Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 276 Occupy Conflict

Chapter 276 Occupy Conflict
Hulala, an abyss worm as thick as a locomotive broke through the hard soil layer, sticking its head out from the ground, revealing a big pink and bright red mouth full of sharp fangs, facing the robot in the sky

Let out a piercing growl.

The hard scale shell, coupled with the ability to travel through the ground and make holes, made monsters like abyss worms a tyrant in this abyss world.

They lurk in the ground, and their sharp tentacles under the scales can sense slight vibrations on the ground.

After sensing the prey, they use their sharp teeth and the erect scales on their body surface to burrow quietly, get under the prey, and then suddenly rush out, bite the prey, and swallow it into the terrifying big mouth inside.

Not to mention ordinary abyssal monsters, demons, even high-level demons, have nothing to do with this abyssal worm.

Like lions and crocodiles in the African savannah,

For crocodiles, river water is the best protection.

The hard abyssal soil layer is the biggest protective umbrella for abyssal worms.

When an orc tribe with hundreds of people from the Dark Parliament passed through this abyss plain,
Most of it was devoured by more than a dozen abyss worms that drilled directly from the soil layer.

Although they used rockets, heavy machine guns and other hot weapons to kill several abyss worms,

But when these abyss worms drilled into the soil like diving,
These orcs had no choice but to escape from the territory of this abyss worm in a modified Hummer.

These abyss worms even swaggered and swallowed two steel soldiers who came to plant magic plants,

As a result, the group of abyss worms with more than a dozen heads was directly reduced to only one big and three small ones under the self-destruct of the steel soldiers.

But for these abyss worms, the disaster has just begun,
While the Iron Soldiers' built-in vigilance and video devices transmitted information about these abyssal worms back to the command ships in the sky.

The experts in the weapon research department became interested in the ability of these abyss worms to freely shuttle through the hard abyss rock formations and the layer of scales.

Three iron soldiers that looked exactly like the Destroyer armor flew out from the equipment compartment of the Nova Battleship,
Strictly speaking, the names of these three robots should be Sentinels.


The sentinel robot that arrived at the self-destruct point of the Iron Soldiers was directly suspended in mid-air, and directly activated the energy radar search mode and see-through eye mode.

Both of these abilities come from Utopia's third-tier mutants.

In Utopia, the Tang Corporation has opened more than a dozen large public and private hospitals, and provides free medical examinations for the people in Utopia every year.

Physical examination? Blood sample collection is standard.

In the weapon research department, Dr. Trask, who is in charge of the sentinel robot project, according to the number of mutant abilities that the sentinel robot can fuse.

The sentinel robot is divided into seven or eight models by category.
Like these three Sentinel robots, based on Mystique's genes, they are loaded with energy radar, see-through eyes, and also incorporate the genetic abilities of Phantom Cat and Cyclops.

Three sentinel robots were facing the scorched black soil layer below in mid-air. After scanning for five or six minutes, one sentinel robot found a trace of an abyss worm.

It leaned over and rushed down, the solid ground seemed to not exist for it, like a phantom, passing through the ground

The ground shook for a while, and then an abyss worm crawled out of the ground as if fleeing for its life.
Before the abyss worm hissed to the sky for a long time, the face of a sentinel robot in mid-air changed like mercury,
The pupils were red, and two laser beams shot out precisely, cutting down the head of the abyss worm, and quickly cut it into three parts.

Even if the abyss worm has the same ability to regenerate broken limbs as the earthworm, if it is cut into three vertically, and the incision is burnt, it must be dead.

"The surface worm skin of this abyss worm has extremely high research value, as well as its heart crystallization. Don't forget to let these sentinel robots collect it!"

Kane, Ryan, Ivan Vanke, Dr. Trask and a group of researchers stood in front of the big screen and watched the movement on the big screen on the latest generation of star warships in the Milky Way.

Among these researchers, there are many strange-looking aliens and mechanical transformation people.

They were purchased by Old Mander together with these starships,

In the Milky Way, there are countless living planets that are destroyed by wars every day. The alien races without their home planets, the better ones become wandering mercenaries like the Kiritas.

Some unlucky ones were either killed, or imprisoned, sold, and became slaves.

On Sal planet where the collector's brother Gao Tianzun resides, the number of interstellar population traded every day is comparable to the total population of the federation.

