Reborn Tokyo Golden Age.

Chapter 511 Absurd

Chapter 511 Absurd
Although the Ministry of Finance crossed one percentage point at a time and directly raised the interest rate from 4.25% to 5.25%.

However, because citizens are generally optimistic about land, strong housing prices are still rising.

At the same time, because the stock market relies on the property market, after more than two consecutive months of decline, the Nikkei Index has now stabilized and remained near 25000 points.

And as housing prices continue to rise, the stock prices of many real estate companies have also begun to rebound.

The stocks of major real estate companies such as Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Tokyo & Co., etc. even returned to around [-] points.

Seeing that the Nikkei Index, which had been plummeting all the way, finally stopped falling, everyone from major banks, securities institutions, and ordinary people breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the previous prediction was correct. The stock price cannot keep falling. There will always be a time when it bottoms out and rebounds.

The stock market, which has now begun to recover, is the best proof.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan were relieved to see the recovering stock market. It seems that their previous series of tightening policies were not considered radical.

Those economic experts came out to oppose it one by one with alarmist remarks, as if Neon was about to meet its doom.

But you see, the situation is still very good...ah, house prices are still high.

What does this mean?This shows that the previous actions were still too conservative.

The stock market is not the ultimate goal of the Ministry of Finance, real estate is.

Since the effect is not satisfactory now, then increase the intensity.

So in March and April, the government promulgated the Basic Land Law and the Comprehensive Land Policy Promotion Outline.

One of these two laws is to strengthen the control of the total supply of land, and the other is to strengthen the control of land prices.

At the same time, limiting the total amount of bank loans for real estate also further restricts land investment in terms of financial means.

The implementation of these regulations and policies marks the first time that the Ministry of Finance has begun to limit the expansion of the property market from the perspective of land.

In addition to these, the possibility of taxing land is also being discussed within the government.

This is a big killer, and there is no doubt that the Neon government itself is very cautious.

Although it has not yet been decided whether to implement it or not, all these actions are centered on the land.

It is not difficult to see from this that the government is determined to burst the real estate bubble.

However, the Ministry of Finance's series of measures and the government's frequent briefings have not stopped people's enthusiasm for land.

As the saying goes, the more land is used, the less it becomes.How could land prices drop in a place as big as Neon?

As long as the knife from the Ministry of Finance does not hit the painful spot, the market will never give up the fat land.

Start by limiting the total amount of real estate loans from banks?

No problem, if the bank doesn’t give me the money, then I’ll get a loan elsewhere.

During this period, in addition to banks lending money to the real estate industry, Neon also had many private financial institutions doing loan business.

For example, securities companies, such as private equity institutions disguised as investment companies.

They may not be as strong as banks, but the total amount of private loans is about 75% of that of the banking industry.

Therefore, the Ministry of Finance’s approach of limiting the total amount of commercial bank loans does not fundamentally solve the land problem.

During this period, the total amount of money in society was actually very sufficient. Previously, there was no interest because savings were deposited in banks.

Therefore, many financial institutions, including people, want to take money out of banks and then look for the next high-quality investment product.

This is also the reason why Toyota Corporation was able to absorb a huge amount of 2000 billion yen from tens of thousands of people before.

Because everyone does have money in their hands. If there is no interest in the bank, then invest it.

Gold and art collections are all conservative and old methods.

The stock market and lending business are the best tools for making money quickly, so without banks, the real estate industry still has no shortage of funding sources.

Besides, even if the Ministry of Finance restricts commercial banks from lending to the real estate industry, are those big banks really willing to watch those huge loan businesses slip away before their eyes?
Now Neon's bank is still implementing the same evaluation system that prioritizes loans.

In other words, the performance evaluation of banks and related employees still depends on how many loan businesses they have signed.

For a bank executive or branch president, if the loan amount of his department is significantly reduced, it is certain to be approved by the board of directors.

Therefore, for the sake of performance, banks are trying every means to lend out the money in their bank vaults.

Does the Ministry of Finance have restrictions on real estate loans?It doesn't matter, as long as my bank doesn't lend directly to the real estate company.

The word "not directly" is very mysterious. Real estate companies can't lend, so it's okay for me to lend to other institutions or individuals, right?
For example, financial institutions, private investment clubs, and entrepreneurial individuals.

As for where the outflow of money ends up, that is beyond the control of my bank.

Therefore, in order to lend as much money as possible, many banks have relaxed a lot in loan review.

This includes large-scale banks such as Daiichi Bank, Fuji Bank, and Industrial Bank. Their behavior in some operations is even more bizarre.


In Umeda District, Osaka, there is still the "Egawa" izakaya.

As the stock market began to crash in the past few months, fewer and fewer people came here to seek advice from Ogami Goddess.

Against the background of the sharp decline in the Nikkei Index, not to mention Onoe Goddess, even the appearance of the Toad God next to her is not working.

Therefore, after several consecutive predictions went wrong, some believers gradually began to question the origin of the Goddess.

In order to maintain his image as a "goddess", Onoe had to find other ways to attract his followers.

