Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 267 Cooperation?hell

Chapter 267 Cooperation?hell

The smelting factory located in the mountainside is not a luxuriously decorated office. Except for some electrical equipment such as air conditioners, it can be seen that many things in the office are made from local materials.

Even the set of wooden tables and chairs that seemed to be made of black jade carried a fresh scent of grass and trees that had just been felled.

The person in charge of the metallurgical factory made tea, but seeing that Tang and Song didn't order, he bowed and bowed before leaving.

"Come on, both of you have a taste. This kind of tea is a specialty of this world. Drinking it can improve eyesight. If you drink it for a long time, you can see things in the dark. It is a good thing, but it is a little bitter. If you are not used to drinking it, you can drink it in moderation." Add some sugar!"

Tang Song stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, then picked up the tea soup in front of him and drank it.

As he himself introduced, this Heldam specialty tea soup is much bitterer than the earth's tea, just like adding bitter coffee and mint leaves to the tea.

When the tea soup was swallowed, a gust of cold air flowed down the throat and rushed straight to Tianling, giving people a kind of icy cold comfort to the eyes.

This drink of the dark elves is not so much a tea as it is a kind of potion. The dark elves can see night as day, which is more or less related to these drinks.

The little raccoon sitting across from Tang Song saw Tang Song drinking tea, he picked it up, followed his example and took a sip. After taking a sip of tea soup, the bitterness instantly filled his mouth.

"Bah, bah, bah—————"

The little raccoon spat out all the tea soup in his mouth, "What is this, it's so bitter, don't you people on earth like to drink this bitter drink!"

Seeing the funny expression of a little raccoon frowning, Tang Song smiled, took a spoon from the shelf beside him, and added some milk-made lump sugar to his teacup.

Then he reached out his hand to signal him, "Try it now!"

The little raccoon glanced at Tang Song suspiciously, took a small sip tentatively, and the sweet milky scent instantly made his small eyes widen, and then quickly picked up the cup in front of him with two small paws, and took a big mouthful. Drink the "milk tea" in front of you!
Thor turned his head and glanced at him, then stared at Tang Song on the opposite side with his bearded and fat face: "Sir, you said you saved Asgard and Star-Lord? "

Tang Song put down the teacup in his hand: "Don't be so polite, my friends call me Tang, the reason for saving Asgard is because the god Odin gave me enough rewards, as for the savior of Star Lord, I want to make a deal with you? "

"Deal?" Thor didn't understand!

Tang Song explained: "Since you come from another universe, you should understand that the universe you live in has many similarities with this universe, the Nine Realms, Asgard, superheroes including the Avengers, and of course the most important thing is Those endlessly emerging super villains——

Half of your universe was wiped out under the snap of Thanos' fingers, but our universe has not yet,
But that purple sweet potato is indeed on the move, I don’t want the tragedy to repeat itself in our universe, so I plan to hire you, or we can cooperate—”

"How to cooperate?" Thor's fat body was leaning on the wooden grand master's chair, fat fell on both sides of the chair, and he stared at Tang Song closely, trying to figure out his intentions.

"I know the purpose of your coming to this universe, for the infinite stones and Pym particles, but this universe and your universe are not the one of quantum entanglement,
Therefore, the rules of time, space, reality, and soul are not universal. Even if you get the infinite gems, in your universe, these infinite gems are just a few broken stones! "

"Unless you can find the universe that is quantum entangled with you, one with two sides,

I can provide you with the Pym particles you need, and I can also provide you with a batch of weapons, equipment and manpower,

Of course, things will definitely not be given to you for free. When my universe is in trouble, I will ask you for help. At that time, you should try to help as much as possible! "

"That's all!?" Thor looked at Tang Song in disbelief.

"That's it?" Tang Song smiled: "Do you know who are the enemies that our universe will face in the future?

Dimensional evil god Dormammu, the hell lord who covets the earth, and one of the five legendary gods of the universe, Tun Xing,
And Thanos who has been trying to wipe out half of life in the universe!
By the way, your sister, if she becomes the king of Asgard, I don't think she will give up the territory of the earth because of her character!

I need some help! "

What Tang Song said was half true and half false, whether it was Dormammu or the Lord of Hell, including Thanos, he had already found a way to deal with it.

Dormammu's believers on the earth have been wiped out by him. This evil god of dimension may not be able to find the reality dimension in the vast dimension.

As for those hell lords who covet the earth, the death of Mephisto is enough to make them dare not set foot on the earth easily for hundreds of years.

Thanos and Star Devourer are indeed troublesome. Although the former has lost the Infinity Gem, the toothless tiger is still not to be underestimated. In the void, the antimatter bombs fired by the dark fleet that can destroy a planet make Boss Tang afraid endlessly.

