Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 210 Mephisto Soul Church Bloodbath

Chapter 210 Mephisto Soul Church Bloodbath

british peninsula
A few black and pitch-black hills with no grass and hideous faces suddenly appeared in front of a flat land of several square kilometers. The dry wind without any moisture was blowing from nowhere, rolling up huge eddies of air, making the Where can you see the smoky atmosphere on the flat land surrounded by mountains?
An old man in a black windbreaker held his cane in his hand and waved it wildly a few times.With the waving of his arm, circles of black light streaks continuously emanated from his cane, causing thin ripples in the surrounding space.

The sound of countless tiny insects crawling on the ground around me sounded,

Looking intently, a large group of poisonous insects was crawling out of the ground, crawling a few steps towards him maliciously, until they sensed the familiar magic power hidden in the black ripples, they writhed on the ground reluctantly After a while, it slowly dived into the ground again.

A black cat with a black body and green purple eyes appeared out of nowhere. It slowly licked its shiny right paw with its tongue, and then looked at the old man with innocence. He said, "Meow."

This black cat was only a few feet long, but it was filled with an extremely strange aura.

Its fur is black, so black that it turns purple, like a deep pool that can suck people's souls into it.

Those two green eyes carried a bit of evil spirit, looking at the old man as if he was smiling.

"A little evil spirit!" The eyes of the old man lit up with raging hellfire, and as soon as he raised his cane, a black magic was about to hit the black cat.

"Your Majesty calm down!"

The air twisted and fluctuated slightly, and then, as if a curtain had been lifted, a figure shrouded in a black robe appeared.

Behind him, followed a few strange guys in pitch-black armor, all carrying heavy knight swords that were two meters long in their hands.

The man in black laughed a few times, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty Mephisto, you don't have to be angry with a little black cat!"


The black cat jumped into the arms of the black-robed man. The black-robed man stroked the cat, looking at Mephisto with dark green eyes.


Mephisto looked at the several death knights behind the man in black, as if the fire of the soul was burning in his eyes.

The necromancer is not his believer, the necromancer is a worshiper of another dracolich maharaja in hell.

"plz follow me!"

The man in black walked towards a pure black castle that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The castle was pitch-black, a full meter thick, made of unknown materials, smooth as a mirror but with countless black stripes forming a devil's head. The gate slowly opened.

On both sides of the dark passage, more than two hundred knights in black armor stood on both sides of the passage with knight swords in both hands!

The heavy iron gate slammed shut, and the pitch-black castle shook, before disappearing into the sky full of dust.

After walking through the 500-meter-long corridor, a few old men in black robes suddenly walked out of the complicated corridor like a spider web in front of them.

Seeing Mephisto kneeling on the ground respectfully, he lowered his head.

"My lord!"

Seeing them appear, the black-robed necromancer nodded slightly, and disappeared into the passage in a cloud of black smoke.

"A little guy, use the strength of your dark council to find him, sacrifice his soul to me, and I will give you supreme power!"

In the quaint stone hall, Mephisto looked down at several wizards in black robes kneeling on the ground, said!
With a lift of his finger, a black mist transformed into a full-length portrait.

On the upper floor of the stone room, a place that is obviously a meeting room is extremely luxuriously decorated, resplendent and resplendent.

The black crystal ball is releasing the picture of the lower stone room.

Wonderful monitoring magic, even Mephisto didn't notice it!
A furry werewolf wearing an ancient style of leather armor, at least [-] meters tall, wielding a machete half a meter long in his hand, opened his mouth, revealing four large fangs.

"An ordinary person's soul actually made Mephisto put so much effort. I was shocked. I thought this old guy couldn't think about it, and he was going to come back with his real body!" When he spoke, the werewolf's eyes flashed fiercely. , obviously thinking of something.

"Mephisto has always been famous for being cunning, be careful, don't let him make trouble, something is going to happen, hey, hell, that's not a good place!"

A middle-aged man with a handsome face and long wavy hair wearing a black tuxedo that is extremely old-fashioned, but the fabric is undoubtedly extremely luxurious said:

"Our family doesn't want to experience a jihad caused by the arrival of demons!"

He casually pressed his claws on the bluestone railing beside him, and the thick railing was immediately shaken to powder,
The vampire, judging by the breath on his body, is the kind of real high-ranking vampire.

