Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 263 Positioning

Chapter 263 Positioning
In the deep cosmic starry sky, the Titan sitting on the throne, holding his chin, looked at the two identical adopted daughters of the robot in front of him, one was kneeling on the ground, the other was controlled and suspended in mid-air.

The controlled Xingyun mechanical eyes released one after another screen projection images.

In the video, there are scenes of a group of people fighting Thanos, the hiding place of the Power Gem, the location of the Soul Gem, and even the scene where Thanos' head is chopped off.

Thanos has watched these images many times, but he can still see many things in them, such as the space gem, the mind gem, the reality gem, and the location of the time gem.

"Interesting!" Thanos pouted his chin, "I from another universe succeeded!"

"How did he succeed? Midgard has a powerful guardian, Odin, Ancient One, and those guardian beasts!"

Thanos stood up and came to Nebula: "Your method is very interesting, travel to other universes to find infinite gems,
Midgard is very dangerous. I can't get the four gems for the time being. The power gem is missing now, but I may use your method to collect gems in other universes! "

Nebula from another universe raised his head and looked at Thanos, with anger and horror flashing in his eyes: "You will not succeed."

"I will, thanks for the message"

Thanos sat back on the throne, looked at Nebula with peaceful eyes, and said politely:
"I will go to your universe to see for myself, with my fleet!"

Thanos is like a king sitting high on the throne, he reached out to pick up the golden battle helmet he had on hand, and buckled it on his head.

He glanced at the superstar half-kneeling in front of him, and said:
"Supergiant, black dwarf, you guys accompany me to Hara, I need to talk to Supreme Intelligence!"

Hara, located in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy, is the home star of the Kree Empire.

Nebula looked at the visitor from another universe who was exactly like him with a disgusted expression.

Assassinating Thanos, how could she do such a thing, her longing has always been to be recognized by her father.

This damn guy completely damaged her image in her father's mind.

"Xingyun, hurry, go, let Gamora, escape, escape to the earth, only there can protect her."

Nebula said one by one: "The soul gem has self-awareness. You need to sacrifice your most important thing to get it. You need to sacrifice a person. The sacrifice of Thanos is Gamora! Let her escape !"

Xingyun's complexion changed, and her heart was burning with jealousy. The most important person, in the eyes of her father, is she really not as good as Gamora?

Her mechanical eyes rolled, "But just use this opportunity to get rid of the thorn in Gamora's side."

A sneer flashed across Nebula's face, and he silently passed the information to Thanos.

Asgard Golden Palace
In a side hall, the obese Thor is gulping rum, next to a raccoon scratching his head.

The two came to this universe through the quantum channel. They wanted to find the gem of reality, but they didn't expect that the timeline here seemed to be deviated.

This is not the time when the Nine Realms converged as they imagined.

Not to mention that there is no shadow of the reality gem, they were also found by this universe, Thor's mother, the queen of Asgard.

"Hey, stop drinking, Thor, we have to think of a way, how can we find the whereabouts of Star-Lord and those infinite gems, the timeline of this universe is completely different from ours, everything is messed up!"

The little raccoon is carrying a sci-fi energy gun that is half the size of its body.

"The reality gem is not here, we have to leave here, there are not many Pym particles, we have to hurry up, we are going to the earth, we have to get enough Pym particles needed to travel through the quantum space."

Thor ignored the chattering raccoon, just drank rum one after another,
The little raccoon stomped angrily: "Damn it, why am I with you, a drunk."

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and the little raccoon quickly hid behind the curtain.

"You guys wait here!" After a burst of responses from outside the door, a middle-aged beautiful woman came in with a tray full of delicacies in her hand.

Thor looked at the figure walking in, couldn't help but burst into tears, Friggie touched Thor's face,
Looking at the fat "son" in front of him with one eye missing, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his tears:
"It looks like you've suffered a lot!"

"It's good that you're alive, Dark Elf," Thor said incoherently.

Frigga gently touched Thor's head: "It's okay, the fate of Asgard has changed, Thor, the dark elves have been destroyed, there will be no Ragnarok in this universe, and neither will Asgard." will be destroyed."

Thor looked at this "mother" in surprise.