He has already paid a high price for Old Mander to collect as many civilization technologies and finished warships as possible.

Especially ships with antimatter annihilation bombs and star destroyers.

You must know that as the overlord of the universe, apart from his personal strength, Thanos's armed forces under his rule are no less than the three major empires of the galaxy.

However, Tang Song got the news from Old Mande that the dark sect under Thanos is currently engaged in a war with the Kree Empire, and they will not care about the earth in a short time.

As for swallowing stars, let alone, that is a monster that feeds on planets. In the original plot, the invisible woman in the Fantastic Four relied on her beauty to seduce the surfer and skateboarder who guided the way for swallowing stars, and saved the earth from being swallowed by stars. Eat the fate.

But Boss Tang doesn't want to gamble on whether the beauty of the invisible woman will still work, which is why he increased his investment in Heildam.

As a Chinese, he naturally understands the three caves of the cunning rabbit. Even if the earth is destroyed, he will start over in another place.

The reason why Tang and Song asked Thor to propose the so-called cooperation has another unspeakable purpose.

"How about it, we can achieve a win-win situation for both sides. Your universe needs to be saved, and our universe, I don't want to watch him destroy, just like Asgard, so what about the so-called Ragnarok, now the eternal fire is In my hands, even if your sister wakes up, Asgard cannot be destroyed!"

Listening to Tang Song's words, Thor's originally tangled face suddenly became weird. If I remember correctly, Asgard was destroyed by him.

He personally put the skull of the fire giant on the eternal fire, and resurrected the giant that destroyed Asgard.

But thinking about the land of Asgard that was destroyed in his own hands, and the people who were destroyed by Thanos, Thor often thought when he was sober, if he hadn't competed with Hela for the throne.

With Hela's strength, it might be possible to keep Asgard under Thanos' iron heel. Hela's rule may be brutal, but the people of Asgard may still be alive now, and even Loki may be alive.

This is why Thor is drinking all the time, he is afraid of falling into memories, painful, sweet, all memories, he is afraid of dreaming of them.

King father, queen mother, Loki, the dreamy Asgard that was destroyed by him, he has failed too many people.

He envied Thor in this universe, his mother was still alive, and his father and Loki were also there.

"I heard from my mother that Asgard in this universe has escaped the fate of Ragnarok!?" Thor leaned over and looked at Tang Song.

Tang Song spread his hands: "My Majesty Odin and I have reached a deal. In the future, I will help him teach his naughty daughter a lesson.

In return, he supported me with a lot of things, like those dwarf artisans you saw, and the eternal fire, but I'm not sure, you know, your sister is really a bit difficult—"

"Give her to me!" Thor said in a deep voice: "I will save Asgard, I have already lost it once, I will not lose him again—" The last sentence, why Thor's words are inaudible, But loudly.

But with these words, Thor's bloated body seemed to have a bright arc flashing past.

"Then, happy cooperation!" Tang Song smiled and stretched out his hand.

"I'm only representing myself. Regarding your idea of ​​cooperation, I will pass it on to the captain and Tony. Whether they will agree or not, I can't guarantee it!"

Thor stretched out his hand and held Tang Song tightly.

"I'll help you get the Pym particles you're looking for, but I need your help!" Tang Song leaned over to refill the tea for Thor and the little raccoon.

"What's the matter?" Thor touched the teacup and asked.

"I have a friend who was deceived by a demon when he was young and signed a contract. His father's soul was taken away by the demon. I helped him solve the demon, but his father's soul is still in hell. A trip to hell, I want you to help me go!" Tang Song said.

Thor showed a dazed expression: "I have seen your friend. In that bar in the town, you killed Mephisto. He was a guy who was as powerful as my father. Even if it was me, it might not be him. opponent!"

Tang Song smiled very modestly: "It's mainly due to Master Gu Yi, I'm just a helper!"

"I can help you with things, but I want to meet Star-Lord first!" Thor changed the subject: "After all, the purpose of our coming here is to find Star-Lord!"

"Xingjue, he is in Raccoon Town, you can meet anytime!"

Tang Song looked at the impatient expression of the little raccoon, and directly stretched out his hand to draw a spark-splashing space door. The other side of the space door was the bar in Raccoon Town.

On the bar counter, a greasy middle-aged man with a small belly was holding a large glass of beer and competing with a group of drinkers.

"Hey, Quill!"

The little raccoon jumped into the space door impatiently.

Thor looked curiously at the space door where sparks were flying: "This seems to be Strange's magic?"