"Keep an eye on them, on Congressman Karl and this line of wizards who believe in Mephisto, we don't want to provoke the Templar, and that one!"

Several old wizards with black cats in their hands set the tone.

"Demons, for real wizards, demons are just for use. A demon who descends in real form is not in the interests of the Dark Council!

As mortals often say, God is in the sky!Look at them, kill them if they're going to make a move, a demon double, what a material! "

A few dark bishops looked at me and I looked at you, and at the same time they smirked terrifyingly!In the pitch-black castle, there was a sudden gust of wind. I don't know how many tyrannical creatures lurking in the darkness, trembling amidst the conspiracy-filled laughter.

A few days later, Down's Manor
"Boss, things have been patched!"

Tang and Song tease the big cats in the courtyard, feed the fish, groups of koi swim in the artificial stream surrounding the courtyard

Ryan directed a few Germans to carry a armor into the courtyard. The three-meter-high silver armor was full of cracks. It was the Destroyer armor that appeared in a border town in New Mexico.

Tang walked up to the Destroyer armor, put his palm on the Destroyer armor, and sensed the runes contained inside through the metal layer of the Destroyer with his spiritual sense.


Feeling the intermittent runes inside, Tang Song sighed, although those cultural relic restoration experts were skillful in repairing the Destroyer, which was shattered by Thor's blow, to look decent.

It's a pity that the runes inside have long been broken into scum.

"This armor is useless, take it away, let the people in the weapon research room study it, and see the material of this metal!"

Two big Germanic men were carrying the glued Destroyer armor to the weapon research room.

Tang Song looked at Ryan and asked, "Ryan, has that batch of meat been sent to Siberia?"

Ryan shook his head and said, "Boss, it's already on the way, and we can arrive today!"

"Well! How is Ivan's Adamantium alloy research going? Has it produced any results?"

"Currently, the Weapons Laboratory has produced the first batch of Adamantium alloy, but the purity is not high. Yashida's formula produces a secondary Adamantium alloy, which is inferior in quality to the real Adamantium alloy. , the strength of Vibration Gold is far superior to Emandel Alloy, and Ivan is currently trying to formulate the formula!".
"Huh? How bold!"

Tang Song raised his eyebrows while talking, his figure suddenly disappeared without a trace,
In the next moment, his body appeared behind a rockery tens of meters away.He grabbed a figure who was fleeing rapidly.

Radjoyane Amato is a demon, a half-breed kind, his cheap father is some night demon from hell, and his mother is a human.

In the Dark Council, there are many half-demons like him, and there are many reasons for the birth of their half-demons, such as cult sacrifices, and experiments by dark wizards.

Relying on the talent of Cheap Lao Tzu, he can freely shuttle in the shadows.Became the top lurker in the dark council, the spy.

The wizards who believe in the demon lord Mephisto hired him for 2000 million US dollars to find out the details of this Asian.

If necessary, he can be assassinated directly. Of course, if he is killed, a follow-up payment of 3000 million will be added.

A mortal, Radhoyane Amato, had just sneaked into the courtyard with his poisoned snake-like dagger in his backhand.

Tang Song looked over. The power contained in the eyes, Radjoyane Amato had only experienced it from the president of the Dark Council, the prince of the blood clan, but compared with this Asian, the president The breath on his body seemed a little weak.

Radjoyane Amato trembled, and just as he was about to flee, Tang Song suddenly appeared in front of him.

Radhoyane Amato didn't see Tang Song's actions clearly at all, he didn't even know how Tang Song found himself,
By the time he saw Tang Song's face that was close at hand, Tang Song's big hand had already grabbed his neck and picked him up like a chicken.

"The smell of sulfur!" Tang Song said lightly: "The breath of the devil, what is your relationship with Mephisto!"

Tang Song can see the soul essence of the person in front of him at a glance, the devil, and the only person he has dealt with recently is Mephisto, but Mephisto really thinks that this guy can kill him, even though he hides the forward Good job.

He even managed to hide it from those big dogs in the manor!

"I..." Radjoyane Amato was about to speak when Ryan had already walked over, smashed his shoulder with two punches, unloaded his jaw, and kicked his patella.

The security work of the manor was arranged by him, and people didn't even know it when they sneaked in, which really made him lose face in front of the boss.

