Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 292 The world is impermanent 5000 Ask for a monthly ticket

Chapter 292 The world is impermanent 5000 Ask for a monthly ticket

Hearing Ryan's words, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The Pope is involved in a worldwide terrorist attack, which also concerns the Stargate and the World Security Council.

Even if the Holy See family has a big career, they can't bear the consequences.
The member countries of the World Security Council may be concerned about the influence of the Holy See, and there is no way to kill them all, but there may be no way to do it on the surface, but some methods are enough to cause headaches for the Holy See.

Not to mention anything else, some of their secret funds of the Holy See are stored in the banks of Italy, the Federation, and Switzerland. Once these bank accounts are frozen, there will be problems with their funds of the Holy See.

The director of the Inquisition was an unattractive half-century old man. He walked up to Ryan, drew a cross on his chest, and said with a smile on his face:
"Mr. Ryan, I would like to thank you Tang Group for mediating this matter!"

Seeing his hesitant to speak, Ryan waved his hand, and the black-clothed bodyguard standing by the door came over with a silver box and put it in front of Ryan.

Ryan simply pressed the password of the silver suitcase and opened the box. Inside the box was a simple crown that looked like it was woven with thorns, a beetle that seemed to be sealed in white amber, and an old silver cross.

Ryan picked up the silver cross and said with a smile: "These are the relics left by the Pope in the terrorist attack. His entourage encountered a suicide attack by terrorists in the hotel, and only these few things were found at the scene!"

Ryan put his fingers on the silver chain of the cross, and as his fingers shook slightly, the cross turned lightly,

Following his movements, the eyes of the people present also followed the cross.

This silver cross looks inconspicuous, but it is the inheritance token of the Pope of the Holy See. There are several secret vaults in the Vatican that require this cross to open.

Ryan looked at West and the others who suddenly became nervous, smiled and put the cross into the suitcase, pushed the suitcase, and the suitcase passed in front of the conference table and stopped in front of West, who was sitting opposite Ryan.

"Now these things are returned to their original owners. Our boss said that he is also a member of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, so naturally we should do what we can for the association!"

Several members of the Holy Shield Brotherhood looked at each other, they didn't expect these things to come so easily, they thought they would have to pay a high price.

You must know that although they have used the influence of the Holy Shield Brotherhood and the Holy See to help the Tang Corporation in recent years, the Tang Corporation has donated real money to the church controlled by the Holy Shield Brotherhood every year.

They received boxes of donations every year just for those silver-plated gold crosses, not to mention elegant but valuable little things like some gemstone brooches.

In the past few years, it is precisely because of the money sent by the Tang Corporation that the power of their Brotherhood of the Holy Shield has been able to expand rapidly in the Holy See.

It's just that an angel suddenly appeared out of nowhere, disrupting the good situation of the Holy Shield Brotherhood.

"A long time ago, I knew that Tang was the benefactor of our Sacred Shield Brotherhood!"

"I really envy West, who has such a good disciple—"

"West has a good vision, but it's a pity that Mr. Tang is not a member of the Holy See, otherwise the position of Pope must belong to him!"

"Come on, do you think that with Mr. Tang's power, you can see the Pope's position?"

After hearing Ryan say that these things do not need to be paid, a group of people from the Holy Shield Brotherhood kept complimenting Boss Tang with a bunch of free words.

West's usually cold and serious face now smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum,
As a bishop at the side said, Tang Song was his disciple. The stronger Tang Song's power and prestige, the higher his status within the Holy Shield Brotherhood.

It's a pity that he is in the Inquisition, not a cardinal, and he is not eligible to run for the position of Pope. Otherwise, with the support of Tang and Song Dynasties, he might not be able to fight for the throne of Pope.

West opened the silver suitcase in front of him and was inspecting the three sacred objects in the suitcase. He suddenly felt a gaze falling on him. He raised his head slightly, and met a fat bishop who looked like Santa Claus. The two exchanged glances, and West nodded slightly at him.

"I came here for another matter. I was also entrusted by the World Security Council. Professor Charles of Utopia was killed in the front line of resisting terrorist attacks. Although this incident was said to be a terrorist attack,
But everyone present knows that it was done by the angel who descended from the Holy See. Now Magneto has made a fuss to the World Security Council and wants an explanation. The World Security Council asked me to ask, what explanation does the Holy See plan to give Utopia? "

After the members of the Holy Shield Brotherhood put away the suitcase containing the three holy artifacts, Ryan slowly revealed another purpose of coming here.

"Utopia, the country established by mutants?" The chief judge of the Inquisition paused:
"This matter is the responsibility of the former Pope, we were also imprisoned by that alien monster,

But this matter is indeed the responsibility of the Holy See, and we will not shirk it. What kind of compensation does Utopia want, money, or other aspects? Because of the terrorist attack on the Central Cathedral, we have recently raised donations around the world. So far, we have raised 35 billion US dollars. We can first compensate Utopia for this money! "

A newly established mutant country, the chief referee didn't take it seriously, but he knew that the Tang Corporation stood behind Utopia,

No wonder the three holy artifacts just sent didn't ask for benefits, so they were waiting here.There was a flash of clarity in the chief referee's eyes. He thought that the Tang Corporation was asking for the money, so he waved his hand happily:
"If it's not enough, we can increase the amount of compensation later!"

