Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 265 Resurrection with full blood (I am alive)

Chapter 265 Resurrection with full blood (I am alive)

One day ago, Raccoon Town
Thor and the little raccoon found this small town in the suburbs of New York through the locator on Star Lord.

Thor changed into a common federal red-neck attire, a plus-size t-shirt, a denim jacket, and drove a pickup truck, disguised as a road traveler, and drove directly into the town.

In the sparsely populated federation, it is not uncommon for many people to take self-driving tours once or several times a year.

Generally, the small towns on both sides of the interstate will have special motels, bars for self-driving tourists to relax, and some bars also provide some entertainment and relaxation activities.

For example, gambling boxing matches, strip dances.
Raccoon Town is located in the suburbs of New York. After getting off the interstate highway, you can drive another seven or eight kilometers to reach the outskirts of the town. Perhaps because the distance is not too far, there are also two motel-style bars in the town.

"Oh? I think the environment in this small town is much better than in Norway!"

Because of its appearance, the little raccoon wearing an invisibility cloak sat in the passenger seat of the pickup truck and looked out.

On both sides of the road are small villas and small buildings shaded by trees, and the half-shaded trees act as guardrails, which not only protect privacy, but also play an aesthetic role.

It is spring now, and the trees are blooming with colorful flowers——

When passing by a tree, the little raccoon reached out and picked up a bright red flower the size of a bowl, held it under his nose and smelled it.

"Hey, little guy, pay attention, don't let anyone find out!!"

Thor cast a sidelong glance at the raccoon, though all he could see was an empty flower.

"It's okay, with the invisibility cloak given by your mother, they can't see me!" The little raccoon's triumphant voice sounded from the co-pilot's seat.

"That's what my mother gave me!" Thor said with some taste.

"Okay, okay, you are your mother's good baby, let's hurry up and find Xingjue!" The perfunctory voice of the little raccoon sounded in the open space.

"There's a motel up ahead, I'll go in and get some information, you wait in the car!"

Thor followed the straight road and quickly found a motel with seven or eight cars parked in front, and there were signs of bars where big raccoons were drinking.

"Raccoon Town, Raccoon Bar! Cool! I like this place!" The little raccoon looked at the signboard of the motel with a bit of joy in his voice.

"I want to go in and have a drink, I think they should like me!"

Thor looked at the co-pilot's door that suddenly opened, and quickly stretched out his hand, grabbing the little raccoon: "Don't even think about it, this is not the Milky Way. If you go down, it will cause panic. I don't want to cause trouble. We have a lot of trouble." No ID to prove your identity, a tourist from another universe?

Listen, little guy, if you want to save Star-Lord, just stay here honestly! "

"Okay, okay, then take your hand away first! I'm very uncomfortable when you grab it!"

The little raccoon angrily closed the co-pilot's door again, and watched Thor get out of the car and walk towards the bar.

When he saw Thor enter the bar gate through the car window, the little raccoon threw the flower in his hand on the driver's seat, opened the passenger's door, and slipped down quietly.


"Target locked, two people, the first target is 87% similar to Thor, the second target's appearance and size are unknown, and it is suspected to have the extraordinary ability of invisibility, Didi Didi, the target has been locked, and the Skynet system can be activated at any time. It hits!"

As a base built by the Tang Corporation at a cost of tens of billions, Raccoon Town is not to say that it is full of surveillance, but it is similar.

In addition to the normal monitoring on the bright side, there are tens of thousands of surveillance cameras disguised as trees and flowers all over Raccoon Town.
Anyone with a strange face in Raccoon Town will be monitored in all directions until it is confirmed that they are not in danger

The terminals of these surveillance cameras are the host of Red Queen. Generally speaking, other people do not have permission to view and access these cameras.

However, if the target is threatening after the analysis by the Red Queen, the permission to access these surveillance cameras will be issued to the security department of Raccoon Town.

When the pickup truck driven by Thor and the little raccoon just appeared in Raccoon Town, Thor's fat face suspected of being Thor had already triggered the alarm.

