Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 213 The Battle of Wakanda

Chapter 213 The Battle of Wakanda ([-])
The capital of Wakanda, Bernin Zana, in the main hall of the palace!

T'Challa sat on the Vibrating Gold Throne in the middle of the hall, touching the leopard-shaped frosted armrest of the throne with some regret.

After a few months, he finally sat in this position again.

T'Challa's black robe is embroidered with some Wakanda flower and bird patterns with vibrating gold thread.

It was his coming-of-age ceremony, and his father gave him a present...

A robe woven with vibrating gold thread, with a blue protective barrier when attacked...

When T'Challa escaped from the palace, he didn't have time to carry this dress. This was just found by his guards in the palace.

T'Challa had never cared much about the easy-to-get throne before, because it was destined to be his since he was born.

People never value what they have.

After experiencing the death of his father, his cousin snatched the Black Panther position from him, and he was forced to go into exile after his failure, he understood the value of the throne.

In the center of the palace hall, there was a vibrating gold seat. A bald head was tied behind his back on the seat, his feet were shackled to the chair, and his left hand was also firmly shackled.

As for the right hand, the hand of Satan with a sense of technology is currently being held by Deadpool to study it over and over again, and from time to time it is held for the little spider to show off,

The two got together and whispered, the two pairs of black compound eyes under the mask of the tights glanced at the metal prosthesis of the Winter Soldier from time to time!
Bucky, who was naked from the upper body and wrapped in thick gauze, was uncomfortable being watched by two perverted men in tights, and he couldn't help moving his steps to the side.

The eyes of Deadpool and Little Spider seem to go hand in hand.

In the end it was Steve Rogers who rescued him from this embarrassment.

"Baron Strucker! Long time no see, I didn't expect 70 years to pass! Apart from Bucky and Nick Fury, I can still see old friends!"

Wearing a blue and white Stars and Stripes tights, Steve Rogers came to the bound Wolfgang von Strack and looked at this "old friend" with some regrets!
Although he is an enemy, Steve still feels a little kind when he wakes up in 70 years and sees familiar faces.

Of course, this does not delay the strength of his punches.

Baron Strucker raised his bruised and swollen eyelids, and looked at the blurry figure in front of him.

"Steve Rogers! Are you still alive? Hehe, I thought John took you away! Hiss!"

Baron Sterak smiled mockingly, but it touched the wound at the corner of his mouth, causing him to gasp in pain.

This bastard is really ruthless!Baron Strack glared at Steve Rogers!

Why didn't the Red Skull take this trouble away when he was dying!
"I couldn't figure it out before! After seeing you, I figured it out. Maybe it's because you Hydra still exist. Strucker, I solved the Red Skull, and I can also solve you who are resurgent!"

Holding the shield in one hand, Steve stared at Strack with his eyes under the mask, and his tone was a little deep.

He looked at Strucker, the familiar face made him feel like he was back in World War II, he looked around,

It's a pity that besides Bucky, there are no other members of the familiar Roaring Commando!

He didn't want to come to Wakanda this time.

Steve felt that he hadn't understood the world 70 years later, and couldn't tell right from wrong.

But Nick Fury told him that Bucky could be in danger.

Steve arrived in time with Tony Stark, Little Spider and Deadpool this time.

It was also when they came in time that the Black Widow and the Winter Soldier were saved.

The lineup of their rescue team is enough to fight an Avengers war.

And although there are many people brought by Baron Sterak, they are at best some mobs, which is really miserable.

"Get rid of us, why, you, a veteran! Steve Rogers, it's not World War II anymore, and you are no longer the Captain of the United States!"

Baron Sterak looked at Steve Rogers and sneered,


The corner of his mouth touched the wound, and his sneer was accompanied by nondescript gasps.

"Hiss—it's your luck this time, and it fell into your hands. I have nothing to say!"

Baron Sterak was somewhat unconvinced, he turned his head and looked at the scattered people around him.

This is completely unscientific. In order to prevent someone from destroying their Hydra plan in Wakanda, he brought all the elite combat troops of Hydra.

A combat force of 40 people can launch a small-scale local war in a small African country.

