Chapter 245
The straight-line distance from Shizuoka Prefecture to Tokyo does not exceed 150 kilometers.

For an ancient titan of the size of Yamata no Orochi, at this distance, if it weren't for some prisoners' bugs along the way, it would have passed through Tokyo long ago.

Along the way, the Japanese government deployed more than a dozen blocking lines of defense, including planes, tanks, and warships, which almost put all the assets of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces on the line.

It's a pity that compared to the tens of thousands of tons of ancient Titans, the tanks and artillery of the Japanese Self-Defense Force are more like large toys, and they can't stop Yamata no Orochi at all.

To be precise, in the current human world, there is really no way to deal with this kind of giant beast with full defense.

The federal government has launched more than 200 missiles. These high-end weapons cost millions of dollars each.

These include the Jericho missiles, which were once Stark Industries' flagship products. Unfortunately, the power of these missiles obviously did not meet the expectations of its creators and launchers.

These can easily destroy tanks, and the warship's missiles can't cause any effective damage to Yamata no Orochi.

At most, it would make this ancient giant beast even more manic.

Faced with the failure of the missile, if the White House did not authorize life and death, the hawkish Federal Secretary of Defense Ross would almost launch a nuclear bomb attack directly.

Anyway, Dongpu has already suffered two nuclear bombs, and this one is not bad!
If this behemoth was allowed to enter Tokyo, it would be the wild boar entering the vegetable field.

These are the original words of Secretary Ross of the Pentagon command center. The reason why he did not insist on implementing his own nuclear bomb plan was that the White House did not authorize it.

Another reason is that the Emperor Organization urgently contacted the White House and communicated with them the information of several ancient Titans, including Yamata no Orochi.
Obviously, before this, the Emperor Organization intentionally concealed some information about these ancient Titans.

The White House informed Ross of the information of these ancient Titans,

"These monsters can absorb atomic energy, and nuclear bombs can't harm them, and can even enhance their strength! Damn, how can there be such monsters!?"

Ross looked at the Yamata no Orochi that kept advancing towards Tokyo in the satellite image, blowing his beard and staring angrily.

When the Imperial Organization's No. [-] observation post in Antarctica had a flaw, Ross had inspected that outpost base on behalf of the Ministry of Defense.

The ancient titan with three heads, the dragon named Ghidorah, had made a deep impression on him.

However, in Rose's concept, no matter how big these so-called ancient titans are, they cannot resist the ultimate nuclear weapon of mankind.

Unexpectedly, the emperor organization told him that these ancient behemoths were not afraid of nuclear bombs, and even feed on nuclear atomic energy.

No wonder, since the discovery of these ancient behemoths, the attitudes of all countries towards them have been based on observation.

Judging from the performance of this ancient Titan, except for the big killer of the Rod of God, human thermal weapons seem to have no effect on it.


Several soldiers in the command center looked at Ross, waiting for his next order.

Just 10 minutes ago, they threw two more shots of the "God's Rod" at Yamata no Orochi. Unfortunately, this giant beast seemed to have sensed the danger and got rid of the battlefield in the first place.

The two shots of the God's Rod were directly missed, er, it was not considered a miss, and a tank squadron responsible for the blocking by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces was directly reimbursed to them.

"Since you can't use nuclear weapons, then use secondary cloud bombs. I don't believe that the crystallization of human technology will lose to a beast!"

With a bang, Minister Ross slammed his hand on the table in front of him.

In the White House, a clear satellite video projection is projected on the wall of the meeting room.

A creeping red line on the map stretches from Mount Fuji all the way to Tokyo,

The Prime Minister of Dongying looked at the red line that was slow but did not stop in the slightest, and kept wiping the sweat from his temples.

In the conference room at this time, the air conditioner was turned on, and the room temperature was kept at 26 degrees. However, the back of the Prime Minister of Japan was soaked in sweat, and the white shirt was sticking to his body.

The satellite projection in the White House conference room is divided into several small pieces. There are high-definition photos that can clearly see the scales of Yamata no Orochi, as well as the ruins left behind by Yamata no Orochi.

It can be clearly seen from the satellite image that the red line represented by Yamata no Orochi left a mess.

The Shizuoka Hamamatsu metropolitan area, known as the fourth largest metropolitan area outside of the three major metropolitan areas in Japan, has collapsed high-rise buildings, killed and injured countless people, and is in dilapidated condition.

