Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 218 Earthlings' Counterattack

Another black behemoth-like trident-shaped space starship poked its head out from the space gate, but this time the Kiritas learned their lesson.

The black starship hull is covered with a layer of light blue energy shield. The flickering energy shield is two or three meters thick when visible to the naked eye.

"Boom boom boom boom-"

Tony Stark was driving a steel suit, hovering above the space gate, aiming at the starship poking out a salvo of missiles.

A dozen cigar-sized missiles bombarded the starship's shield, and the smoke from the explosion exploded on the starship along with fireworks.

Iron Man beats up the alien battleship.

Seeing Tony Stark succeed in one blow, the crowd watching this scene through the real-time live broadcast of the drone in front of the TV cheered and shouted.

But their cheers didn't last long.

The smoke from the missile explosion dissipated, revealing the intact black starship inside the space gate.

At this moment, all over the world, the carnival crowd in front of the TV felt like someone had pressed the pause button.

Then there was a sound of wailing and cursing.

Tensions began to spread around the world.

In a football bar in New York, the big screen in the bar is no longer showing the green field, but the real-time broadcast of the battle in Leon, Mexico.

When everyone drinking in the bar saw the scene of Tony Stark's offensive faux pas.

A fat white man put a large draft beer mug heavily on the oak table bar of the bar, his face was trembling with his drunken fat.

"Shet, the aliens are coming, we all have to die!"

"Shut up! Lennon, we haven't lost yet..."

A big man next to him got a little impatient with the fat man's noise, so he slapped him on the back of the head.

"Why are you crying? It's just a group of aliens. Even if they come, are the guns in our hands fire sticks? Fuck aliens like Fake!"

The big man's cheerful speech made everyone in the tavern raise their glasses in response:

"Fuck the aliens' shit!"

The atmosphere in the bar suddenly became exciting, and even the fat man who was wailing just now raised his glass high in this atmosphere.

"Fuck the aliens' shit!"

The Red Queen cooperated with the two super-large electronic computers of the Federation to hijack 40.00% of the world's information network.

The real-time broadcast of the battle situation on the Leon battlefield was broadcast in front of 20 billion people around the world.

Bringing good results is naturally the same hatred of human beings all over the world.

But the disadvantages are also obvious, and many mice that usually hide in the gutter have also started to move.

The cult that believes in the end of the world and the evil god descended into the world began to spread the theory of doomsday on the Internet, taking the opportunity to harvest leeks.

Large-scale riots broke out in various parts of the federation, zero-dollar purchases, vandalism, looting, and burning. Many black buddies with well-developed limbs wanted to go crazy before they died.

Strange demonstrations, and even some experts and scholars who call themselves cosmologists call for an end to resistance.

Want to negotiate peace with aliens, accept alien rule, obtain alien technology, and let the earth enter the interstellar age.

This point of view, the American Indians said very much!

When the scenes of the alien invasion actually happened, the whole earth became a big stage, and all kinds of monsters and monsters began to show their heads.

Compared with ordinary people, the behavior of governments around the world is very abnormal.

Whether it is an aircraft carrier fleet waiting for war, or a carrier-based aircraft for emergency support...

There are indications that several major hooligans on the earth seem to have a record for this alien invasion.

And the location of the alien invasion this time is in the city of Leon, Mexico...

Before the alien invasion, two French aircraft carriers happened to be in the Caribbean.

And Hua Guo's aircraft carrier Fifth Fleet is not far from this sea area.

Normally, the Huaguo fleet is so close to the federal mainland, the White House has already bombed its nest.

But this time the White House is very calm about the location of the Huaguo fleet...

Before the appearance of the alien starship, the Ministry of National Defense did not even disclose the position of the Huaguo fleet.

As for domestic turmoil, the measures taken by the governments of various countries are also strong and rapid.

On the federal side, the National Guard, which is ready to fight, cooperates with the police in each state to directly suppress the zero-dollar purchases and violent incidents in the federal territory...

