Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 100 Invitation to the Inner Earth World

Chapter 100 Invitation to the Inner Earth World
"A set of ecological system that is contrary to the current ecology, a wonderful journey to the center of the earth!"

Banner, with gorgeous landscape painting of the inner earth world.

There was a long queue in front of the New York Public Library, where a book signing event was being held.

Trevor Anderson, wearing black-rimmed glasses, signed the cover and added a sentence at the request of the fans before him.

"To Peter Parker!"

Smiling, he handed the travel diary titled "Journey to the Center of the Earth" to the boy in front of him.

"Professor Anderson, is the inner earth world you mentioned in the book true?"

Peter Parker looked expectantly at Trevor Anderson in front of him, his eyes full of curiosity and inquiry.

As a biology enthusiast, Peter Parker has longed for the world depicted in the book since he read "Journey to the Center of the Earth" written by Trevor Anderson.

Luminous fluorescent moss, luminous bird that can guide the way, plesiosaurs and tyrannosaurs that lived in the Jurassic era.

Hearing that the author of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" was signing books at the New York Public Library this time, he asked for leave and invited his best friend to come here.

Not far from the public library, Harry Osborn was playing skateboarding on the steps beside him with little interest. If Peter hadn't pulled him over, he wouldn't have bothered to attend any book signing.

The skateboard under Harry's feet flew up, and his movements were skillful and chic, which immediately attracted many little girls to watch.

"Of course it's true. The world is huge. It's so big that we humans can't explore it. The world in the center of the earth is real. I can assure you of this!"

Trevor Anderson smiled and rubbed the head of the high school student in front of him. After watching him leave, Trevor rubbed his stiff cheeks, and continued to receive the next fan with a smile.

Since returning from his Icelandic expedition, Trevor Anderson has written his experience as "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Unexpectedly, this travel book became a hit in the Commonwealth, selling close to one million copies a year.

Trevor Anderson also turned from a professor of natural science at New York University to a popular writer in the Federation.

The fans were very enthusiastic, and the book signing session lasted until 12:[-] noon, and it was hard to sign the last autograph.

Putting away the pen, Trevor stood up, shaking his sore wrist.

"Congratulations, Uncle Trevor, I didn't expect that you would become a well-known writer one day. I thought you would only like dealing with those ores!"

A boy in a denim jacket walked up to Trevor Anderson and handed him a hamburger and a glass of iced Coke with a smile.

"Sean, why are you here!"

Trevor Anderson took the burger with a look of surprise and held the boy in his arms.

"I heard that you have a book signing here, so I rushed over to see it!"

Sean Anderson waved his hand: "It can be seen, Uncle Trevor, you are very popular!"

"It's all the propaganda of those booksellers!" Trevor Anderson munched on the beef burger, and led Sean to the car parked aside.

A red convertible Ferrari sports car.

"Where's Aunt Hannah, why didn't you see her?"

Sean skillfully jumped into the co-pilot, Trevor finished the last bite of the hamburger in his hand, threw the trash into the trash can beside him, opened the door, and sat in the cab.

"She's studying some geological data at home!" Trevor patted his nephew on the shoulder and started the car casually.

"What do you want to eat? I'll treat you!"

"How about a French meal, I remember you've been wanting to eat foie gras!"

"Forget it, it's better to eat seafood, I'm going to throw up foie gras during this time!"

The Xiaonians shrugged their shoulders like a kid. Ever since they brought back a few pounds of gemstones from the underground mine, the two of them, their uncle and nephew, have never been short of money.

"Okay, then go eat seafood! Sit tight!"

Trevor Anderson was about to step on the gas pedal when two black Mercedes-Benz cars one behind the other suddenly sandwiched his Ferrari in the middle.

"Hey, I say!"

Trevor Anderson took off his glasses, opened the door, pointed at the Mercedes-Benz and was about to question his soul.

The doors of the two Mercedes-Benz cars were pushed open from the inside, and two big men in black suits and sunglasses got off the co-pilot, walked silently to the back of the car, opened the door, and stood aside respectfully.

