Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 274 Another Battlefield

Chapter 274 Another battlefield

"Oh, take it easy, my ass!"

Wolverine Logan, with almost only a metal skeleton left in his body, stretched out a pair of metal steel claws, and fished out Deadpool Wade, who looked like a pile of minced meat, from a pool of magma.

The sharp Edman alloy steel claws slashed across Deadpool's lower body, and "accidentally" cut off a large piece of his scorched butt, Deadpool complained loudly.

"What is so fragrant?" Deadpool sniffed twice with his fast-healing and growing nose, a little puzzled.

"It's your butt, it looks half-cooked!" Wolverine inserted a piece of charred meat and handed it to Deadpool.

"It's all charred, take it away, oh, take it away!" Smelling the smell of barbecue, Deadpool swallowed saliva and shouted hastily.

Wolverine Logan flicked it casually, and threw out the black piece of meat on the steel claws. The piece of meat fell into the unsolidified magma, sank, and then emitted wisps of blue smoke.

"If you still dare to throw nuclear bombs, I'll throw you in the oven and make them very cooked. I think these ogres in hell will be interested in your barbecue!"

Logan threatened to wave his wolf claws in front of Deadpool a few times,
The blood threads attached to the Adamantium alloy on his body began to grow and heal, starting from the muscles and bones, then muscles, blood vessels, and finally the skin.

Thanks to the indestructibility of the Adamantium alloy on his body, the genes on Wolverine's body have formed a molecular fusion with the Adamantium alloy to some extent,

In theory, as long as these Adamantium skeletons are not destroyed, Logan will not die.

Wolverine's recovery speed was fast enough, but Deadpool's recovery speed was not slow either, and soon the two immortal guys stood on the hell battlefield of this abyss bloody battle.

"Oh? What's that!"

Deadpool searched for a long time in the magma, and finally found his two beloved katana swords and the space bag.

Deadpool first looked at the contents of the interspatial bag, and when he saw that the dozen pounds of gems he had chiseled from the crater were safe and sound in the interspatial bag, Deadpool let out a sigh of relief.

While cutting a piece of flesh from a dead Winged Demon and wiping the blade of his katana, he looked at the huge black tornado in the distance suspiciously.

Countless tornadoes composed of demons are as high as the [-]-meter-high Black Mountain in the distance.

The narrowest part has a diameter of at least 600 meters. As for the thickest ground, the demons climbing up layer upon layer can't be seen at all.

From the cracks in the tornado, white lightning leaked out from time to time, and large pieces of demons fell from the sky, falling directly into a puddle of flesh.

"Shouldn't be an enemy!" Logan shook his head. "No matter what it is, that thing seems to be very attractive to these demons and has attracted the attention of most of them. Let's go find Johnny now! Help him find His father's soul, get out of here!"

Deadpool touched his samurai sword, looked at Logan who was naked and tossing his flesh, subconsciously looked down at his own, and then silently tied the piece of Winged Demon's flesh membrane around his waist.

"It seems to be at least hundreds of miles away from that black mountain. My space bag is empty. Where is your space bag? Do you have any flying tools?"

"Lost it!" Logan stretched out the steel claw in his hand, turned around and killed a hell dog who smelled the smell and wanted to attack. The Edman alloy steel claw inserted into the hell dog pierced through the hell dog's With a strong skull, he took advantage of the situation and peeled off the dog's skin of the hell dog.

Logan put the dog skin around his waist and looked around: "Did you see Dracula!"

"He? When he was in the crater, he didn't know where he went, but I always feel that this trip to hell is not that simple!"

Deadpool shook his head, waved the two samurai swords in his hands, and slashed at the monsters surrounded by the gray sword, and chopped a group of gargoyles to the ground like chopping melons and vegetables with two magic swords.

When most of the monsters rushed to the black pillar of the tornado that reached the sky, there were far fewer monsters besieging Deadpool and Wolverine.
This allowed the two immortals to discuss the real purpose of a black-hearted boss.