Along the way from Shizuoka Prefecture to Tokyo, the ground seemed to have been plowed by artillery fire. This is due to Yata Orochi, and more is the result of the federal missile bombing.

Boom boom boom!
Looking at the familiar mushroom cloud rising from the satellite images, Prime Minister Dongying almost jumped up.

"Prime Minister Anbei, this is not a nuclear bomb, but a cloud bomb!"

The White House staff on the side looked at Prime Minister Dongying jumping, with a hint of sarcasm flashing in his eyes, and explained to him.

"Cloud Bomb! Cloud Bomb! That's good, that's good!"

Anbei wiped the sweat from his forehead and murmured.

If the nuclear bomb were to be detonated on the territory of Japan again, let alone continue to serve as Prime Minister of Japan, I am afraid that the only way to appease the anger of the people is to disembowel him.

At the same time, Anbei looked at the rising mushroom cloud in the satellite image, and secretly prayed to God Amaterasu, hoping that the cloud bomb would be useful to Yamata no Orochi.

You must know that the cloud bomb is one of the most powerful bombs under the so-called nuclear bomb.

Five kilometers outside of Tokyo, a voice suddenly came into the communication channel of the disgraced Tony Stark.

"Mr. Stark, this is the command center of the Ministry of Defense. In 1 minute, we will throw two cloud bombs. Please avoid them!"

"1 minute! Xie Te, are you reminding me, what about the Japanese soldiers below?"

Tony Stark roared angrily, the death of Steve Rogers made him feel small for the first time.

He used up all his battle armor, but he couldn't hurt the monster that killed the captain at all.

He is too big!Disappointingly large.

On the ground, Hulk punched the snake belly of Yamata no Orochi with a punch. The force of dozens of tons of punches hit the body of this [-]-ton giant snake as if it was tickling.

With a flick of the giant snake's tail, Hulk can be thrown hundreds of meters away like a bowling ball.

It seems that because of suffering, this giant snake has never opened its mouth to swallow anything since it was attacked by the rod of God, but its huge size is the best weapon.

The Invisible Woman among the Fantastic Four who was still fighting side by side not long ago has withdrawn from the battlefield. After all, compared with this giant snake, the Invisible Woman's telekinetic power is of no use at all.

As for invisibility, snakes are best at sensing heat.

If Tony Stark hadn't scrapped the two battle armors, the Invisible Woman would have turned into a pool of blood under the venom of Yamata no Orochi.

The stone man is the same as the Hulk, his proud strength is as gentle as a baby's fist in the eyes of the [-]-ton Yamata no Orochi.

Thunderbolt Johnny, this guy who is somewhat similar to the captain, he flies in mid-air, the giant snake's attack can't hurt him, but his flame attack can't break the giant snake's hard scales.

As for Dr. Reed, his brain is very smart, but unfortunately, the rubber deformation ability that men envy is also not very useful.


In the sky, thunder and lightning kept flickering, and the wind was raging. It was not Thor, the god of thunder, but Storm, who was suspended in midair, controlled the thunder and lightning, and kept slashing at Yamata no Orochi.

Thick thunder and lightning kept bombarding the scales of Yamata no Orochi. Tony could see the giant snake's scales trembling under the lightning, but it was useless. The lightning power under the control of Storm Girl was not enough to break through the giant snake's defense.

Not only Storm, Utopia's X-Men and some powerful mutants also rushed to the battlefield under the mediation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's a pity that neither Scott's Cyclops nor the sabre-toothed tiger's sharp claws can do anything about this giant snake.

Tony Stark clenched his fists, but unfortunately, there was not enough time, otherwise he would definitely be able to invent a targeted battle armor to deal with this giant beast.

These people have clearly tried their best.

But it still can't stop Yamata no Orochi. Seeing that it is about to enter Tokyo, the most densely populated city in the world, I think of the tragic scenes that will happen soon.

For a moment, Tony Stark seemed to have returned to the powerlessness they felt when dealing with the energyized dark elf, if it weren't for Don
No, Don!

When the Kiritas invaded, it was Tang who asked for a magical animal skin to resist the Kiritas' starship attack.

Tony Stark, whose eyes were bloodshot, suddenly had a flash of inspiration.
"Everyone keep a distance, evacuate 200 meters away—"

After the Japanese government discovered that ordinary thermal weapons were useless against Yamata no Orochi, all the units in charge of blocking were replaced by tanks and fighter planes.