Seeing this posture, Trevor Anderson took a step back and winked at his nephew in the car.

Sean Anderson, who was a little kid, understood his uncle's meaning at a glance, and he quietly pushed open the co-pilot's door, intending to slip away.

"You are Professor Anderson!"

A big man wearing a black tuxedo and a silver-white crew cut stepped out of a Mercedes-Benz.

With a white face with obvious Germanic ancestry, coupled with a somewhat serious expression, the first reaction to people is that they are not kind.

"I'm Trevor Anderson! Who are you?" Trevor looked at the big man in front of him with a puzzled expression on his face, but he did slip his hand into his pocket, where he hid a knuckle for self-defense.

Uh, as for why you have to carry this thing with you when you open a book signing, it can only be said that sometimes readers really love the author deeply.

"My boss wants to entrust you with a commission!"

Lane reached out to Trevor Anderson and extended the invitation:
"I need you to pay me a visit, some commission details need to be discussed with you!"

"Consignment?" Trevor Anderson shook his head: "I think your boss has misunderstood. I'm just a professor of geology, not a detective. If there is any commission, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it!"

Ryan remained silent, but still maintained the posture of extending his hand to invite.

"You people, really..."

Huh, Trevor Anderson took advantage of Ryan's inattention, suddenly stretched out his hand from his trouser pocket, and punched Ryan in the face with a heavy punch.

Trevor Anderson is not just as simple as a professor of geology. If he didn't have two brushes, how could he come back alive from the inner earth.

Trevor Anderson was third in the All-Federation boxing match,

He punched down five hundred pounds, confident that even a lion would tremble three times.


Trevor Anderson's extremely confident fist hit Ryan's palm firmly.

Immediately afterwards, Trevor Anderson felt as if his fist was being clamped by a vise.

"Professor Anderson, you are too rude!"

Ryan squeezed Trevor Anderson's fist, and his thumb hit the knuckles on Trevor Anderson's finger.


Under Trevor Anderson's surprised gaze, the knuckles made of fine steel broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

"I forgot to tell you just now that Miss Osgerson is also visiting the manor now. I think she would be happy to meet you!"

The geology professor who dared to pluck the piranha with his bare hands and provoke the Tyrannosaurus rex would naturally not be frightened by Ryan.

There is no shortage of superpowers in this world. Strictly speaking, Ryan's strength has not exceeded Trevor's cognition.

Just when Trevor was about to reach out and kick Ryan's crotch.

Ryan's words completely angered this gentle-looking, but actually muscular professor of geology.

"You kidnapped Hannah!"

Trevor Anderson questioned Ryan angrily. Although one hand was tightly clenched, it didn't affect his momentum in the slightest.

"You misunderstood. Just like you, our boss just wants to ask her to make a commission. Not only Ms. Osgerson, but also this little Mr. Anderson is also on our invitation list!"

Sean Anderson had quietly left the Ferrari sports car at this time, and was about to sneak to the patrol police car beside him to call the police.

Ryan's words made him stop immediately, and he turned his eyes to his uncle with a little embarrassment.

"Are you for the inner world?" Trevor couldn't think of anything else that could involve the three of them at the same time, except for the inner world.

"I think your boss has misunderstood,
The world in the center of the earth is just my brother's imagination. I sorted out his manuscripts and wrote this "Journey to the Center of the Earth".
As an adult, you don't really believe in an underground world, it's just science fiction! "

Trevor turned his eyes aside, a patrol police car seemed to have noticed the movement here, two policemen got off the police car, and they were walking this way.

Ryan also noticed the two policemen, but he just nodded slightly, and a big man in black walked over.

Under Trevor's disappointed gaze, the big man in black just took out a business card and handed it to the two policemen.
The two policemen just took a look, then turned and went back to the police car.

Then the patrol car left here in a hurry as if it had been chased by a dog.