Not to mention, the king of Wakanda belongs to them, the vibrating fighters that can be mobilized at any time, and the troops armed with vibrating gold——

How could this situation be lost!
Unexpectedly, all the Wakanda troops rushed to the Wakanda border for support because of the rupture of the shield on the Zhenjin fighter he relied on.

Steve Rogers directly brought in a decapitation operation.

This bastard, he liked to do this during World War II. Back then, many of their bases were taken over by him with the Roaring Commando.

Damn, the armed force he brought is more than enough to deal with a Steve Rogers, but this bastard found so many perverts somewhere.

Baron Strucker looked at the Winter Soldier, the Black Widow, and the two vigilantes and mercenaries in tights.

Plus an Iron Man.

After looking around, I found that I was not wronged.

"Fack squid, Pierce,..."

I'm afraid I'm going to fall this time, Baron Sterak sighed in his heart, but he didn't have much fear of death.

"Long live the Hydra!"

Baron Sterak looked directly at his old opponent in front of him, and silently shouted this slogan!
"We won't let you die so happily, tell me, did you kill my father!"

T'Challa, who was dressed in a black robe, got up from the throne, came to Baron Sterak, and asked viciously while holding his collar.

"Your father, you mean that old black panther—"

There was sarcasm in Baron Sterak's eyes, "He is a guy who gets in the way, that old leopard is much more difficult to deal with than you little black panther!"

"If we don't kill him, how can we control Wakanda!"

"I'll kill you!" Hearing that Baron Strack admitted that he killed his father, T'Challa only felt his blood surge up, and he was about to hit his face with his fist.

Steve grabbed his arm.

"Don't be impulsive, Your Royal Highness, he is a witness, and we still need him to deal with Hydra!"

T'Challa tried to twitch his arm, but Steve Rogers' big hands locked him tightly like iron clamps.

After applying a special herbal juice, the power of the heart-shaped grass in T'Challa's body has dissipated,

His current strength is the same as that of ordinary people. Without wearing the Panther armor, he can't resist Steve who has been injected with super serum.

After trying several times in a row without breaking free from Steve's hand, he gave Strack a bitter look, and let go of his clenched fist.

Steve released his grip on his wrist.

"You want to use me against Hydra, Steve, you should understand the dignity of a veteran of the Third Reich!"

Baron Strucker looked at Captain America with a sneer.

"No, I'm not interested in knowing so much, I will hand you over to Nick Fury, you two are old rivals, you should know him!"

Steve waved his hand.

"Nick Fury, this guy is really suspended animation!" Baron Sterak suddenly stared at Steve Rogers!

"Listen, Steve, I'll give you a piece of advice from someone who's been around,
The current Federation is no longer the one you maintained. It is comparable to the revived Third Reich. If you really want to serve him, you will be disappointed! "

"We are different, Strucker, what I maintain is not the Federation, but what I care about!"

Steve patted his shield and retorted:
"My original intention will not change, it will be like this at any time..."

Steve Rogers took command of the coup squad from Black Widow quite naturally.

After capturing Strack, an important witness, he immediately let T'Challa contact him and took control of the general of the garrison in the capital of Wakanda.

Then he sent the king's female guards to contact the elders of several tribes and let them rush to the palace...

Just when he was arranging all this in an orderly manner.

"Hi! Listen to me, folks, we're in big trouble!"

Tony Stark, who has been studying Wakanda technology in the scientific research room, brought Su Rui to the hall, and said to everyone in the hall with a solemn tone:

"After Wakanda's protective shield broke, the alliance army took advantage of the situation to attack. If we don't want to solve it, then Wakanda and the alliance army may fall into an all-out war!"

"Which one of you can do it?"

Tony Stark glanced around at everyone present.

"It's impossible for the federal army, just relying on them, how could they beat Wakanda's elite forces!"

Hearing what Tony Stark said, T'Challa couldn't believe it.

"It's true, brother, I saw clearly in the surveillance. The federal army dispatched a big brown man and some special forces wearing exoskeleton armor! The people of Nijadaka and the border tribes were beaten and retreated. !"

"We have to prevent the war from expanding further!" Tony Stark spread his hands and looked at the leading American team.