Tang Song shrugged: "Our strange mage seems to want to be an expert in medical surgery, I cured his hand, there is no way, now his responsibility falls on my shoulders!

With great power comes great responsibility, which is why I am looking for helpers! "

"You are a good man!" Thor glanced at Tang Song, and said before entering the space door: "Thank you, thank you for saving my mother!"

"Good guy!?" Tang Song looked at the closed space door and laughed at himself: "Me?!"


"Quiel, where have you been? We've been looking for you everywhere, we've come to the wrong universe!"

The little raccoon jumped out of the space door, completely ignoring the eyes of everyone in the bar, jumped onto Xingjue's shoulder, hugged his neck and punched him twice.

"Oh? Is my eyes dazzled, a talking civet cat?" A bar drinker rubbed his eyes in disbelief, looking at the little raccoon.

"Raccoon, I'm a raccoon!"

The little raccoon grinned again, but the little guy's face was indeed not intimidating, and instead made the people in the bar burst into laughter.

After the initial surprise, there was not much fear of the existence of the little raccoon. Since the founding of Utopia, mutants have had a country to rely on.

In the federation, mutants have instead become a minority. Under political correctness, their status is much nobler than that of ordinary whites.

All sorts of strange mutants are now popular guests on TV shows. The more bizarre their abilities and looks, the more popular they are on TV.

What happened to the talking raccoon? It is said that Disney will invite a mutant who can transform into a mermaid to play the role of the mermaid princess. Unfortunately, that mutant is black.

"I was caught by a pervert, Tiwan the Collector!" Star-Lord said with a bad look on his face, "He saw that I came from another universe and thought I was an excellent collector's item!"

"Collector Diwan, Gao Tianzun's brother, in our universe, I remember he died in the hands of Thanos!" Thor, who was a step late, sat next to Xingjue, and asked the bartender to serve a glass of beer, um, Under the protest of the little raccoon next to him, he also had a drink.

The bar owner obviously still remembered the generous guest yesterday, and brought two full glasses of beer, which were full of weight.

"Diwan the Collector, that sissy-talking guy, I remember him!" The little raccoon climbed onto the chair next to Star-Lord, drank beer, and echoed Star-Lord's words.

Star-Lord shook his head with lingering fear: "He is different from the collectors in our universe. His strength is very strong. Thor, his strength is no less than yours. If it weren't for Ronan the Accuser's invasion of the void, plus If that Tang is here, you won't be able to see me!"

"What's the matter with that Tang?" When Thor was speaking, he looked around and asked under the cover of his wine glass.

Star-Lord shook his head: "I don't know, but he prevented the Kiritas from invading the earth, and he has a high prestige on the earth!"

"Little guy?" Thor looked at the little raccoon.

The little raccoon poured beer into his mouth with his wine glass, and he shook his head when he heard Thor's question: "I recorded his expression, and from his heart rate value and micro-expression analysis, he did not lie!"

"But do we really want to work with him?"

"I don't want Asgard in this universe to be destroyed, just like our universe, I have the ability to stop it now!" Thor clenched the wine glass in his hand, gulped it down, and the golden liquid flowed down His beard remains.

"Okay, what should we do now?" The little raccoon was a little puzzled.

"Go to Scott first and ask him how the Pym particles are found. If he can't get enough Pym particles, we can only cooperate with Don!" Thor put down his glass and shouted at the bar owner Said: "Boss, have another drink!"

In the hive base, in the second laboratory, there is a fully enclosed clean white sterile room. In the dormant cabin filled with nutrient solution, a naked male body with a small belly is soaked in it. In this sterile room Next door, more than a dozen scientific researchers in white coats are analyzing the living cells extracted from the male body, extracting the legendary god gene.

Heldam, the dark world, in a water swamp covering thousands of miles, under the dark night, a hill in the water swamp is dotted with fluorescent lights, and green fireflies are constantly flickering.

If you look carefully, what kind of hill is that? It is a huge eight-headed giant snake. The green fluorescent dots are the scales and fires that are attached to the eye sockets of the white bone skeleton on his body.

From the occasional neighing of the giant snake, it can be heard that these skeletons live on it, making it extremely annoyed.

But just like marine creatures can't help the barnacles that live on them, Yamata no Orochi can only let it go and lie flat after trying everything to get these bone skeletons.

Tang Song stood in the dark sky, overlooking these skeleton demons.

To be precise, it is the Bone Demon.

By constantly sucking the blood and hunting food from Yamata no Orochi, most of these skeleton monsters have evolved into bone gods and demons.


Two days later, at the base of Raccoon Town, the familiar nine nine-pointed star formations were nested together, and thousands of cosmic Rubik's Cube energy crystals were inlaid on the formation diagram.