Other countries have also adopted high-pressure tactics at home to avoid domestic turmoil.


"Jarvis, analyze the damage caused by the missile to the energy shield of this big guy!"

Compared to everyone in panic, Tony Stark was very calm.

His purpose of launching missiles was not to destroy the starship from the beginning, but to test the strength of the starship's shield.

"Sir, from the analysis of the weakening degree of the shield's energy, the damage you caused to this starship's energy shield is only one ten-thousandth, which is completely negligible!"

"One in ten thousand!?"

Hearing Jarvis's words, Tony Stark's face was a little ugly.

The truth is that the Kiritas are a wandering race in the universe.

The notorious cosmic mercenaries,
But the Kiritas are not trash. In the past, the missions they took were to deal with someone.

Most are alien races capable of interstellar travel.

Wars between these alien races are often battles between starships.

For the Kirita people, the strength of the protective shield is a matter of life and death.

For a starship capable of long-distance interstellar voyages, the strength of its energy shield must be able to withstand the repeated bombing of starships of the same level, and it must be able to withstand the test of cosmic rays and extreme environments...

Comparing the scientific and technological level of human beings with those of the Chiritas, it is like a fisherman who can rely on a sampan to go to sea and a giant steel ship that has entered the technological age. The gap is too great.

The first starship that rushed out of the space gate and was blown up was entirely due to the loss of being ambushed.

The Kirita people did not expect that a sixth child would actually bury hundreds of tons of high explosives in front of the space gate.

The only weapons on earth that can destroy this starship with energy protection turned on, except for some extraordinary existences, are nuclear bombs...

Tang Song concealed his figure, stood high in the sky, and looked down at the space door.

Inside the azure blue space gate, a black trident-shaped starship is squeezing out from the space gate little by little.

At this time, a group of superheroes also felt that the situation was serious...


The Hulk roared angrily, rushed to the space gate, held his strength, put his hands on the starship, and wanted to push the alien starship back.

Unfortunately, the Kirita's alien starship is not their armored dragon troop carrier.

The propeller of the starship is an alien technology capable of pushing this megaton ship for interstellar voyages...

Although the Hulk's strength is surprisingly great, compared with the forward momentum of this alien starship, it is undoubtedly a gnat shaking a tree.

The Hulk's calf was completely submerged in the soil, and the crystals after the explosion of the high explosive were plowed out by him into two deep ravines...


Just when Hulk Hulk's forehead was bulging with blue veins due to excessive force.

A steel figure that looked like a bronze sculpture and cast iron appeared beside the Hulk, carrying it firmly on the hull of the starship with its shoulders.

Colossus Peteo on…

Two superheroes with a strength of a hundred tons are still a drop in the bucket against a huge interstellar warship.

The interstellar battleship is still advancing slowly...

The reason why its speed is slow is more due to the restriction of the size of the space door...

"Whoosh whoosh..."

On a Quin-jet fighter suspended in the sky, more than a dozen propellers spraying blue flames came to the space gate following Tony Stark's call.

It aimed at the warship of the Kiritas, adsorbed on the surface of the energy shield, and the anti-pile force was turned on to the maximum for a while.

After all the spare steel suits were activated, Tony Stark himself also flew to the space gate, stretched out his arms, palms, and soles, and at the same time spewed out blue energy flames, fully boosting...

"Hey guys, add me, your neighbors, Spider-Man is coming!"

The little spider Peter Parker, who had been shuttled on the battlefield, shot out the spider silk with both hands, and tied a Kirita's net to the ground.

On the one hand, he joined the queue of the physical body to resist the alien starship.

As for why the little spider Peter Parker is here, Nick Fury's credit is naturally indispensable.

Facing the invasion of alien races, Nick Fury, who has been guarding against this, can say that he will not let go of any force that can be used.

Not just Peter Parker, Leon on the battlefield, in addition to the Avengers and the Brotherhood of Mutants.

Cyclops, Phoenix, Storm and the X-Men are also there.

"Chi Chi..."

