Reborn Tokyo Golden Age.

Chapter 483 Sky-high price acquisition

Chapter 483 Sky-high price acquisition
One moment we received news that Fuji Heavy Industries had changed its ways, and the next moment we were told that Fuji Heavy Industries no longer existed.

The content of the newspaper that Tatsuro Toyoda threw on the ground was very simple, that is, it officially disclosed various data on the transactions behind Fuji Heavy Industries.

This newspaper comes from the "Mainichi Shimbun". As the biological son of Shirakawa Holdings, it has more accurate information than other media.

The series of zeros after the number on the newspaper made Kitagawa Yang feel frightened.

At the end of August, Shirakawa Holdings officially signed an equity transfer agreement with Nissan Co., Ltd. and Fuji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

According to the latest news from this newspaper, Shirakawa Holdings has accepted 6900% of Fuji Heavy Industries' shares from Nissan at a sky-high price of 20 billion yen.

At the same time, Industrial Bank also sold 800% of its shares in Fuji Heavy Industries for 2.3 billion yen.

Industrial Bank's original shareholding ratio dropped from 5.3% to 3%.

Shirakawa Holdings, which acquired a 7700% stake in Fuji Heavy Industries for a total of 22.3 billion yen, officially became the largest controlling shareholder of Fuji Heavy Industries at this time.

After assuming undisputed dominance over Fuji Heavy Industries, Shirakawa Holdings and Fuji Heavy Industries jointly held a press conference.

In order to improve the operating conditions of Fuji Heavy Industries and respond to changes in the global market, Shirakawa Holdings will continue to increase its capital investment in Fuji Heavy Industries by 2400 billion yen.

The funds will be used to adjust the business direction of Fuji Heavy Industries' global market, while also exploring overseas markets and building new production bases.

After a series of reorganizations and capital increases, Shirakawa Holdings currently holds 28.3% of Fuji Heavy Industries' shares.

There is no doubt that Fuji Heavy Industries ushered in the Shirakawa era today!

In addition, at a press conference, Shirakawa Holdings and Fuji Heavy Industries jointly announced that Fuji Heavy Industries will officially change its name to "Subaru Co., Ltd." starting today!
"Subaru Co., Ltd." Kitagawa murmured to himself as he looked at the dazzling name on the newspaper page.

7700 billion yen took the lead, and another 2400 billion yen was added to improve Fuji Heavy Industries and Subaru's operating conditions.

What a big deal, 11000 trillion yen, a total of nearly 92 billion US dollars!
After all, I still underestimated the financial strength of Baichuan Holdings. There is no doubt that this sky-high acquisition fee will definitely be Neon's largest acquisition in recent years.

And it is precisely because of the tyranny of Shirakawa Holdings that Nissan and its owner Industrial Bank will not hesitate to sell their shares in Fuji Heavy Industries.

After a battle of wits and courage, Chen Cang was defeated by the other party's money-making ability before his secret plan could go to the end.

The power of money is still unsolvable in the golden age of neon.

Simple and crude, yet efficient and effective.

With a wry smile, Beichuan Yang now no longer needs to consider this series of mergers and acquisitions.

Perhaps he should be worried about his career at this time, since Baichuan Holdings can finalize the cooperation in such a short period of time.

Then they must have gotten some rumors. If you check this kind of thing, you will know who is behind it.

Alas, not only has Shirakawa Holdings been offended, but Toyota Motor has also been offended.

I really lost my wife and lost my troops~
Not to mention Kitagawa Hiroshi's secret regret and uneasiness, why did Fuji Heavy Industries' successive changes happen so suddenly?

Turning the time back to one day ago, after learning that people from Kogyo secretly met with the Sumitomo Zaibatsu in Osaka.

Shirakawa Kaede realized that the entry of Shirakawa Holdings within Fuji Heavy Industries was not as welcoming as imagined.

Thinking back to the recent rumors that Fuji Heavy Industries is bankrupt, it seems likely that there are other capitals that are also interested in Fuji Heavy Industries.

As for whether it was the Sumitomo Zaibatsu or not, it no longer mattered. Shirakawa Kaede had no intention of going to Sumitomo to test his words.

In order to avoid having too many dreams at night, Bai Chuanfeng decided to cut the knot quickly.

Because of previous private agreements with the Kuhara family and the Fujita family, Nissan has basically agreed to transfer its shares to Shirakawa Holdings.

However, there are still some differences between the two parties on the sale price. Shirakawa Holdings intends to acquire Nissan's shares at a 5% premium to the current market price.

However, the Ayukawa family wanted to raise the price by 20%. They themselves were hesitant to sell their shares in Fuji Heavy Industries. The reason why they agreed was that the other two companies became lobbyists.

But since it is going to be sold, of course it must be sold at a good price.

According to their understanding, Shirakawa Kaede, the head of Shirakawa Holdings, should be very interested in Fuji Heavy Industries.

Therefore, in terms of price, the Ayukawa family insists on its own pricing.

There is a 5% difference between 20% and 15%. The current market value of Fuji Heavy Industries is about 3 trillion yen.


This is a gap of 900 billion to nearly [-] billion. Of course, Shirakawa Holdings and Nissan will try their best to deal with such a large interest gap.

The progress was already going quite smoothly, and the two parties had reduced the price to around 15%, but things in Osaka disrupted Shirakawa Kaede's plan.

The shadow of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu and the turbulent undercurrents in the media world caused Shirakawa Kaede to directly give up his original plan to pursue it slowly.

