Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 2 Materials and Experiments

Chapter 2 Materials and Experiments


Almost from the vigilance in his bones, when the big white man saw this pair of eyes, his body subconsciously began to transform.

Under the jacket, body hair grew wildly, his limbs deformed, hair grew, and his nails turned into sharp wolf claws.


The soaring figure instantly tore the clothes of the big white man.

"Nice physique! It's a good material!"

The umbrella bearer looked at the transformed werewolf in front of him, without any fear, but admiration with satisfaction.


Standing upright, the two-meter-five-six werewolf waved its sharp claws and grabbed the umbrella bearer head-on.

Facing the werewolf's sharp claws capable of tearing steel, the umbrella bearer didn't show any fear, and didn't even move a single step.

Under the black umbrella, a cyan-black light appeared, and the speed of this cyan streamer was simply too fast, almost at the moment the werewolf saw it.

With a puff, the streamer pierced hard into its chest.


Almost instantly, the werewolf transformed by the white man felt numb, weak, and sore all over his body.

Its body seemed to be completely out of control, as if it had become a vegetable in an instant.


The werewolf fell to the ground on his back, with a simple and old bronze nail pierced in the heart of his chest.

The style seems to be the nails used in the coffin in the ancient Eastern countries.

On the wedge of the nail, four or five small bird script runes were engraved, shining with black light.

At this time, the werewolf lying on the ground could clearly see the face of the umbrella bearer.

A slender Asian young man with a stern face looked at him with playfulness in his eyes.

It's like watching a scientist in a laboratory looking at a mouse waiting to be dissected.


The Asian youth waved his hand, and at the corner of the alley, a burly Germanic man came out.


The strong man named Kane has a Rambo face that looks like a chiseled knife, and a burly figure of 1.9 meters. Just standing there is like a towering hill, which is full of oppression.

"Bring this big dog back!"

The Asian youth rubbed the handle of the bamboo umbrella in his hand and ordered.

The strong man Kane skillfully took out a bundle of thumb-thick carbon fiber special ropes, and tied the werewolf lying on the ground tightly in twos and twos.

When he was done, he got up, put his thumb and forefinger in his mouth, and whistled into the distance.

In less than ten seconds, a Ford pickup fell into the alley.

The driver was a thin black man with dreadlocks.

The black guy jumped out of the car and saluted the Asian youth.


The Asian youth nodded at him.

"Kane, put this big dog in the cage first, so you don't need to take the coffin nails from it!"

"Yes, boss!"

Kane grabbed the back of the werewolf's neck with one hand, picked up the werewolf like a chicken, and threw it into the trunk of the pickup truck.

The pickup truck quickly disappeared into the New York rain.

Holding an umbrella, the Asian youth walked out of the alley slowly and joined the bustling crowd in New York.

At this time, with the piercing alarm bells, several FBI police cars arrived at the scene.


"Don, you're late!"

Osborne Building, once the tallest building in New York, although the name of the first tallest building was replaced by Stark Tower in the later period, it is undeniable that it is still one of the landmarks of New York City.

As the world's best biotechnology company, pharmaceutical company,
Osborne Building is the dream workplace for all biological researchers. It has the best equipment, the strongest biological research team, and the most lucrative salary.

However, the entry requirements here are equally harsh. Ordinary researchers must at least have graduated from an Ivy League school.

The Asian called Tang was the umbrella bearer in the alley. At this time, he was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a plaid shirt, looking a little shy.

The fat white man who greeted him graduated from Harvard with two bachelor's degrees. He was an alumnus and a colleague of his.

"Hey, Bob, don't mention it, it's unlucky today, there was a shooting at the Brooklyn subway station, the FBI blocked the subway station, and it took some time!"

Tang Song put on a white coat, complained, and put on his ID card.

His name and title are on the badge.

Tang Song, an ordinary researcher of the Osborne Group.

"Shooting, that shitty place in Brooklyn," the fat white Bob shrugged, with a predictable look on his face.

With a weight close to three hundred pounds, the flesh on his cheeks trembled as he shrugged.

"Don, if you ask me, you should get out of that damn place, Brooklyn is too messy, you know, it's Hell's Kitchen."

The two changed into their work clothes, and Bob whispered in Tang Song's ear:

"It's full of niggers and drug addicts, God knows what kind of madness they will go! Don, with your salary, you might as well rent a house near the company!"

Tang Song reached out and brushed the door of the experimental center, and the bulletproof isolation door automatically slid to both sides.