"With the strength of the big boss, he can come to this abyss without anyone noticing, and bring Johnny's father's soul back!"

Deadpool shook his head: "According to the plot of some super movies, our big boss must be brewing a big conspiracy, I guess it has something to do with hell!"

Wolverine Logan looked at Deadpool's avocado-like, not-so-intelligent head in surprise.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I think Johnny can see it too,
But obviously none of us are the so-called superheroes who kidnap others by morality,
The boss is already helping him as much as possible, some things always need to be done by himself!
I think Johnny would love to redeem his father's soul himself! "

Deadpool slashed out with a knife, and more than a dozen vampire mephits with a wingspan of more than two meters in the sky were directly divided into two by the knife light.

Logan waved his claws neatly, cut through the throat of a standing monster with a crocodile head, and pierced the steel claws into its exposed heart. The thick and hot blood of the demon splashed on Logan's face. He looked back at Deadpool.

"That's not like what you said!"

Deadpool waved his two knives: "It seems that you still don't know me very well, I am actually a very wise person, do you think I only have beautiful knives and grandma in my mind?!"

Looking at Logan's still unbelieving eyes, Deadpool said cursingly and perfunctorily: "Well, I really didn't say these things, it was "they" who told me!"

them?Logan and Deadpool are also old friends, knowing that he seems to have the ability to talk to some mysterious beings.

"So, also because of their suggestion, you decisively surrendered to Tang?"

A group of sickle demons waved their sickle-shaped forelimbs and slashed at Logan,

Regardless, Logan let the sickles of these monsters fall on him. Relying on his immortality, he used Adamantium alloy steel claws to exchange injuries for injuries, and cheated to turn over these sickle demons.

Wolverine Logan's fighting ability is not to be said to be appalling, a variable superhero in close-to-hand combat, his fighting skills are really hip, but with his immortal body, he is like a headache-provoking piece of hob meat.

Unlike Wolverine Logan, Deadpool's sword skills are top-notch even among superhumans.
The double knives swung can even block the bullets of submachine guns fired intensively.

But since he became immortal, Deadpool has forgotten about his sword skills. In his words, he can't die anyway, so what if there are more holes in his body.

These two bad guys are also the only two who have not graduated from Kane's fighting skills training camp.

Even Kane has no good way to take these two pieces of hob meat.

Logan has always been curious about why Deadpool joined their camp,

Unlike others, Deadpool is Boss Tang who took the initiative to find him.

At the beginning, Deadpool mixed with the Avengers, Daredevil Matt, and Little Spider, but after being wanted by the underground world, he decisively chose to surrender.

"I like the current world. All forces on the earth are united to the outside world. Oh, even the crimes in the underground world are much less. Even those who traffic people and smuggle people have their sights on alien planets.
Instead of handing over the world to superheroes who play with parallel universes and never grow up,

Why not leave it to our big boss, at least he is doing a good job now!

How about I become an interstellar mercenary in the future? Those green-skinned and red-skinned alien beauties are cool to think about! "

"Then you'd better deal with your wife first, the immature superhero, you mean Peter Parker!" Logan asked.

Deadpool whistled, and slashed out two sword auras, cutting off a large piece of fallen demons:
"It's all in hell, you can't keep me away from Vanessa.

Oh my God!What about succubus, aren't succubus everywhere in hell? Why didn't I see them all! "

Deadpool complained:

"Peter Parker? He, he is just an ordinary high school student without the ability of spiders. I think he will enjoy his life of cultivating flowers and plants in the biology laboratory during this time!"

"Compared with him, I like the other two bugs better!"

Logan glanced at Deadpool, shook his head, and was sure that he had guessed correctly. The so-called guy who played in parallel universes that Deadpool was referring to should be the little spider, but he didn't understand why Deadpool was so obsessed with little spiders. Opinion.

As far as he knew, the relationship between the two of them was not bad before.

What Logan doesn't know is that the transformation of Deadpool is indeed related to the little spider. Deadpool has the ability to break the fourth wall and communicate with some "audiences". The reason why he had a good relationship with the little spider before is that
That's because the disgusting No Return of Heroes hasn't been released yet.