"Take it down and ask what's going on?"

Tang Song threw him aside casually, and two big Germanic men dragged him out.

"Boss! It's a member of the Soul Church. This is a notorious cult in the dark world. It believes in Mephisto, the lord of hell. Their residence has been found out!"

In less than ten minutes, a big Germanic man with blood on his hands came to Tang Song and bowed to report.

"Ryan, it's been a long time since you injected the No. [-] serum, so just take this opportunity to try and practice your strength!" Tang Song glanced sideways at Ryan.

"Yes! Boss!"

Ryan brought twenty card fighters into a warehouse in the northern part of New York,

After about half an hour, Ryan, who had put on a full set of Emand alloy-coated armor, walked out of the warehouse with a sullen face and his fully armed subordinates.

In the center of Manhattan, there is a black building stacked on top of each other like a tower.

Around the building, there is a green space about [-] meters wide, surrounded by a ten-meter-high iron net.

A black Lincoln slowly drove into the iron grid and stopped at the entrance of the building.

A pale-skinned middle-aged man in a brown suit got out of the car with several middle-aged men with the same strange complexion, and flashed the skull badge on his hand.

The iron door at the entrance slid open automatically, the middle-aged man walked in with someone, and the iron door was immediately closed lightly.

In the hall inside the gate, more than 30 wizards in black robes stood in an arc, seeing the middle-aged man coming in,
Immediately bowed down respectfully and said, "Welcome, Priest Habi."

The priest nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Be careful, be careful...I have some bad premonitions recently. Those who have the guts to offend our Lord are not that simple. Collect the souls of psychic girls as soon as possible, so that the real power of our Lord can be released." Break the seal of the Templar Mages!"

"Yes, Harpy Sacrifice!"

"Hey, summon Mephisto's real body to come, when the time comes, who will this dark council listen to!?"

On the opposite side of the building, in an office with curtains on the top floor, the necromancer hugged his black cat in his arms, strangled it a few times and said:
"Well, sabotage their actions,,,, if necessary, you can leak the news to the New York Temple!"

The necromancer giggled: "That's right, that's right, presumably the temple mages don't want another demon lord to descend in person, right? Our news, who was held back by Dormammu?"

Standing next to him was an old man with gray hair but combed meticulously, with fine wrinkles on his face,
The blue eyes are as bright as two sapphires. With a handsome appearance, a straight and tall body, and an absolutely exquisite black dress, he seems to be someone who came from the Middle Ages.

"Dormammu? Speaker Knowles, do you think you can hold back the Supreme Mage with Dormammu?"

Knowles glared at him and muttered, "Dracula, don't mention that name."

"Those factions that believe in demons can't believe it. How many people can we use? How about killing a clone of a demon lord?"

The soul fire under Knowles' black robe flickered frantically, and he calculated:
"You, me, plus [-] blood races at the grand duke level, seven orc chieftains, we can probably deal with a demon lord!"

Dracula glared at him: "Don't have such thoughts, Mephisto's strength is a secret even in hell, he is very strong, don't provoke him! What we have to do is to destroy his coming!"

Knowles suddenly giggled for a while, ravaging the poor black cat in his arms,

"This kind of work to prevent the arrival of demons, if I remember correctly, was the work of the Holy See in the Middle Ages. Huh?"

Knowles looked through the window at the sky under the night, and several helicopters were hovering on the roof of the opposite building.

The gust of wind was blowing, and the Wuzhi transport plane couldn't wait to put down the hatch before it stopped. Dozens of members of the card team jumped down from the sky on the black magic skateboard.

A young man in a white windbreaker and holding a cane stepped out and stood on the roof of the building.

Knowles had a white windbreaker, a handsome face, and sharp eyes. He noticed that the head of the staff was a simple animal head, and the two silver eyes were shining brightly.

As soon as his eyes came into contact with these two silver eyeballs, he felt the pain of the bones under his black robe as if cut by a knife.

"It seems that those who dare to provoke Mephisto are ruthless people," Knowles saw the young man's appearance clearly, and giggled,
"Poor Mr. Harpy, someone has come to your door!"


Feeling the gaze of being watched, Tang Song raised his head to look at the opposite building,

Luo Yi, a dozen men in black suits, jumped out of the cabin and stood behind Tang Song,
"Boss!" Ryan followed Tang Song's eyes and looked at the opposite building.

