my name is ferguson

Chapter 723 The Brilliant First Step

Forward vs goalkeeper, who is the king of one-on-one?

There may be different players in the hearts of every fan, but the least controversial one is definitely not Ronaldo, not Maradona, not Baggio, but Romario!

This guy often faces the goalkeeper in a daze on the field, but at the critical moment, he can suddenly start with the speed of the leopard to grab the ball from the opponent's defender and then face the goalkeeper overnight. All kinds of goalkeepers need not be said. Romario faced the goalkeeper one-on-one, sorry, no solution.

Falcao is not Romario, and Adler is a super goalkeeper who can already rank in the top ten in today's football. In this case, 1v1 has become a big battle.

Adler was ready to rush out when Falcao formed a single-handed strike. All goalkeepers will rush out with a blocking angle booth when a striker of the opponent forms a single-handed strike. The closer the striker is to the penalty area , the better the angle is to block, but you must count your steps when the opponent is about to step in. If you rush over and the opponent has not stepped in, then the unlucky one must be the goalkeeper. You can't touch the ball with your hands. , which is a major flaw.

Falcao's sprint with the ball was forced out. There were a large number of Germans chasing behind him. As long as he dared to be a little dazed, he would be completely surrounded immediately. Let alone shooting, even if he wanted to protect the ball, it would be impossible. So he can only run, rush into the penalty area, and can't stop.

Seeing Adler rushing up, Falcao had an unconfident side in his heart. Falcao not only had one header shot in this game, but all of his shots were solved by Adler. Falcao caused a certain amount of psychological pressure, and now Adler rushed up with strong confidence, Falcao was stepping on the penalty area line, and it was obvious who had the advantage at once.

It's just that Falcao has his own way.When he played for Burleigh, he had a famous single-handed goal against the goalkeeper. That time he also faced the goalkeeper with a single goal, but Falcao directly threw his thigh on the penalty area line, and everyone saw that he was far away. When shooting, he suddenly swung the ball forward, and the opponent's goalkeeper who used this long-range long-range fake to trick the opponent's goalkeeper missed it, and then directly hit the empty goal and succeeded.

This time Falcao also swung his thighs inside, and Adler quickly quickened his pace and charged in front of Falcao.He must rush to block before Falcao's shot is hit...

What no one expected happened, Falcao actually shot a lob shot that he had never hit before even in club competitions!


When the thigh swung back, the football was raised high, and at that moment even Li Cha stood on the sidelines anxiously. If the goal had not been scored, whether England would be able to hold off Germany in the rest of the time is a question that cannot be predicted at all. things.

All eyes were on the pitch, on the ball that was picked up by Falcao, and Adler turned around to watch, as long as the ball's trajectory was slightly unexpected.They'll jump right away.

At this moment, Falcao didn't stop running forward at all. He didn't know what to do in his heart. He had never practiced lobbing before. He was afraid that he would be too harsh, so he especially withdrew some strength when shooting, but now he He had to be worried that the pick wasn't in place, and he needed to rush up to make up for it as soon as possible. He didn't want his ball to be caught by Adler before it rolled into the net after bouncing twice on the lawn!

Thanks to Falcao's lack of confidence.The ball simply isn't strong enough to pick the goal if Adler runs back from the start.This ball was obviously a ball that could be saved, but none of this happened because the goalkeeper has a bad habit on the pitch. He has to keep an eye on the trajectory of the football, and only when the football falls will he follow the landing point to save it.Remember Beckham's famous halftime lob in the Premier League?The goalkeeper at the time took a glance at the front of the penalty area before starting to retreat, and finally lost the best chance!


The football landed.There was at least one meter away from the goal, but no one could stop the goal at this moment. Excited, Falcao immediately rushed forward with a sliding shovel. After the football landed, he shoveled it into the goal!

"Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooee musicressneaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllll!!! 2: 0!!!!!! Minutes, as long as England concentrate on defense, they will definitely win this game!"


Beckham finally showed a smile, his persistence was not in vain, England came out of the cruel game firmly!Taking a deep breath, the moment the cold air entered his body, Beckham opened his mouth and vomited wildly on the court as if he had been choked by the cold air.

This is not the first time he vomited. Last time, he was still wearing a Real Madrid jersey, and this time, he was fighting for the country.

"Barry, Milner, come on, replace Beckham and Lampard."