However, on Thrall, because of the existence of the largest arena in the Milky Way, the most popular slaves are those with strong individual strength, tyrannical body, and ability to control energy.

Like some scientific research and technical personnel, unless they are scientific research talents who have mastered the core technology of a civilization above the first level, the price is generally pitifully low.

However, these people are just right for the earth that has not yet stepped into space.

Currently, the Honeycomb Laboratory, the weapons research and manufacturing department of the Tang Group, has more than two hundred "brought in" alien scientists.

They serve the spaceship manufacturing of the Down Corporation, the research and development of the sentinel robot and the steel soldier, and help the scientists of the Down Corporation decipher the alien technology brought back by Old Mander.
If it is said that Tony Stark's iron suit is updated from his brain that is so clever that no one can match it,

The steel soldiers and sentinel robots that the Tang Group has gradually perfected are supported by a huge system.

On the large projection screen of the Nova Warship, there are more than a dozen small screens, all of which are scenes of sentinel robots dealing with some high-level demons in groups of three or four.

For the magma demons who can live in magma rivers, the sentinel robots they are fighting against are configurations that have the ability to mutate icemen.

Three or four sentinel robots joined forces to forcibly freeze the magma demon into a sculpture.

There is no entity, it looks like a devil with only a cloud of black smoke, immune to entity attacks.

Sentinel robot sharing mode, analysis mode activated, experimented with more than a dozen attack modes, and finally used infrasonic attack to shatter the cloud of devil smoke to pieces.

The more than 300 sentinel robots all over the abyss focused on attacking some extremely difficult high-level demons.

Under the blood moon, patches of ghostly bone banners were inserted on the hills of this abyss world, and the whole abyss world gave people an extremely desolate feeling.

Died at the hands of the Dark Council, wiped out by the Iron Soldiers, bombarded by the main guns of the Nova Battleship to nothing left, and even wiped out by those magic plants,

Their souls were all absorbed by these ghost bones and turned into nourishment for these magic weapons.

In the sky, four huge ghost bone banners cover the sky and block out the sun, crossing under the blood moon,
Eight hundred-foot-tall ghosts and gods lead tens of thousands of yin soldiers and ghost soldiers, clattering with iron armor, and cooperating with the magic weapon of the heavenly demon's blood-turning knife, the blood Taoist blocked the connection between this abyss world and the outside world, and also isolated the outside world. Exploration of this abyss.

The souls of these high-level demons killed by the sentinel robots were transformed into streams of light, and were taken away by the ghostly bones in the sky like a curtain.

This is also one of the goals of the Tang Group's attack on this abyss world, to find the main material for refining the yin and yang elixir for Boss Tang.

The blood moon in the sky turned from a colorful assortment into a three-color round pancake at some point, with two streaks of blood, one thick and one pale, and a deathly paleness.

In the blood moon space, a crystal clear skeleton man holding a long bone sword is confronting Dracula who has turned into a human form.
"Dracula, my old friend for so many years, you want to rob me!"

The speaker of the Dark Parliament swiped the long sword in his hand, and a black line tore through the space of the original world.
Dracula's eyes shrank, and he summoned a cloud of blood with a smirk. After swallowing a large amount of the original power of the abyss, the golden bat he summoned had completely turned into blood.

Just when the two old friends who had known each other for hundreds of years were planning to meet in battle, the next instant, a thick cloud of blood enveloped the entire Blood Moon space.


I don't know when, thick smoke billowed out, and the crater that spewed out magma, what spewed out was no longer hot magma, but thick blood.

The magma river also turned into a blood river, rolling to all parts of the abyss,

Countless low-level demons fell into the river of blood and melted within it in less than a tenth of a second.

Some mid-level demons gradually melted in the blood river, some directly turned into pools of blood, and some turned into extremely fierce blood god sons.

These shadowy blood god sons flew in the air, and when they saw fleeing demons, they pounced on them, swallowing them in an instant, leaving only a skin.

The number of blood god children is increasing, gradually forming a large cloud of blood, and the blood cloud in the sky is scattered in all directions
Some high-level devils, great demons with billowing sulfurous smoke on their bodies, want to escape into the depths of hell.

Wanting to escape this horrible cloud of blood that destroys all things.

But the blood cloud followed them into the sky and quickly enveloped them.

