Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 261 The Land of Nothingness

Chapter 261 The Land of Nothingness (End)

"And Ebony Maw, where is he?"

General Deathblade was escorted by several Kirita soldiers and retreated towards the spaceship. Around him, densely packed alien shapes rushed towards him like waves.

"Puff puff-"

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Dozens of naval guns on the spaceship are fully powered, covering General Deathblade who is missing an arm
Under the powerful and high-energy naval gun, the alien that was strafed directly exploded into puddles of yellow-green viscous paste, and the viscous liquid from the explosion splashed on the same kind besides, and even the hard carapace of the alien corroded. A hole the size of a human head.

General Deathblade, who was being escorted and pushed into the hatch, stood on the spaceship and looked up into the distance, trying to find Ebony Maw.

It's not because he has a deep relationship with Ebony Maw, he has persisted here for so long, as long as Ebony Maw can get the power gem and the guy from another universe, then they can have an explanation with Thanos.

To his master, General Deathblade was extremely loyal until they caught the nebula from another universe, and he was the most loyal knife in his hand.

But after learning the secret of Thanos from Nebula in that different universe, General Deathblade suddenly found that the person he was loyal to was a lunatic, and they worked hard to collect infinite gems for him,
I thought it was to rule the universe, but I didn't expect that it was to wipe out half of the life in the universe, for the so-called balance of the universe.

Cosmic balance?Whether it is the Black Five Generals or the Dark Order under Thanos, the reason why they follow Thanos is not only his powerful power, but also the benefits they get after following Thanos.

The current Deathblade General is more fearful than loyalty to Thanos. There is no way not to be afraid. No normal person would think of destroying half of the population of the universe.

Thinking about his allegiance to a rational lunatic, General Deathblade felt an inexplicable sense of fear.

He was deeply afraid that he would anger this lunatic if he failed to complete the task that Thanos had given him.

He turned his head to look at the group of aliens charging forward under the gunfire of the battleship. Looking into the distance, he still didn't see the shadow of Ebony Maw.

"General! We need to get out of here first!"

At this time, the angel legion, aliens, and yellow turban wrestlers who were fighting densely in the sky also noticed the spaceship suspended in mid-air, and rushed towards them from the air.

The spaceship had to allocate half of its firepower to intercept, and the result was that after the firepower was scarce, the alien army on the ground quickly approached the spaceship.

Several vigorous aliens jumped up and directly touched the surface of the spaceship's hull. The liquid secreted from their bodies easily corroded streaks of white smoke on the hull.

More and more aliens rushed to the surface of the spaceship, and the whole spaceship was shaken. The captain in charge of driving the spaceship couldn't help admonishing General Deathblade.

"Open the hull shield! Launch into outer orbit!"

After receiving the order from General Deathblade, the soldiers on the spaceship breathed a sigh of relief, and soon the protective cover on the surface of the spaceship rose.

Pieces of alien shapes were ejected from the surface of the spaceship by the shield.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

Hundreds of laser turrets protruded from all parts of the spaceship, shooting outwards at a 360-degree angle, and the black battleship spaceship turned into a hedgehog with blue light for a while, strafing the angels flying around, aliens,,,

Under the condition that the power system of the spaceship was overloaded, the spaceship quickly broke through the encirclement, rushed out of the ground orbit of the void, and came to the outer sky.

General Dead Blade connected to the command system of the fleet and discovered that at this time in outer space, more than half of the nearly [-] warships left behind had been lost, and there were only thirty or forty ships here and there!

And the instigator, who just passed them by, flapped his wings and flew to the void.

General Deathblade sat on the main seat of the spaceship's command cabin, clenched his long blade with his left hand, and let the medical officer beside him use nano-spray to urgently clean up the wound on his severed arm without saying a word.

The nanites devoured the caustic slime from his severed arm, reconnecting the network of nerves and blood vessels in the severed arm.

After the nanites finished treating the wound on the severed arm, several alien soldiers walked over carrying a blue-gray metal prosthesis, carefully aiming at General Deathblade's severed arm.

A layer of red shimmer appeared on the surface of the metal prosthesis, and then a network of blood vessels rose up, connecting to the severed arm——


General Deathblade moved his metal arm, took over the long blade in his left hand, and a trace of tyranny flashed in his eyes.

"General! Are we going next?" There was a dead silence in the command system, and it took a long time before a trembling voice sounded.

"How many Tier [-] warships do we have left!?"

"General, including your command ship, we still have three Tier [-] warships!"

"Turn on the Star Destroyer Cannon in the battleship, aim at the nothingness, and fire all the antimatter bombardment bombs, no matter who they are, blow them up and the whole nothingness!"

"But, general, Lord Ebony Maw is still in the void?" A blue-skinned captain hesitated on the communication channel of the command cabin.

