Chapter 16
Under the night, a group of Asian gunmen in black suits slowly surrounded the Guns N Roses bar from all sides.

There are hundreds of people, but their formation is a bit scattered, and there are all kinds of firearms in their hands, such as pistols, submachine guns, rifles, and carbines, which really feel a bit like Wanguo brand.

The front door of the Rose Bar was closed tightly. A leading man in a suit stopped and gestured with his hand. A dozen gunmen stopped at the same time.

Two thin figures in black tights, black hoods, and two daggers pinned to their waists came out of the darkness.

The two gestured to the leading man in the suit, and silently moved towards a window of the bar.

The Rose Bar has two and a half floors. Below is a dance floor for people to dance and have fun. There are booths and booths.

The second floor is a private room for some rich people to do some fun they love to do.

The reason why it is said to be two and a half floors is because the bar needs to set up lights, and the distance between the first floor and the second floor is really a bit large.

The windows from the first floor to the second floor are seven or eight meters high. Two men in black walked under the window and measured the height visually. One of them took out a hook with a rope from his waist.

The three-claw hook made of fine steel looks no bigger than a baby's fist, and the entire hook body is covered with black paint, making it invisible in the night.

With two invisibly soft sounds, a man in black tugged at the black rope, using both hands and feet, as nimbly as an ape, and jumped to the window on the second floor in twos and threes.

Hanging with one hand under the window sill, the thin man in black groped around his waist, pulled out a black wire, and stretched it towards the window.

The window was quickly opened by the man in black, he gently pushed open a gap,
They exchanged glances with another man in black who had already dragged the rope to the window on the second floor, and both of them took out the dagger at their waists at the same time.

As expected, the two short knives are coated with a black light-absorbing material from the blade to the blade.

The two men in black slipped in through the window, the whole movement was smooth and smooth, without making a sound.


One kilometer away from Guns and Roses, on the roof of a [-]-story building, two figures are standing on the roof,
A graceful figure stared at Rose Bar with military binoculars.

Through the binoculars, Bina watched the man in black enter the bar.

"John, are we going to help the guy in the bar?"

John Wick was fiddling with a big black sniper right now, adjusting the sight on the sniper.

"No, I'm just here to see the strength of the scavenger, and harvest a few heads from the Hand Society!"

John Wick put the scope on the head of the head man in the suit, and he didn't rush to shoot.

As a killer, John Wick had no intention of getting involved in gang fights. The reason why he appeared here was because the Hand, like Jinpin, was also one of the twelve seats at the High Table.

As the largest gang organization in Southeast Asia, the Hand has monopolized the largest smuggling business in Southeast Asia, involving human trafficking, flour business, and is also the largest killer group in Southeast Asia.

For such a large organization, any sign of trouble in it is enough to attract the attention of many people.

On the roof of a tall building on the other side of the Guns and Roses bar, a man in black and red tights and a mask on his head was leaning against the railing of the roof, holding a black cane for the blind, lightly Tapped lightly on the railing.

The railing made a crisp hum in the silent night sky,
The man listened attentively, and the sound medium echoed in the air, transmitting nearby information to his mind.

"Golden Bian!"

Daredevil "looked" at another tall building and whispered.


Guns and Roses Bar, the tall building in front of it is close at hand, a spark flickers.

The golden and huge figure in the night is like a brown bear hidden in the forest, and behind him stand silently a dozen well-trained special gunmen.

"Madam Gao, the ninjas trained by your Hand are really good!"

In the dark night, only the cigar in Jin Bing's hand was flickering.

Standing beside Jin Bin, Mrs. Gao was leaning on a wooden stick, her figure completely hidden in the night.

"It's just some low-level tricks, but it made Mr. Wilson laugh!"

Downstairs, a group of gunmen from the Hand began to break into the bar door.

"Just kidding, Mrs. Gao, your Hand has smuggled more than 200 people from the east coast. If they are all ninjas of this level, are you kidding me?"

Jin flicked his cigar on the railing of the roof, sparks splashed everywhere, reflecting his ferocious face.

"Mr. Wilson misunderstood!" The wooden stick in Mrs. Gao's hand hit the roof twice, making dull sounds.

"Our Hand Association has no intention of expanding business in New York, and this time we sent people here just to find something!" Mrs. Gao explained:
"It is an ancient artifact that our hand has lost for a long time, and this will not affect your interests in New York!"

"It seems that this thing is very important to your Hand Association," Jin Bin changed the topic when he heard Mrs. Gao's words, "We are all partners. I don't know what the Hand Association has lost. Do you need my help?"

Mrs. Gao leaned on her stick, "I can handle the Handicap's affairs by myself, so I won't bother Mr. Wilson!"

Madam Gao stared deeply at the neon signboard of Guns N' Roses Bar.

The surname is Tang, is it from Kunlun, is it for the keel, or for "them"!
"bang bang bang"

“Da da da da”

"bang bang bang"


At this time, there was a fierce exchange of fire in the bar, the sound of pistols, rifles, and screams one after another.

