period of time to test the psychological endurance of everyone. In just 60 minutes from 70 minutes to 10 minutes, the British Olympic team has endured too much pressure. The Brazilian Olympic team played If it wasn't for the perfect match between Gerrard and Terry, the two world-class backcourts, I am afraid that the British Olympic team has completely passed the sieve. Let's say that in the 63rd minute attack, Ronaldinho succeeded in getting rid of it. Under Gerrard's situation, Lee Cattermole's supplementary defense was almost instantly taken down by a bull's tail. Ronaldinho feared that Terry would rush out of the frontcourt again to supplement the defense, and deliberately made a horizontal ball run He quickly got rid of the movement, and then quickly sent the ball to Pato's feet in the frontcourt.Ronaldinho didn't have time to look carefully. For a player, in an emergency situation, he is doing everything by feeling, so Ronaldinho doesn't even know whether Terry has rushed Come out and just plan on getting rid of and passing the ball.

The football passed through Gary Cahill's defense and was about to rush out of the penalty area. Ronaldinho followed the rolling route of the football and waited for Pato's clever attack, but he saw Ripato in the penalty area being killed by Terry In the end, Joe Hart rushed forward and confiscated the ball!

The ball was too thrilling. Ronaldinho showed his strong Chinese skills and passing skills, but Pato was basically carried by Terry to reach the running route!It's not that Terry didn't think about rushing out again. When he saw Gary Cahill defending Pato, he always felt a little uneasy. This uneasy feeling came from a premonition, which came true.

In 68 minutes, the Brazilian Olympic team made a comeback. This was a quick counterattack after a failed attack by the British Olympic team. After Balotelli rushed to the forward position from the right, Gary Cahill couldn't stop the explosive force at all. The super perverted man was pulled away by a body distance in almost three steps. Robinho, who was holding the ball, suddenly had an inspiration, and rubbed the ball across the left side to rub the ball into a strip. The arc, the football bypasses Pato at the front in the air and finds Balotelli directly. Balotelli stops the ball in the chest and rushes forward quickly. Terry, who lacks a defender on the back line, can no longer play the role of savior. Baines When moving to the middle, he became very melancholy, because Rafinha on the right had already pressed up. In an instant, there was a huge hole in the British Olympic team's defense. The hole hit Balotelli and he could roll and rush. There will be no hindrance in the past.

At this moment, Joe Hart couldn't stand anymore. He believed that Terry could stop Pato, he also believed that Baines could hold Rafinha, and he even believed that Richards could hold back Robinho. Then this Who's coming?Who else could come but himself! [

Joe Hart rushed out when Balotelli rushed into the penalty area, and quickly appeared in front of Balotelli to block all angles. As long as Balotelli shook his foot, he would definitely rush out immediately. Absolutely I won't let the opponent increase the score again...

At this moment, Balotelli raised his foot to hit the goal with great confidence. He wanted to complete a hat-trick. He had to complete a hat-trick. Only in this way could he prove that he was no worse than Falcao. Isn't a single game a hat trick?What's the matter!

Joe Hart rushed out at this moment, but Balotelli's low shot was very powerful, and the football hit Joe Hart's armpit before it landed, but got out from under his armpit.As this frictional impact slows down the rolling speed of the ball, it becomes very excruciating. Balotelli is brought down by Joe Hart, who flies out. Terry and Pato both roll towards the ball at the same time. At that moment, players from all directions almost rushed to the penalty area...Suddenly, a figure full of confidence appeared. He was wearing a white jersey, but he was still the soul of the team that was galloping at Anfield. But he still has the spirit of never giving up when the football crosses the goal line. He arrived before everyone else, and when the football just hit the goal line, he slammed the ball out... touch! ! ! !

Martin grabbed the microphone and said: "I don't admire the tactics of our Olympic team, nor their personal skills, but I'm starting to be proud of our willpower! Everyone, do you know how I feel now? I feel I seem to be watching a German team game. In European football, only Germany is the name of willpower, but this kind of explosive emotion appeared on the British Olympic team. This is Richard's team, then You have to be stubborn when you kill him. Once you give him a knife, he can spit blood on your face. Once the bachelor emotion is shown and magnified, this is the character of a team that will never give up until the last second! "

"Don't worry about defense, we're one goal away from overtime!!!!"

Li Cha yelled, he didn't know if he could lead the England Olympic team into overtime, but now the spirit of the Olympic team made him very satisfied!