The central building in Raccoon Town, the security department that occupies the two floors of the building, quickly scanned and identified Thor's face after taking over the monitoring network in the town.

And sent to 48 security strongholds in the town.

The most important beehive base in Raccoon Town has directly entered a state of alert. Two gates made of Adamantium alloy and engraved with talismans directly sealed the entrance of the beehive base.

The personnel in charge of security reported the news to the top as soon as possible.

Because the big boss was at Huxinting Manor, Boss Tang, who was fishing, soon got the news.

In the manor in the middle of the artificial lake in Raccoon Town, by the lake, Tang and Song are swinging their poles leisurely, and on the bamboo chair beside him, collector Tiwan is fishing with Boss Tang with a sad face.

"Relax, fishing is a very patient job. You can only experience the joy of baiting big fish after fishing for a long time!"

In the sound of splashing water, Tang Song slowly picked up a large trout, took off the hook from the trout's mouth, and threw it into the fish protection.

Tang Song rolled his eyes at Di Wan, saw his impatience, and shook his head.

Tiwan raised the fishing rod in his hand, looked at the empty hook, without even hanging the bait, threw the hook far away, looked at Tang Song with a stinky face and said:

"Don, since we are partners now, when will you return my collection to me? It's all the collections I've collected since the universe opened!"

Partner, Tang Song glanced at this "captive". Tiwan obviously didn't recognize his position, and felt that he was playing the same idea of ​​multiverse as himself.

So I have the illusion that I need to cooperate with him.

He didn't know that the reason why he kept him, the "elder of the universe",
One is to be afraid of the elders of the universe behind him, and the other is that Tiwan is also a combat power at the level of a heavenly father.

Used well, it is also a sharp weapon to deal with the invasion of the evil god of latitude in the future.

As for Tiwan's collection, I will definitely return it to him, but only after the people below have cleaned it up and picked out the useful things.

If those out-of-print flowers and plants and cherished animals were not as valuable as golden apples, it would be fine to return them to him.

"If you really don't like fishing, I bought you a private collection, you can go and have a look, don't worry, your things will still be yours sooner or later!
By the way, I heard that the earth used to be the hometown of many gods, and they may still have something left on the earth. This is a rare collection, if you are interested, I will let someone accompany you to those ruins—”

Tang Song comforted Tiwan and waved. The bodyguard standing beside him came over, bowed and said, "Boss!"

"Take Mr. Tiwan to the Duncan Private Museum on Fifth Avenue in New York, and tell Ryan to invite more well-known collectors at home and abroad to accompany Mr. Tiwan!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Accompanied by bodyguards, Tiwan left the island in the middle of the lake by boat. Although Tiwan was a little angry at Tang and Song's refusal to return the collection, Tiwan still prefers those collectors on earth who have the same hobbies as him. curious.

And what Tang Song said is right, this planet is not simple. It is said that a large part of the gods in the Pantheon have descended here. I don’t know if you can find some unique collections on this planet.

Thinking of this, Tiwan quickened his pace.

After sending Tiwan away, Tang Song had just swung a few shots when the satellite phone beside him rang.

"Boss! The fish is hooked!"

Raccoon Town, Raccoon Bar, Thor, who was sitting in front of the bar, was pouring beer into his mouth glass after glass, completely forgetting the business of coming here.

A football game was playing on the big screen TV in the bar. In the small bar, there were scattered people, most of whom were watching the game.

The obese Thor didn't attract much attention. Compared to him, the guy wearing a black and red hood and carrying two samurai swords on his back was much more eye-catching.

But from the teasing laughter of everyone in the bar, it can be heard that this guy is an acquaintance in the bar.

"Wade, you were kicked out by Vanessa again!"

"I have some Indian oil here, no, I can give you two bottles! This is given to me by an Indian engineer. I heard it has miraculous effects!"