Strange blood-colored visions, countless demons were rushed by blood-colored shadows under their noses, leaving only skins in place.

The orcs, black wizards, and vampires of the Dark Council were all in a state of panic at this moment, and their legs were so frightened that their legs were so weak.

If it weren't for the fact that these bloody shadows didn't seem to have any intention of attacking them, many orcs would have almost slipped away.

But where can they slip away? All members of the dark council who have the qualifications and strength to form a teleportation magic circle have all entered the blood moon space to see this vision.

Whether they are still alive is unknown.

"It looks like the boss is done!"

Ryan stood on the bridge of the Nova Battleship, looked out through the transparent porthole into an abyss that turned into a bloody world, and looked back at Kane and the others.

"It's done!"

Raccoon Town Lake Island Manor
Tang Song felt an extremely majestic force feeding back to him, and immediately understood that the spirit of the magic weapon of the Heavenly Demon Blood Transformation Knife had successfully swallowed the origin of an abyss world.

This force was fed back from the Heavenly Demon Blood Transformation Knife.

Tang Song's figure flashed, and his figure appeared in the secret room at the bottom of the lake.

Boss Tang, who came to the secret room at the bottom of the lake, sat cross-legged, and two jets of air, one black and one white, rose from the sky, and the two yin and yang qi were transformed into a scroll of yin and yang Tai Chi diagrams three feet above Tang and Song's heads.

Tang Song patted Tianling again, and a three-inch figure exactly like him jumped out of his head holding a blood-gray three-foot ball.

Boss Tang's Yuanying jumped into the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram holding the ever-growing ball, and he casually threw the ball into the Yin-Yang eye in the Tai Chi diagram.

The yin-yang fish rotates like a big yin-yang grinding disc, crushing the blood-gray ball, wisps of blood-qi, and gray-qi rises from the yin-yang scroll and sinks into a corner of the secret room at the bottom of the lake.

At the moment when the blood and gray energy submerged, a figure could be seen flashing in the darkness.

The Yin-Yang Great Grinding Mill turned round and round, constantly wearing away the mottled power in the ball, turning it into the purest spiritual power,
However, although the original ability of the abyss has been filtered by the Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Knife, it will take at least a hundred years of hard work to purify it only by relying on the Taiji scrolls refined in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

But fortunately, Boss Tang has a rich family. Sitting cross-legged under the yin and yang grinding disc transformed into the Taiji scroll, Boss Tang Yuanying made the next move. The string of ether particles that turned into vermilion bracelets emitted a red light, feeling his will.

The Reality Gem quickly turned into a materialized Taiji diagram in the red light. The Taiji diagram was stretched into the air, and a golden bridge appeared under Boss Tang's body.

The golden bridge disappeared in a flash, and Boss Tang's figure appeared in the Tai Chi diagram.

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, the yin and yang great pills were formed, and the Tai Chi true form map was refined. They also had a lot of understanding of the attainments of the yin and yang Tai Chi. At this moment, the Tai Chi map manifested with the real gems, although it cannot be compared with the innate treasure of good fortune, is more or less somewhat verve.

The two yin and yang mills of Tai Chi Diagram and Tai Chi True Shape Diagram rotate at the same time, and the ever-expanding ball is directly crushed by the two into black and white yin and yang spiritual power.

Located under the two yin and yang mills, the breathing room of the Tang and Song Yuanying, the yin and yang two-color airflow wrapped him like two ribbons, and the Yuanying, which was less than three inches in size, was stimulated by these yin and yang spiritual forces.
It swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, three inches, five inches, seven inches, one foot, three feet, seven feet, nine feet, and soon grew to be the same as the Tang and Song dynasties.

The Yuan Ying of Tang and Song Dynasty beckoned, and the yellow Infinity Gem that symbolized the soul flew out of the Wuyin wallet, emitting a faint yellow light.

The so-called soul is actually the spirit, and tempering the spirit is tempering the soul, and the so-called soul is the combination of the soul and the soul to form the so-called soul.

The human soul is very weak. Unless a person dies, the soul of an ordinary person cannot leave the body at all. However, through cultivation, some monks can use their souls to travel out of their minds and attach them to some magic tools, magic weapons, and spells. They are Yin gods. .