"Let's go!"

Tang and Song seemed to be stepping on the air, with a step of more than ten meters, Ryan jumped off the building with a dozen people.

Demon worship is very prevalent in the federation. According to incomplete statistics from the federal government, there are almost 7000 cults in the federation with slogans of evil gods and demons.

Of course, most of them are cheating money and sex in the name of evil gods, but there are also real products here.

One of them is the Soul Cult, which worships the god of souls. They worship the demon lord, Mephisto, the king of hell, and regard him as a god.

These fanatics are willing to sacrifice their souls to their gods.

"Puff puff-"

In the Soul Cult building, twenty card fighters on black magic skateboards hovered outside the building, using the modified assault rifles in their hands to kill the targets inside the building.

Infrared detection glasses, so that people in the building can not hide from their eyes.

A modified assault rifle, the Elmand alloy coating on the outer layer of the bullet can easily penetrate the solid structure of reinforced concrete.

Before the disciples of the Soul Cult could react, their bodies had already been pierced through by these howling bullets.

"Enemy attack!"

Habi was leading more than [-] core congregants to pray in front of a demon statue, and the bullets penetrating from the wall directly swept away a large part of his congregation.

Happy jumped up angrily, and with a wave of the bone ring in his hand, countless phosphorescent fireballs came from the gray turbulence, bombarding that poor wall overwhelmingly.

Just as these phosphorus fireballs blasted out, the glasses of the card soldiers driving the black magic skateboard were beeping red light, and the black magic skateboard led them to avoid the attack range of the phosphorus fireballs quickly.

"Focus fire attack!"

After getting out of the range of the phosphorus fireball, dozens of card soldiers aimed their guns at a large number of men in black robes inside at the same time.

"Puff puff puff!"

Assault rifles equipped with silencers focus fire and attack, and the surface of the Aimand alloy coating makes these assault rifles even more powerful than some anti-material firearms!

Even though these black-robed wizards had been prepared long ago, and their bodies were covered in a layer of black mist, there were still a few unlucky ghosts who were directly turned into wasps.

Stripes of green light shot out from the hands of these black wizards, counterattacking at the card soldiers, but compared to their slow reaction speed, the dark magic skateboard loaded with intelligent programs hovered in the air at a speed close to the speed of sound, These green rays were easily avoided by the card soldiers.

A strange wind blew past the building that had lost its walls, blowing up some dust, pieces of paper, etc., and the vision was a little hazy for a while.

Several black wizards were chanting spells, and seemed to be preparing for some powerful black witchcraft.

...A few distorted, lightning-like sword lights flashed, and the hearts of these black-robed wizards were pierced by the sharp blades.

A silver stabbing sword sank deeply into their inner organs, where the violent black water true energy on the sword,

The internal organs of these wizards were all destroyed by the shock, and the powerful shock wave rushed directly to their throats. As a result, they spewed out a mouthful of things mixed with broken internal organs and blood, and fell softly to the ground, unable to move anymore. .

Ryan, wearing the Adamantium alloy battle armor, emerged from the hall, holding a silver rapier to kill the remaining black-robed wizards.

Knowles, the speaker of the Dark Parliament, who was peeking from the top of a distant building, held a pair of military binoculars in his hand. Seeing this scene, he swallowed:
"What a weird method, eh, maybe I want to cast a constant protection spell on myself!"

Dracula gave him a contemptuous look, and stood in the night wind: "Knowles, as long as you hide your phylactery, no one in this world can kill you, a necromancer!"

Habi looked at the two or three kittens next to him in the blink of an eye. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and cursed for a while. He bit his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood. He dragged his blood in the air with both hands. A strange magic circle was formed.

Roaring: "Welcome, demon from hell... you all go to hell."

The shaking of the ground became even more severe, and dark flames could be vaguely seen emerging from the cracks in the ground.

This member of the Dark Council, the Pope of the Soul Cult, is really crazy, otherwise he would not use this extremely dangerous move anyway.

If a real demon is summoned, even if he is a member of Mephisto, but hell is so big, who knows what will be summoned, if the enemy of Mephisto is summoned, then they will have a lot of fun .

The raging black flames engulfed half of the floor, and several black wizards of the Soul Church who had no time to escape were directly reduced to nothing in the flames.