It's just that this time the teleportation location of this void teleportation array is hell,

"The Institute of Weapons and Restraints wants the bones of 36 giants to study what kind of powerful King Kong has no phase gods and demons, and they offer 50 US dollars each.

The devil with the zodiac sign, the devil who catches me, the dragon, where can I get this, they ask for 500 million US dollars for the corpse and soul of the dragon! "

Before the teleportation formation, Johnny Blazer led Wolverine Logan, and beside him was a middle-aged man with a pale face and a cloak with a stand-up collar.

But Deadpool, one of the protagonists, hid aside, thinking about the orders of those buyers in the small town since he was released to hell.

"Old Paul wants a succubus, three*circumstances******, the football is so big, if you really want it, it's your turn, but it's only 20 dollars, no, at least 50—"

"Wade! The teleportation array is activated, we have to go!" Wolverine smoked the cigar in his mouth hard, feeling his hands trembling. Can't help but feel a little bit of fear.

After all, not everyone can be as nervous as Deadpool.

"Immediately, immediately, tell Old Paul for me that a succubus is at least 50 yuan, and the price is non-negotiable. By the way, promote it for me, and I will give you a [-]% discount!"

Deadpool chattered and promoted the card soldiers next to the teleportation array, but was kicked into the teleportation array by the impatient card soldiers.

With his gag, Johnny and Logan reduced their fear of hell, and walked into the teleportation array with the middle-aged man beside them.

What is hell like?
This problem has been described at length in various religious myths of human civilization,

To be honest, human beings’ self-importance is actually quite boring. No matter what religion, the description of hell is actually the same.

The unquenchable flame burns the souls of sinners, and the heinous ones are hung in chains to confess their crimes in constant fear.

There are also gloomy and terrifying hell minions, noisy low-level demons and devils such as imps or lemurs, responsible for torturing those who are unwilling to atone for their sins. Their wailing sounds are like the background music echoing in hell.

In those myths and legends, the whole hell seems to be a large-scale labor camp for souls. Under the appearance of horror and pain, there are warnings to persuade people to be good.

But in fact, how can the real hell be so tender?

How could the demons and demons living here be free enough to redeem souls?


Deadpool swung his foot and kicked the corpse-like thing that was staggering forward on the scorching barren sand in front of him to the ground.

Just because it blocked his way.

The walking corpse that was kicked down didn't dare to fight back, hugged its head, and lay on the ground trembling.

"It's the lowest thing in hell."

Dracula is like a guide, introduced to Deadpool, Wolverine and Johnny who came to hell for the first time behind him:
"They were ordinary people who did nothing during their lifetime, and fell into hell because of some sins, but their souls are so ordinary that even the lowest level of demons can't look down on them. relief."

"Sounds awful."

Deadpool curled his lips and made an emotionless comment. Looking at the group of corpses staggering forward on the barren sand in front of him in a scattered line, he asked:
"Where are they going?"

"The abyss, their decayed shells will serve as nests for larvae, and their meaningless souls will become the food for the next batch of abyss worms."


Johnny asked:

"That doesn't sound like a good place."

Dracula glanced at the direction of the depths of hell, and said in a low tone:

"It's not there."

"The abyss, there is the birthplace of the abyss worm, and it is the pit of origin of all the demons in hell. Whether it is a terrifying big demon or a weak and weak demon, they are all born from there."

"They have exactly the same starting point, but they have completely different destinies. They have been fighting each other since their birth. Those who are not vicious or cunning can only be trampled underfoot. Only true geniuses can climb Get high."

Dracula shook his head, he said with emotion:
"This is the rule of the demon world, which is a hundred times more straightforward and ten thousand times crueler than the rules of humans."

"Well, interesting rules. No wonder the creatures in hell are famous for their violent madness. The desire for slaughter is engraved in their bones, just like the carrier that supports the soul. Unfortunately, we are not here to travel, although this knowledge is true. It's amazing."

Johnny has turned into a ghost rider at this moment. He glanced at the rotting corpse crawling forward with a hunched body in the red sand on the ground. He looked back at Dracula and said:

"Do you know where Mephisto Castle is?"

"I don't know that!"

Dracula looked at Johnny and the thousands of golden troops behind him with a strange expression, and he shook his head:

"To be honest, although I am a blood race, I don't know much about hell, but we can catch a big demon and come over and ask!"

Deadpool Wade was idly poking at the crawling corpse with his knife,
"Succubus, where is the pretty succubus—"

There are such disgusting walking corpses everywhere here, if I knew he might as well take a comfortable bath in my own swimming pool.