Looking at the rich and powerful referee, Ryan put down the black teacup in his hand, sighed, and said: "The referee has misunderstood, Utopia doesn't plan to ask for money, I talked to Magneto,
Professor Charles' status among the mutants is very important. Without him, Utopia's external deterrence can be said to be reduced by more than half. This cannot be measured by money! "

"Then, what does he want?" The referee looked at Ryan, fearing that he would open his mouth.

"Endorsement! Utopia wants the Holy See to endorse the mutants, and declare in the name of the lord that the abilities of the mutants are a gift from God, not a genetically mutated disease or a punishment from some devil!"

Hearing Ryan's words, the chief referee frowned immediately, and several high-ranking bishops present also looked at each other.

"Chief referee, will this arouse the resentment of the believers!" A regional archbishop couldn't help but said.

"Disgusting, Bishop Gary, I have been in the Holy See for a long time, have you forgotten that we are the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, not true believers!" Bishop Hyde, who had some intersections with Tang and Song Dynasties, no, it should be said that Cardinal Hyde refuted the words of the regional archbishop.

"However, the Holy See is our basic base now. If the parasitic tree falls, what should we vines attached to the tree do—"

"Vine, how long has the Holy See been established? The history of our Sacred Shield Brotherhood is not shorter than that of the Holy See. Don't take me with you if you are self-deprecating!"


Ryan touched the black teacup, watched a group of members of the Holy Shield Brotherhood fall into a self-quarrel, and silently remembered those who held negative opinions in his heart.

For these high-level members of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, they can satisfy Utopia's demand for money. After all, the Holy See relies on the accumulation of thousands of years, not to mention the rich and powerful, but also the donations of those believers.

Once they have mastered the Pope's position, the entire Holy See is theirs.

But in the name of the Holy See, endorse those mutants. . .

Regarding the condition proposed by Utopia, the Holy Shield Brotherhood quarreled for at least ten minutes. During this period, the servants came to change the tea several times, but they still did not come to a conclusion.

"The referee, Mr. West, and all the bishops, I have already delivered the things and Utopia's request. It's getting late, and I still have some things to deal with, so let's go first. If you discuss the results, you can call me!"

Ryan raised his wrist to look at his mechanical watch, got up and said to everyone.

When he got up, there was a clatter of chairs moving backwards. Including the referee, all the senior members of the Holy Shield Brotherhood stood up.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ryan, for asking you to make such a trip, we must give the result!" The chief referee held Ryan's hand and sent it to the stairs on the second floor.

"This is my job. The chief referee is polite, please go back!" Ryan and the chief referee waved.

After the chief referee glanced, "West, go and see Mr. Ryan for me!"

West nodded, and chased after Ryan's figure.

Everyone in the Holy Shield Brotherhood watched the two disappear, and someone said: "Hey, who would have thought that one of West's disciples would have gotten into his current position,
When West first introduced him to join the club, he was just a gangster, but now one of his subordinates, we all treat him with such respect!What a world! "

For a moment, the entire second floor fell into dead silence.


West sent Ryan downstairs. By the pool, the two stopped in tacit agreement. West took a cigar from Ryan and put it in his mouth. Ryan took the match from the bodyguard on the side, struck the match himself, and lit the cigar for him.

West was smoking a cigar, exhaling a puff of white smoke from his mouth.

"Mr. West, the Pope's people have been selected?"

In front of the castle fountain, Ryan himself lit a cigar and puffed away the clouds with West.

"I prefer Bishop Hyde. He is one of us. He can become the Cardinal Archbishop thanks to your group's money offensive!"

"Bishop Hyde!" Ryan's chubby, Santa Claus-like face quickly flashed through Ryan's mind, and he nodded: "I will explain to the boss!"

"So, what is Don's thinking? He hasn't paid much attention to the election of the pope before. Is it because of the holy angel?" The fire light produced by the cigar breathing flickered in the dark corner, and West's eyes were shining in the dark night.

"Our boss thinks that the person on the cross has been hanging for thousands of years, it's too hard, and he plans to replace him!"

When West heard Ryan's seemingly casual words, his body trembled and his heart took a breath.

"You guys are crazy!" West felt his fingers trembling while holding the cigarette.

Ryan sneered, and he said to West:
"Angel, so what about God, one of them was killed at the forward base!"

After a wave of ridicule, Ryan continued:

"Mr. West, you should be able to see from the Holy Shield Brotherhood that the angel descended this time. If you want to control the Holy See, you must turn the Holy See into a true religious organization, and the gods behind them, the angels, are the biggest obstacles to your control of the Holy See!"

