Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 215 Capture the Black Heart Lock Evil Spirit

Chapter 215 Capture the Black Heart Lock Evil Spirit

The situation on the African battlefield is changing rapidly, almost beyond everyone's expectations.

First, the Wakandas took advantage of the ceasefire of the coalition forces and launched a surprise attack on the coalition forces, causing thousands of casualties to the coalition forces.

Then the World Security Council coalition forces took advantage of the loopholes in Wakanda's protective shield and launched a counterattack against Wakanda.

The coalition forces dispatched hundreds of fighter planes and more than [-] ground troops, once approaching the capital of Wakanda.

As a result, Wakanda's protective cover was suddenly repaired, which directly cut off the armored group that the coalition forces broke into Wakanda.

Among them are mainly the two armored battalions of the Federation, as well as the four infantry battalions who came to support, as well as several land combat units of the French, British, and other coalition forces.

In order to rescue this armored force, the coalition forces used medium and long-range tactical nuclear missiles against Wakanda, trying to smash Wakanda's protective shield.

As a result, the tactical nuclear missile was intercepted by Wakanda.

The threatened Wakanda brazenly used a powerful vibranium bomb to fight back. This kind of super bomb is second only to nuclear bombs.
Not only is the explosive power amazing, but the electromagnetic shock wave it brings can destroy all electromagnetic equipment within [-] kilometers.

In the first battle, more than [-] people were killed by the coalition forces of the World Security Council, of which more than [-]% were federal soldiers.

At one point, the death toll exceeded the total number of deaths in the Federation's two wars in the Middle East.

All of a sudden, there was an uproar in the federation, and the approval rating of the federation president fell all the way to the bottom.

The frustrated president even held a meeting at the White House, intending to launch a strategic nuclear strike directly on Wakanda.

However, the next day, Wakanda tested a long-range nuclear missile in a desert area of ​​Africa.

The huge mushroom cloud is unobtrusively presented under the satellite monitoring of the federation.

Then, the White House's bill on nuclear strikes was shelved.

At the time, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., submitted a report to the World Security Council.

It is suspected that more than [-] nuclear bombs went to Wakanda when the Soviet Union collapsed.

But reports, after all, are just reports,

When Wakanda really demonstrated its nuclear weapons, the countries of the World Security Council fell silent.

To increase troops, nuclear strikes cannot be used. In order to give voters an explanation, what the federal government can do is to increase troops, one division after another, to Wakanda.

The cloud of war shrouded the Federation, and the Federation's own army alone deployed more than [-] troops outside Wakanda.

This war seems to be the stage for the Federation and Wakanda.

No one likes war, except arms dealers.


A week has passed since the conflict in Wakanda has intensified.
In front of the Pentagon, a middle-aged woman wearing a beige hip skirt sent Tang Song out of the building,
Tang and Song came to the Ministry of National Defense for arms orders. When a war broke out in the Federation, it was naturally their arms dealers who benefited.

This time Wakanda has increased its troops, the Ministry of Defense has placed an arms order with a budget of more than 200 billion. Naturally, this order cannot be satisfied by one family alone.

Therefore, the Ministry of Defense specially invited several major arms suppliers to the Pentagon for a meeting.

Because the former Secretary of Defense Rahman was suspended, the White House has not yet appointed the current Secretary of Defense.

So it was the deputy secretary of defense and the White House secretary who called the acquisition meeting.

It's called a meeting, but it's actually just sitting down and sharing the cake together.

At the same time, the Secretary-General of the White House hinted that he hoped that several major arms dealers could use their influence to help the White House President Francis solve the troubles of public opinion.

In front of the Pentagon, the Secretary-General of the White House and Tang Song shook hands:
"Mr. Tang, Mr. President has always wanted to invite you to the White House as a guest. You also know that because of Wakanda, he has been busy recently. .

I heard that you have recently purchased shares in Time Warner and are now the fourth largest shareholder of Time Warner. You also know that the recent federal public opinion on this war is not good for the president. I hope you will be more considerate. "

"Secretary-General, you are welcome. The President and I are old friends. I will definitely help him with his affairs!"

