my name is ferguson

Chapter 739 Who Should Fans Support?

England in the final! "

"All England Expects! "

"Only one step away from Wireless Glory! "

On the eve of the final, the English media was full of jubilation. In their opinion, after the England led by Richard defeated Germany, Argentina, and Spain, it would be a piece of cake to face the Netherlands, which also entered the final. The Netherlands had never beaten Germany before. , Argentina, and Spain are highly regarded, not to mention Richard's familiarity with the Netherlands is very high. There used to be four Dutch players in Burleigh's lineup, but it became three after Van der Veer left.

In other words, Richard is very familiar with the Netherlands. The Netherlands' main forwards, main midfielders, main midfielders, and main right backs have all played for Burleigh. When such a Netherlands faces England, it will definitely Being tightly controlled by England is like Richard's control of Spain.

Richard is not optimistic about this at all. This time the Netherlands can be said to be the team that has achieved the best results in recent major international competitions. Their lineup is extremely luxurious, with Van Persie and Huntelaar on the front line; There are Dirk Dirk and Robben on the wing; Van der Vaart and Sneijder in the midfield; De Jong in the midfielder; the only thing that is not outstanding is the defense. Who would dare to underestimate a player like Ster?

Li Cha, who was staying in the hotel, observed the tactical board, looked at the players that the opponent might send out and the eliminated lineup, and he could no longer use the method to deal with Spain when playing against the Netherlands. , and the ability of singles and strong play is also very good, whether it is Robben or Van Persie, the ability to create a murderous attack on the front line is the world's top, otherwise Richard will not always fix Van Persie on the front line.

Just when Li Cha was worried, there was a small problem at the Burleigh Club.Very, very small tactical idea problem.

In the tactical room of Burleigh, Mourinho held the first tactical meeting. Since the current Burleigh is not neat enough, the people who participated in this meeting were players who were eliminated in the World Cup or did not go to the World Cup at all. , Players like Ronaldo who have just returned from the World Cup have rested for a whole week longer than others, just.They don't seem to be in a good mood.

Mourinho explained his tactical philosophy to all the players in the tactical room. He thought it would be a waste for Messi and Ronaldo to continue holding the winger. , These two people must also create space for other players. Since they want to be involved, they must have a running distance. Therefore, Burleigh under Mourinho will play three midfielders next season, that is to say. Ronaldo, Messi, and Sneijder will appear in the midfielder position one after another, and Ronaldo and Messi will play the role of leading the midfielder and shadow forward.

At the moment, the team's main forwards Van Persie and Falcao have not returned, and even Regan is preparing for the World Cup finals in the England national team, so Ronaldo, who has just returned, will temporarily step up. The place, topped by Neymar, who was recovered from Brazil.

Ronaldo is very puzzled by this. It doesn't matter if he plays forward or both sides, but when he is to appear in the most crowded midfielder position.He didn't quite understand: "Uh, Mr. Mourinho. Sir Richard regards the club's players as his most valuable assets. He doesn't want us to get injured. If Messi and I don't face an opponent on the wing, but If we face more opponents in the middle, our chances of injury will be greatly increased, and injuries caused by long-term violations will make our state decline, not to mention that we are not familiar with the position of the front midfielder at all.”

Mourinho did not expect to be refuted in his first tactical meeting at Burleigh.Not to mention that the top star of the team questioned himself. Mourinho, who has never been good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, said with his own unique style: "Now I am the head coach of the club, not Sir Richard. My tactics naturally have my purpose. You are good at dribbling, and your position is closer to the goal. As long as you kill the midfielder, you can face the defender directly, and you are surrounded by teammates. At this time, no matter whether you are violated or succeed in passing , the blow to the opponent is fatal."

Mourinho's idea is indeed a bit unique. He knows that Burleigh has now become the top giants in the world. In the next 10-11 season, he will definitely face many big teams. A deadly weapon that breaks the barrel formation.Burleigh does not lack free kick players. Sneijder and Ronaldo are the kind of people who can break the deadlock with set kicks at critical moments. What's more, Messi has been practicing set kicks hard recently, and there is a heavy artillery Alves behind him .In Mourinho's heart, there is no problem with Burleigh's defense, and the wings can be handed over to Alves and Baines. Can be increased, he will no longer be afraid of any iron barrel array.

The madman at this moment is already thinking about changing his tactics, and Burleigh is his first proving ground. At this time, he does not allow anyone to question himself, even Ronaldo.

