Chapter 242
"What a tenacious vitality!"

In the command room of the aerospace aircraft carrier, Hill looked at the struggling and twisting figure of Yamata no Orochi in the virtual projection screen, and muttered to himself.

Under the powerful kinetic energy of the rod of God, only two of the eight heads of Yamata no Orochi were smashed, and half of the body has been directly carbonized by the high temperature of the tungsten rod, revealing strange internal organs that are different from ordinary snakes. .

It seems that because of the severe pain, Yamata no Orochi, who was severely injured, took out the posture of a trapped beast, twisting the body of the snake, and smashing the rocks, and Hill could feel the shaking of the earth through the screen. momentum.

buzz buzz buzz --

Hill took out the phone, looked at the name displayed on the phone, she looked up at Tang Song,

"Boss! It's Tony Stark!"

Tang Song waved his hand, motioning for her to answer.

"Hill! The body of this titan is recovering quickly, you'd better contact those bastards from the Ministry of Defense as soon as possible, and let them do it again!"

Two steel soldiers pulled a large black man out of a pile of rubble.

Tony Stark asked Jarvis to confirm Hulk's vital signs, while looking at the Yamata no Orochi who was struggling frantically not far away.

What surprised him was that under the attack of the strength of the stick of God, Yamata no Orochi had been seriously injured, but its weird exposed organs emitted bursts of blue light.

The value of the nuclear energy analyzer on Tony Stark's armor continued to rise, and even reached the warning value at one point.

These blue energy glooms are obviously atomic energy, and the strange organ in Yamata no Orochi's body is obviously a biological atomic furnace.

The Yamata no Orochi bio-atomic furnace under severe damage was overloaded and slept for hundreds of thousands of years in the Mount Fuji volcano. Relying on volcanic heat, its bio-atomic furnace accumulated enough energy.

After the body was seriously injured, the energy it accumulated in the biological atomic furnace began to feed back to the body.

Stimulated by the blue atomic energy, the severed snake head of Yamata no Orochi regenerated, and granulation sprouted from the broken part of the snake body.

Naturally, Tony Stark couldn't just watch the ancient Titan Yamata no Orochi recover. Although he was very dissatisfied, the high-level politicians in the Federation used the stick of God in vain.

But in this situation, the best way is to launch another stick of god to completely wipe out the ancient titan in front of him.

"I will contact the Federal Ministry of Defense and apply to launch two God Rods!"

After getting a hint from Boss Tang, Hill agreed to Tony Stark's suggestion, and directly called Federal Minister of Defense Ross.

"Mr. Minister! That ancient Titan has a very powerful self-healing ability. I apply to launch two more God Rods to completely destroy it!"

At the federal Pentagon command center, Secretary of Defense Ross folded his arms and looked at the close-up images of Mount Fuji sent back from the satellite, and the photos sent back from the high-decibel surveillance satellite. He could clearly see the black scales that Yamata no Orochi had regrown.

Ross pondered for a moment, then gave orders to the soldiers in the command room.

"Activate two more sticks of God!"

"Mr. Minister, use two sticks of God at once! Do we need to ask the White House for instructions!" In the command room, a black lieutenant general looked at Ross.

"For the President, forget it, I will call him later to explain, the most important thing now is to kill that ancient Titan!"

"The God Staff system is activated for the second time. The system is activating. The target is moving at high speed. The target lock failed!"

The computer's system prompt sounded, and several officers who were operating the God's Staff system looked at the red dot moving at high speed on the computer screen, and all turned their heads to look at Ross.

"Sir, the target is fleeing due east, and our God's Staff system cannot lock it!"

"I can hear it!" Ross frowned and looked at the subordinates beside him.

"Get Director Maria for me, and let the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. stop the giant snake to buy time for the launch of the Rod of God!"

"Yes! Sir!" A white officer with the rank of major dialed Hill's phone in front of Rose, and passed Rose's words to Hill in harsh words.

Asking their S.H.I.E.L.D. to stop the giant beast. After Hill answered the phone, listening to the command tone on the phone, she suppressed her unhappiness.

"Tell Minister Ross that our most powerful superpower, the Avengers, is already fighting on the front line,

And just now, your God Rod was launched without notice, seriously injuring Dr. Banner, and now we have no power to stop this giant beast! "

"Sir!" The major looked at Rose after listening to Hill's words on the phone.

Listening to Hill's evasive voice on the phone, Ross snorted coldly,
But there was nothing he could do about Hill. S.H.I.E.L.D. belonged to the World Security Council, not a subsidiary of the Federal Ministry of Defense.

If Hill really didn't sell his face, he really had nothing to do with her for a while.

Even in the later stage, Ross can teach S.H.I.E.L.D. some lessons through the power of the Ministry of Defense, but that's all for the future.