The traditional six major chaebols are still not one that Shirakawa Holdings can compete with.

Therefore, Shirakawa Kaede notified Yu Arai as soon as he learned the news, and signed an equity transfer agreement with Nissan at a premium of 15%.

Since Fuji Heavy Industries may attract the attention of the behemoth, don't hesitate to strike first.

So 6900 billion yen, this is the price Shirakawa Holdings paid for acquiring 20% ​​of Fuji Heavy Industries.

At the same time, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, Shirakawa Kaede also took the initiative to visit Koichi Kawakami, the head of Industrial Bank.

After a round of bargaining, Baichuan Holdings also won 2.3% of Industrial Bank's shares at a similar premium.Of the 800 billion yen, Shirakawa Holdings paid 500 billion in cash, and Industrial Bank signed an agreement with Shirakawa Holdings in the form of a loan for the remaining 300 billion yen.

Baichuan Holdings does not need to repay this part of the money first, but of course interest is indispensable.

In fact, Bai Chuanfeng is not short of this money at all, but there is no way it is all business.

After this round of quick cuts, it is almost certain that Shirakawa Holdings will become the controlling shareholder of Fuji Heavy Industries.

However, because each other's financial teams need to re-account the assets of Fuji Heavy Industries, the official announcement time has been delayed.

Although the market value of listed companies is a reflection of the overall value, the real asset evaluation needs to be carried out separately.

Similarly, the asset accounting of large enterprises cannot be completed in a short time, and it cannot be completed in less than a month.

Fortunately, this part of the work was started after the first shareholders' meeting within Fuji Heavy Industries, so it didn't take too long until now.

In addition, the heir of the Nakajima family has been contacting Shirakawa Kaede frequently recently. It is obvious at a glance that the diligent person has impure intentions.

However, it happened that Shirakawa Kaede also wanted to lend his hand to complete the final layout of Fuji Heavy Industries.

So in the private room of a high-end izakaya, Shirakawa Kaede first treated the Minister of Education with great courtesy.

Then he praised him for his contribution to neon culture. The gesture of recognition surprised and delighted Nakajima Gentaro.

Although these politicians look like shit outside, in fact they need a lot of financial support every time they participate in an election.

Therefore, politicians are very polite when facing chaebol leaders.

A person like Gentaro Nakajima, whose family is in decline, might privately curse the nouveau riche against a figure like Shirakawa Kaede.

But when they met, the pug-like look on his face immediately revealed his true nature.

Shame?The last thing a politician should care about is his face.

As a result, both sides had their own thoughts, and the atmosphere at the table was harmonious and warm.

In the end, when Shirakawa Kaede intentionally or unintentionally turned the topic to the election, Gentaro Nakajima immediately expressed his bitterness.

It's nothing more than a problem with Fuji Heavy Industries' loss-making family income, and funding for the next election is tight.

While complaining, he also looked at Bai Chuanfeng eagerly, with an expression that almost had the word "begging" written on his face.

How can Shirakawa Kaede know what kind of evil these politicians are?

He smiled slightly and began to lament the serious internal problems of Fuji Heavy Industries.

Loss is one thing, but there are also big problems in the management and operation of the company.

For example, it is often rumored that Fuji Heavy Industries always has some inexplicable financial expenses, and the finances of decision-makers are not transparent, etc.

Speaking of which, Nakajima Gentaro, who has a keen sense of smell, still doesn't know what's going on?

So he calmed down and began to rack his brains to recall all the dirty information about the president and vice president of Fuji Heavy Industries.

As one of the shareholders and a government official, Gentaro Nakajima is actually very well-informed.

Otherwise, he would not have tried every means to meet with Shirakawa Kaede. Nakajima Gentaro knew very well who was the real core of this series of events.

While he was thinking hard, Bai Chuanfeng quietly took out a bearer check and placed it on the table.

Then, after nodding goodbye to Gentaro Nakajima, he left the izakaya.

Looking at the check on the table, Nakajima Gentaro fell into deep thought.

However, after carefully checking the amount, he immediately put the check into his pocket without leaving any trace.

Gentaro Nakajima, who stood up suddenly, was still thinking about how to manipulate this matter on his way home after leaving the izakaya.

As soon as he got home, his wife said that she had received a package addressed to him today. Gentaro Nakajima opened the package in confusion.After seeing the information inside clearly, his expression changed several times.

It was really an astonishing method. What Gentaro Nakajima faced was all kinds of dirty information about the president of Fuji Heavy Industries.

There is even a time and place where the incident occurred, and there are even photos to prove it.

Wen Chun would probably feel inferior to him for this kind of skill.

While feeling shocked, Nakajima Gentaro felt a little uneasy, wondering if he would also be looked at completely by others.

After struggling for a long time, for the sake of the check, Gentaro Nakajima finally handed over this information to his reliable subordinates.

The following matter has nothing to do with him. The check has been transferred to the account of his family members.

So after Shirakawa Holdings formally signed contracts with Nissan, Industrial Bank, and Fuji Heavy Industries, the first thing to be exposed was Toshihiro Tajima's black material.

Tajima Toshihiro, who was still complacent just now and felt that he could dominate Fuji Heavy Industries for a few more years, was directly blinded by this punch.

Seeing all kinds of detailed black information in the newspaper, Tajima Toshihiro collapsed on his chair.

But after panicking, he immediately got up and called Bai Chuanfeng and began to cry about his experience.

(End of this chapter)

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