There was a roar of laughter in the bar, mixed with Deadpool's helpless defense:

"How could I not be able to, this is slander, naked slander, I just came back from a mission and came here for a drink when I was tired, you don't know, SHIELD captured a fat guy who is said to be from another parallel universe, I Lead the team to receive him—”

"Another parallel universe sounds much scarier than Vanessa, but I remember that last time you were kicked out by Vanessa to find a reason to get rid of some Dormammu cult, but Vanessa put you in A mannequin's bed"

Listening to Deadpool's justification, an old drinker in a bar unceremoniously exposed his background.

There was another roar of laughter in the bar. In front of the bar, a gleam flashed in the eyes of the seemingly drunk Thor. He stared sideways at Deadpool, and took note of his appearance. Skinny jacket dress up.

Jingle Bell!
The wind chime rang outside the door, and a man with shawl hair, unshaven beard, and a cigarette dangling from his mouth pushed the door open and walked in.

The moment he entered the door, an invisible little thing also came in quietly.

"Johnny! Long time no see, still the same?"

The man in leather went straight to the bar, pulled up a high chair and sat on it.

The bartender skillfully mixed a glass of wine and handed it to him.
Johnny drank half of the cup in one gulp, put the decorative fruit inside into his mouth, turned his head to look at Thor, with some surprise in his eyes: "You look a bit like an acquaintance of mine?"

"Hi!" Thor gulped down a pint of beer and patted his fat belly, "Who do I look like, Thor, the God of Thunder? Recently, many people say that I look like him!"

Johnny Blazer glanced at his stomach, shook his head, looked away, stroked his wine glass, took out a phone from his pocket, struggled in his eyes, and finally dialed the phone.

"Boss, yes, things are going very smoothly. With their help, the sect that believes in Dormammu has been cleaned up. However, Casillas, they dare not offend the Supreme Mage. It would be best if you come forward." It's-"

"Yes, I have one more thing. I heard from the speaker of the Dark Council that there is a way to retrieve my father's soul in hell. I would like to ask for your help!"

After Johnny Blazer finished speaking, there was no voice on the other end of the phone.

Johnny held the phone, silently waiting for the boss' reply,
Whether the boss will agree, he has no idea, but even if the boss does not agree, he will not complain.

Although the boss used him earlier, he also helped him kill Mephisto, the enemy.

And also helped him get rid of the spirit of revenge on his body, allowing him to freely control the hellfire on his body. He is also married now, and his beloved woman lives in this small town.

But the father's soul must be taken back by himself, even if he goes by himself, because of his youth and ignorance, he let his father's soul fall into the hands of Mephisto.

How many times he dreamed back at midnight, he could always dream of his father tormented in the flames of hell.

If the boss disagreed, he would go by himself. Hearing that there was no reply from the other end of the phone for a long time, Johnny sighed and made up his mind.

"Hmm! I got hooked, what a big carp..."

There was a noisy sound of heavy objects breaking through water on the phone, and after a burst of hearty laughter, Tang Song's voice came to mind on the phone:
"Go to hell, then you go back to Selina's place, recently a batch of golden warrior puppets have been refined there, you take them,
By the way, come to Huxin Manor at night, since you are going to hell, then bring something with you!Bring me back some specialties!
Hurry up, don't let this fish die, tell the kitchen tonight, eat boiled fish, put more peppers! "

"Yes! Boss!" Listening to the slightly noisy voice on the other end of the phone, probably because of drinking, Johnny felt his eyes moist.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Johnny Blazer left the bar, and Thor, who had just sat next to him and heard most of the phone's voice, only felt a basin of ice water being poured on his head, and instantly woke up.

Mephisto, Hell, and Dormammu, by the way, they also mentioned the Dark Council and the Supreme Mage.

Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange?
Hearing these familiar names, the more Thor thought about it, the more he felt strange. He looked at the back of Johnny leaving, and was hesitating whether to chase after him to ask what happened.

Suddenly there was an angry growl in the bar:

"Hey, who stole my drink!"

Thor heard the sound and looked, just as a hairy hand disappeared under the table.

"Boss, bring me another beer and pay the bill!" Thor took out a few US dollars to pay for the drink and tip.

Then he walked up to the drinker who was yelling that the wine was stolen with a beer, and patted him on the shoulder:

"Man, the wine is gone, I invite you!"