However, if this kind of yin god is not attached to the magic weapon, it is too weak, but it can interfere with reality, but it is afraid of light, wind, and thunder.
But the soul has been tempered to a certain level, and the Yuanshen formed by the fusion of the Yuanying can get rid of this shackles, and can live without the body.

In the world of Yanfu, monks who refine the primordial spirit can not only take home and be reborn, but also avoid the suffering of reincarnation,
In ancient times, if there was a relationship with the higher authorities, one could even give up the physical body, and the primordial spirit walked in the Xixian Pond once, and became a fairy official, a divine official.

But after choosing this step, it will be difficult to improve your strength in the future.

Not to mention that there is no washing pool in the Marvel world, even if there is, Tang and Song will not ruin their future.

The power of the mind gem refines his soul thoughts, and the yin and yang qi continuously refined by the two yin and yang mills elevate his nascent infant and physical body.

The trinity boosted Boss Tang's strength.

While Boss Tang was practicing, the No.15 abyss had seven blood moons hanging in the sky.

The devil's plain where the bloody battle was launched, and the magma river that seemed to flow forever in hell, have all exposed the dry bottom of the river.


A voice of suppressed anger resounded in the abyss. It was the voice of Beelzebub, one of the Seven Lords of Hell.

At this time, on the Devil's Plain, a large number of demon corpses almost raised the piles of thousands of miles of plains by tens of meters.

Only a very small part of these demons were split into coke by the power of thunder and lightning, and most of them either died of cannibalism or were pierced through their bodies by streaks of black holy light.

Above Mephisto's former palace, Thor, the god of thunder, held a storm ax in one hand and Thor's hammer in the other, looking at the sky panting.

In the sky, the black holy light will almost cover the blood moon in the sky.

The throne was held high, and millions of fallen angels shook their wings, guarding the man on the throne.

An exasperated Beelzebub showed his figure, "Lucifer, the bloody battle in the abyss, you have the ability to participate in an open and aboveboard, what is the ability to sneak attack from behind!?"

Lucifer, the most beautiful and powerful Archangel ever in heaven, the star of dawn.

In myths and legends, because he refused to surrender to the Son of Christ, he chose to abandon the title of "Phil" as the Archangel, and led one-third of the angels in heaven to launch a riot without hesitation.

After falling in chaos for nine mornings and evenings, he fell into hell and became the king of hell.

As the head of the Seven Demon Kings, Lucifer is said to possess six-sevenths of the power of God.

At this time, over the devil's plain, not only Beelzebub showed his figure,
The other hell lords who launched this bloody battle in the abyss also showed signs. The blood god Lilith in a blood-colored dress covered her face with a blood-colored veil, and the hem of the blood-colored skirt almost spread for hundreds of meters.

But at this moment, she covered her face with a small blood-colored round fan in disgust, and kept keeping away from the humanoid demon leaning towards her.

An astonishingly large three-headed dragon, with countless magical scales densely covered on its huge black head, the smallest scale is more than ten meters in size, its size alone is enough to make people feel intimidated.

The three pairs of Molong's eyes were half-closed, like a sleepy old man, but the light that occasionally opened and closed his eyes made several hell lords startled.

No one knows the exact age of this old dragon who rules the Dragon Abyss. Some even say that he existed before the Dragon Abyss was born, and he is a veritable antique.

"Sneak attack, aboveboard?" The man on the throne lowered his hands, raised his head, and looked at Beelzebub with a funny face:
"Gluttony, have you forgotten where this is? This is the abyss of hell. What do you think you are? We are demons. Since we are demons, we will do what demons should do!"

"I heard that you guys plan to decide the ownership of this abyss with the life and death of Odin's heirs!

Seeing that you are timid and timid, it seems that you dare not make a move. Since you dare not, then I will come! "

After Lucifer finished speaking, he gripped the ornately decorated quaint sword by the armrest of the throne, and swung it downward.

A seemingly extremely thin black light shot out from the sword light.

The brightness of the light in the void suddenly increased dozens of times,
A large crater with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers collapsed on the surface of space,

The top of the Black Mountain, together with the palace complex of Mephisto, flashed for a moment, and disappeared in the black light.

(Thank you 281 boss for your reward. Let me explain the problem of Pujie’s lack of updates recently. Pujie is engaged in e-commerce operations. The recent 618 event, the busy group will be busy tomorrow, it should be much better)

(End of this chapter)

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