national surname chiming

Chapter 472 Dingding Nine States

Chapter 472 Dingding Kyushu
The destruction of the main force of the Changzhou Domain and the brutal burning, killing and looting of the Changzhou Domain territory once put the Japanese reinforcements on Honshu Island into fear.

Except for the direct line troops of the shogunate, if the other vassals want to respond to the call of the shogunate to "respect the king and throw away the Ming", they must first weigh it to ensure that they will not be targeted by the Ming Dynasty and take targeted revenge.

This is like during a group fight, first focus on one or two dog legs that bark the most and beat them to death, so that the remaining dog legs will not dare to come up first and be cannon fodder.

Who made Fusang a country full of vassals after all? Compared with a centralized country where the imperial court is ruthless, it is always easier for a country full of vassals to be beggar-thy-neighbor at this time.

The news that the reinforcements on Honshu Island were hesitating, of course, quickly reached the ears of the four powerful feudal clans already on Kyushu Island.

The four powerful feudal vassals made a brief calculation, but they didn't dare to delay any longer.They quickly decided to launch a counterattack against the Ming army in Hakata Port in Kitakyushu while the Ming army divided troops to burn, kill and loot on the territory of the Changzhou domain at the suggestion of the Satsuma lord Mitsuhisa Shimadzu.

The logic of this decision is also very simple. Mitsuhisa Shimadzu said directly to the other three generals:
"Now that Zheng Chenggong divides more than half of his troops, he slaughtered the Changzhou Fan to deter the rest. If we wait for this opportunity when Zheng Chenggong's remaining troops are empty, we can't push Zheng Chenggong into the sea. In the future, when he returns after destroying the entire Changzhou Fan division, it will be even more impossible. Here's your chance!

Life and death are here!Only by winning this battle can we ensure the safety of Kyushu and re-energize the confidence of all the feudal clans in this state to rescue us! "

The generals of the other three parties took it very seriously, and the offensive started.

On April [-], two days after the Changzhou Army crossed the sea and was destroyed, the Kyushu coalition forces hastily assembled all the cannons and iron cannons, and launched an anti-landing attack on the water fortress in Hakata Port, which did not seem to be strong, in an attempt to keep the remaining The Ming army in the Hong Kong Walled rushed down to the sea.

In their view, when Hakata Port was originally in the hands of Fukuoka Domain Kuroda Hikari, no fortifications were built at all.

It was less than ten days since Zheng Chenggong occupied the place, and he did not see how much Zheng Chenggong built. He just dug a few rounds of trenches in the soft soil outside the port, and piled the dug soft soil behind the trenches to form a parapet.

The Ming army didn't even do the work of cutting down trees, repairing wooden fences, and repairing formation houses, because the Ming army's landing troops could not leave the port too far at that time, and there were not so many trees to cut around, so they could not provide enough wood.

How much defense can this kind of pure earth trench wall without wood and stone reinforcement have?

At least half of Zheng Chenggong's direct lineage was transferred to Changzhou, and almost all of Li Yu's North Korean riflemen were removed. Now the number of troops in Hakata Port is definitely less than 1. Advantage, this battle must be fought!

In the early morning of this day, the Japanese army began to prepare for firepower. There were only twenty or thirty cannons and thousands of iron cannons, and they bombarded the port in a burst of chaos.The Ming army hid in the trenches one after another, and did not fight back at first, which made the Japanese generals who were already apprehensive more and more hopeful.

The Ming army's cannons didn't fire back?Have all the warships with cannons been transferred?Did the Ming army not beware that the Kyushu coalition forces dared to counterattack?

The Ming army deserves to be defeated!Relying on the sharpness of the naval guns before, they did not build a fixed fort on the shore for nearly ten days after seizing the port. They always tried to count on the naval guns to provide fire support for the port defenders!
The Japanese army blasted the trench a few times, and then swarmed with spears and launched a "board charge"——

Constrained by Fuso's national power and financial resources, samurai swords are too expensive after all. When tens of thousands of troops are mobilized at every turn, it is impossible for everyone to wear swords, and iron cannons are always used as a kind of auxiliary firepower. Among the [-] Japanese troops equipped with iron cannons, the number is absolutely No more than [-], and the rest can only use long guns.


In the fortifications of Hakata Port opposite, Zheng Chenggong saw this scene through a telescope, and couldn't help showing a sinister smile.

Of course, he himself had already returned to Hakata Port. Ever since he intercepted and killed the cross-sea troops of the Changzhou Domain in the Maguan Strait that night, Zheng Chenggong didn't need to worry about the raids on the shore of Honshu Island at all. Li Yu was enough.

But even if Zheng Chenggong himself came back, even if Hakata Port had the necessary defensive artillery fire, when facing the Japanese army's initial firepower preparations, Zheng Chenggong still chose to warn the artillery to be cautious and not to fire countermeasures without a clear order.