As Thor spoke, he stretched out his feet and kicked under the table without a trace.

Amidst the praise and praise from the bar guests, Thor put his denim jacket on his shoulders and went straight out of the bar.

Thor opened the driver's door and sat in the driver's seat. Not long after, his co-pilot's door suddenly opened out of thin air.

A furry little raccoon in armor slumped on the co-pilot's seat, reeking of alcohol.

"I told you, just stay in the car!"

Thor looked at the drunk little raccoon and reprimanded him.

"Come on, big man, you drank a lot at the bar, I can see it very clearly!" The little raccoon turned over on the co-pilot's seat and muttered.

Thor took out a bottle of wine from the storage box of the driver's seat, and bit the cork with his mouth:

"I was going to find out the news!"

"Inquire about news? Have you inquired about Star Lord?"

Thor gulped down half a bottle of Asgard wine, and said with some pride:

"The target has been found, I believe he can help us find the whereabouts of Star-Lord!"

Hearing Thor's words, the little raccoon straightened up like a carp, and turned over from the co-pilot.

"You found Xingjue, where is he?"

For Raccoon, half of family and friends disappeared in the snap of Thanos' fingers.

Although Xingjue is usually unreliable, to him, he is also his family.

"Calm down, little guy, there is someone in the bar who should know the whereabouts of Xingjue, we follow him, and we will definitely be able to ask where Xingjue is?"

Thor was grabbed by the neck by the little raccoon and shook the wine bottle in his hand.

"Bar! Then I'll bring this man out! If he doesn't say anything, I'll kill him!"

The little raccoon bared his teeth, held the large energy gun on his back, and put on a vicious expression.

"Calm down! Little guy, this town is not as simple as it seems to us!" Thor's drunken expression rarely became serious, and he looked at the little raccoon seriously and said:

"We'll wait here, wait for him to come out, we'll follow quietly, don't disturb anyone!"


"who are you?"

Deadpool's ear-piercing screams even overwhelmed the prostitutes on the side.

He shrunk his naked body and pulled the corner of the quilt to block his body.

On the contrary, several call girls on the side, all naked, closed their mouths one by one after the initial shock.

"Hey, you guy, do you have to wear a headgear when you reproduce, or is this a tradition for you people on Earth!"

The little raccoon stood on the bed and pointed the gun higher than his body at Deadpool's head.

Although bared teeth, but it does not seem deterrent.

"Civet cat, it's still an alien civet cat! Kawaii!"

"so cute…"

Several call girls looked at the little raccoon on the bed, and a call girl who seemed to be from Dongying couldn't help but said.

"Raccoon, I'm a raccoon!"

The little raccoon turned around and gave a few people a science popularization.


The call girl nodded earnestly, and then whispered to the few female companions who were honest and honest:

"This alien raccoon claims to be a raccoon..."

The little raccoon became furious for a moment.

Thor grabbed him from behind, picked him up, and put him on his shoulders.

"Okay, the little guy is here, it's important to get down to business!"

Thor turned his gaze to Deadpool and asked, "I heard in the bar that you escorted a prisoner from a parallel universe. Where is he?"

"You are looking for that guy named Star Lord, I was surprised, thank God, I thought you were sent by Vanessa!" Deadpool breathed a sigh of relief.

The little raccoon was a little puzzled: "Who is Vanessa?"

Deadpool put his pants on his legs in a hurry: "Vanessa is my wife! If she finds out, I will be cut into pieces. I don't want to experience that feeling again."

Thor coughed and gave the little raccoon a look.

The little raccoon clattered and pulled the bolt, and aimed at Deadpool again:

"Listen, if you don't want to die, put your wife aside and tell me where Star-Lord is?"

"Oh, I said, move the gun away!" Deadpool raised his hand, and the pants he had just put on slipped down to his ankles.

"You are late, he has been sent to the No. [-] advance base, he has no identity information on the earth, so he can only be sent to mine!"

"Mining?" Thor and the little raccoon never expected to hear this answer.

"Where is the No. [-] forward base?" The little raccoon asked fiercely.