The most urgent thing right now is to get rid of the ancient Titan, otherwise, once there is a large-scale turmoil in Japan, it will directly affect the economic stability of the suzerain country of the Federation.

"Call the Prime Minister of Dongying directly and tell the Japanese government to stop this giant snake at all costs and create a chance for the stick of God!"

Seeing that Hill is not trying to save face, it is impossible for Ross to use the federal troops stationed in Japan.

Facing this kind of giant titan, it is obvious to use human life to fill it.

After thinking for a moment, Ross notified the White House. After obtaining the authorization, he directly ordered his subordinates to call the Prime Minister of Japan.

After all, soldiers from semi-colonial countries like Japan are much cheaper than the expensive federal soldiers.

In the face of his father, the Japanese government dare not be as tough as S.H.I.E.L.D. Under the order of the Federal Ministry of Defense,

More than 3000 members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces Anti-Terrorist Special Forces and the First Helicopter Regiment of the Mobile Force rushed to the battlefield immediately and set up a blocking position in front of Shizuoka Prefecture.

The Japanese government did not tell these soldiers that their real intention was to buy time for the launch of the Federation's Rod of God at the cost of the lives of these 3000 people.

However, the Japanese government obviously overestimated its own self-defense force soldiers. After World War II, the self-defense force established by Japan has real combat effectiveness as its name suggests, and it can also "self-defense".

Although the US team Steve Rogers charged ahead, plus the Human Torch, Dr. Reed, the Stone Man, and the Invisible Woman, these superheroes assisted in the battle.

In the later period, some extraordinary powers from Japan rushed to the battlefield.

But in the face of Yamata no Orochi swimming towards you like a skyscraper, after the tentative shelling,

After confirming that the heavy weapons were ineffective, facing the abyss mouth opened by Yamata no Orochi, these Japanese soldiers of the Self-Defense Force wished that their parents would have more legs, and all the crap would be scattered like birds and beasts.

"Don't these Dongying people have a sense of honor? Behind them is their homeland!"

Facing the fiery magma fireball spewed out by one of Yamata no Orochi's snake heads, Steve set up his vibrating gold shield with his left hand and rolled into the back of an abandoned tank's tracks.

After evading the attack of Yamata no Orochi, he touched the brand-new tank tracks, looked back at the Japanese soldiers who had dropped their weapons and fled, and couldn't help asking.

"Sense of honor!? The country of Dongpu has always known small courtesy but no great righteousness!"

A voice sounded beside Steve, faintly answering Steve's question.

Steve's heart trembled, and he subconsciously set up his most trusted vibrating gold shield to defend against the direction of the sound.

An Asian man in a golf suit was standing beside him, watching with great interest the scene where Yamata no Orochi wantonly massacred Japanese soldiers, with a calm expression, as if he was watching a movie performance.

"After World War II, Japan was defeated, and the backbone of the so-called Dahe nation was directly broken by the Federation, turning into a dog with a broken spine. Soldiers of this nation, what sense of honor do you expect them to have!"

"Tang Song!"

Steve Rogers looked at the man in front of him warily. During this period of time, he looked through Tang and Song's files a lot, and had seen no less than a hundred photos of Tang and Song.

He is very familiar with the appearance of Tang and Song Dynasties!
"Captain!" Tang Song nodded to Steve Rogers as a greeting.

"You are here to kill me!"

The experienced US team keenly sensed the murderous intent revealed by Tang Song.

Tang Song did not deny it, and there was a little regret in his tone:

"I've always been afraid of trouble, but it's a pity that Nick Fury insisted on making trouble for me!
But it doesn't matter, Nick Fury is not a good person like me, the jumping bug, just crushed to death, I don't feel any guilt,

A fight between two bad guys involves a good guy like you. I've always been soft-hearted! "

Tang Song raised his hand and looked at his fair palm, "It's a pity! Your hand is going to be stained with blood!"

"Nick Fury, you really killed it! What about Agent Natasha, why did you do this?"

While questioning Tang Song, Steve Rogers quietly pressed the micro-communicator in his ear, trying to record Tang Song's criminal evidence.

At the same time, he looked at Tony Stark, Dr. Reed and others who were entangled with Yamata no Orochi.

But obviously, the man in front of him didn't know what method he had used. The two of them were clearly standing here, but neither Tony Stark nor the eight-headed giant snake seemed to completely ignore them.

"I originally planned to ask you to contribute to my curse, but unfortunately, I don't like the so-called federal spirit very much, but Captain, your strength is so good, forget it, I'll show you respect!

Let's go, Captain! "

Steve Rogers listened to what Tang Song said that he didn't understand, and felt Tang Song's extremely strong murderous intent, he threw the vibrating gold shield in his hand at Tang Song,
At the same time, he sprinted, and followed closely behind the shield with his arms raised slightly, doing boxing gestures, intending to strike first.

"Huh! Ding!"