Because of the intensive bombing of the federal missiles, the only ones who dare to fight Yamata no Orochi at close range are the Hulk, the Golem, and the saber-toothed tiger.

After hearing the evacuation order from Tony Stark's battle armor loudspeaker, except for Hulk, who was stunned, he was still shot again and again, and rushed to Yamata no Orochi.

Several people, including the stone man and the saber-toothed tiger, retreated skillfully to the rear.

Swish, two medium- and long-range missiles carried heavy warheads, roared and fell from the sky, and hit Yamata no Orochi directly.


Amidst the huge roar, two mushroom clouds bloomed instantly.

"Nuclear bomb! It's a nuclear bomb!"

Some Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers who had never seen the power of cloud bombs watched the mushroom cloud rise from a distance, as if the memory in their DNA had been activated, they made a mess in an instant.

"Baga! What are you panicking about? That's a cloud bomb, not a nuclear bomb!" Some officers of the Self-Defense Forces with some military common sense quickly stopped the panicking soldiers, thus avoiding a large-scale riot.


The Commonwealth is the first country to develop cloud bombs.

The purpose of their first development of cloud bombs was not to use them as weapons, but to quickly open up helicopter landing sites in the jungles of Vietnam.

So far, the largest cloud bomb is also owned by the Federation.

These are the two bombs just dropped. The bomb model is BLU-82, each of which weighs 6 tons, and has a direct killing radius of nearly 200 meters.

One of the most powerful bombs in the federal conventional arsenal.

Each BLU-82 bomb is about 3.4 meters long and 1.7 meters in diameter. Its volume is similar to that of a Beetle car, but its weight obviously exceeds the latter.

The BLU-82 bomb is made of a liquid mixture of ammonium nitrate and aluminum nitrate that chemically reacts with air. When this bomb explodes, it can blow up an area with a radius of more than 500 meters into coke, and the shock wave generated by the explosion can be felt several kilometers away. arrive.

Tony Stark, as a weapon expert, naturally knows the power of cloud bombs
He originally hoped in his heart that the two cloud bombs would be successful, at least to seriously injure Yamata no Orochi, but on the panel of his battle armor, the sound of Didi's energy alarm soon sounded.

The red energy source representing Yamata no Orochi is still flickering, and judging from the energy response fluctuations, the intensity has not even dropped much.

Sure enough, as the smoke and dust from the cloud explosion bomb dispersed, the huge snake body of Yamata no Orochi was exposed.

At this time, most of the scales of Yamata no Orochi were roasted and scorched black, and there were countless wounds on the snake's body in the explosion just now, but everyone present knew that these wounds were fundamental to such a behemoth. A piece of cake,
"Jarvis, call Don!" Tony Stark, who was suspended in the sky, looked at the giant snake walking towards Tokyo, and followed the direction of the giant snake to Tokyo, which was full of tall buildings in the distance. .

"You intend to return to eternity!?"

Although Tang and Song had anticipated it, they still had some headaches facing Gu Yi who bluntly said that he was going to step down.

Without Gu Yi, who will guard the reality dimension?Not to mention anything else, just Dormammu, the dimensional evil god, is enough for the earth to drink a pot.

"It looks like you have chosen your successor!?"

For a person who can observe the timeline at will, if he knows too much and lives too long, he will either become a sage or a lunatic.

When everything is exposed to you, everything in the world becomes dull to you.

No matter how good a movie is, when you watch it hundreds or thousands of times, you will have no interest in him, just like a piece of chewing gum that has been chewed countless times.

Tang and Song estimated that this was the reason why Gu Yi hadn't interfered with him too much, and the two even cooperated to kill Mephisto.

It's like a new movie suddenly added to the movie disc that I have watched many times.

A supreme mage who uses the power of the dark dimension to protect the earth, Tang Song doesn't want to study her purpose in detail, as long as she doesn't become an enemy of him.

But now that Gu Yi is about to pick a pick, if the Time Gem falls into the hands of the new supreme mage Strange, wouldn't the disgraceful things he did before be at risk of being exposed.

As for Strange's strength, Tang and Song didn't take it seriously, except for the infinite loop of the Time Gem, Strange's strength was really hip compared to the ancient one.

"You don't seem to want Strange to take my place!" Gu Yi took off the Eye of Agamotto that contained the time gem from his chest, and handed it to Tang Song.