A growing high school student will inevitably encounter some setbacks in his growth.

But what Little Spider did, handed over Tony Stark's legacy to his enemies, and after being exposed, erased the world's perception of him.

In order to save the Green Goblin in the parallel universe, villains like the Sandman killed their aunt, which almost affected several parallel universes
But handing over the fate of the world to a puberty kid, don't worry, it's no different from handing over the nuke button to a dog. The screenwriter is really like shit.

Such a bug was not his ideal teammate.

Since the audience who passed the fourth wall of Deadpool knew about Peter Parker's insane actions, he decisively chose to run away and took refuge in Boss Tang.

At the very least, Boss Tang, who ruled the underground world, maintained the darkness of this world at the surface by relying on the order of iron and blood.

And without the Avengers, the world needs to be guarded, right?
"Oh? Logan! Am I dazzled! Why do I feel that big black pillar is moving towards us!"

Deadpool slashed at the flying monsters in the sky, glanced at the corner of his eyes inadvertently, and suddenly found that the tornado, the big black pillar covering the sky and the sun, seemed to be getting closer to him.

"You're not mistaken, that thing is indeed moving towards us!" Logan glanced at it, and saw that the big black pillar made of demons was indeed unwavering, slowly moving towards them.

As the tornado moved, countless demons crashed down.

Logan and Deadpool looked at each other, and then they ran away.

Wielding Thor's Hammer, Thor, the God of Thunder, flew in mid-air, and white light continued to crackle around him, like a giant funnel-shaped fly swatter, and countless pieces of demon's stumps and flesh that had been blasted by electricity crashed to the ground. .

But the demons all around swarmed forward and continued, and there was darkness in front of them, all the hideous faces of those monsters. Thor couldn't even see the road ahead. Boss Tang's two subordinates.

He didn't even realize that he was already the eye of the storm in the entire abyssal battlefield.

The two rescued could not wait to yell at him: "Don't come here!"


Wolverine and Deadpool guessed rightly, Boss Tang did have his own plan for this trip to hell.

After Mephisto was killed, the several abyss dimensions he once controlled became unowned.

The chairman of the dark council approached Boss Tang, hoping to use his power to take over an abyss world.

The condition proposed by Tang Song is that the dark council will help him wipe out Dormammu's believers in the world,

At the same time, after the speaker of the dark council successfully merged with the law of the abyss and became the lord of the abyss, the speaker of the dark council will be Boss Tang's mistress Selena.

Of course, only the Speaker and Boss Tang know about this secret agreement.

Just like the speaker who didn't know, Boss Tang also made a promise to Dracula to help him replace the speaker as the abyss lord.

And what Dracula promised to Boss Tang was also the position of the speaker of the Dark Council, and at the same time the control of Dracula's blood clan.

Although fused with the power of the dark dimension, the real body will be blocked by the three temple barriers of the real dimension and cannot appear in the real dimension, but no one can stop the desire for power.

Moreover, the speaker of the Dark Council and Dracula obviously have their own careful thinking. They want to integrate the hell dimension, but at the same time they don't want to give up the real world. Coincidentally, Boss Tang does too.

The bloody battle of the abyss involving the five abyss lords,
The main abyss dimension related to the authority that Mephisto once held,

In addition to the intruding Asgard Thunder God, it is undoubtedly a big show, attracting the attention of countless latitude evil gods, hell lords,

At this time, no one noticed that an inconspicuous abyss dimension once ruled by Mephisto was gradually covered with a layer of blood.

In the same foggy sky, tens of thousands of demons frantically 'fled' at high altitude, and many demons flapped their wings indiscriminately, their bodies drew twisted arcs in the void,
Behind them, thousands of nightmare warhorses carried undead knights on their backs, and surrounded by countless black palm-sized bats, they chased after them.

The artificial sun rising from time to time in the sky illuminates the ground full of lava rivers.