"But that's an angel, the God of legend, he is omnipotent." West took two sips of his cigar and frowned.

Ryan sneered a few times mockingly: "Omnipotent, that's just the record in the Bible, the Bible is not edited and annotated by humans, in my opinion, only our boss can be called omnipotent!"

West trembled again, he asked with a dry smile: "This is what your boss means, what is Don going to do?"

Ryan glanced at West, and he said gently: "The boss means that after the new Pope takes office, he will invite religious scholars from all over the world to re-interpret the Bible and re-examine Christ Jesus!"

As Ryan said, he reached out and groped in his pocket for a while, took out a shot of emerald green potion, and handed it to West.

He said with a smile: "Teacher, don't worry about encountering resistance. This is the first potion of the gods produced by our laboratory. This potion can break the limit of human lifespan and increase the theoretical lifespan limit of the human body to 150 years old!"

West squeezed the potion in his hand, his heart was shocked, and he licked his somewhat dry lips.

Things that prolong lifespan are rare treasures that are hard to buy even in the extraordinary world, and most of the extraordinary items that can be bought have various flaws.

Just like the first embrace of vampires, it can indeed turn ordinary people into longevity species, but unless forced to, no one wants to become a bloodthirsty monster that can only suck human blood.

"Don't worry, Mr. West, we have conducted human experiments on this medicine, and it has no side effects. The boss asked me to prepare fifty copies. I believe that with these medicines, you will definitely find a group of like-minded friends in the Holy See!"

West's face changed for a while, and he asked again very seriously: "What exactly does Don want to do?"

"I've already told you, Mr. West, our boss intends to recreate a new god to replace the one on the cross!"

West yelled hoarsely: "You are so crazy, what good do you do!? My God?"

West really couldn't understand Tang Song's intentions. Even if another person was replaced on the cross, what good would it do Tang Song? Could it be that Tang was a heretic?

Ryan didn't say anything, he just looked at West.

He firmly believes that no one can refuse the conditions offered by the boss, the life-extending medicine, and he believes that no one can resist the temptation to live.

As for the real purpose of the boss. . .He had some guesses in his mind,

West's face was uncertain, and he was smoking a cigar vigorously, and the smoke he puffed seemed to indicate his mood.

"What are you going to do with those angels? Judging from the Holy Spirit, those angels are not groundless, they are real—"

Ryan smiled and said, "Let's solve this problem! Teacher West is only responsible for the later revision of the Bible!"

West took two puffs of the cigar, threw the remaining half of the cigar on the ground, stretched out his foot and crushed it fiercely, he clenched the injection in his hand:
"Okay, I don't care what Tang's plans are, but the purpose of the Holy Shield Brotherhood is to protect the earth from being invaded by alien races. Since this god is an alien, then I will help you!"

"The matter on the Holy See side, please, please contact me anytime if you need anything!" Ryan nodded towards West.

West has been sending Ryan out of the gate of the castle, and the black limousine has been slowly following behind them.

"Then I won't give it away!"

West watched Ryan get into the car, watched the car go away, and then slowly walked back to the castle. During this period, he carefully stuffed the injection in his hand into the inside of his clothes and kept it safe.

"Brother Ryan!"

After Ryan got into the car, he was greeted with a silly smile, and he sighed helplessly.

"Okay, the matter here has been settled, then you and I will go back to the manor!"

When Adam heard Ryan's words, he immediately smiled and took out a can of drink from the car refrigerator in the car and handed it to Ryan.

The moonlight is like water, and the night wind is like water.

The sky and the earth are like a large piece of colored glass, and the distant sea is undulating with waves and waves.

In the Norwegian Sea, there is a small island. Although it is unpopulated, wild flowers are blooming on the small island. At night, the chirping of insects can be heard endlessly.

Tang Song, who was dressed as a Taoist priest, leaned lazily on a big rock by the seashore, with a colorful tiger nestled under his feet, with the demeanor of an oriental fairy.

Blowing in the sea breeze, apart from the sound of waves hitting the rocks, it seemed to be mixed with the sound of thunder, roaring and cursing, and a sharp woman's happy cursing.

boom -

A bolt of lightning pierced the night sky, illuminating the sea in front of Tang Song, and an old man in a white trench coat appeared in front of Tang Song in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

"Don! I leave it to you!"

Tang Song watched helplessly as the old guy Odin disappeared behind him in a few vertical jumps.

A puff of black mist suddenly floated from the sea, and the black mist fell in front of Tang Song's eyes. A woman with long black hair and dark green armor strode out from the black mist.

She looked Tang Song up and down, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice: "Who are you, where did that old Odin hide?"

Tang Song silently sized up the black long straight lady in front of her, pointing her finger backwards, indicating that Odin was hiding behind.

Sister Hei Changzhi Yu, Hela took a cautious look at Tang Song, raised her hands, and countless sharp black short blades appeared in the air, pointing at Tang Song from afar.

"Who are you? A helper invited by Odin?"

(End of this chapter)

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