The shield thrown by Steve passed directly through Tang Song's body and knocked on the tank armor behind him.

"Phantom!" Seeing this scene, Steve remembered the magic of the evil god Loki.

He looked around vigilantly, guarding against possible attacks.

"Come on, come on—"

On the other side, while swimming forward, while raising the snake's head, exhaling and exhaling, the Yamata no Orochi bombarded the surrounding small bugs,

In a melodious bell, one of the snake heads heard the sudden sound, suddenly drunk and in a trance, opened its mouth wide, and a blue beam of energy breathing light shot out from the snake's mouth, shooting straight towards the side of the road. Army green tank.

The thick beam of energy directly blasted this tank into powder
"team leader!"

Tony Stark just turned around and saw with his own eyes the scene where Steve Rogers' figure was vaporized by the thick beam of energy light.

Tony Stark roared furiously, and then attacked Yamata no Orochi crazily.

Ten minutes later, Shizuoka fell,

The huge ancient Titan traversed Shizuoka Prefecture, leaving behind ruins wherever it passed.


At the headquarters of the Emperor Organization, because of the change of Yamata no Orochi, the observers in the Emperor Organization were busy without touching the ground.

"Report, the ancient Titan codenamed "Yaki no Orochi" has crossed Shizuoka Prefecture, and will enter the Kanmon Strait in half an hour!"

"The ancient Titan, the monster code-named 'Leviathan' is heading towards Japan."

The image of Dr. Serizawa Shiro appeared in the headquarters of the Emperor Organization through the projection conference mode. He was sweating profusely listening to the reports of various observers:

"Leviathan, why did it appear here? This Titan is the most aggressive to humans among all Titans. Once it gets close to the sea area of ​​Dongying, the cities near the Guanmen Strait of Dongying have a high chance of being destroyed by a tsunami. Drown!"

(Leviathan, an ancient Titan, is suspected to have the ability to control tsunamis.)
"Dr. Serizawa, you should know that Leviathan can hide its biological waves under the sea, and we just discovered it!"

"We have notified the World Security Council and the Japanese government of this news, and hope they will be prepared!"

"Get ready! Face this ancient Titan! Human technological weapons are useless at all!" Dr. Serizawa is a staunch admirer of giant beasts.

He has always regarded the ancient Titans as the incarnation of gods. He doesn't think that with the existing technological power of human beings, he can deal with two ancient Titans.

"The Rod of God has confirmed its effect, and it is confirmed that it is effective against these ancient titans,
The Ministry of National Defense intends to continue to use space-based weapons to attack. As long as Leviathan dares to surface, the Ministry of National Defense will immediately use multiple sticks of God to attack. "

The leader of the hardline faction of the Emperor Organization said vigorously:

"As long as we limit the speed of the ancient titans, with the power of the rod of God, we can end these ancient titans!"

"Restrict the ancient Titans. These Titans are not slow to move, especially flying Titans like Ghidorah and Rodon. What restrictions do you use? Just rely on your mouth!"

Dr. Serizawa took a deep breath and looked at the picture sent back by another observation satellite.

In that picture, in a vast sea, there is a monster like an ancient dinosaur wagging its tail and moving forward at an extremely fast speed, bringing out terrifying waves on the sea.

"In addition to Leviathan, Godzilla, the most powerful ancient Titan, also appeared."

"But it's still not clear whether Godzilla is also going to the Kanmon Strait!"


Under the deep sea, a terrifying figure was swimming.

It is nearly 200 meters long and looks like a weird whale with hideous bone spurs on its back.

Every time the fins on the side of the body and the huge tail are swung, tens of millions of tons of sea water are moved, and wherever it goes, water waves similar to ocean currents are easily formed.

It is covered with black scales.

In the dim light of the deep sea, the scales shone with a luster like metal.

While wandering, it seemed to feel hungry, so it opened its mouth.

The next moment, the deep sound of a giant beast swallowing water sounded under the sea, and countless seawater was swallowed into the mouth, along with the sea creatures that existed in the seawater.

Fish, even a giant squid in the deep sea and a hammerhead shark that couldn't escape the swirling water column.

The mouth of the deep-sea monster was full of sharp teeth like sharks, and those creatures became its food.

And the sea water that rushed into the body is sprayed into the sea through the special drainage organs in the body.

In the next second, a water column with a height of more than tens of meters appeared on the sea surface, just like a natural wonder.


After eating, the ancient titan named Leviathan headed towards the East Sea under the trend of the voice in his head.

In its closed mouth, a bone demon with a pair of bone wings growing from its back and blood-red will-o'-the-wisps in its eye sockets took root in its gums, sucking the blood essence of this ancient titan non-stop.

This bone demon also integrated its own power into the body of this behemoth through the bone claws embedded under Leviathan's flesh.

The two form a symbiotic relationship, or a parasitic relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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