Orc warriors from various tribes in the real world, under the command of the Dark Council, held big knives and axes, and carried bazookas and heavy machine guns produced by the Tang Corporation,

With the cooperation of more than a dozen skeleton soldiers summoned by necromancers, they frantically hunted down the monsters in the abyss.

Perhaps it is because there is no blockade of the temple, or because the dimension of the abyss is relatively close to the dimension of an undead creature, the number of skeleton soldiers summoned by a dozen necromancers is dozens or hundreds of times that of the real world.

The huge number of skeleton soldiers holding rusty swords almost formed a sea of ​​skeletons.

At the same time, the accumulation of thousands of years of the Dark Parliament, there is no shortage of powerful dark creatures such as gargoyles, headless horsemen, black goblins, and evil spirits, magic puppets, and undead for thousands of years.

Even the Dark Parliament dispatched several war fortresses that looked very old,

These are said to be war fortresses made by ancient goblins. Although the speed and power are far inferior to the new star warships configured by the Tang Corporation,

However, a single shot of the magic power main cannon is also a big killer that can rot for dozens of miles.

Artificial suns rose into the sky one after another, dispelling the darkness of the abyssal dimension, and the blood moon in the sky, which represented the abyssal dimension, became much dimmer.

From time to time, the Nova warships of the Tang Corporation broke away from the team chasing down the abyssal demons and landed on the ground full of sulfur smell.

Armed robots flew out of the Nova Battleship, holding cloth bags, digging pits, and buried gem-like seeds in the pits, pouring the hearts and flesh obtained from hunting demons.

Under the illumination of the artificial sun, plants soon burst out of the ground one by one, germinated and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon these plants turned into sunflowers with heads and faces, pea shooters like hair dryers, and angry melons with big white eyes , two or three meters of nut wall.
As countless demons were hunted down and magical plants appeared one after another, the blood moon representing the origin of this dimensional world further dimmed.

The source of a world is like a boundless ocean, unless it is the hell lord who also merged with the abyss, the evil god of dimension, some like Odin, Zeus, and other high-level protoss life forms.

Ordinary people who want to integrate themselves with the source of dimensionality are like pouring a bottle of ink into an ocean. If they want to blacken this ocean, even if they succeed, it will probably take tens of thousands of years.

You must know that this abyss is not the dark dimension of Dormammu,

What Dormammu discovered at the beginning was a dark dimension that no one knew about. Even with his original strength, he did not know how many years it took him to fuse himself with the source of that dark dimension and become the master of the dark dimension, the evil god of the dimension. .

This abyss is not a secret among the hell lords, but it is too remote and this abyss is too small.

Secondly, everyone's eyes are now attracted by Mephisto's main abyss, so for the time being, no hell lord or dimension evil god has cast their eyes.

But no matter how small the abyss is, it is also a complete dimensional world. Once the bloody battle in the abyss is decided, those abyss lords will probably not let go of this piece of fat, so if you want to quickly integrate this abyss world, you must first weaken it. The original power of the world in the abyss

A bottle of ink cannot blacken an ocean, but it is easy to blacken a bowl of water.

Whether it's the Dark Parliament hunting down the demons in this abyss, or the Tang Group launching artificial suns into the sky and planting magic plants, they all aim to weaken the origin of this world.

As the artificial suns rise into the sky, patches of magical plants break through the magma ground and grow rapidly.
When millions, tens of millions of demons are hunted,
(In order to quickly weaken the origin of this abyss, the people of the Dark Council even got a few nuclear bombs from nowhere!)
When several tens of millions of tons of nuclear bombs planted mushroom clouds in this abyss world.

The light of the blood moon in the sky finally dimmed to the point where it almost disappeared.

A dozen figures shot up into the sky at the same time, flying towards the blood moon.

Among them is the president of the Dark Council,
There is Dracula, who turned into a golden bat the size of a palm, who was still beside Deadpool and Wolverine not long ago,

There are also a few old toothless, old monsters from the Dark Council.

Of course, there are also some powerful demon lords in the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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