Cyclops stood not far from the space gate, his eyes released two crimson laser rays, aimed at the starship hull and launched full power output...

Storm was suspended in mid-air, her eyes were red and white, surrounded by a storm, one after another thick thunder and lightning, with her arms waving, rumbled on the energy shield of the Kirita starship.

Thor, the god of thunder, looked at Storm who was floating in the air, then looked at the hammer in his hand, smashed his mouth, spun the hammer, and flew to Storm, a little higher.

Thor gave Storm a look not to be outdone, and held up Thor's Hammer in his hand.

The lightning summoned by Storm was instantly absorbed by him to his hammer.

"Get out of the way!"

Thor howled downwards, and slashed downwards with Thor's Hammer. The thick lightning column was even bigger than the entire space gate, like a long lightning whip that fell from the sky, and it hit half of the door. On the starship of the hull.


Click, snap!

Under the strong lightning attack, the energy shield on the Kirita starship shattered like soap bubbles...

However, the cracked energy shield reappeared on the hull in an instant, but the thickness was cut by more than half...


Colossus, Little Spider and Tony Stark hid in time,
Not affected by the sudden lightning whip...

However, the Hulk with the anger value report did not hide from the thick lightning whip. Fortunately, his physical fitness is not ordinary.

Only then was he safe and sound under the bombardment of the lightning whip.

However, the Hulk, who was blackened by the electricity and spit out white smoke, still couldn't help but let out an angry roar towards Thor, the god of thunder in the sky.

He picked up a basketball-sized rock from the ground and threw it at Thor.

"Commander, the energy reserve of the starship is currently only 45% left. With this level of energy attack, the hull shield can only support four to five times..."

The starship's hull control module center located inside the space gate, the captain looked at the energy value on the virtual screen displayed by the center, and reported to the mothership parked on the other side of the space gate.

"Use naval guns to destroy the resistance of the Midgardians!"

"Yes, Commander!"

The captain of the starship clicked a few times on the console, and two giant black cannons slowly protruded from the bottom of the starship's hull.


Thor sideways to avoid the stone thrown by the Hulk,
Knowing that he was wrong, he turned his head to look at Storm Girl, Storm Girl glanced at him, spread her hands, and in the sky, thunder and lightning surged through the clouds...


Just when Thor was about to repeat the same trick, two black hole muzzles protruded above the hull of the black Trident starship.

The muzzle was aimed at Thor and Storm, and there was a faint focus of energy in the black muzzle...

puff puff...

Tony Stark only came to remind, the starship gun directly blasted two thick energy beams at Thor and Storm...

The speed of the energy light beam was so fast that it arrived in front of the two of them almost instantly.

No one knows how powerful the energy cannon of the alien starship is.

Thor might be able to block it with his own strength and Thor's Hammer in his hand, but Storm obviously couldn't bear the energy bombardment.

At this moment, a Kirita's armored dragon troop carrier suddenly appeared, blocking Storm, and protecting Thor in it.

The two beams of energy pierced through the armored dragon from head to toe in an instant like destroying the dead.

In the face of the real spaceship giant ship cannon, even the Kirita's own landing troop carrier is like paper.

However, this armored dragon still buys time for Thor and Storm.

A butterfly-shaped Zhenjin fighter jet swooped down from high altitude and blocked Storm.

The thick energy column bombarded the wings of this Zhenjin fighter, and there was a violent roar, accompanied by a strong energy light wave, and instantly impacted all around...

Hundreds of high-altitude fighters seemed to have encountered a strong air shock in an instant, and many fighters were even thrown out.

clap la la...

The Zhenjin fighter that was hit by the starship's naval gun fell apart in place!
A black figure descended from the sky in midair.

With one hand drooping, half-squat and kneel on one knee.

"Long live Wakanda!"

With the appearance of the new generation of Black Panther T'Challa, dozens of Zhenjin fighters appeared in the sky.

The carrier-based aircraft and fighter jets of various countries in the sky looked at the original enemy, and they all circled cautiously on guard.