The purpose of his doing this is to seduce the Japanese army to invest more, so that they can consume and kill the Japanese army more in a short while.

On the other hand, the reason why he dared to do this is obviously based on technical aspects.If the Ming army suffered obvious casualties when they were bombarded by the Japanese army in vain, then the soldiers would definitely not dare to do this game, and even if there were orders, they would not be able to hold their breath.

And Zheng Chenggong's technology relies on the method of constructing anti-bombardment fortifications that the Vauban general from France has studied for Daming in the past few years.

As we all know, General Vauban in history was the number one master of attacking and defending cities in the West in the 17th century.And his reputation as a siege master is mainly reflected by his anti-bombardment engineering design strength.

The siege trench positions he created can always ensure that his own soldiers and artillery can bombard the enemy's artillery at the top of the city with almost no loss.In the final stage of dealing with the Manchus, he had tried this trick a little and got used to it gradually.In the past few years, I have devoted myself to retreat, and I will take it out when I beat Fusang. I don't know how much better than Fusang people.

Fusang's previous direct-aiming solid shell bombardment was simply tickling the Ming army.

In order to better lure the enemy, the Ming army even pretended to abandon the middle section of the outermost trench network, deliberately showing weakness to seduce the Japanese army to rush in through this gap.

In fact, there are traffic trenches and lateral cross-fire trenches waiting on both sides of the gap.

Tens of thousands of coalition forces from various domains in Kyushu rushed forward in batches like this.Seeing that the first group broke through the first trench after being shot by more than a thousand people by the Ming army, the Japanese generals behind became more and more excited, and kept piling up the reserve team.

"Let the artillery fire with all their strength. Don't bomb the enemy who is charging in the face, directly bombard the enemy's rear, and give priority to covering the Japanese artillery positions and iron artillery positions."

Zheng Chenggong observed that the enemy was fully hooked, and finally showed his fangs completely.All of a sudden, the firepower of the Ming army, which was originally hidden, was fully fired.

The artillery of the Ming army has already completed the ranging and direction measurement of the slack and lack of concealment of the Japanese army's rear iron artillery formations and artillery positions. The wind screamed horribly.

Cannonballs exploded among the crowd, blowing up the Japanese iron artillery team, and scattered limbs and arms everywhere.

The frontal Ming army rifle team also fired crossfire, knocking down the Japanese pikemen who rushed into the area with a width of more than one mile and a depth of more than one mile, like cutting wheat.

The spearman of the Japanese army, who was born as a peasant and soldier, suddenly collapsed. The bamboo armor on his body could not resist iron slag and lead bullets at all.

The long spears in their hands are generally three long (one is equal to 1.6 meters), which was originally intended to keep distance on the Fusang battlefield, one inch long and one inch strong, but now it has become a complete burden. It is not easy for them to turn around and face the enemy.

Turning around with such a long spear, one of the comrades on the left and right would be accidentally stabbed.Under the brutal massacre, the Japanese formation became even more chaotic.

The bloody massacre lasted for less than half an hour—Originally, Zheng Chenggong estimated that at such a killing speed, once the fire was fired, the Japanese army would collapse in at most a quarter of an hour, but he did not expect that the Japanese army lasted much longer than he expected.

It is probably because the sunk cost invested is too high because the rush is already in a dilemma. At this time, all the bets placed before are lost, so if you hesitate, you will lose even more and lose more chips to follow up.

That being the case, Zheng Chenggong was not polite, and just waited for the meat grinder to slowly accelerate until all obstacles that could hinder the blade speed of the meat grinder were smashed, and when the Japanese army finally collapsed irresistibly, Zheng Chenggong decisively ordered the Ming army Array pursuit.

The Ming army came out of the trenches to form an array one after another, catching up with each other alternately to fire, and then stopped to reload, and the friendly troops in the back row came forward again.If the Japanese army kept running away and had no chance to fire, then the Ming army would keep a set of ammunition loaded in the barrel, and then trot to chase after them with bayonets.

The 1 Kyushu Allied Forces, at least [-] people, died in vain on the trap positions outside the Hakata Port camp of the Ming Army.Many more casualties occurred during the pursuit.

In the end, the total casualties definitely exceeded more than [-], and considering the large number of scattered deserters, the coalition forces of the Kyushu clans were completely disabled.

After this battle, the Ming army took advantage of the situation to pursue, and just two days later, they launched an attack on Kuroda Mitsuyuki's Fukuoka Castle.

Due to the heavy loss of troops in the offensive battle, Kuroda Mitsuyuki could not persuade his allies to help him defend the city with all his strength. The Japanese army defended for a short time, and saw that the Ming army's siege artillery was extremely sharp, and the city walls of Fukuoka Castle were completely unable to block it. The shells forced the Japanese army to drop thousands of corpses, and then fled south.