Black flames, a flame figure is taking shape, and a Balrog can be faintly seen walking towards the present world from a magma river.

"A lord-level Balrog," Knowles looked a little solemn. He is a necromancer, and this kind of fire-attributed demon is his nemesis.

The demon lord, in hell, is the only one who exists in hell.

Tang Song brought a dozen people downstairs, half of the building was almost melted into nothingness by the black flames.


A group of card soldiers have fallen to the ground.

"I am Raun, Lord of Fire"

The ancient hell language resounded from the building!A large figure of more than four meters made of flames came out of the burning building.

More than four meters high, with a body made entirely of black burning flames, this Balrog looked down on Tang and Song's group.

Two red basketball-sized eyeballs glowed with cruelty and madness.

Its feet are burning magma, and every time it takes a step, the solid concrete road under its feet will turn into billowing magma.

The Balrog stopped and looked back at the Pope of the Soul Cult: "A thousand souls, I will kill them for you! But your soul will also belong to me!" (Hell language)
The Pope of Soul, the member of the Dark Council turned pale, "Lord Balrog! My soul has been dedicated to the great God of Soul!"

"God of Soul?" (hell language) Balrog was a little surprised, it took a breath, and the two fire dragons circled around the Pope of Soul.

"Smell of Mephisto, nasty guy!"

The Balrog's tone couldn't hide his apprehension, "Two thousand souls, if not enough, I will devour your souls and bring them back to Mount Doom."

"Don't worry, my lord, with two thousand souls, I will definitely do it!" The Pope of Soul said with a sigh of relief!

Tang Song looked left and right, facing the legendary demon, the soldiers of the card squad under him restrained their shock,

However, no one showed any fear. It seems that Kane and his soldiers are training well!
Tang Song nodded approvingly, quite satisfied.

You know, with the development of Marvel's plot, demons may be small scenes, often at the level of alien fleets and cosmic overlords.

If these subordinates he cultivated are afraid now, what use will they be in the future.

To put it bluntly, a card soldier's investment starts from the house of cards, all kinds of dinosaur meat, nutritional potions, weapons and equipment
After training, it is almost equivalent to a golden statue of the same size.

Looking at the Balrog in front of him, Tang Song's eyes were somewhat disdainful,
Summoning demons, the means of rotten streets

During this period of time, he has seen a lot of demons. Ordinary demons, now ghosts and bone banners are vomiting!

"Ryan, I will leave this Balrog to you!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Ryan took a step forward, shook his neck, took off his armor, and suddenly his joints crackled.


Ryan stretched out his right palm, hooked his hands, and made a provocative gesture!

"Mortal!" (Hellish)
The Balrog strode forward, and a big hand made of black flames the size of a dustpan grabbed Ryan.

Ryan didn't dodge or dodge, his outstretched palms were clenched tightly, the clothes on his right arm suddenly burst, and the muscular arm,

From the forearm to the fist all turned into pitch black!Covered with black dragon scales.

It slammed into Huo Huo's big hand!


There was only a muffled sound, as if two tanks had collided with each other.
Ryan's body fell down violently, the ground under his feet collapsed, and his feet were shaken into powder.

The Balrog took two steps back and looked at Ryan in disbelief, how could his fist hurt the flame.

"Magic!" (Hellish)
The Balrog looked at Ryan's black dragon-scale arm, roared, and countless sparks spurted from his mouth,

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo available
The Balrog swung his fist, and dozens of lava fireballs the size of a water tank slammed down on Ryan.

Tang Song and a group of card soldiers behind him are all enveloped in it!
Ryan stepped on the ground quickly under his feet, bringing up afterimages, quickly appeared under the lava fireball, and kicked up with hooks.

The dragon-clawed feet smashed the lava fireballs one by one, but not without slipping through the net.

Several bodyguards standing behind Tang and Song transformed into lizards and soared into the sky, working together to stop the remaining magma balls!

At this moment, a black fireball with a diameter of three meters away roared down towards Ryan.

This ball of fire exudes terrible high temperature, and the dark light makes the surroundings dark. This ball of light seems to be able to absorb the surrounding light,
The power contained in this fireball is extremely terrifying, Ryan faintly felt that if he was hit by this fireball, he would definitely be burned to ashes.