Ronaldo continued: "I admit that what Mr. Mourinho said is correct, and your tactical intentions are also obvious, but Burleigh has never been a club that only cares about its own results. Whether it is Keane or Mr. Richard, they You are very concerned about our health, your current tactics are equivalent to exchanging our health and being violated for a chance to set the ball... Once we get injured..."

Mourinho was a little annoyed at the moment, he was not a very patient coach, and immediately said: "Don't worry, there are enough substitutes in Burleigh who can play where you are, and even if you get injured, it may not affect the situation." Burleigh's results because I'm here, I'm the manager of the club."

There is a stalemate in the tactical room. It is normal for players to avoid injuries, but they cannot be afraid of injuries. In Mourinho's eyes, players are the property of the club and must make sacrifices for the club when they are 'needed', not when they are 'needed'. Sacrifice for the club when it matters.In the eyes of players, the performance of the club should be higher than their own health, and above all else. This is the quality that a qualified player should have.

Ronaldo stopped talking. In short, he was not very satisfied with this tactical meeting. He didn't like Mourinho's attitude very much, but the veterans in the club didn't speak much, such as Diarra and Van Persie. The players who have been playing for Burleigh are quietly supporting Mourinho's tactical analysis.

In fact, Mourinho's tactics are not troublesome at all. No matter when he was in Inter Milan or Chelsea, the tactics he used were very simple. This time is the same. As he said, he just hopes that Messi and Ronaldo can Show personal skills at the key position of the front midfielder and kill the opponent's midfielder. After all, Sneijder is not strong enough to surpass others. Germany's pass will face multiple interceptions.If there is a breakthrough by Ronaldo and Messi, it will be completely different. At least the first escape in the hinterland will appear immediately. Once these two people face the opponent's defender, the opponent's goal will be dangerous, not to mention There is also a van Persie at the front as a support point.

In this atmosphere, the club's tactical memories ended, and training began in the afternoon. Mourinho's first training did not have any accidents. Burleigh was relatively gentle with his teammates during training.

On the second day, Burleigh started the first friendly match. The opponent in this friendly match was Paris Saint-Germain of the Ligue 30 team. At the beginning of the game, Mourinho looked very comfortable, whether Neymar or Messi , the passing in the front midfielder position continuously threatened the opponent, but at about [-] minutes, Neymar and Ronaldo switched positions during a tactical run, and Ronaldo, who was standing in the front midfielder position, turned his headband The ball ran to the left and dribbled horizontally, walked out of the attack zone in one go, and began to go down the side!

Mourinho's eyes widened at once. Ronaldo's move was a mistake that destroyed the overall tactics. Baines on the left has been waiting there to respond. If he wants to play on the wing, why doesn't he pass the ball?Baines is not just a left back who can only defend!

After the bottom, Ronaldo passed the ball into the penalty area, Neymar took advantage of the situation, fell to the ground and shoveled for Burleigh to rewrite the score to 1:0!

At this second, Mourinho glanced at the players in the lineup. Now that the three strikers are playing in the World Cup, Neymar was used. He really has to think about replacing Ronaldo: "Eh Zill!!!"

Ozil, who had just returned, stood up, and Mourinho said to Ozil: "Go and replace Ronaldo, let Neymar stay on the front line, and you play the midfielder!"

When Ronaldo left the field, his face was full of anger, and he walked to the sidelines and roared at Mourinho: "What did I do wrong! I gave an assist for the team!"

Mourinho didn't give in, looked at him coldly and said: "But you didn't play the game according to my request!"


Ronaldo took off his jersey and slammed it on the ground, and walked towards the locker room alone. At that moment, all the media cameras were prepared for Ronaldo's back, and Mourinho never looked back. indifferent.

The old reporters glanced at each other and said: "I think it was a mistake for Richard to appoint Mourinho as Burleigh's head coach. There are too many players with character in the Burleigh team. Let a head coach with character come. , there will definitely be a conflict, when the time comes..."

Another old reporter smiled and said, "Our salary will increase then."

After the two looked at each other strangely, neither of them spoke. The next day, the media smashed Ronaldo's jersey, and the news of the discord between the generals in Burleigh's locker room was full of quarrels!

Before the end of the World Cup, Burleigh ushered in a huge crisis. Even in the warm-up match, Burleigh locked the score at 2:0 with the goals of Neymar and Messi in the first and second half. Cavani stepped into the Victory Stadium and attracted all the fans. Applause, but the crisis in the locker room still worries the fans. Ronaldo is a very important member of Burleigh. Such a player cannot leave. So... who should the fans support? (To be continued..)

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