Kuroda Mitsuyuki lost the core territory of the city and became a lonely ghost. The depression in his heart could not be vented.Looking at the people of Kumamoto and Satsuma, they still have their land intact, but some people died, so he couldn't get angry.


After Zheng Chenggong reversed Fukuoka Castle on Kyushu Island, he could not disperse the occupation because of insufficient troops, so he did not launch a large-scale offensive for the time being.

Zheng Chenggong has been fighting for many years and he knows soldiers very well. He knows that he must concentrate his strength and not be greedy to occupy too many places and give the enemy a chance to defeat them.Only when the main force of the enemy's active force is completely maimed or even wiped out is the time to enclose the land.

As a result, the Kyushu battlefield in mid-April temporarily returned to calm.

On April [-]th, Li Yu completed the burning, killing and deterrence on the border of the Changzhou domain, and the guards returned to Kyushu.

Although the various vassals of the Japanese army did not dare to openly reinforce Kyushu, the direct troops of the shogunate did not give up. Therefore, many territories directly under the shogunate in Kanto sent small groups of hundreds or thousands of troops.

They have learned the lesson of the Changzhou Fan who tried to take a shortcut and was intercepted and killed by the Ming army through the Maguan Strait.Now they have changed to other channels.

Anyway, the Seto Inland Sea between Kyushu, Shikoku, and Honshu is generally neither wide nor deep. It is not unacceptable for the Japanese army to cross to the other side even if it takes a dozen or even tens of miles to cross.

After the Japanese army was able to sail everywhere, the efficiency of Zheng Chenggong's sea interception gradually decreased.On average, for every enemy soldier intercepted and killed at sea, two or three enemy soldiers can pass Hayden Island smoothly.

Both sides are gathering strength, and the battle situation has stabilized for a while.


But everyone knows that peace is temporary after all.

As time entered the end of April and the beginning of May, Zheng Chenggong got tired of this expendable small-scale killing, so he came up with a new tactic.

After occupying the entire territory of Fukuoka Domain, he pushed his army to the junction of Fukuoka Domain and Kumamoto Domain.

At this point, Kuroda Mitsuyuki's territory has actually been lost. The army and tribesmen he escaped have become guest troops, and even food, grass, arrows and gunpowder have to be provided by the Kumamoto and Satsuma domains.

Zheng Chenggong expected that Kuroda Mitsuyuki, who was affected by Chiyu, would be filled with anger, so Zheng Chenggong sent a reliable secret envoy to contact him.

And this secret envoy was not familiar to the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty. It was a personal confidant that Zheng Chenggong had cultivated in the past few years.

Chen Yonghua is ten years younger than Zheng Chenggong, and now he is just 25 years old. He followed Zheng Chenggong in the last two years of the war against the Qing Dynasty. He had no chance to make much contribution in the war against the Qing Dynasty. It can be said that Zhibing Shanmou has risen very quickly.

In the previous Bodo defensive battle, Chen Yonghua followed Zheng Chenggong and performed well. His troops also achieved the result of killing thousands of Japanese troops. It is estimated that the Ministry of War will reward him after returning to Daming.

This time, Zheng Chenggong wanted to do something big again, and needed a few people who were not afraid of death and dared to negotiate with Fusang people, so Chen Yonghua volunteered to take up the job. He was usually more considerate, knowing that Zheng’s family was running business in Fusang, so he secretly studied Japanese hard. , which is now in use.

Chen Yonghua dressed up in disguise, made some plans, and finally successfully met Kuroda Mitsuyuki in Kumamoto Castle.

Chen Yonghua first took out some jewelry used by Zheng Chenggong to express his sincerity, and then said straightforwardly:

"Kuroda-kun, I've heard for a long time that your great-grandfather Kuroda Takataka was Toyotomi Hideyoshi's number one counselor, and he has no plans left behind. Your grandfather Kuroda Nagamasa was also famous during the Sekigahara War, and Fukuoka was enfeoffed with hundreds of thousands of stones.

Your Excellency's family has been the Daimyo of Kiritan for generations, until more than [-] years ago, during the Amakusa Rebellion in Shimabara, the shogunate forcibly frightened the feudal clans of Kyushu and forced Kiritan to abandon his religion.The Edo shogunate suppressed your Kyushu daimyo so much, why do you still have to work for the Tokugawa family? "

Of course, Kuroda Mitsuyuki would not be persuaded by Chen Yonghua's few words, he just sneered.