Frigga smiled softly, "I am the goddess of magic, and I also control part of the power of destiny. You can see many things. You don't have to worry about us, eat something, do what you want, and you friend!"

The tiptoe little raccoon came out embarrassingly, and said hello to Frigg.

Frigg took out a cloak, "This is an invisibility cloak, it can hide from the perception of everyone below the Heavenly Father, take it on."


After learning that the "mother" of the universe got rid of the fate of death, Thor was very excited. He put on the invisibility cloak, and used the power of the storm tomahawk to pull the Rainbow Bridge towards the earth.

"Hey, don't get too excited! Your feet are still leaking!"

The little raccoon sat on Thor's shoulder, looking at the crazy Thor with some boredom.

"Can't you shrink your body?" Thor muttered: "If you put down your big gun, won't it be able to cover my feet!"

"Hey, now your stomach is leaking out, it has nothing to do with me!" The little raccoon mocked contemptuously:

"You should really lose weight, Mr. Thor, I remember when we picked you up, you were full of muscles, what is that on your stomach now, oh my god, is that a swimming ring!"

"Okay! Where are we going next?" Thor looked at the belly leaking out of the invisibility cloak, looked around, and found that no one seemed to notice him in the bustling crowd.

He tucked away his stomach and looked up at the little raccoon.

"Since you asked your mother to investigate the whereabouts of Star-Lord, we will meet up with Scott next, and hope he can get enough Pym particles! Otherwise, we will have no chance to travel to the next universe!"

The little raccoon fiddled with the projection device on his wrist, and suddenly found that there were two red dots on the projection.

"Wait, Xingjue, according to the reality of the locator, Xingjue is also on the earth?? It's in this city under our feet..."

"New York! This is New York!" Seeing that the little raccoon couldn't seem to remember the name of the city, Thor shrugged his shoulders and almost let the little raccoon take off in place on his shoulder.


The little raccoon swung the handle of the energy gun in his hand and hit Thor on the head: "Okay, the situation has changed now, leave the matter of Pym particles to Scott, and let's go find Star-Lord!"

In fact, the situation of Scott, who was placed high hopes by the little raccoons, was not very good.

He is being cornered by someone with a gun at the moment. For Ant-Man, he only needs to press the trigger of the Ant-Man suit on his wrist to enter the zoom-out mode, and the gun is useless to him at all.

But Scott didn't want to do this, just because the person pointing the gun at him was an "acquaintance"!
"You mean, Dr. Pym's gone missing. Who did it? Darren Cross? Hope, trust me, I mean no harm! I'm only here looking for some Pym particles, and I need them! "

"Who the hell are you!?" Hope, who later became the Wasp, looked at the man in front of her in a frenzy.

First, her father disappeared mysteriously along with the entire secret base. In this safe house that only their father and daughter knew, a man he knew well came in out of nowhere, wearing an Ant-Man suit.

"You belong to Darren Klaus, where is my father, what have you done to him?" Hope heard the man in front of him mention Darren Klaus, thinking that Scott was his, Can't help but clenched the gun in his hand more and more.

"Hey, take it easy, take it easy! Be careful! I'm not from Klaus, I'm Scott, Ant-Man Scott? Hope, you don't know me anymore?"

Scott saw that Hope was agitated, and he quickly waved his hands, trying to ease Hope's emotions.

"Scott?!" Hope looked at Scott again, convinced that he had never seen the man in front of him.

"Oh, damn it, it's another cosmic deviation!" Scott looked at the puzzled expression on Hope's face, and realized that Hope in this universe didn't know himself.

But thinking that the US team in this universe can die, Scott shook his hand helplessly, and began to tell Hope about his origin.

Quantum channel, self in another universe, world-destroying disaster, and Pym particles that can travel through quantum space.
"You mean my dad finally rescued my mom from the quantum world!" Hope keenly noticed a key point from Scott.

Scott nodded, but spread his hands helplessly: "Yes, but later, your mother, you, and Dr. Hank Pym all died in that snap of fingers, so I came to this universe Find the Pym Particles!"

"You should know that Dr. Pym is somewhat, um, stubborn. The method of making Pym particles is only in his own hands. I can't help it. I want to save you, Hope."