Since it is predicted that there are risks in the stock market, it is better to say less.When others ask, just say that you are practicing silent meditation.

But it’s not okay to keep silent. As time goes by, fewer and fewer people will come here.

Finally, after much deliberation, Ogami came up with a strategy to attract followers.

That is lending money. No, how can you say it is lending money to your own believers?That's just giving.

Because of the sharp drop in the stock market, almost no one in the financial and securities industry was spared, and everyone suffered heavy losses.

Of course, the believers who used to gather under the Onoue Goddess seat are also included. They are all presidents and senior executives of major companies.Compared with ordinary people, they invest more and lose more.

At the last meeting, someone told them about their recent difficulties, which was that they were short of funds and needed help.

So now is the time, Ogami Goddess is planning to use this gathering to become a money-distributing boy.

Ogami glanced around and locked onto a haggard-looking person in the corner.

"Takamatsu, last time you said that the club needed financing to tide over the difficulties?"

Hearing Ogami calling his name, the middle-aged man named Takamatsu suddenly reacted with an idea.

"Sir Onoe, Dayang Kogyo has only encountered temporary difficulties. But please rest assured, with only 30 billion yen, we will definitely turn losses into profits!"

Gao Song knelt down on the table with his hands on the ground and vowed.

Under his pleading eyes, Su Xiu nodded slowly after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, I'll give you 50 billion yen. Please continue to work hard and make sure Dayang Industrial survives."

Takamatsu was stunned. I obviously wanted 30 billion yen. How did it become 50 billion yen?
However, before he could react, at the end of the signal, a waiter from the izakaya walked towards the corner of the room.

There was a small mountain covered with sheets, and under everyone's curious eyes, the waiter "swiped" the sheets away.


A series of gasping sounds sounded in the lobby.

Under the sheets were bundles of [-]-yuan bills, piled up like a mountain in front of everyone.

"Here is 50 billion yen in cash. Take it with you when you leave."

The understatement of Ou Shang's voice made everyone feel dizzy.

To be honest, the funds they handle are not that small, but after all, it is 50 billion in cash.

The money piled together gives people a visual stimulation that is far beyond what the numbers on the account can match.

Especially after a round of stock market crash, everyone is actually short of money~.

As for Takamatsu himself, his eyes widened even more after seeing the pile of cash.

"Lord Ogami! Please rest assured that with the blessing of you and the Toad God, Dayang Xingye will be absolutely perfect!"

"Bang" ~ In excitement, Gao Song touched his forehead to the ground and kowtowed loudly.

Ogami was very satisfied with Takamatsu's reaction. This enthusiastic expression reminded her of the feeling of being worshiped by everyone before.

His eyes glanced again, and the expressions of the people below were obviously much more respectful than before.

Very good. As expected, the trick of spreading wealth is the most effective, even more effective than the Toad God.

And with the stimulation of "Ten Thousand Yuan" in front of Gao Songhe, several other people with similar problems couldn't hold it anymore.

"Ogami-sama! Yoshida Trading Company also needs your help.

Only 100 billion!We can completely acquire our competitor Iwayama Trading Company.

By then we will have tripled in size!The income will also increase several times! "

"Okay, but I don't have that much cash today. I'll write you a check later."

"Ogami-sama! You are truly a god in this world. You are worthless in the stock market!
80 billion!Only 80 billion!We can complete the bargain hunting~"

"Okay, I'll write you a check later~"


One afternoon, Ogami didn't know how much money he had lent.

All she knew was that her hand was almost sore just from signing.

In order to attract believers, for those who borrow money for financing.Not only did she refuse anyone who came, she also offered very low interest rates.

Even in the end, Ogami signed and pledged the amount and interest mentioned by the other party without even looking at it.

Where can I find such good business?

So those people who were not short of money cried out that they were short of money.

After the meeting, everyone who had gained something was excited and blushing.

The passionate eyes looking at the seam on the tail were even more fascinating than when he looked at the Toad God.

What a toad god in front of huge wealth, Lord Onue is obviously more effective, okay?

Because everyone had gained a lot, everyone was in such high spirits at the end that they even toasted Ogami together.

Everyone will never say no to any request for seams on the tail.Let the whole cup be drank when drinking wine, and let not a drop of water be missed when drinking water.

When the crowd finally dispersed, Ogami asked his butler to calculate the accounts, only to find that he had lent out nearly 700 billion yen in just one day.

However, Ogami has limited literacy and is not sensitive to numbers, so she is not very clear about what 700 billion represents.

It was only after the butler reminded me that I didn't have much money in my account.

Since you don’t have enough money, of course you can borrow it.Where can I borrow it?Of course it's a bank.

During this period, banks are begging you to borrow money, especially big customers like Oue, who are definitely guests of all banks.

Besides, the money I just dispersed was all borrowed from the bank.

I’ve already borrowed so much, it doesn’t matter if I borrow a little more.

The most important thing is to be respected by everyone as a god. That feeling is so fascinating.

In order to continue to be his "Ogami-sama", Ogami decided to abandon the Toad Master and go it alone!

(End of this chapter)

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