The Balrog let out grim smiles, and he was summoned to the human world, because of the damn temple circle, its strength was also suppressed to one-third.

But its "explosive fireball" is not something humans can deal with!

Ryan took a breath, his body swelled rapidly, his scales swelled wildly, and quickly swelled to about ten feet, and he, with his muscles all over his body, turned into a huge dragon man!

As he opened his mouth, a pitch-black jet of water blasted towards the black fireball, and there was a thunderous noise in the air, as if a giant cannon was bombarding it, giving people a sense of horror that was invincible and the sky was falling apart.

The black fireball was directly exploded by Ryan's roar.

The Balrog roared not to be outdone, and countless flames spewed out towards Ryan,


Ryan's figure showed afterimages, and suddenly appeared in front of the Balrog. With a sweep of the dragon's claws, he escaped directly from the ruby-like heart of the Balrog.

A distorted red phantom of the soul, trying to escape back to hell.

Surrounded by streaks of black water, it disappeared in the water.

The soul pope, who had been hiding behind the Balrog, was also affected by the black water droplets, and was directly beaten into a hornet's nest by countless water droplets——

In the building in the distance, Knowles and Dracula glanced at each other, only feeling creepy.

"It's very strong, no wonder Mephisto can't help it!"

Knowles hugged his black cat, the fire of the soul flickered under the black robe, and said to Dracula sideways!
"So, you are also from Mephisto!"

A voice sounded behind Knowles.

Knowles turned back stiffly, and Tang Song in a white windbreaker was standing five steps away from him.

Dracula looked at Tang Song, his eyes were scarlet, the nails on his ten fingers gradually began to grow, and slowly, a little bit of them grew out, he bent slightly, ready to go!
Knowles grabbed him and nodded slightly towards Tang Song: "Dear strong man, I am Knowles, the speaker of the Dark Council. As you can see, I am a necromancer. This is Duke Dracula. We do not Not a follower of Mephisto, and no offense intended!"

"Okay!" Tang Song glanced at him, and disappeared in front of the two of them in a flash.

Then he left, Knowles was a little puzzled, Duke Dracula's face suddenly changed, and he pulled Knowles into the darkness.

Chi Chi Chi, sparks flickered in the air, and a spark-splashing portal suddenly appeared in midair, and an old white man in a mage's robe came out.

He looked at the remaining traces of the Balrog, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. After thinking for a moment, the staff drew a portal and walked in.

There was a faint whistling sound of wind and snow on the opposite side.

Knowles and Dracula stepped out of the shadows.

"The mage of the New York Temple, could it be that he noticed it!"

The fire of Knowles' soul flickered, looking at Dracula, he was even sharper than you, the Duke of blood.

Dracula looked at his old friend with a dark face: "."

The short staff in Knowles' hand pointed to the sky, and a green flame shot straight up, a green light was so conspicuous in the night sky.

Knowles, Dracula, and three members of the Dark Council led their direct subordinates, and forty core experts of the Dark Council disappeared into the wind.

Karma Taj Himalayas
Karma Taj gives people an unusually deep and stable feeling.

The main hall is almost [-] to [-] acres in size, and the ground is paved with black volcanic steel rock after solidified volcanic lava.

Black volcanic steel rock refers to volcanic rock with a metal content of more than [-]% in lava.

This rock is extremely hard,

Because Kama Taj once had spells out of control, these volcanic steel rocks are engraved with secret magic patterns, which have strong defense against various spells.

The extremely hard and tough black volcanic steel rock was carved into thick floor tiles one meter square and laid on the ground.

Between the floor tiles, there are complex mortise and tenon joints, which make the ground of the courtyard seamless.

There is a faint metallic luster in the gaps between these floor tiles, and it is obvious that a metal solution has been poured between the floor tiles to make the ground stronger.

A portal with sparks appeared in Kama Taj's main hall. Many mages who practiced in the main hall were not surprised and closed their eyes to meditate.

"Master John, long time no see!"

A fat Chinese man stood up and greeted the old white man who came out of the portal.

"Master Wang, is the master here? A Balrog lord in New York broke through the defense of the temple!"

Master John, with white beard and hair, said with a serious face: "I suspect that there is something wrong with the defense of the temple!"

The chubby Master Wang had a look of embarrassment on his face: "Master John, Master Ancient One has lost his mind and is not on Earth now!"