Hope looked at this strange man, and from his words, she heard the man's admiration for "her" in another universe, and her expression suddenly became a little weird.

Without experiencing those things with Scott, it is difficult for her to empathize with herself in another universe.

"You are late! My father disappeared, just two days ago! Even the suitcase building that can make Pym particles is gone, and I don't have many Pym particles at the moment!"

"Darren Cross did it?" Scott asked.

Hope shook his head: "I have monitored Darren Klaus, but I have not found any evidence of this. I suspect that another force did it?"

"Another force?"

Hope said: "In the past two years, in addition to Darren Klaus, there is a group of people who have been looking for us. In order to avoid them, my dad even had to postpone the plan against Darren Klaus. Reasons we don’t know in this universe!”

After speaking, Hope glanced at Scott. After all, this man just said that the reason they met was that his father hired him to go to Krause's company to destroy the Pym in his hand in order to deal with Darren Claus. particle.

"Do you know the identity of that force? We need to rescue Dr. Pym as soon as possible!" Scott asked urgently.

His urgency played into Hope's hands. She was dubious about what the man in front of her said came from another universe, but she was short of manpower now, who could help her rescue her father together.

"Dang Group, a new multinational company that has risen in the Federation in recent years, their company's business involves military industry, mining, finance, film and television, biopharmaceuticals, aerospace, and has its own security company. It is a veritable giant enterprise !"

"At the same time, there is news that the president of Tang Corporation is the leader of the largest hey gang in the federation. The people who have been looking for us in the past two years are his subordinates. My father once speculated that his purpose is for Pym particles!"

Scott crossed his arms and watched as Hope turned on the computer and introduced the information inside, but his eyes were inadvertently attracted by Hope's pouting.

"In your universe, is there any news about the Down Corporation—" Hope turned to look at Scott.

Scott quickly shifted his gaze, his eyes were a little erratic: "Tang Corporation? I have never heard of this company!"

"It's just a matter of luck. The location information my father left before he disappeared is here, Raccoon Town. This is a new town built by the Tang Group!"

Hope opened an encryption software on the computer, and a red dot that kept flashing appeared on the map,

"where is this?"

The sound of sparse rain rang in my ears, and Wanda's mind was empty. It took a few seconds before she came back to her senses and opened her eyes.

Looking around, here is a garden that seems to have just been opened. A man is digging a hole on the ground with a hoe not far away. He is wearing a blue and white robe. He is not considered strong. He has long black hair and a fork Wearing a blue hosta, his face is very handsome.

Wanda looked at the guy in front of her, recalling the scene of her body being examined just now, swallowed and spit, her legs were a little weak.

Some time ago, she had been busy in Utopia helping Magneto deal with mutant affairs disputes, and just came to Raccoon Town when she was free, but she was dragged and practiced by Boss Tang on the grounds of checking the chaos magic in her body.

You must know that she and Skye were together before, and she herself
Tang Song held a pickaxe in one hand and a few golden apple seeds in the other. He was dressed in a robe woven from genetically cultivated heterogeneous silk, which carried a cloudy air when he walked around, and was so chic.

Dig a hole with a pickaxe, put down the golden apple seeds, and bury them in the soil. Tang and Song snapped their fingers, and a small black cloud with a radius of five or six meters appeared over the garden.

The light rain pattered the seeds in the garden.

After finishing all this, Tang and Song clapped their hands, threw the pickaxe in their hands aside, came to sit down on the bamboo chair by the garden, picked up the tea cup with the lid, blew the tea air on it, and handed it to the side Wanda on the bamboo chair.

"The chaos magic in your body is fine. I reinforced a seal. With the seal, even the first-generation black wizard can't sense your breath through so many dimensions!"

Hearing Tang Song's words, Wanda felt sore all over, and wanted to ask if Skye and the others could be called together for this kind of seal in the future.

Before finishing the cup of tea, Wanda ran into Boss Tang's arms again at some point.

(I was about to die in the past two days. As long as I lowered my head greatly and turned my neck, I would feel dizzy and want to vomit. I went to the hospital for a full set of checkups, which cost [-] yuan. I have cervical spondylosis and a little cold!)

(End of this chapter)

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