"Troublesome?!" Captain America frowned.

Tony Stark curled his lips, unable to control his emotions for this "uncle" who appeared suddenly.

"Yes, very troublesome, I don't know if Nick Fury told you this old gentleman,
Once Wakanda and the coalition forces fall into an all-out war, the country is bound to be destroyed, but Wakanda's desperate counterattack will definitely cause great casualties to countries all over the world! "

"Believe me, I've just seen their technology, and they're capable of doing this!"

Steve touched his shield and looked up.

"Since it's because of the broken protective cover, let's replace the protective cover! Let things return to his original state!"

Tony Stark's tone became a little helpless: "Then first of all, we must drive out the federal army that invaded Wakanda. First of all, I have no way to intervene in this matter~"

"It's not just me, it's a war between the Federation and Wakanda. If we don't want to be charged with treason, we need to find a way!"

"I'll go!" Bucky looked at the troubled people and volunteered.

Treason, the Winter Soldier clearly doesn't care.

"You alone are not enough! We need to fight off the big brown man first, and leave the rest to the Wakanda themselves!"

Tony Stark turned his head and looked at someone in the corner who was secretly stuffing vibrating gold ornaments into his clothes.

Deadpool had just stuffed a vibrating gold button into his pocket, and was touching the pillars on the main hall, thinking whether to scrape some gold powder off, when he turned around, everyone's eyes were on him.

"Look at what I am doing. Although I am a mercenary, I also have a federal passport. I still have a mortgage to pay..."

After listening to Tony Stark's words, Deadpool shook his head frantically.

"500 million! After the matter is over, we will find a way to clear your name!"

Hearing Tony Stark's conditions, Deadpool hesitated...

"I can give you another kilogram of vibrating gold ore!..."

"make a deal!"

Hearing T'Challa's words, Deadpool immediately agreed, wishing to rush to the front line immediately, looking for the so-called big brown man desperately.


On the border of Wakanda, a brutal war is breaking out.

Not long ago, Eric the Leopard came to power in order to win the hearts and minds of the Wakanda people.

He took the initiative to provoke the flames of war...

Coincidentally, the vibration gold in a reserve warehouse in Wakanda was looted,
Wakanda has been invaded many times, and the anger in the hearts of the Wakanda people has been simmering for a long time.

As for T'Chaka, T'Challa and his son have always adopted a policy of appeasement.

In the eyes of some belligerent Wakanda, the former king appeared too soft.

The Hydra behind Eric also knows the importance of people's hearts.

They need to build momentum for the new king, the Leopard, and at the same time let the anger of the people of Wakanda vent.

Otherwise, their anger may reach the upper echelons of Wakanda at any time.

The coalition of the Security Council outside Wakanda is undoubtedly the best way to vent.

As soon as the leopard came to the throne, he went to war against the coalition forces without declaring it.

Using the Zhenjin fighter plane, the coalition forces were caught off guard.
A Zhenjin fighter jet flew out of Wakanda's energy shield.

Controlling the air supremacy was almost instantaneous, and none of the coalition's aircraft could appear in the radar field of view of the Zhenjin fighter.

With the loss of air supremacy, the ground forces of the coalition forces are also uncomfortable.

Vibranium pulse electromagnetic bombs easily destroyed the electromechanical units of the coalition forces.

Most of the coalition's sophisticated armored units and tank units lost their effectiveness in an instant.

In the face of the Wakanda who were fully fired, the coalition forces had no power to fight back.

In less than half a day, the coalition forces were forced to withdraw for seventy miles and lost nearly 3000 people.

Most of them were captured.

The news was sent back to the headquarters of the World Security Council, and there was an uproar.

Alexander Pierce, Secretary-General of the World Security Council and Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., urgently contacted the representatives of the five countries and held a video conference.

The issue is only content, increase troops, increase troops to Wakanda.

The first to respond is the federation.

Their troop increase is also the fastest, and the two mixed divisions are airlifted directly to Africa.

Along with the mixed division, Air Force Lieutenant General Ross, known as "General Thunderbolt", and his secret weapon went to the battlefield.