The attitude of the two cops said it all, and Trevor knew exactly what that meant.

The so-called boss who invited him must have a lot of power in New York.

And Hannah is still in their hands.

"Mr. Anderson, please get in the car!"

Seemingly seeing the softening of Trevor's attitude, Ryan let go of his hand, still maintaining that polite attitude.

Trevor beckoned to Sean helplessly, called his nephew to him, touched his head, and asked Ryan.

"Can we drive our own car?"


"Uncle Trevor, we might as well get rid of them at the next intersection!"

A flamboyant red Ferrari was driving on the road, and two black Mercedes-Benz cars guarded it in the middle, one behind the other.

Sean sat on the co-pilot of the Ferrari, turned his head to look at the black Mercedes-Benz that was following closely behind, and suggested to Trevor.

"Hannah is still in their hands!"

Trevor frowned, and stepped on the gas pedal helplessly to follow the Mercedes-Benz in front of him.

"Sean, if there is a problem, I will create an opportunity for you, you hurry up and run, do you hear me!"

Trevor turned his face to the side and solemnly looked at his nephew beside him.

His elder brother died in the inner earth, and he didn't want his nephew to have an accident.

"Don't worry, Uncle Trevor, we and Aunt Hannah will be fine, the inner earth is so dangerous, we have all made it through!"

Sean comforted Trevor in a big way.

Soon, the two followed the Mercedes-Benz in front of them and drove into a villa area of ​​rich people.

The black Mercedes-Benz parked at the gate of a Chinese-style manor.

Trevor gave the direction and stopped the Ferrari sports car.

"Tang mansion!"

Trevor looked up at the big characters on the plaque on the manor, and read them out in awkward Chinese.

"Professor Anderson, please come in!"

Ryan had already got out of the car at this time, and was a little surprised to hear Trevor's Chinese accent.

However, he still politely invited the two of them.

Ryan led Trevor and Sean through the pavilions and waterside pavilions in the manor to the living room.

Along the way, the stream meanders and flows out of a small water system in the manor. The path paved with bluestone slabs is only three inches above the water surface. There are gaps between the bluestones, and swimming fish pass by from time to time.

The man-made stream flows into a man-made lake in the manor, and lotus flowers the size of a bowl are competing to bloom in the lake.

In the shadow of the lotus, you can see koi swimming in the lake from time to time, nibbling on the lotus petals falling on the water.

The water system created by this Chinese-style manor left the two dumbfounded.

This is a completely different aesthetic feeling from the magnificent and magical inner earth world they have seen.

However, unlike his nephew Sean, Trevor kept paying attention to the guarding of this Chinese-style manor along the way.

The result made him a little disappointed. There were bodyguards in black suits everywhere in the manor. These people patrolled the manor in groups of two. From their bulging waists, Trevor could clearly see that these people All with guns.

These patrols dispelled some unrealistic thoughts in Trevor's mind.

In the living room, Skye was chatting with a blond woman in a T-shirt and jeans.

Seeing Trevor and Sean walking in, the blond woman quickly stood up and greeted them cheerfully.

"Trevor, this is really your friend's house, I thought it was a fake? How is today's signing event going? Is it going well?"

Seeing his girlfriend who hadn't fully figured out the situation, Trevor forced a smile on his face and touched his girlfriend's face:
"It went very well, you don't know, those fans are so enthusiastic, my hands have been sore from signing autographs!"

"Sean, haven't you been clamoring to see the koi in the artificial lake? Ask Hannah to accompany you!"

After getting bored with his girlfriend for a while, Trevor sent his girlfriend out on the grounds of watching fish.

"Now, let's get straight to the point. I don't know what your boss wants us to do?"

When the figure of his girlfriend disappeared outside the door, Trevor's face became serious. He frowned and stared at Ryan.

"Don't worry, Mr. Anderson, before that, our boss wants to ask you some questions first!"

Ryan mixed a glass of wine and brought it to Trevor.

And Skye turned on the projection device in the living room!