However, as T'Challa raised his right hand, the Vibranium fighter plane in the sky maintained a dive posture, aimed at the black trident starship that was squeezed out of most of the space gate, and launched a fierce attack.

A series of blue energy beams shot from the attack nests on the two wings of the Zhenjin fighter to the energy shield of the Kirita starship.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Hundreds of energy beams are lasing on the energy shield of the Kirita starship...

Shot its energy shield into ripples...

On the main console of the starship, Captain Kirita looked at the energy display bar on the spaceship, and the speed visible to the naked eye was decreasing.

puff puff!

It pressed the operation button a little anxiously, and giant cannons stretched out from all over the hull of the starship, and launched a counterattack at Wakanda's Zhenjin fighter.

swish swish swish...

The charging time of the starship's cannon is much longer than that of Wakanda's vibrating energy beam.

However, the power of more than a dozen starship cannons is terrifying.

After the energy beam blasted by a starship cannon deflected, the thick energy beam directly penetrated the clouds, and even shot down an observation satellite in low earth orbit.

clap la la,
clap la la,
With the crazy output of the Wakanda Zhenjin fighter, the energy shield on the black trident starship of the Kiritas is thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But Wakanda Zhenjin also paid a terrible price. In just a few minutes, seven or eight Zhenjin fighters were shot down...

There are no umbrella flowers floating in the parts of the broken Zhenjin fighter...


High in the sky, in the silent fighter public channel, an angry roar sounded.

Almost at the same time, dozens of fighter planes in the sky swooped towards the space gate on the ground.

Dozens of fighter planes are arrows, and hundreds of fighter planes follow behind them...

These fighters have different models, there are F22, J-20, Su-25...

The national flags printed on the fuselage are different, five-pointed red star, blue and white stripes, tricolor flag...

These fighter jets roared past the space gate...,
Rockets, air-to-air, air-to-surface missiles...

These fighter planes fly very fast in front of the space gate, within a dozen seconds or even a few seconds,

The firepower on the fighter plane covered the space door like raindrops...




Every muffled sound means that one or even several fighter planes have turned into fireworks in the air.

Under the energy cannons of the Kiritas, the pilots of these fighters would not have the chance to parachute at all.

This triangle, a huge number of flight formations, is reducing its personnel every moment...

But hundreds of fighters flew around the space gate, but none of them fell behind...


Fireworks exploded in the sky one after another. In front of the TV, no matter if they were yellow, white or black, they all fell silent at this moment.

The corners of many people's eyes were already red.


Just when people on the front line risked their lives to resist the invasion of aliens.

A call was made directly from the office of the World Security Council to the Federal White House, the Office of the President.

Francis, who was holding a video conference with several heads of state, pressed the hands-free button of the red phone.

"Your Excellency, the situation is critical now. I think it's time for us to use nuclear bombs!"

On the phone, the urgent voice of Alexander Pierce, Secretary-General of the World Security Council, came out.

"Secretary Pierce, we'll talk about the nuclear bomb later. On the battlefield in Leon, there are still our soldiers. They are stubbornly resisting the alien invasion. I can't abandon their life or death!"

Francis waved his hand silently. Opposite him, the White House photographer was staring at the video recorder, and accurately recorded Mr. President.

While speaking with Alexander Pierce, Francis slightly adjusted his posture to make his image more full.

"Your Excellency, the alien warship capable of interstellar voyage is not something our earth can resist. Once this warship is allowed to rush out of the space gate, it will be a disaster for the earth."

"The only way now is to use nuclear weapons. You have seen the previous explosions. The explosive equivalent is enough to destroy the alien starship."

"No!" Francis said to the phone with righteous words: "Secretary General, that is not the territory of the Federation.
Besides our soldiers, there are fighter planes from other countries there, as well as the vigilantes who are fighting on the front line. Even if we use nuclear bombs to attack, we still need to wait for them all to withdraw! "

On the other end of the phone, Alexander Pierce held the phone in one hand, stood in front of the French windows of the aerospace carrier, and loosened his tie.