"Then catch a guide!" Johnny said, looking at Deadpool aside: "Wade, you are the bait!"


Deadpool cut the walking corpse in half with a knife angrily: "Why me again!"

"Because you are the weakest!"

Flames flicker in Johnny Skull's head,

"Your strength will not scare away demons!"

"All right!"

Deadpool shrugged his shoulders cursingly, and walked away a little tragically. Uh, it would be even better if he could turn off the music on the mobile phone at his waist.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you mortals to be able to do this, come to hell to regain the soul taken away by the devil, I admit that your boss is very strong, but this is hell!

Dracula frowned: "We need to hurry up, otherwise if we stay too long, the breath of hell will infect you into demons!"

Obviously, the famous vampire is not very optimistic about Johnny and his group.

A strange smile appeared on Dracula's bloodless face: "Are you and your father biological?"

The flames in Johnny's eyes shot out three feet long, and he looked at Dracula with murderous intent:
"What's wrong with that?"

"Of course there is!"

Dracula took out an evil skull from his pocket. It didn't look like a human head. There were green rays of light beating in the eye sockets of the skull, and there were two delicate horns on the forehead of the pale skull. In short, it looked very evil.

"In the field of occultism, the bonds between bloodlines are closer than you imagine, especially in hell, a place where black magic energy gathers heavily."

"It only takes a little bit of tricks to greatly strengthen the mutual induction between you."

Dracula threw the skull in his hand to Johnny, and he said:

"Drip your own blood on it, and then silently say your father's name."

"Attention! It must be a full name, and no character can be omitted!"

Dracula exhorts:

"If all goes well, we will soon sense the location of Mephisto's collection room."

Johnny took the skull thrown by Dracula, wondering: "Since we have this, don't we need to find any more guides?"

Dracula shook his head and said, "I'm just annoyed by that guy who keeps chanting succubus in my ear like a fly!"

At this moment, in the distance, the unlucky Deadpool was running wildly towards this side, followed by a dozen demon dogs the size of a calf, and one of the devil dogs' sharp teeth penetrated Deadpool's ass, like a pendant hanging on him.

Deep canyons, steep cliffs, and a huge hole with a diameter of about [-] miles. Walking inward for more than [-] miles, there is a huge cave, where gold, silver and jewels like hills are piled up.

A huge three-headed dragon lazily lay on the pile of gold, silver and jewels. His three heads were panting heavily, and terrifying dark fluctuations emanated from his body from time to time.

More than a dozen half-dragons squatted beside him, carefully wiping his smooth and hard dragon scales with soft white silk. Under the belly of the three-headed dragon, there was a wreckage of a Kirita battleship.

"Once Mephisto dies, the No.15 abyss becomes unowned,"

The three-headed dragon hummed slowly: "The dimension of reality is really scary. I don't understand why those demons are going to Midgard. The human soul is indeed very sweet, but it's a pity that the strength of the supreme mage is simply a pervert!"

Turning over slowly, exposing the big belly to the sky, indicating to those half-dragons to continue to wipe the scales on their belly,

"It's a good thing that Mephisto is dead, Fifteen Abyss, my strength should be able to compete for the position of Lord of Hell!

It's a pity, the old immortal is too powerful, the dragon abyss, if the majesty of the dragon abyss is me, then all the jewels in the abyss are mine! "

Thinking of good things, the three heads of the magic dragon couldn't help but salivate.

At this moment, a black sub-dragon of more than ten meters flew in, "Patriarch, there are humans appearing in the Fifteen Abyss!"

"Call me Majesty!" The three-headed dragon flew the black flying dragon that reported the message with one wing: "Majesty Dragon!"

"Humans, I haven't seen a living human being for thousands of years, delicate human beauties, and human beings with a crisp taste, that rich flesh and blood, um, I get excited just thinking about it, how many people there are, and how strong are they? ?”

The face of the black sub-dragon that flew back showed a humanized bewilderment:
"Patriarch, the kobold demon reported that there are many, and I am not very clear about the specifics!"

"Useless stuff! Get out!"

The three-headed dragon opened its mouth to shoot out dragon flames, and then sneezed heavily, sending it hundreds of meters away.

The black dragon slammed heavily on a rock wall, and the terrible impact nearly shattered its wings.

It flapped its wings and quickly escaped from the cave. Well, it still held two strings of jewels in its claws.

"Humans, in order to compete for this dimension, the current Fifteen Abyss has set off more than one bloody battle in the abyss. These humans suddenly appeared here? What conspiracy?"

The three-headed dragon got up and looked into the distance. After a while, it flapped its wings and flew out of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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