Trevor held his wine glass and watched a virtual projection appear in front of his eyes.

"John Hammond!"

Trevor looked at the background that appeared in the phantom projection, and the dinosaur in the hand of the Asian man in a white suit, and immediately understood the reason for his indiscriminate disaster.

He muttered someone's name viciously.


The reason why Dr. Hammond was able to clone dinosaurs was not the ancient mosquito amber.

It was the Tyrannosaurus skin tissue obtained from Trevor, and it was with these fresh DNA that he could recreate these ancient behemoths.

The reason why he announced that the DNA provided by the dinosaur blood preserved by the mosquito in the ancient amber is because his company and the plan of the dinosaur park need such a gimmick.

Another one is that he promised Trevor to keep the secret for him.

Clearly, Dr. Hammond has broken his word.

There is no way, because the plan to build a dinosaur park requires a large amount of capital investment, and Hammond's company has been researching and breeding dinosaurs for many years, and it has already been unable to make ends meet.

If there is no new capital injection, Hammond's dinosaur park will not be completed, his company and the island will not be able to keep.

"Professor Anderson!"

Tang Song was sitting on a bamboo chair, holding a newborn Velociraptor cub in his arms, stroking its chin like a cat!

The velociraptor cub curled up in Boss Tang's hand, feeling the terrifying aura coming from him, and made a series of clucking sounds in an unusually well-behaved manner.

"What is the light source you see in the inner world?"

"You are the boss? I don't understand the reason why you want to find the inner world, but let me tell you, no matter what you think, it is useless. The inner world has been destroyed in the magma eruption!"

Trevor looked at Tang Song, who was stroking the velociraptor cub with his head down, in the phantom projection, and said directly.

"What is the light source you see in the inner world?"

Tang Song pinched the raptor cub's chin, turned its head, and repeated it without raising its head.

Trevor was just about to argue, when he suddenly felt a chill coming from behind, he turned his head, and was facing Ryan's expressionless face.

"It's some luminous moss, and some luminous birds... There seems to be a luminous sphere in the upper space. As for what it is, I'm not very clear!"

Trevor answered Tang Song's questions honestly.

"Glowing sphere," Tang Song reached out to take a strip of fresh meat from Fox's hand, and fed it to the Velociraptor in his hand.

"Tell me carefully about the changes in your entry and escape from the Earth's inner world!"

Hearing the unquestionable meaning from the Asian mouth, Trevor recounted in detail the experience of the three of them getting out of the inner earth world.

Conjectures about the elder brother's inner world, the wonderful experience of straying into the inner world through underground mines, and the temperature rise in the inner world, which was directly swallowed by magma. They rushed out of the ground with water vapor and dinosaur skulls.

"The underground evil spirit erupts, and it can be used as the evil spirit of the sun," Tang Song muttered to himself, lowering his body and placing the little velociraptor on the ground.

After clapping his hands, Tang Song raised his head and looked at the image of Trevor presented by the phantom projection.

"Presumably Ryan has already told you that I take the liberty to invite Professor Anderson and your friends here. There is no other purpose. I want to go to the inner world once, and I want to invite you to be my guide this time."

Although Trevor vaguely guessed Tang Song's thoughts, he was still taken aback.

"Hey, listen to me, the temperature of the Earth's core world has soared to one or two hundred degrees, and its ecosystem has been completely destroyed. No matter what you are looking for, it is impossible to exist!"

Trevor gestured with excited hands, trying to dispel the crazy idea of ​​the Asian in front of him.

"The last time we entered the inner world was by chance, there was a water slide under the broken quartz layer, which allowed us to enter the inner world safely,"

Trevor spread his hands: "Now there is no way to find another water slide!"

"These are not problems!" Tang Song got up and took the cane from Fox beside him.

"If there is enough time, we will start in a month,
Ryan, take good care of Professor Anderson during this period, ask him a lot, and make preparations for going to the inner earth world. When I come back from Antarctica, we will set off! "

"Yes! Boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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