Mrs. Gao looked at the flickering gunfire in the bar, a smile just appeared on the corner of her gloomy mouth, and suddenly froze.

Her superhuman hearing told her that the screams were all in Japanese, and they were all from the Hand Association.


The scene goes to the Guns N' Roses bar.

After the front door and the back door of the bar opened silently, a group of hand gunmen entered.

In the dark environment, many gunmen touched the boxes on the second floor by the moonlight shining in.


A gunshot suddenly startled all the gunmen of the Hand.


The leading man in suit turned his head and slapped the subordinate who fired the gun, shouting and cursing:
"Idiot, are you reporting to the enemy?"

"Team leader, there are people there!"

The shot gunman tremblingly pointed in front of the man in the suit.

The man in the suit shuddered, and quickly pointed the gun in the direction his subordinate pointed.

Under the moonlight, there was a faint tall figure standing in front of the bar.

"There is an enemy, kill him!"

The gunfire exploded in the bar, and various weapons fired towards the bar counter at the same time.

The firepower network composed of dozens of guns instantly turned the bar into a hornet's nest. The drinks in the bar exploded directly, and the sparks from the impact of the bullets directly ignited the drinks.

The oak bar was ablaze, and the Franchise gunmen finally saw the shadow in front of the bar through the light of the fire.

A sculpture more than two meters high, the reason why they think it is a sculpture is because this tall figure is covered with armor that looks like medieval plate armor.

The rifle bullets hit this layer of plate armor, leaving only dents. It is obvious that this layer of plate armor is made of at least the first level of steel plate.

The armor seemed to be at least half a foot thick. An all-steel armor of this thickness was simply not something a person could wear, unless the person had a tank's diesel generator in his body.

"The gunshots have alarmed the target, hurry upstairs, find the target, and kill them!"

The man in the suit was a little annoyed, because a statue missed the job, he quickly waved the pistol in his hand, signaling to his subordinates to rush to the second floor.

At this moment, a buzzing figure suddenly sounded.

He followed the sound vigilantly, and when he saw it, he suddenly lost his soul.

The figure he thought was a sculpture suddenly moved, it had been hanging down, and the hand covered by the bar suddenly lifted up.

A six-barreled Vulcan cannon was raised in both hands, and the long ammunition chain hung down along the gun body. On the ammunition chain, thick brass bullets were firmly pressed.

The sound he heard was the sound of the motor of the six-tube Vulcan cannon, and at this moment, the muzzle of the Vulcan cannon was aimed at him.


Da da da da da da da...

Under the Vulcan cannon, all living beings are equal.

The bar of the bar, the stage, the front door, the back door, four directions, four armored men pulled the trigger at the same time.

M163A2 Vulcan Cannon
caliber 20 mm
Muzzle velocity 1030 m/s

Effective range 1650 meters

Theoretical rate of fire

3000 rounds per minute against air targets
1000 rounds per minute against ground targets
Tube number 6
The six-barreled Vulcan cannon, which is commonly used by the federal army to mount armed helicopters and heavy machine guns on military Humvees, is carried by four armored men with both hands, and is used to shoot a group of gangster gunmen.

Ryan stood in the box on the second floor, looking down,

From his perspective, he could only see four fire snakes criss-crossing each other, and everything in the fire snakes fell down like wheat in a paddy field.

In the box, a few big German men in full armor stood by the window with guns on guard, and aimed at the gunman below through the scope.

In the box near the window, two men in black were lying dead on the carpet. The back of their necks were soft, and they were directly strangled by someone with great force.


Underground cave, bluestone gossip altar, four of the 36 black lacquered longevity coffins with gold letters on both sides of the altar are empty at this time.

In the middle of the altar, there is a red sandalwood table, and a small grass man made of thatch is lying on the table. The little man made of the most common thatch is very abstract except that it looks like a human figure.

Tang Song stood in front of the long case, the jade tablet of the character fluttered at his fingertips, and he pulled out the traces of energy from the jade tablet.

With the flick of Tang Song's two fingers, the jade tablet flew into the air, and the aura contained in the jade tablet was completely pulled to his fingertips.

Shaking his fingertips, Tang Song tapped hard on the little grass man's eyebrows, scoffed, like a soldering iron, a red cinnabar mark appeared on the little grass man's eyebrows

Tang and Song pointed together like swords, and when they lifted both fingers up, the little straw man on the long table stood up straight as if alive.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, I never hold grudges, because if I have grudges, I basically won't stay overnight!"

Tang and Song took the little grass man to the edge of the altar. In the tiankeng under the altar, bones were piled up like a mountain, and countless ghosts invisible to ordinary people wandered in the cave.

Seeing Tang and Song's figures appear, all these resentful spirits retreated to the bottom of the cave.

"Come, come!"

Tang and Song casually threw the little straw man into the cave, and tens of thousands of resentful spirits immediately rushed up.

(End of this chapter)

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