Even if you are passive, you have to defend to make you feel depressed. Even if you can't fight, you will never let you attack.

This is the old-fashioned and conservative personality of an English gentleman, like the momentum in a latrine. Smelly and hard, want to take us down?OK!Let's rub your shit first, then you beat the shit out of it! ! !

Do you dare to fight?We dare to work hard!

Do you dare to work hard?We dare to fight and kill!

Always being more ruthless than you is exactly Richard's style of dealing with people. If Marseille makes him look ugly, he will make Marseille lose his head for the rest of his life. If Beckenbauer fights against him, he will make Bayern lose the title of Bundesliga giant. Figel made him have a penetrating scar on his hand, and he wanted to make Figel lose all his careers. You will be the first day of junior high school, and I will be the fifteenth. ! ! !

The Brazilian Olympic team is tired, and anyone would be tired after a full 10 minutes of onslaught. At this moment, when Li Cha yelled at the field, all Burleigh players rushed together as if they were exhausting their last bit of energy. up.

Yes, the collective rushed up, and the corner kick in Brazil was pushed out by Terry again. The moment Gerrard stopped the ball, Baines, Richards, Gerrard, Regan, Rooney, and Falcao were like Like an airplane, a huge triangular formation was set up and started to enter the Brazilian lineup. This is also the tactic that Richard had decided with the players before. He said that this tactic can only be used once, and it cannot be used first. Once it fails After that it doesn't work anymore.

Gerrard handed the ball to Richards. Richards didn't even look at it and passed it diagonally to Rooney's feet. Rooney leaned on Lucas on the front midfielder and took two steps forward and quickly knocked back. The whole lineup is advancing and no one stops the pass, so that the Brazilian players can't stop the ball at all, because the British Olympic team never sticks to the ball. out.When Rooney was violated by Lucas, he still sent the ball to Regan when he fell. At this moment, Regan made a long shot from the front of the penalty area. Falcao suddenly advanced, and Brazil was stunned!

Which of these two people is real?

Thiago Silva could only choose to believe in Wallace Silva. He began to rush out without any instructions from Dunga, using the defensive tactics of the central defender in Burleigh, because he did not Trust Anderson.

Anderson had already stopped Regan, and Regan was using his own small skills to deal with him. When he saw Thiago Silva rushing up while the reverse ball opened the gap, Regan suddenly stopped, and Tiago Yago Silva took advantage of the situation and outflanked him. He knew why Regan stopped, because Regan was too familiar with himself. In Burleigh training, Regan never succeeded in breaking Thiago Silva's record. Even if he breaks through, he will be knocked down by Thiago without taking a card if he doesn't go one meter. Regan has a psychological defect when facing himself.

Richard likes to consider that the new official in the player's heart was inherited by Thiago Silva, which is why he can perform so well in Burleigh and become the best young defender in the world today. At this moment, Regan suddenly Turning around, Thiago Silva was finally relieved to see this. As long as he doesn't face the goal, Regan's threat will be much smaller immediately.

pass the ball! [

The moment Regan turned around, he knocked the ball horizontally, and the moment Anderson stretched out his foot to intercept it was over. The football appeared at the front of the penalty area. Go out and hit the dead corner of the door with heavy bombardment!

null! ! ! !

This is Li Cha's tactic, using the crowd tactic to create an open space at the top of the penalty area, looking for skilled players to attract the defense, and then knocking back, Gerrard suddenly bombarded the goal heavily while being defended by people.

Gerrard's long-range shots are quite good, not only fast, but also accurate. The key is that Gerrard's psychological quality is excellent. Letting Gerrard play such a crucial long-range shot is much more sure than Rooney, a heavy gunner.

The football whizzed past the dead corner of the goal, and Carrera rushed towards the dead corner of the goal like an explosion.At this moment, the leaping Carrera felt that his fingers were getting closer and closer to the trajectory of the football. How he wished there was some metal in the football, and his hands were covered with magnets.

Gerrard's face was not very good-looking. He originally wanted to kick the ball with a curve, but the ball was too powerful and the part of the hit was too straight. The curve was not hit, but the speed appeared. The football rushed towards the goal like a ray of light... …

Carrera suddenly felt a huge impact from the middle finger at the highest stage of flying, and the football that should have plunged into the net quickly changed direction after touching the finger!

There was a crisp sound from the goal post, and Carrera fell to the ground at this moment... (To be continued.)

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