Tang Song agreed with a smile on his face. It seems that the Secretary-General really doesn't know the grievances between him and President Francis.

Old friend, this Mr. President has been afraid to meet him because he is afraid of his old friend.

But Mr. President, this time he is really treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. If he really wants to do something.

I thought that I could really prevent him if I didn't meet him.

The reason why Tang and Song didn't further expand their influence after taking advantage of the Stryker incident to get rid of the Minister of Defense Rahman was that the President Francis was still useful.

The great president's attitude towards the Tang and Song Dynasties is also somewhat wary,

That's why when it came to the Yashida family last time, he stood on Tang and Song's side and took the initiative to stand for Yashida Mariko.

The relationship between the two is very interesting. If there is a ranking of the people in the world who most want Tang and Song to disappear, Mr. President is still in the top three even if he is not number one.

However, he was the one who was most worried about what happened to Tang and Song Dynasties.

During this period of time, he has often mixed sand into the Tang Corporation.

Among the new employees recruited by the Tang Corporation's recent expansion, there are no less than 30 agents from the FBI, CIA, S.H.I.E.L.D., and many other intelligence agencies.

Of course, they just sneaked into the outlying companies of the Tang Corporation.

As for the real one, it is like the core department of the hive laboratory.

First of all, they have to go through strict screening, which includes the refining mirror of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Just this magic weapon that can read minds screened out 90.00% of people with bad intentions.


Two black cars drove out of the Pentagon of the Department of Defense and headed towards New York.

In the rear car, in the compartment, most of Skye's body was glued to Tang Song's body.

From time to time, she pestered Tang Song**************.



The sound insulation baffles in the rear compartment and in front of the driver's seat are automatically raised, and well-trained bodyguards are driving the car attentively.
The phone rang, and Tang Song touched the phone beside him and put it to his ear.

"Find the whereabouts of Johnny?" Tang Song picked up the phone, and on the other end of the phone was one of his subordinates who was in charge of finding Johnny the motorcyclist.

This ghost rider of Mephisto has been wandering since he finished his work in the circus, and it is really hard to find him.

A few times, Tang Song's peripheral gangsters had obviously found someone, but when Tang Song sent people to arrive, there were only a few corpses burned by the flames of hell.

The eyes of judgment, together with the flames of hell, are simply the nemesis of ordinary gangsters like them.

"Where is the location, okay, try to hold him back...!"

Tang Song was holding the phone, and just said a few words, suddenly he looked up and looked out the window, a white light flashed behind him, and a golden bell the size of a bell dripped and circled, turning into a ball of dazzling golden light to protect the car in it.

The golden light changed, and from a distance, it was a huge golden clock shadow covering the two black Mercedes-Benz cars that were driving fast.


The violent explosion seemed to resound through the whole world.

The bridge deck that the convoy passed suddenly turned into countless fragments in the strong light and flames and flew out

A black and red pillar of fire rushed up from under the bridge deck, flying several cars near Tang and Song Dynasties nearly 30 meters high. The ground was constantly rubbing forward, and a large area of ​​sparks burst out.

A few unlucky drivers only felt a violent vibration in their bodies. Accompanied by a huge explosion, their bodies experienced a feeling of flying through the clouds.

The golden shadow of the Great Wilderness Clock was protecting his own car, Tang Song sat in the car, looking out the window calmly.

The lingering sound of the explosion was still there, and then, there was a piercing sound in Tang Song's ears.
The bullets of the large-caliber sniper rifle pulled white lines in the air, and accurately hit the phantom of the golden bell outside Tang Song's car. the explosion.

Dozens of powerful anti-tank rockets flew over from the top of the distant building,
The heavy bombardment hit the phantom of the Great Desolation Clock, and the phantom of the Great Desolation Clock rippled out pieces of water, shining golden light.