His face and forehead were already profusely sweating.

On the aerospace aircraft carrier, the air conditioner in the director's office has been turned up to the maximum.

But the sweat on his body didn't seem to decrease.

On the virtual big screen in the office, the scene of Leon's battlefield was broadcast live in real time...

Alexander Pierce was on fire watching...

The Avengers, the Man of Wakanda…

Nick Fury!He must be running things behind the scenes.

Alexander Pierce knows how Nick Fury does things all too well.

When Nick Fury proposed to establish an extraordinary team of Avengers, he had reported to him.

But for some reason, he vetoed this resolution.

Now the Avengers who suddenly appeared on the battlefield of Leon were clearly telling him.

Nick Fury is not dead, and, based on what he knows about him, he is sure that Nick Fury is on the battlefield of Leon.

After Nick Fury faked his death, he hid in the dark and calculated him. Now he still has a superpower team composed of extraordinary people and the support of Wakanda.

Mutants, and the Brotherhood of Mutants, they appear on the Leon battlefield, will they have something to do with Nick Fury?

And that damn Professor X.

Could he have quietly read his own memory?

Thinking of this, Alexander Pierce's back felt cold for a while, and the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down.

He can't wait to use his authority immediately and mobilize the nuclear bomb to blast the city of Leon into ruins.

Let Nick Fury and his group of so-called Avengers Federation, as well as that unknown alien warship die.

It's a pity that when he contacted the representatives of several other countries in the World Security Council, the attitudes of the resolute representatives became ambiguous.

Without their authorization, even if Alexander Pierce is the secretary-general of the World Security Council and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he cannot call the nuclear bomb fighters on S.H.I.E.L.D.

Alexander Pierce, who had no other choice, called the White House directly.

However, the federal president's attitude directly poured a basin of cold water on him.

"Mexico, when did the federal government pay attention to their attitude, and the lives of soldiers, mutants, and street vigilantes? When did the federal government care about these existences? Didn't Francis take medicine today? oh, the damned guy!"

Pierce hung up the phone angrily.

He turned his head and looked at the virtual screen,

At this time, the drone gave a close-up of the US team who was holding a vibrating gold shield and was leading a team to search for the spiritual scepter.

Looking at the familiar faces, Alexander Pierce finally made up his mind.

He walked to the desk and took out an encrypted mobile phone from the hidden drawer.

"I'm Alexander Pierce, password: 79925, activate H004, target Leon battlefield!"

"Long live Hydra!" A dull and cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Long live the Hydra!"


"You are right, Alexander Pierce does have a problem, he is too aggressive!"

Tang Song stood at a high altitude, overlooking the entire battlefield while holding a satellite phone.

At this time, in addition to the fighter planes of the coalition forces of various countries, the artillery of the Mexican government forces and the Federation, and the rocket army that rushed to the periphery also launched shelling on the starship of the Chirita people in the space gate...

Countless shells and rockets bombarded the energy shield of the Kirita starship, and the shield of the Kirita starship was already crumbling at this time...

In front of the space door, steel blocking chains tens of meters thick stopped in front of the space door.

Under the control of Magneto, the thick chain wound around the space gate more than a dozen times, tightly wrapping the bottom of the black trident-shaped starship.

The chains of the starship were easily broken under the reaction force of the energy booster, but under the control of Magneto, these chains were healed again and again...

Boom boom boom!

In the sky, Storm and Thor cooperated again...

The torrent of lightning as thick as a mountain instantly submerged the front of the space gate into a scarlet white...

The shield on the black starship shattered again.

Only this time, the blue energy shield did not light up again.

The Kiritas went on an expedition to Earth under the orders of the cosmic overlord Thanos.

After a long journey, most of the stored energy itself will be consumed.

Originally, according to their expectations, it would not take much energy to conquer a primary civilization that has not entered the galaxy civilization, and the remaining energy is even enough for them to return.

It's a pity they underestimated the Earthlings.