General Deathblade's cold eyes swept over the captain: "Ebony Maw has already been sacrificed, and I want to avenge him! Do you have any objections?"

Even if it was just a virtual image, the blue-skinned alien captain felt a bone-chilling chill hit him, and he closed his mouth decisively.

"Since there is no opinion, let's prepare!"

After closing the communication channel, General Deathblade walked to the bridge and looked at the nothingness covered by a piece of white holy light. It was the wings of angels covering the sky and the sun, flying out of the gate of heaven continuously. Angels are like white locusts.

The flashing gold and black in the white are like two drops of ink in a sea of ​​white, eye-catching but inconspicuous.

"Send two small scout ships to the low-earth orbit of the void, and if you find Ebony Maw, bring him back!"

Although Ebony Maw was still able to get the Power Gem unknowingly under such circumstances, he was a "colleague" for many years after all, and General Deathblade was going to send two small spaceships to respond before he gave the order to destroy it.

Tang and Song learned about the difference between the Marvel world, the monolithic universe, and the multiverse from Tiwan.

If a universe is like a house, then the upper limit of what the house can carry is the size of the space inside the house, excluding the space occupied by other objects, decorations, and spaces in the house.

If the strength reaches the upper limit of the universe space, it is the single universe level.

If you want to break through this upper limit, you must break the barriers of this house, so that your strength is not limited to one house.

This is the multiverse.

To put it simply, in each universe, there is a collector Tiwan, but they are different individuals and have different thoughts. Although they are similar, they are two completely different people, two similar flowers.

But if the two Tiwans are integrated into one person and gather the power of the two universes, then Tiwan will be able to break through the current bottleneck of strength.

And the integration of all the other and my powers of the Marvel Universe is diversity!
A greedy light flickered in the eyes of the collector:

"We can cooperate. The original breath of the universe in their world is very weak. We can completely capture the original power of others in that universe! Then use the way they came to this universe to find the next universe and integrate the original power of all universes. At that time, we will be able to break through and become the existence of the multiverse like the five of Eternity and Death."

Tang Song, who was thinking about it, looked at the collector in surprise. He didn't expect him to have such ambitions.

He and I, the source of another universe, this is a bit like the plot in a movie "Wanted" in his previous life.

Kill the self in another universe, and then the power of his death can be shared among the remaining individuals.

To be honest, Tang and Song didn't have much interest in this method of breaking through the multiverse.

He is only in the stage of breaking the alchemy and forming a baby now, and the concept of multiverse is still relatively far away from him.

And this method is completely useless to him, he is not from the Marvel world at all, and the probability of his existence in another Marvel universe is very slim.

Tang Song subconsciously glanced at Xingjue in the crystal coffin, but what if the multiverse corresponds to Daluo from Yanfu World?
Collector Tiwan looked at Tang Song's expression, thinking that he was moved and was just about to say something.

Tang Song waved his hand: "I'll talk about it later, get rid of this eavesdropping mouse first!"

From the wreckage of a spaceship, a slender figure wearing a leather jacket with a look like Benboerba stepped out of the wreckage.

Ebony Throat looked at Tang Song and Ti Wan, with a look of shock still remaining in those raised bubble eyes.

In the multiverse, getting rid of yourself in other universes and devouring their origins is the key to breaking through and becoming a multiverse, and you can become an omnipotent god like the goddess of death!

Compared with General Deathblade who has been fighting outside, Ebony Maw has always been by Thanos' side. He clearly knows that Thanos, whom he is loyal to, is not the so-called idealist for the balance of the universe.

He killed countless people, slaughtered thousands of planets, and even wiped out half of the universe's life, just to please a woman.

The goddess of death, one of the five gods of the universe.

That's right, just because the goddess of death holds all the souls in the universe, Thanos wants to wipe out half of the life in the universe, and the purpose of doing everything is just to make Pomeranians smile!
Ebony Maw knows that the "licking dog" he is loyal to is not even comparable to Thanos of another universe. The reason they sent to find visitors from another universe and the power gem is just that Thanos wants to take all the souls of another universe. Dedicated to death, to win death's favor.

Ebony Maw's allegiance to Thanos is because of his strength, and now he overhears the conversation between the two in front of him, and seems to have found a way to become a strong man without being attached to anyone.

He couldn't help looking at the crystal coffin behind Tang Song, which contained his hope of becoming a master. The ebony-throated fish struggled for a moment, revealing a ruthless expression:
"You two, I will not be of any use to you as an enemy, hand over Star-Lord, otherwise you will be regarded as enemies of His Majesty Thanos."

"Thanos? Thanos! You are the five generals under him, you are Ebony Throat—"

Tang Song's eyes flashed, looking at this guy who looked like a fish head man, he raised his heart to be careful.