Tang Song stepped out of the golden light, his face with a gentle smile on his face was full of chills, he looked coldly at the bullets flying around,
'Bang bang bang bang', more than a dozen large-caliber bullets immediately kissed his head, heart, lower abdomen and other vital points.

Amidst the loud bang of 'Dangdang', those bullets were shaken out, as if there was not a flesh and blood body, but a steel machine instead.

With a wave of Tang Song's right hand, the two sword pills transformed into countless sword lights and shot out towards the direction of the bullets and rockets.

There was a pungent smell of blood in the air.

As far as the eye can see, on a building about two kilometers away, the panic-stricken killers spurted blood all over their bodies, or were directly smashed to pieces by the white sword light.

In the shadows, more than a dozen big men turned into ghost wolves and rushed towards the direction of the killer's attack.

Dozens of gunmen held firearms and fired at the group of killers, but their firepower was inferior to those killers who had already prepared.

However, there are still unknown number of killers shooting wildly in this direction from a dozen tall buildings near and far.

A single-soldier short-range missile roared over the entire bridge, and the hundreds-meter-long bridge deck collapsed instantly, and dozens of innocent passing cars fell into the deep river at the same time.

The screams and wailing made Tang Song's anger even more intense.

Everything is in slow motion like in a movie, and those broken bridge decks, cracked car shells, and shattered human body fragments are clearly visible.They burned, melted, and turned to ashes in the air, and floated into the emerald water of the river.

The Great Wilderness Clock dripped and bloomed brightly, turning into a golden lotus to protect a section of the bridge deck with a radius of about [-] meters.
Tang and Song urged the Great Desolation Clock, the golden mask shone in the air, and the missile bombarded the mask without causing any damage.

Tang Song spread his hands, his body slowly floated up, at a height of three feet from the ground
There was a loud bang, and the silver sword pills shuttled back and forth were divided into dozens of sword lights, transforming into white rainbows, and shot towards the tall building from which the missile was fired.

The miserable screams came from far away, and even the ordinary people near the bridge heard the miserable screams of those hapless killers, and they couldn't help but shuddered all over their bodies.

The assassination took less than half an hour from start to finish.

The time ended quickly. Tang Song came to Washington this time, and in order to prevent accidents, he brought a lot of people.

Soon, two ghost wolves who returned to their human form dragged a guy who was obviously the leader of the killer to Tang Song.

"Hell breath!!" In the depths of this killer's soul, Tang Song saw the shadow of an acquaintance.



Two days later, in the wee hours of the morning, Blackheart was wandering the roads outside Austin.

It took a lot of effort to get here from the intersection of the border of hell and the human world. Apart from deliberately keeping a low profile and not rushing in the form of a devil,
It's not the Don's style to promise to come face to face with a human being and the Don releases him from Hell.

The black heart demon still has some worries about gains and losses along the way.

In fact, any sane creature should not have such a winning mentality when facing Mephisto. As a son, the Black Heart Demon knows how difficult his old man is.

Judging from its past failures of countless rebellions, its father would definitely not just allow it to get the San Van Gonzal contract so easily.

Maybe the old man is already secretly planning to plot it.

Well, be careful.

Therefore, along the way, Hei Xin has been spreading his perception, and any disturbance will make Hei Xin very vigilant.

The strength shown by a mortal is indeed very strong, but human beings have weaknesses.

Black Heart approached drug dealers in Mexico, and used a little black magic to easily seduce these guys who had been robbed of their business.

Let them go and assassinate that human.

Regarding the father-son relationship between Black Heart and Mephisto, there are actually some inside stories.

To be precise, Black Heart was "created" by Mephisto.

It is the product of Mephisto's arrogant creation experiment. The great devil molded a personal will with endless grievances, and molded the body of Black Heart with his own blood, allowing it to be born in hell.

But the problem is
Black Heart lacks a soul. Although the blood of Mephisto flows in its body, it does not have a soul in the true sense.
It's just a half-finished product of Mephisto's failed experiments with creation.

So the lack of affection between father and son is a natural thing.
Well, it's similar to the discordant version of Odin and Loki, the relationship between adoptive father and adopted son.