Li Cha immediately arranged for a substitution, and then grabbed Milner and said on the sidelines: "After going on the field, tell Bell to come back completely, and now he doesn't need to attack, show me Podolski's wing, and at the same time let Ash Leigh Cole strung up the line of the penalty area, we played five backs, let Terry stand in the middle, Ferdinand stood near Richards, Richards is fast and can run, Ferdinand can have a lot of strength left .”

Now Li Cha is not in the mood to celebrate at all. Although the game time is only 20 minutes, it is not guaranteed. Manchester United can score two goals in stoppage time in 99, and Atletico Madrid's opponent Bayern can reverse the game in the last 20 seconds Well, the willpower of the Germans is quite terrifying, and Richard had to guard against it.

There was a mass of celebration on the court. Beckham jogged towards Falcao almost after throwing up, and then just hugged Falcao. It was Falcao who brought his World Cup dream one step closer. , at this time, he doesn't want to wake up at all!

Falcao is cool. In the past, Falcao had to rely on Li Cha to apply for investment immigration to play for the Premier League. Now he is already a striker who makes opponents fearful in the World Cup. After returning to the club, he has the confidence to compete with a player three years older Van Persie was competing for the club's main striker position once, and he didn't believe that he would lose after having experienced the tests of the Olympics and the World Cup!

At this time, Falcao was in high spirits.

Regan waited by the side, waiting for his own opportunity.

A strong person has always been like this, he will not look at other people's success and hate his teeth itching, he will tell himself at this moment 'be patient, one day you will be stronger than him! ', the impatient Ronaldo was an exception for his repeated conflicts with Ruud van Nistelrooy at Manchester United, because he met the more patient Sir Alex, who is the boss in the locker room, otherwise Ronaldo would have been abolished long ago. If you don't believe me, put Ronaldo of that period in the conflict between Real Madrid and Raul.

Regan learned a principle from Li Cha's side, that is to play according to the rules of the game. When it's your turn, you can do whatever you want to become famous. If it's not your turn, lower your mentality and bear with it. Others come here too. The world is not that simple.

"God, I finally saw today, and now I have to say a fair word for Li Cha, since Li Cha announced his roster for the World Cup, I don't think England has anything to do, because there is no Wayne Rooney in this lineup, and the goalkeeper is Burroughs. Lee's substitute goalkeeper Joe Hart, the main risk is still Burleigh's substitute Falcao. But now I must say that I see hope, Joe Hart's bravery today is an important reason why England can persist until now, France Erkao's last goal reminded me of Shearer. England's overall struggle reminded me of Germany, which won the World Cup. I will never forget that spirit. I must say that Richard changed the England national team. Changed England's tactics, changed England's lineup, changed England's philosophy, changed everything in England, we should set up a monument for Richard." Martin said excitedly, he hoped that there would be another Richard in English football , There are many, many Richards. Only in this way can football in this country develop thoroughly.

After the players poured in, the two veterans, Beckham and Lampard, walked off the pitch. They were very excited sitting on the coach's bench, teasing each other with smiles on the corners of their mouths, which shows that they are in a very good mood.

England's lineup has also changed with the departure of Beckham and Lampard. This lineup has been changed from 433 to 532. When a purely defensive lineup appears in front of the Germans, what England will face is bound to be Bombing.

In 75 minutes, under Ozil's control, Germany trapped England in the half, and Falcao went to the midfield to defend. During this period, Germany had three long-range shots and two crosses.

In the 83rd minute, Richard replaced Joe Cole with Dawson. Richard's meaning was already obvious. He was playing with the Germans, and at the last moment he wouldn't fight you for real. How about it?

At 90 minutes, all the players finally reached the final moment of the game. Just when the game ended 3 minutes before stoppage time, a loophole appeared. Ozil passed the ball through the six defenders. Klose and He took advantage of his long legs to grab the ball in front of Joe Hart and directly into the net!

Joe Hart was directly shown a yellow card by the referee for wasting time arguing with Klose about football ownership. Li Cha angrily stamped his feet on the sidelines and cursed: "Concentrate, concentrate your attention, the game is not over yet!!!"

Fortunately, the ball came too late for the German team. When the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game, the German team was kicked out of the sideline before breaking through England's first line of defense!

Richard once again made a brilliant contribution to the England-Germany war. This time, England fans don’t need to brag about the previous 5:1, and they don’t need to talk about the 2:1 away game. They have another new victory , the same 2:1, the same race, or the World Cup... (to be continued...)

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