Master John frowned. He knew this. For a period of time every year, Master Gu Yi was not in Karma Taj, and Christmas in New York was no small matter.

"Master John, or I will accompany you to take a look with Master Modu. If there is a loophole in the temple's defense, the strength of the three of us is enough to repair it!"

Hearing Master Wang mention his name, in the hall, a stern middle-aged man in a gray robe opened his eyes!

"Master John!"

Mordo saluted John.

"Master Mordo!"

Master John returned a salute, "I'm going to trouble the two masters!"

"It's a matter of time!"

The night is dark and the wind and rain are more violent.

London, Castle of the Dark Council.

The castle of the Dark Council, just like the impression given by his name, is dark and depressing, as if misfortune lurks everywhere.Inside the castle built of huge black rocks, there are densely covered narrow and dark passages like spider webs, leading to rooms with dimly lit rooms.

There seemed to be whispers everywhere, but when I strained my ears to listen carefully, I couldn't hear anything.The cold wind blows along the passage.

Knowles was holding his black cat, and next to him was Duke Dracula and the werewolf chief of the orc clan. The three sat expressionlessly behind a long oak table with a history of hundreds of years.

"The Dark Council is ours, and it can only be ours. Whether it is Mephisto or other hell lords, just stay in hell well, why bother to come to the world to suffer!"

Two groups of dark green soul fires flickered in Knowles' eye sockets.

He has been a well-known black wizard since the Middle Ages. He has experienced two Crusades and escaped the siege of the Holy See.

He used to fight to the death with the angel descended from heaven.

Later, because of his aging body, he turned to become a necromancer, and he was also the most powerful necromancer in the history of the Dark Council.

The speaker of the dark parliament, what he seeks is only power, the truth between human souls, demons, what is that.

There are hundreds of demons he has dissected. Demons are just disgusting species from another dimension.

If he really wants to throw himself into hell, he can immediately become a demon lord, a high-level demon of the undead system.

What's so good about hell, poor bastards, trying to sneak into the world in different ways, even those kings of hell.

Led by Knowles, seven members of the 13-member committee of the Dark Council blatantly united with the twelve clans of the blood clan and the elite orcs of the orc clan to launch a bloodbath against the members of the demon worship and evil god worship department.

A pale middle-aged man covered in blood and wearing a tuxedo walked in, and gave a medieval gentleman's salute to the three of them.

Dracula looked at his direct descendant, the Marquis, and asked in a deep voice, "Cleaned up!?"

"The head of the family, several members of the rebellion, and their churches and ethnic groups have all been dealt with!"

The blood marquis bowed and put a few things on the parliamentary table, the shattered crystal ball, the incomplete bone staff, and the blood wolf badge
The expressions of Knowles and the three suddenly relaxed, and then quickly tightened. The three looked at each other and smiled.

"Transfer the Dark Castle first, Mephisto has been here before!"

The fire of soul flickered under Knowles' black robe, and his withered hands grabbed the neck of the black cat in his arms.


The huge dark castle is like a living thing, submerged into the ground!

"It's not that there's something wrong with the temple's defenses, it's because someone summoned a demon!"

Master John, Master Wang, and Master Mordo came to the place where the Balrog fell.

One after another spells were cast, and seeing the detection results, the three mages breathed a sigh of relief.

The defense of the Three Great Temples is a dimensional defense line set by the supreme mage himself. It has been blessed by countless mages of Karma Taj for hundreds of years. Really need some suspense.

"Master Wang! The teacher goes to fugue for a while every year, do you know where she went?"

After checking, it was determined that the Balrog did not break through the defense layer of the temple. At the invitation of Master John, Modu and Master Wang came to the New York Temple as guests.

Hearing Modu's question, Master Wang sat on a comfortable big chair, holding a cup of black tea with double milk and double sugar in his hand, shaking his head constantly. ,
"Master Gu Yi is unpredictable, how can I predict what he does!"

Master Wang grabbed a piece of delicate snack on the small round table beside him and stuffed it into his mouth.

Modu lowered his head, tasted the black tea in the cup, and concealed the flash of resentment in his eyes!

(Uncomfortable, as if I have caught a cold, and the veins on my forehead are throbbing!)
 seems to have a cold
(End of this chapter)

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