"No one in life has died since ancient times, and keep the loyal heart to reflect the history! My Fusang warrior family is based on loyalty, and in the face of foreign enemies coveting China, we should be united in the outside world! You still hope that divorce will fail!" Fusang warriors have always liked to touch porcelain Tang and Song Dynasties People of integrity, comparing themselves with their famous sayings, can actually do one out of ten, and Kuroda Mitsuyuki is completely shameless bluffing
Chen Yonghua: "How dare I divorce! But my Ming Dynasty is not a country of militarism, and this time it is not for the land. This must be made clear. My Ming Dynasty is to punish Satsuma and other vassals, and first annex our Ming vassal state!
Gou is not what Da Ming deserves, even though I, Da Ming, will not take any of it!Even though we once attacked Changzhou and Oshu this time, I, Da Ming, said that as long as Fusang recognizes Da Ming’s right to rule Kyushu and Ezo, then I, Da Ming, will withdraw from the land of Changzhou and Oshu on the day peace is reached. !

What I, Ming, want to punish are only the Satsuma clan, and the Kumamoto clan and the Changzhou clan who have always been in league with it. You Fukuoka clan are only implicated by the Satsuma clan!
Now that the entire territory of the Fukuoka domain has been completely occupied by General Zheng, the gap in strength between the two armies on the battlefield is obvious to all, and you will never have a chance to get it back!That being the case, Kuroda-kun, why don't you take it easy and regard the land of Fukuoka as not yours, so don't worry about it anymore.

And if your army can turn against you and serve as our internal response to the Ming Dynasty, and help our Ming Dynasty encircle and wipe out the main forces of Kumamoto and Satsuma, the peace of Kyushu will be just around the corner.When peace is restored, the process of my Ming's withdrawal from Changzhou Fan and other places will naturally need someone to accept and guarantee,
My Ming side can put pressure on the Edo shogunate and ask my Ming army to withdraw from the Changzhou Domain, and the remnants of your Fukuoka Domain will be responsible for maintaining local order.

In this way, although you lost the fiefdom on Kyushu Island, you can get the land of Changzhou Fan that was slaughtered as compensation.Guifan can take the samurai and tribesmen who survived the war to emigrate to Changzhou by luck and start over!It's better than a thousand catastrophes, so cut off the incense! "

The reason why Zheng Chenggong needs internal support is also because Kyushu has a large area and complex terrain. In any case, it has an area of ​​nearly 300 square kilometers, which is almost the same as Dayuan Island, but its population is as high as [-] million.The key point is that the volcanic areas such as Mount Asu in the middle of the island are too complicated. If they fight guerrilla attacks with the mountain natives, Ming will definitely fall into a quagmire.

Therefore, getting a fuzi who can be used as a transitional ruler for a long time in the future, even if he can't be a puppet, will be very helpful to Ming Dynasty's long-term rule.

Kuroda Mitsuyuki had never imagined this path at all. He felt that his fief had been completely lost, and he was unlucky to be cannon fodder for the friendly army, and he was depressed.

Unexpectedly, Daming proposed to him that "after peace negotiations are achieved, the land can be exchanged through mediation" and induced the Edo shogunate to move him to the Changzhou domain that had been vacated.

This immediately gave Kuroda Mitsuyuki hope for a comeback.

As for those slogans of seeing death as home... Come on, Fusang warriors do often talk about it, but compared with the bait of restoring the feudal state, these Fusang people have no integrity.

Kuroda Mitsuyuki confirmed with some disbelief: "Why do you guarantee to help me move to Changzhou after the war?"

Chen Yonghua will not blindly show his favor by being weak, he just showed his muscles just right: "Just because General Li Yu has almost burned and killed the territory of the Changzhou domain, the fields are all vacant, and we only need to wait for the people of the Fukuoka domain to pass by after the war." farming.

We can also guarantee that before the war, my Lord Ming E privately ordered that after the war, the barbarians in Kumamoto should be cleaned up. The peasants of Shuojue gradually transformed into citizens of our Ming Dynasty. "

Kuroda Mitsuyuki didn't know whether to believe it or not, but he felt that Daming's plan had been done in such a detailed manner that it shouldn't be a groundless rumour.

As for why the Regent of the Ming Dynasty wanted to take care of the massacre of the Kumamoto clan, Kuroda Mitsuyuki obviously couldn't understand it-in fact, it was just a bit of Zhu Shuren's bad taste. After all, Zhu Shuren is now establishing a country in Nanjing, and more than 200 years later, the Kumamoto master from Kumamoto The regiment carried out the massacre in Jinling City.

In this time and space, even though those Kumamoto barbarians had not had time to commit crimes, Zhu Shuren had disinfected them in advance, so it was no big deal.Anyway, in order to establish dominance, we need to establish authority, and we must kill some punitively.Under the same conditions, it is no big deal to give priority to cleaning and disinfecting some uncivilized Kumamoto mountain barbarians.

At most, it is lenient, killing all the men and keeping the women, and transporting them back to the Central Plains to ease the conflict for the bachelor of Ming Dynasty.

Kuroda Mitsuzhi hesitated again and again, and finally decided to accept Zheng Chenggong's conditions and be the internal response of the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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