"Strange doesn't want to be the Supreme Sorcerer. Fate chose him. He wants to be a top doctor. Maybe you can heal his hand and replace him as the guardian of the earth!"

Looking at the Eye of Agamotto with green light flashing in front of him, Tang Song looked at Gu Yi, wanting to know her real intention.

It's a pity that the eyes under the bald head are full of gentle smiles, like an eminent monk who sees through the world of mortals.

However, Tang Song always felt that Gu Yi's actions in front of him were plotting something.

Faced with the time gem that is within reach, the always greedy Boss Tang hesitated in his heart.
"Buzz-boss! Mr. Stark's phone!"

A vibration of the mobile phone, accompanied by the sound of the red queen's Luo Li, broke the somewhat awkward atmosphere.

"Hello! Tony!" Tang Song Chaogu smiled apologetically, took out his cell phone, and connected the call.

Gu Yi put the necklace back on his chest.

"Don, you should be able to see on TV that a giant beast is raging in Japan and is about to enter Tokyo. There are nearly 4000 million people in this city. I think you can help them!"

"I'm in Tokyo! Frank has already told me the situation. This giant beast is too big. Normal attacks have no effect on it, but I have a way!"

Tang Song took the mobile phone and walked to the rooftop, listening to Tony's plea for help, his tone was playful.

"What way?" Tony Stark's voice was a little anxious.

The Yamata no Orochi in the distance has rushed into Tokyo at this time. Although the nearby residents have already evacuated, as long as the Yata no Orochi is [-] kilometers ahead, those ordinary people who are still stuck on the road will become the mouth of the giant snake. .

"Do you still remember the Nine Realms Gathering? Since we have nothing to do with this ancient Titan, why not throw it to another world!"

Tang Song's words made Tony Stark's eyes light up, but then his eyes dimmed, "Tang, the Nine Worlds Convergence is a rare astronomical phenomenon in a thousand years, and we have no way to replicate it!"

"Although we cannot replicate this astronomical phenomenon, don't forget that the Rubik's Cube is still in our hands.

Coincidentally, I went to Asgard not long ago, and learned some skills from God Odin to control the space gate, and I was able to temporarily open a space gate leading to the Nine Realms! "

In front of Gu Yi, Tang Song calmly pulled Odin out to endorse the book, as if he didn't care about Gu Yi's gaze at all.

"That's great, Tang, where are you now, and how can you open the space door?"

"The temporary space door needs huge energy to push. Several large Ark reactors are on the way. I need to conscript the power system of Japan, and half an hour of preparation time!"

While talking on the phone with Tony Stark, Tang Song overlooked the bustling crowd at his feet. Half an hour should be enough time for Yamata no Orochi to teach the Dongying people a little lesson.
"Is your hatred for Dongpu really so strong, even in another world?" Gu's eyes were full of compassion.

But Tang Song smiled: "There is a saying in my hometown that revenge for ten generations can still be avenged!
I have no so-called likes and dislikes for Japan in this world
But the so-called heart robbery is nothing more than a clear mind. I do these things just to calm my mind! "

The so-called heart catastrophe, without the external factor of extraterrestrial demons, in the words of Buddhists, is to draw out the seven emotions and six desires in the bottom of the heart.

Suppress, kill, or release this evil fire.

To achieve the great harmony between the spirit and Dantian Jindan.

Since Tang and Song came to the Marvel world, it has been smooth sailing along the way.

Except for the Dongying people, there is no suitable candidate who is suitable for showing anger and murderous aura!
After Tang and Song did not shy away from saying this sentence.

A substantial killing intent condensed in his sea of ​​consciousness, rushing away from his sea of ​​consciousness, like the rapid sound of a pipa, the killing intent boiled back, and the yin and yang taiji pill in the dantian of the Tang and Song Dynasties slowly turned, fading away strands of it Formed murderous.

As the traces of murderous intent were dissipated,
In his dantian, there was a knocking sound like clanging gold and jade, and the Tai Chi Dan of Tang and Song Dynasties was completely formed.

After the successful formation of the alchemy, the Tang and Song Dynasties only felt that the sky was high and the birds were flying, and the sea was wide and the fish were leaping.

"By the way, Master Ancient One, if it's convenient, send Strange down the mountain. My biological business room has recently researched a lot of potions. I think there are a few that should be able to heal Strange's wrist!"

(End of this chapter)

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