"There is no rush to rent a house, Bob, you know, I still have unpaid student loans, and when I pay off the loans, I will consider changing my living environment!"

In the clean and sterile laboratory, Tang Song sorted out the experimental equipment and checked the condition of the experimental subjects.

"Student loans, what a problem!" Bob shrugged.

Student loans are an inescapable issue for federal college students.

Across the Commonwealth, about half of college graduates carry student loans, with an average debt of more than $1.

Even an unknown black president has paid off his student loans for nearly 20 years.

Tang Song opened the cultivation device in the laboratory. The transparent cultivation room is a miniature rainforest symbiosis system covering an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters.

The miniature streams are gurgling, and the miniature shrubs are lush.

From vegetation, temperature, humidity, here is the environment of imitating the Amazon rainforest.

One of the benefits of a large company is that these equipment are no less than top-notch laboratories.

This environmental simulation system alone cost the Osborn Group millions of dollars.

Of course, Tang Song is not the only one responsible for the experiment applied to this system. Currently, he only has the right to use it for two weeks.

"Where are those guys, those bugs? Why are they missing!"

Bob leaned over the bulletproof glass, looked around, looking for the experimental subject, and tapped the bulletproof glass with his fingers, feeling a little puzzled.

"Don't worry," Tang Song adjusted his glasses, and opened the control system of this device on the computer.

"Wow wow..."

As Tang and Song tapped the keyboard with both hands, the simulated room suddenly rained heavily.

The torrential downpour instantly submerged half of the small bushes.

From the bushes, a black and red centipede floated up. It was nearly a foot long, densely packed with sharp curved feet, and hideous mouthparts. It was a terrifying poisonous insect anywhere.

It's a pity that only half of the body of this centipede floating on the water is left, the remnant body is covered with wounds, and the missing remnant body seems to be eaten by something bit by bit.

"This centipede is dead, and I bet it survives to the end!"

Surprised, Bob moved to the observation window and sighed, "I bet fifty dollars with Professor Connors!"

"It seems that you can't keep your fifty dollars. I'm curious, who is Professor Connors holding?"

Tang Song raised his head, a little curious.

According to the predecessors of Tang and Song Dynasties, Connors has always been paranoid and stubborn, and he is devoted to the research of cross-species genetic recombination. He is known as a scientific madman.

Such a rigid person would bet with Bob?

Bob stretched out two carrot-thick fingers to pinch the potato chips in the potato chip bag. Obviously, for an old fried dough stick, the rule of not eating snacks in the laboratory is useless.

"Crack, crunch, it's that spider," Bob said vaguely while eating potato chips, "Professor Connors is obviously very confident in that mutant spider!"

Spider, Tang Song looked at the centipede, and the soaring rain washed out another insect corpse.

It has a black back with red stripes and a few hairy tentacles. It is the spider kindly provided by Professor Connors.

It's just that this spider is a bit miserable now. Its fat belly burst open, and only three of the eight spider legs remained.

"Bob, it looks like your money is saved!"

Tang Song turned off the rainfall system casually and walked to the observation window.

The rain seems to have completely broken the tranquility in this jungle, and the rain system was closed along with the Tang and Song Dynasties.

In the bushes, a black snake with the thickness of a chopstick and a bulging head stretched out its upper body, swaying its body cheerfully, bathing in the rainwater that made it extremely pleasant.

"Cuckoo, croak, croak..."

From the pool behind Black Snake, there was a strange cry of frogs. The upper body of Black Snake turned around like lightning. The snake eyes stared coldly behind him, and Xin Zi poked out, as if he would pounce on him in the next moment.

Under the gaze of the black snake, a strange toad the size of a baby's fist surfaced unhurriedly, and slowly climbed up to the top of a nearby bush.

The snow-white belly took a breath, and the sound of frogs croaked, like a short thunderclap resounding.

A golden line on its back appeared as its belly rose and fell, and the lines were surrounded by dense dark green bumps, each of which was groaning.

Facing the black snake, the dark green bump on the back of the toad was faintly filled with mucus.

Hissing, the black snake tentatively stretched out its upper body, making a dive, and transparent mucus flowed out of the sharp fangs in the snake's kiss.

Tang Song came to the observation window of the training room and looked down at the simulated jungle of more than ten square meters.

On Tang and Song's delicate and resolute faces, a pair of deep eyes hidden under plain glasses shined brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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