"Well, the destination is here."

Ten minutes later, Black Heart stood in front of the remote cemetery,
"As a conspirator who lures others to serve you, your behavior scares me and me."

"However, as long as I get that contract, Mephisto, I will become the real king of hell in the world."

A trace of greed flashed in the gray eyes of the Prince of Hell, but it still maintained the most basic rationality, and it whispered:

"So, where is the difficulty?"

Black Heart looked left and right, and it expanded its perception again. After confirming that there was no danger around it, it walked into the cemetery.

The oath he promised to Mephisto has already been fulfilled, and he found someone to deal with that human being, although he didn't do it himself, devil, it's not normal to take advantage of a small contract loophole!

The Black Heart Prince walked forward in the mist of the cemetery, ignoring the tombstones erected on both sides of the narrow path, ignoring the names of those who had died, and just walked straight into the depths of the cemetery.

The surroundings are quiet, as if the dead souls in the cemetery are looking at it.

The atmosphere is a bit weird, the cemetery at midnight is not a good place for recreation, but unfortunately, Black Heart comes from hell, it has grown up in purgatory since its birth, and a mere cemetery can't scare it.

Soon, Black Heart came to those ancient, barren cemeteries. It searched in them, and soon found the tombstone of the previous generation of Ghost Rider Carter Srey.

It stretched out its hand, and the invisible resentment condensed into black energy in its palm, and then it was thrown towards the grave in front of it.

The earth and soil in the world couldn't resist such extraordinary power, just like a bomb exploded on the ground. After the black shock wave dissipated, the tomb in front of Heixin's eyes was completely opened, and even the decayed wooden coffin was also exposed. Be blasted.

Hei Xin looked at the tomb in front of him, as expected.

"Hi! What are you doing there?"

The roar sounded from the darkness behind Black Heart, and the Prince of Hell turned his head, and saw an old man in a cowboy outfit, carrying a lantern, and carrying a shovel standing at the entrance of the cemetery, roaring at it.

"Damn you bastards, you will never learn!"

"Ha, don't disturb the peace of the dead, bastard!"

The gravekeeper behaved like a real ordinary person, unaware of the evil creature in disguise like Black Heart, he grabbed the shovel aggressively and walked towards Black Heart, as if intending to teach this person who disturbed the peace of the dead in the middle of the night Offal.

But after approaching Heixin for more than ten meters, the tomb guard's expression changed a bit.

A trace of fear flashed across his old face, he quickly threw away the lantern, turned around and ran away.

He recognized Black Heart, and Black Heart recognized him.


The cold, terrible black resentment was thrown out by the grinning black heart, like a black fist, slamming on the back of the fleeing Carter Sley, and knocked out the weak ghost knight of the previous generation.

But although Carter is weak, he still has the last bit of knightly power in his body, which has allowed him to live for more than 200 years, and as long as he is not actively consumed, he can continue to live until he becomes impatient and actively seeks death Until that day.

So the shock wave thrown by Blackheart didn't knock out the old mounted policeman, who rolled on the ground for a few weeks, then got up, and continued to run towards his cabin.

That embarrassing posture is like a bad old man who is eager to survive in a desperate situation.

And the Black Heart Demon, like a real devil, indulged the weak Sorey to escape, giving him hope of escape.

But just when Sorey rushed to the door of the Holy Land hut, Black Heart, which had become a prototype of a devil, descended from the sky, slapped Sorey's chest with his paw, and sent him flying.

Ha, the perfect hunt, when the hope of indulgence burns to the last second, then cruelly snuff it out!
That's it!

That's what the devil should do!

The struggling Sorey was wiped on the ground by Black Heart's scaly left foot, and Prince Black Heart's lizard-like tail, like tentacles, strangled Sorey's neck fiercely.

Hei Xin, whose face was covered with purple-black scales, and even his mouth was protected by scales, looked down at the struggling old mounted policeman who was almost suffocated. That desperate gesture made Hei Xin extremely satisfied.

