Chapter 18 Origin
In the financial center of Manhattan's New Town, a 57-story office building.

In the presence of Ryan, Tang Song rented a three-story office building and put up a signboard of a metal smelting import and export company called "Tang".

Everything was completed within three days. The place where the office is located used to be the workplace of several small companies. I don’t know whether it was because of bankruptcy or something. At the critical moment, Ryan rented it for three years at a price 12% lower than the market price.

The Guns N' Roses bar is being remodeled because of the shootout that night.

Tang and Song are quite satisfied with this office space, at least it seems to have a little style.

A Chinese-style office occupies most of the building, with several ink paintings of landscapes, pine and bamboo hanging on the walls.

The bookshelves are full of vases, wishful ornaments, and a few ancient books that look old.

A mahogany table, a purple sand tea set, Tang Song in Tang suit is making tea.

On the leather sofa next to him, Skye was wearing a large black paolou shirt, showing a pair of slender legs, curled up with white and tender little feet, and was concentrating on playing games with his mobile phone.

Tang and Song held a teapot and steadily brewed green tea soup.

After the tea was rolled three times, Tang and Song brought a purple sand teacup and brewed a cup of yellow-green tea soup for Kane who was sitting opposite.

"Kane, this is the Dahongpao I asked someone to buy from my hometown. It costs two thousand dollars a tael. How does it taste?"

"Two thousand dollars!" Kane picked up the tea in front of him, drank it in one gulp, smacked his lips and said, "Boss, I don't think it tastes as good as German beer!"

Tang Song shook his head with a smile, and brewed another cup for him.

After drinking half a pot of tea, Tang and Song chatted about business.

"How was the harvest in Russia this time?"

"The harvest is great, boss, these people are too bold. The equipment in several warehouses is enough to equip two divisions. Among them, there are more than 21 tanks alone, and some medium and short-range SS-[-] missiles! More than [-] pieces Black Shark gunship!"

When Kane mentioned the secret munitions warehouses he found in Russia, it was more than half a month later, and Kane still couldn't hide his shock when he mentioned it.

As a former soldier, it is hard for him to imagine that the top officials of a country can be corrupted to this extent. This is an established military equipment, and it is so grandiosely taken away and sold off.

"When the Soviet Union disintegrated, even more absurd things happened." Tang Song sighed, with a sneering expression on his face: "Now there are at least eight nuclear bombs in the underground world, all of which flowed out when the Soviet Union disintegrated. They dare to sell nuclear bombs, let alone some munitions!"

"By the way, these munitions, do you have any suggestions?"

Kane hesitated: "Boss, I think we can set up a security company with these ammunition in hand!
Boss, you know, we are professional! "

"Security company, like Blackwater?"

Tang Song tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, considering the pros and cons.

He naturally understood what Kane meant.

In the Federation, a security company is not just a housekeeper, it is a real military force that can intervene in war.

Take Blackwater as an example, it is a private military and security consulting company, born out of the Federal Military-Industrial Complex, with a black bear claw as its logo.

The reason why Blackwater can become one of the world's three largest private security companies is because it can directly cooperate with the Federal Ministry of Defense.

The Federation fought against the Middle East twice, in which the Blackwater Company can be seen active.

The president of Blackwater once said that when the Federation failed in its war against Afghanistan, he could return a complete Afghanistan to the Federation as long as the federal government gave him 1000 billion US dollars.

The reason why he dared to make such a bold statement was because, when necessary, the Blackwater Company could directly pull out an armed force equivalent to an army, and most of them were elite special soldiers from various countries.

"I'll think about the establishment of a security company first," Tang Song rubbed the black jade wrench on his thumb, and didn't make a decision right away.

The capital and manpower required to set up a security company is not a small amount, and the most critical thing is the later order issue.

The reason why Blackwater can expand rapidly is because of the support of orders from the military.

The problem of money can be solved by Tang and Song Crowd, but the key is manpower. At present, he has taken over most of the Hand Association's business in New York.

Even if some people have been recruited recently, there are only three to four hundred people who can really be used.

Except for those who watch the scene, these people are too busy with daily scavenger business and arms sales.

"Kane, the matter of the security company will be postponed. We are short of manpower now. The Hand has several large underground casinos in Brooklyn. Now it is our venue. You take people to stabilize it for two days!"

"Understood, boss!"

Although there was a little disappointment in Kane's tone, he acted vigorously and resolutely.

After simply reporting to Tang Song what happened in Russia, he left the office and took people directly to the casino.


In the office, seeing Kane off, Tang Song picked up the "Tao Te Ching" beside him and read it.

The yellowed pages and mottled pen and ink are said to be the only handwritten copies of the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, Skye, who was a little tired of playing games on the sofa, looked up at Tang Song who was concentrating, rolled his eyes, and put down his phone.

Walking to the tea room on the side, he quickly walked in with two cups of coffee, put them in front of Tang Song, and leaned his head to look at the book in Tang Song's hand.

Tang Song swept his hands, and then the two got tired of being together.

a long time……

Skye asked about Kane curiously.

She has just integrated into the small circle of Tang and Song Dynasties not long ago, and she doesn't know much about the two brothers Kane and Ryan.

As for Frank, because of the original medal, she more or less found some information on the Internet.

Tang Song gently kissed her little hand, smiled and said:
"It's normal that you can't find their information. Both Kane and Ryan are members of a secret special force in Germany. This special force that does not exist and is in the establishment is aimed at unconventional operations. Later, due to some political factors, The Special Forces was disbanded, and Kane and Ryan smuggled some remnants to New York to make a living."

Tang Song's hand began to slide up along Skye's hand, quickly stroked her hair, and pressed down gently.

The expression was a little intoxicated, but Tang Song's eyes were very clear. Putting his body and mind between sinking and sober, Tang Song could feel that the Tianhe Qi in his body had become much more refined.

Tang Song didn't tell Skye about many things, for example, Kane and Ryan were not just smuggling.

The cunning rabbit dies, and the good dog cooks. This sentence is applicable to any country. At the beginning, the two brothers were hunted down and fled to New York. It was Tang and Song who rescued them.

(End of this chapter)

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