The Ebony Throat is inconspicuous, but in the movie universe, it is an existence that can destroy the Avengers. It is known as a spellcaster who is more like a mage than a supreme mage.

Ebony Throat's body suddenly trembled violently, he felt a cold murderous intent coming from around him,
He raised his palm, and the sand and gravel on the ground brought him straight up into the sky,

The moment he flew up, where he had just stood, a flash of blood flashed away.

Flying in the air, with a wave of Ebony Throat's hand, all the objects around Tang and Song Dynasties, the wreckage of the spaceship, the soil, sand and stones, and the remnants of alien shapes, all rolled towards him like a wave.

The sand turns into pebbles, metal turns into sharp steel cones,—

Tang and Song Dynasties are like surfers in the sea, facing huge waves that can't be seen at a glance.

Tang Song clapped his hands, and a stream of black and white gas rose from his heavenly spirit, and the black and white gas spread a picture of yin and yang fish and Tai Chi above his head emitting bursts of light.

The yin and yang fish in the Taiji diagram turn around, and inside the pure white yang fish, a golden and simple big clock engraved with the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, flowers, birds, insects and fish emerges.

The big clock swayed, and the deep sound of the bell swept around with a strong shock wave visible to the naked eye.

The wave of attacks sweeping towards the Tang and Song Dynasties was reversed back as if they had encountered a bigger wave of murder.

The big bell oscillated, and under the effect of the sound of the bell, the seraphim within a hundred miles fell towards the ground one by one like headfirst.

On the contrary, ordinary battle puppets like two-winged and four-winged angels were not greatly affected by the sound of the bell. They were still mechanically fighting with the yellow turban fighters and aliens in the sky without souls.

The Heavenly Demon turned into a bloody knife and turned into a bloody Taoist with a flash of light, soaring into the sky, chasing after Ebony Throat——

Ebony Maw flew in mid-air, manipulating the surrounding angels and aliens from time to time, throwing them at the Scarlet Taoist as weapons.

The sword spirit slashed out casually, and the light of the sword dyed the sky into a blood red
Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a long blood-colored river running through nothingness.

The river of blood is rolling, and the waves that rise, shoot the angels into it one by one. Falling in the river of blood, the angels struggle for a while, and the pair of white wings are infected with blood red, and soon turn into blood one by one. The angel rushed to the river of blood and pursued towards Ebonmaw.

But this operation of the Scarlet Taoist annoyed one person!
"Heretical, how dare you insult God!"

Michael, who had just rushed back from outer space, felt great blasphemy from the power of the blood river, especially the scene where these angels were assimilated into blood angels by the blood river, which made him think of a name he didn't want to mention.

He raised the holy sword in his hand, spread out the twelve pairs of wings on his back, and shot a holy light cross sword energy at the blood-clothed Taoist transformed by the sword spirit.

The blood-clothed Taoist flicked the demonic blood knife in his hand, and the light of the knife turned into a blood-colored lotus to support the light of the sword that Michael swung over. With a shake of his shoulder, dense blood-colored knife lights appeared in the surrounding space, and they slashed straight at Michael. ,

At the same time, Dao Ling shook his left hand and shot out dozens of blood shadows, hitting Michael head-on.

These vicious blood lights exploded silently, and Michael, who was swinging his sword to resist the light of the demon's blood knife, didn't notice, and was directly stuck to his wings by the blood of the blood shadow and thunder.

The bloody flames flickered, and Michael let out a scream. A large amount of dirty blood was spreading along his wings, and his pure white wings, which symbolized the sacred, were turning blood red.

At this moment, a white light shot out from near the gate of heaven, and a figure shining with holy light pulled Michael thousands of meters away.

Without the slightest hesitation, as she waved her hand, a holy sword with a cross and rose texture chopped off Michael's polluted wing.


Michael endured the pain of having his wings cut off, and looked at the angel with his hands on his shoulders.

As countless angels sang hymns all around, dots of white light continuously gathered from all directions and merged into Michael's body. The injuries in Michael's body healed rapidly, and the effort in the blink of an eye became the same as when he was not injured. The wings also slowly grew out in a piece of pure white holy light.

The price paid was that hundreds of thousands of angels around them all turned into lights and shadows and dissipated.

Gabriel let go of the hand on Michael's shoulder and looked at the blood-clothed Taoist.

After seeing groups of blood angels flying up from the river of blood, one of the four archangels of Heavenly Mountain and the sounder of God's horn could not help but frown.

The power of the Lord is unique, except for the self-defeating like Lucifer, it is difficult to be infected by other powers, the blood in front of you.

heresy!Can't let him get out of here alive!