"Kawaii! This civet cat is so fierce and beautiful!"

Several call girls on the side gathered together and began to mutter.

The little raccoon grinned again.

"If you want to go to the No. [-] advance base, you need to go through the space gate!" Deadpool shrugged and said, "Even if you kill me, I can't help it!"

The little raccoon looked back at Thor helplessly. Thor held up the wine bottle and took another sip.

"Hi, I heard people in the bar say that you are very afraid of your wife. If you let her know, you look like this..."

Thor patted the little raccoon, and the little raccoon took out an old-fashioned camera out of nowhere,

Ka Ka Ka, clicked the shutter on Deadpool and a few frank call girls next to him.

"I said, if you don't want your wife to receive these"

"Tonight, a group of botanists and agronomists are going to transfer to Base No. [-]. The location is at the base on the back mountain of Raccoon Town. Let me tell you, you can't get in either. ID cards are needed there!"

Under Thor's brutal torture, Deadpool had no choice but to compromise!

Then he was tied up, his mouth was stuffed with a pink mouth ball, and he was thrown on the big bed in the villa with several call girls.


"woo woo woo woo……"

"Look, Wade, you are in a mess!"

In the middle of the night, Wolverine Logan, who smelled of alcohol, came to the villa with a few security guards from Raccoon Town.

Logan popped out his claws between his fingers and released Deadpool.

"Hey, you are too late, according to the plan, you should have arrived three hours ago..."

After being untied, Deadpool hugged the call girls beside him immediately.

This is an aboveboard opportunity to use the company's money to make money. The key is work, and Vanessa can handle it.

God is sorry, his salary in the Tang Corporation is stuck in Vanessa's hands.

It was hard to get up early and sneak into the dark to earn some extra money by secretly working as a part-time mercenary. Not long ago, Vanessa gave it to him.

Damn it, Vanessa didn't know when, she got mixed up with the proprietress, became popular with artificial intelligence, and took away several of his small coffers.

"Logan, you still don't want to leave, do you want to watch me live here**"

After Deadpool untied a few call girls, he looked back and saw that Logan was still smoking a cigar and had no intention of leaving. It was almost dawn, and he needed precious time.

"Just now at the manor, there is a job, the reward is 1000 million US dollars, I signed up for you!" Logan flicked the cigar ash.

"What live?"

"It's nothing, just go to hell with Johnny and get his father's soul back!"

"Ahem!" Deadpool didn't care about anything else at this time, he got up and looked at Logan directly: "Go to hell, that kind of ghost place, you promised me for me!"

"The boss has agreed!" Logan didn't seem to notice Deadpool's man-eating eyes, and pushed the door to leave: "Have a good time, don't forget, we're leaving in three days!"


Deadpool shook his head, feeling a little dazed. Although he is immortal, this hell, "However, it sounds pretty cool. The hell traveler is at least much better than the little spider's biological research apprentice. When the time comes Can I learn from Dante and draw a hell Ukiyo-e!"

"Identification card, with this invisibility cloak, I don't need that thing!"

At the back mountain base of Raccoon Town, Thor wore an invisibility cloak and led the little raccoon, followed behind a group of scholars in white coats, and sneaked into the heavily guarded base.

Along the way, no matter what sensors, cameras, or laser defense channels,

Including the heavily armed guards, no one or instrument seemed to notice the two of them.

Thor and the little raccoon were so close behind them, and Shi Shiran blended into the space door that was shining with blue light.

"This should be the No. [-] advance base that the guy said. Later, we will find someone to arrest and ask, and see where they locked Xingjue?"

Thor, wearing an invisibility cloak, walked around the base with the little raccoon, not paying attention to the heavily armed guards in the base.

However, as Thor continued to go deeper, Thor's original casual expression became serious.

Because the aura of some of the guards who passed by was getting stronger and stronger, Thor even felt that they were not inferior to the warriors of Asgard.

"how is this possible?"

Suddenly a group of patrolling soldiers and Thor stopped when they passed by. A soldier who was more than two meters tall kept twitching his sensitive nose.

(End of this chapter)

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