"Give it to me!"

Blackheart used its tail to lift the struggling Sorey in front of his eyes, staring at the frail old man, he said:

"You know what I'm talking about, give it to me! Carter Srey! You oath-breaker!"

"You will fail."

Old Solei gritted his teeth, and retorted in pain:
"Just like your father!"

"Oh, I'm not like it."

Black Heart stretched out its sharp claws, and pulled out a bloody scar on Old Sorey's cheek, it said:
"That old guy likes to bind playthings with contracts, and it rarely uses violence."

"But I'm different, poor Sorey, I'm more of a traditional hell creature, I like to use violence!"


Old Solei's fingers were forcibly broken off, and the pain from his fingers connected to his heart made the old mounted policeman's body struggle wildly like a fish being hoisted.

"Let me remind you, you still have nine fingers."

black heart said:
"Pain always makes people succumb, especially a person who has succumbed twice. How many benefits did heaven give you to make you dare to betray my old man?"

"Uh, forget it, I don't care about this, it's the grievance between you and it, the grievance of the older generation, I don't care at all!"


Another finger was broken, and Hei Xin's voice became cruel:
"Give it to me!"


Old Solei acted like a tough guy, he was tortured, but he was unwilling to give in, this was completely within Black Heart's expectation.

If old Sorey was such a person who gave in so easily, then that annoying guy in heaven would not let him keep that important contract.


Old Sorey was thrown on the ground, and Black Heart moved its claws, saying:
"Sorry, but I don't have much time, so let's speed things up."

It intends to continue to torment the old man, and the latter also keeps retreating, like someone who has been driven to a corner. There is a gleam of fire in Old Sorey's eyes, it seems that he is planning to fight to the death.

"Excuse me, this is what you're looking for!?"

But just as Hei Xin was walking forward, a voice stopped him!
Hei Xin turned her head, seeing the figure suddenly appearing in front of her eyes, her pupils shrank.

He knew this person, the human being that Mephisto asked him to deal with!

Tang Song held a cane in one hand and a shovel in the other. With a click, the shovel broke, revealing the things hidden in it.

Tang Song looked at the devil prince in front of him with indifferent eyes.

There was also a flesh and blood compass with a strange shape floating in front of him, and the bone pointer of the compass was pointed at the Black Heart Demon from afar.

"I thought I would see Mephisto, what a pity!"

Seeing the golden scroll Tang Song held in his hand, the expressions of Hei Xin and Old Shi Lei froze at the same time. The next moment, Old Shi Lei realized that the fire of hell was burning in his body, and he howled and rushed towards Hei Xin.


"Ha ha ha ha"

Black Heart let out a burst of wild laughter. It strangled Old Shi Lei's neck, and the resentment spewed out forcibly extinguished the flames that had not yet ignited on Old Shi Lei, and the old mounted policeman himself was pushed aside by Black Heart. on the trunk.

"Hahahaha, destiny is mine!"

Hei Xin roared and rushed towards Tang Song!The Prince of Hell is showing his fierce face, with deadly bone spurs extending from his arms!

boom!Tang Song swung his cane fiercely on the black heart demon's face, and the cane turned into a sword light.

In an instant, the black heart demon's skin was ripped apart, half of his head was blown away, and thick black smoke was blowing out.

"who are you?!"

The Black Heart Demon roared and looked at Tang Song, his eyes fixed on the Saint Van Gonzal contract in his hand.

As long as you get it, it can open and build its own hell in the material world, and become the king of hell!

It's just that the person in front of him has an aura that makes him fear from the bottom of his heart.

Tang Song looked at the idiot Black Heart Demon and was a little disappointed.

Originally thought that it was Mephisto who was secretly troubling him, and he deliberately had dozens of members of the Mexican gang arrested.

Using their flesh and blood as a sacrifice, using their souls as a compass, and using the aura he found in the killer's soul as a pointer, he found the culprit who assassinated him.