Tang Song looked at the golden arches of angels emerging from the distance, and the yin and yang fish above his head were spinning, and when he was about to sacrifice ghosts and bones to block the door,
Suddenly he looked up at the sky, his eyes flickered, and he took out the five Yin bags and put Tiwan and the crystal coffin containing the star-lord in the bag,
With a swipe, a fiery space door suddenly appeared.

Tang Song stepped forward and came to Kane's side.


Kane, Adam, and a group of card soldiers greeted Tang Song Qiqi who suddenly appeared.

Tang Song subconsciously glanced at the greasy middle-aged man who was exactly the same as the star-lord in the crystal coffin, and ignored everyone's response, pinched with both hands, and the reality gem in his palm was emitting a red shimmer, linking the space gem of the earth and the space gem he left behind. The magic circle.

Soon a blue energy vortex door appeared out of thin air.


Tang Song took the lead, Kane Adam, and a group of card soldiers led Xingjue and Old Mande to follow quickly.

Gabriel and Michael, who were standing high in the sky, noticed the spatial fluctuations here. The two cast their gazes, and soon noticed the people who were about to disappear in the space gate.

"The Lost Paradise Mountain is on them!" After Michael finished speaking, he eagerly waved his wings and rushed towards the space door.

The blood-clothed Taoist flashed a knife in his hand, drawing a river of blood and blocking it in front of Michael and Gabriel.

"Exercise God's Judgment, the two of us will take the lead, we can't let them take Heaven Mountain away!"

Gabriel looked at the river of blood blocking him, and decisively took out a pure white horn. Many angels prayed together, and soon the entire void was enveloped in white light.

The power of millions of angels was fully aroused under the trumpets of doom, and they gathered on Michael and Gabriel with the sound of prayer.

Michael felt the power gathered by millions of angels in his body, and the powerful holy power rushed into his body continuously.

A circle of gentle white light enveloped him, and then a circle of white light appeared behind his head.

Michael's body suddenly swelled up. This force was too powerful. The holy power of millions of angels plus the power of the horn of doom had reached the point where Michael couldn't bear it.
He couldn't vomit quickly, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, he slashed out a holy light cross sword.

This sword light swept towards the blood river blocking them with infinite power, puff!
Under the holy light, this seemingly powerful river of blood immediately dissipated like a phantom, and even the figure in the bloody clothes disappeared.

Michael was taken aback for a moment, could it be that the power of God's Judgment has increased again, he subconsciously looked at Gabriel beside him.

Gabriel looked at the gradually closing space door with a livid face, and a bloody shadow could be vaguely seen there.

"Chasing, we must find the coordinate point opposite the space gate!"

Just when Gabriel and Michael were about to fly to the space gate to investigate, they suddenly raised their heads when they were disturbed by the blood river.

In the sky, several flower-like iron bumps are falling rapidly under the blue booster flames.

"what is that?"

The metal spheres in the sky are about the size of a house. Outside the silver-gray metal shell, there are lenses that look like curved glass. On the surface of the metal spheres, there are constantly dancing arcs shining.

Gabriel looked back at Michael, he actually felt threatened by these metal balls.

"General Deathblade!"

Unlike the two people who had no knowledge, the ebony throat that escaped a piece of Tang Song's hands by chance raised his head, and he was about to burst into tears.

The anti-matter destroyer, the Dead Blade, released this planet-destroying weapon regardless of his life or death.

But at this time, no matter how much Ebony Maw roared, General Deathblade could no longer hear it.

A pink arc jumped out of several spherical bombs, and then.

A terrifying loud noise erupted in the space outside the void.

A tangled mass of light, like compressed energy, splashed in the dark starry sky.

Exploding in the center of the nothingness, those flying light arcs expanded outward from the explosion core like a black hole within one ten-thousandth of a second.

It was like a spider web of light, covering everything within the explosion range.

The scorching halo tore through the space, and the annihilation of each antimatter particle would release energy. After these annihilation actions were replicated hundreds of billions of times, they finally intertwined into a star-like light.

In an instant, the dark sea of ​​stars was illuminated.

Melting everything, as if being swallowed by the burning ashes of the past, in a silent gesture, engulfing it.

That scene was like a burning sun!
The explosion came and went quickly.

Just in the blink of an eye, the stars outside the void land became quiet again, and this ancient starry sky regained its calm, and it became pure and peaceful again.

There will be no more provocations of war, no more sparks of restlessness.

The once largest black market in the southern Milky Way, the heads of the ancient Celestial Group, together with the millions of angels fighting in the void, hundreds of thousands of aliens, and tens of thousands of yellow scarf warriors all disappeared into nothingness.

Everything is gone.

The original site of the void left only a piece of broken bone fossils floating in the dark starry sky, like a newly formed meteorite belt.

(End of this chapter)

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