The black trident starship's little energy was directly consumed by the earth's repeated bombing.

Seeing that the blue energy barrier on the starship did not light up again...

On the battlefield, in front of the TV, cheers sounded...

Accompanied by cheers, the earth responded strongly to the aliens.

"After declaring war on aliens, how does it feel to see a significant increase in public opinion, Mr. President!"

Tang Song watched the artillery shells accurately hit the giant black ship in front of the space gate, and watched the Kiritas' trident starship hull being cratered by the shells.

Watching the light beams from Cyclops' crimson pupils tear big holes in the Kirita starship.

Seeing the girl waving her hands, clusters of red energy balls bombarded the starship, and the starship disintegrated instantly after being hit by the chaos magic.

He said to Francis on the other end of the phone in a leisurely manner.

Just when the Kirita troop carrier appeared on Earth, the White House held a live video conference.

Francis declared war on behalf of the federal government against the invaders who invaded Earth.

This declaration of war followed the live broadcast network and appeared in front of the screens of all media channels in an instant.

Accompanied by the smoke of gunpowder on the battlefield, and the performance of frontline soldiers who sacrificed their lives.

Opinion polls for Francis show that his approval ratings are on the rise.

But high returns come with high risks.

Francis knew that the advantage was that the coalition forces had the upper hand on the Leon battlefield.

Once they are downwind, or aliens invade federal territory.

With the degree of federal "freedom", it is inevitable that someone will come out to oppose him.

"Don, are you sure,

Although we have the upper hand now, this is just a battleship of the aliens, they cannot have only one, I think there are many battleships opposite the space gate..."

There was concern in Francis' voice.

"Don't worry, these warships may not be able to pass through the blockade. Even if they come, I have arranged a good place for sightseeing for them!"

Tang Song's confident voice seemed to have infected Francis, and he calmed down a little.

"Tang, I heard that you are interested in many supernatural items in the federal collection. Recently, the preservation and repair funds of many departments are not enough, and the cost of destroying these items is too high.

You know it's expensive to send a single-use rocket to the sun these days,

Since you are interested in these things, recently a batch of things are not as good as you can handle, I will apply for a batch of special funds from Congress! "

"It is my honor to contribute to the Federation!"

Tang Song naturally knew what Francis meant, and it was nothing more than making up for the missile bombing of his plane last time.

But now Francis was useful to him too.

For the conditions put forward by Francis, Tang Song agreed with a smile.

As for whether that incident will pass, only Boss Tang himself knows.

"Tang, I don't understand, why are you doing this?"

After a moment of silence, Francis asked Tang Song his own questions.

Not long ago, Tang Song suddenly found him, saying that he was a prophetic mutant who predicted an alien invasion.

The location is in the city of Leon, Mexico.

Francis was naturally dubious about this statement, but he couldn't hold back Tang Song's assertion, and presented several pieces of highly credible evidence.

At the same time, Tang and Song Dynasty also provided him with a plan that could improve public opinion and increase votes.

When his opinion polls fell to the bottom and the next election was hopeless, Francis chose to burn the boat and believed in Tang and Song Dynasties.

And as he said, layout it...

Only then did the ambush on the Leon battlefield directly kill a battleship of the aliens.

It's just that Francis has been unable to understand Tang Song's motivation for doing all this, or what benefits Tang Song can get from doing all this.

"Under the nest, there are eggs. If aliens are really going to invade the earth, the great career I have worked so hard for will come to naught.
Are you right, Mr. President! "

Tang and Song put their hands behind their backs, and their spiritual consciousness swept through the five yin bags. Under his control, Wuyin Heisha wrapped the spiritual scepter layer by layer, completely isolating some people's detection.

On the other side of the ruins of the battlefield, the US team and the black widow are escorting Loki, looking for the lost spiritual scepter.

Regarding Tang and Song's words, Francis naturally didn't believe 1, but he didn't say anything.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Song looked at the space door opened by the Rubik's Cube in the universe, thoughtfully, the cosmic wind is also considered a wind!

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