He thought it was Mephisto,
I didn't expect it was just his family's silly son!It's a pity for the big gift he prepared!
But apart from the Saint Van Gonza contract, I don’t know what would happen if Mephisto’s stupid son was used as a sacrifice for the Book of Seven Arrows? !

Tang Song clenched his cane tightly, with excitement on his face.

He swung his cane, and lightly drew it towards the Black Heart Demon again.

Mephisto is hiding in hell, so let's take his son first.

The Black Heart Demon had just seen the power of Tang and Song's walking sticks, and he turned into a cloud of black smoke and was about to flee.

A golden light suddenly appeared on the head of the black heart demon. In order to enhance the power of the Great Desolation Clock, Tang Song integrated the X-cell characteristics of a space-type mutant into the Great Desolation Clock.

The Great Desolation Clock also possessed the characteristic of short-distance space teleportation at this time, and before the Black Heart Demon could move, the Golden Bell had already covered his head.

Feeling the power of the big clock above his head, the Black Heart Demon showed boundless despair and fear on his face, and he roared angrily: "I'm not reconciled!"

The admiralty bell vibrated, and the golden flame reverberated in the admiralty, and quickly spread to the surroundings, expanding from hair-like thinness to a radius of hundreds of feet. The body of the black heart demon was covered by the golden flame, and his body vaporized in an instant.

A little black light escaped from the golden light, this is the spiritual brand of the black heart demon, he wants to escape from this destructive light, so that he still has a chance to escape.

But the golden lotus disappeared in a flash, and Tang and Song took back the Great Wilderness Clock.

Tang Song walked up to Carter Sley, who was sitting on the ground, and was about to reach out to help the old man of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield up...



The low and frenzied sound of the engine erupted outside the cemetery. Tang and Song raised their heads, and a dancing flame was rushing towards the cemetery in a gorgeous gesture from the distant night.

Like a thread of fire burning in the night.

Amidst the roar of the locomotive, a skeleton knight wearing a black locomotive outfit, burning with raging hell flames all over his body, is driving an extremely cool skeleton motorcycle, galloping in the dark night.

Its head, fingers and neck were devoid of flesh and blood, and all the flesh and blood on its body had been burned by the fire of hell,
A crazy, vengeful soul was stuffed into Johnny Blazer's body, which was the proof of the contract being activated.

Knights of Mephisto.
Tang Song caressed the animal head on the cane, and some understood, Ghost Rider, Mephisto's killer weapon specially prepared to deal with him? !

Like a heavy siege tank, the flaming skeleton locomotive slammed into the black railing gate of the cemetery, but it didn't knock the gate away, but melted the metal directly.

Under the touch of the tumbling hellfire, the gate of the cemetery was melted into a ball of scorching iron slag, which clanged to the ground.

This vintage motorcycle is now very cool, with its headlight shaped like a roaring devil's head.

The steering column stands tall at the front end, held in the hands of the skeleton knight wearing a cool black jacket, and the bone claws of the devil's head necklace extend out on both sides of the hood, adding a strong evil meaning to this car. A different kind of thickness.

The four tailpipes are also shaped like the rear hooves of the beast.

But it no longer spews environmentally harmful gases, replaced by streams of pure, insane flames.

It's as if this monstrous car devours the world, chews up pale reality, and excretes it in a scorching flame.

The billowing flames attached to the two gears burned the ground into burning ruts, as if a demon walked across the ground, leaving strange hoofprints.

On the soil it was fine, but on the well-paved highway, where the rider went, the solidified asphalt had been re-ignited, and then it seemed to be ripped apart by claws.

Austin's urban construction department is expected to be very distressed. Almost all the roads from the city to the outside of the city have been destroyed by this crazy strange knight. It will cost a lot of money to re-pave.

However, this may not be a good thing, big projects always have a lot of oil and water.

Boss Tang looked at the destroyed road where the Ghost Rider passed, and his thoughts diverged. He wondered how much profit the Tang Group would make if it contracted this project and then subcontracted it!