However, because of the existence of Wakanda's energy shield, the coalition forces have been passively beaten in the face of Wakanda.

The Wakandas attack a wave of coalition forces from time to time. Once the coalition forces counterattack, they will retreat into the protective cover...

This caused the coalition forces a headache.

Feng Shui took turns, and this time Wakanda's protective shield was broken for some reason.

This gave the coalition a chance.

The northern jungle of Wakanda, less than thirty miles from the Wakanda border.

In a camouflage headquarters laid out with tree branches, General Ross is watching the situation in the jungle through a drone.

Several combat staff officers are analyzing the battlefield parameters.

In the jungle, the big trees with the thickness of a person's waist were toppled, and some were even uprooted.

A brown monster with a height of nearly four meters snapped off the trunk thick with a bucket in his hand and held it in his hand.

With a ferocious appearance, protruding muscles, and a spiky appearance, it seems to come from a mythical giant.

This is General Ross' secret weapon, a super soldier injected with some mutant serum.

General Ross came to Wakanda for two purposes, one is to accumulate his prestige as Secretary of Defense.

There is also the ability to test his super soldier so that he can use it to capture another "monster".

Because of someone's intrusion, although General Ross successfully used the Hulk's serum to reproduce the abomination, he has not been able to stop Banner, a cheap son-in-law.

Now he's brought the abomination straight to Wakanda to test his new weapon.

"Little bug, your skin is very thick!"

Emil Bronski widened his bell-like eyes, looking at his prey jokingly.

On the ground in front of him, Wakanda's new king was limping and dragging his spear, avoiding the stumps he threw.

The king's armor was covered in blood, most of which was not his.

It was his bodyguards, supporters from the border tribes.

An hour ago, the Golden Leopard led a group of Wakanda soldiers and took the lead in defeating a full federal company.

Wakanda's unique vibrating armor makes the new King Leopard invulnerable, coupled with Wakanda's vibrating weapons, facing ordinary federal troops, it is simply a one-sided massacre...

But the appearance of the abomination changed the identities of the hunter and the prey.

The power of this monster in front of him is really too strong, tyrannical power, and super recovery ability.

He has never seen such a powerful existence, the hole opened by the vibrating gold spear can be healed in a few breaths.

And the power of this monster, from the big tree he broke and threw just now, it can be seen how abnormal his power is.

He hugged the white rhinoceros in vibrating gold plate armor, and threw it to the ground abruptly, piercing through the white rhinoceros' belly that was not covered by the vibrating gold plate armor...

Leopard feels his leg hurts badly...

His leg was dislocated, and while the vibranium armor would hold up most attacks,

After two hours of chasing and fighting, facing this terrifying big guy, even if he took the heart-shaped grass to enhance his physical strength, he felt that he couldn't support himself.

The leopard swung its spear, and a blue energy shock wave hit the abomination,
The abomination raised his arm, and the thick tree trunk blocked in front of him. The energy shock wave blasted on the tree trunk, and the sawdust was flying.


Abomination jumped out more than a dozen meters away, and punched the leopard.

The ferocious fist is not inferior to the armor-piercing bullets of tanks in terms of impact.

Outside the leopard's armor, a layer of energy shield like a sound wave helped him block this swift and dangerous fist.

"This is the magic of Zhenjin. If you put a layer of Zhenjin armor on Bronski, that green skin will definitely not be his opponent!"

Inside the headquarters, General Ross clapped his hands and muttered to himself.

The Zhenjin Battle Armor is the crystallization of Wakanda's superb technology. It is a self-defense equipment with multiple functions. The energy shield it stretches completely absorbs the shock wave of the abomination.

It was also because of it that the leopard escaped from the hatred again and again.

Although the Leopard relied on the vibration gold armor to withstand most of the impact, it was thrown flying like a bowling ball.


Looking at the leopard, which seemed to be invincible, with loathing, evil thoughts welled up in his heart, and he leaped forward with both legs, leaping more than ten meters, and chased after him.

(Sorry, big brothers, I went home tonight, my mother and my daughter-in-law both caught a cold, they are afraid of infecting the baby, so they come to take care of the child at home, only 5000)

(End of this chapter)

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