The domineering and cool locomotive smashed the tombstones along the way in the flames, galloped with the attitude of knocking everything down, and then stopped precisely in front of Tang and Song in a cool and perfect tail swing.

Amidst the roar of the locomotive, the Flaming Skull turned its head like a robot and stared at Tang Song.

Tang Song had watched two Ghost Riders before crossing. Out of curiosity, he went to the post bar to find out how Mephisto created a Ghost Rider to restrain himself.

To put it simply, the hosts who supported the contract turned into another soul of the Ghost Rider, not a creature from hell, it came from heaven, more precisely, from the God of Creation.

This spirit, known as the spirit of vengeance, or the soul of judgment, was once the "sanctioner" that God descended into the world to maintain order in the world after the legend of the Great Flood.

But then a series of very complicated stories happened, these vengeful spirits were lured into corruption, became mad, and were managed by Mephisto.

But its existence is still sacred, and its power after madness is even greater, so that the big devil can't directly control them.

Mephisto has been studying how to manipulate these mad spirits, and with its super evil wisdom, it finally found a way to save the country with curves.

It lures those potential mortals with a contract, and then stuffs the crazy spirit of revenge into the mortal souls, causing them to be entangled with the mortal souls, and finally reborn as a ghost rider.

In this case, Mephisto can manipulate mortals in a disguised form to manipulate those extremely destructive spirits of revenge.

But such manipulation methods always have limitations, and the crazy Vengeful Spirit will instinctively try to get rid of the control of the Great Devil once in a while, so Mephisto is very cautious when choosing knights, and he will not let a Vengeful Spirit be in the same battle. Stayed too long in the knight's body.

Moreover, even for a mortal with great potential, it would be difficult to truly unleash the full power of the Spirit of Vengeance.


The skeleton knight stretched out his right hand, pointing at Tang Song with the pale bone burning with flames, and said in a hoarse tone:

Tang Song chuckled and pointed to himself: "Ha, then who will judge me? Are you?"

"Mephisto, speaking of it, I understand the soul better than you!" A black light flashed behind Tang Song, and four ghostly bone banners rose behind him, like four banners waving.

Black and white impermanence, bull head and horse face, leopard tail beak, fish gills and wasp, eight handsome phantoms appeared in front of Tang Song and greeted the ghost rider.

. . . . . . . . . .

Tang Song held his cane and hooked his fingers towards the ghost knight. It is true that his boss is not a good person.

But it's not something that can be judged by just one person. The person who can judge him, Tang, has not yet been born!

Ghost Rider stood in front of the skeleton locomotive, and it walked towards Tang and Song in a mechanical posture. It clenched its fists, and the flames of hell on its arms burned more intensely.

Between the waving of the hand bones, the cold wind was easily shattered, and the erupting fire rushed forward in a torrential posture.

"It's very powerful." Tang Song spread his hands, smiling wildly like a villain.

The black impermanent figure in front of him took a step forward, and countless black chains gushed out from the void, tightly entangled the ghost knight.

Ghost Rider stretched out his flaming hands, and the flames of hell exploded, trying to tear apart these chains,
The hellfire wrapped around it is not the same as the flames used by ordinary demons. It is mixed with the judgment power of the spirit of vengeance, and its destructive power is almost doubled.

It's just that the fire of hell is very powerful, but it can't keep up with the speed of the continuous chains in the void.

The chain of black impermanence itself is an artifact that binds evil spirits, and the ghost ghost evolved from the ghost bone banner is even more connected with the energy of the banner body.

If the white bone banner is not broken, then the black impermanence will not die.

If the ghost knight directly attacks the ghost bone banner, it may be able to break free from the shackles of the soul chain by relying on the flames of hell...

But he obviously doesn't understand the mysterious magic of Yan Fu world,

Still using burning hands, he kept pulling more and more black chains, like flying insects caught in a spider's web.

In just a few breaths, Ghost Rider was bound into a big rice dumpling.


Tang Song walked up to the swaying big zongzi, raised his foot, and kicked the big zongzi to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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