Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 299 Three battlefields

Chapter 299 Two Battlefields
On the battlefield of the Nine Realms, there were dead bodies everywhere, and pale gold and bright red blood gathered under the emerald green world tree to form a solidified river.

The corpses of millions of angels lay all over the battlefield. They stared blankly at the sky with their gray and white eyes wide open.

The next moment, with a howl of wolves, the corpses of these angels all stood up, dragging their mutilated bodies and broken wings, and joined the counterattack camp.

Hela was suspended in mid-air, indifferently looking down at the millions of undead below.

Without Heaven's Gate, the continuous flow of reinforcements, under her divine power of death, even now the number of Angel Legion is still so large that it is suffocating.
But as more and more people died in this war, the number of people on the side of the Nine Realms is exploding at a snowballing speed.

Even if the strength of these undead warriors and undead angels is nonexistent compared to their pre-life, it cannot stand the fact that people die every moment on the battlefield.

The next moment, their corpses would wobble and get back up again, joining this blood mill-like battlefield.

At this moment, all races in the Nine Realms once again recalled the horror of the undead army led by the goddess of death.

Fortunately, this time, they fought side by side with the goddess of death.

Looking at the enemy who got up again after death beside them, they could only comfort themselves in this way in spite of their fear.

Occasionally, these fighting warriors raised their heads, and under the stars covered by the World Tree, several dazzling light spots touched from time to time, and thunder and lightning burst out, and a huge energy storm swept across the entire battlefield.

Thor, the god of thunder, swung the storm ax in his hand and slashed at the angel in front of him.

Uriel did not dare to confront him head-on. He had fought with Thor for several days and nights, and he knew how heavy this guy's ax was.

That power was like a small planet smashed down from the top of his head. Under the storm axe, Uriel felt that he was a stronger ant, completely unable to stop this terrifying power!

Uriel dodged quickly, but his right arm was still swept by the thunder force carried by the storm axe, and his body was blown backward by the gust of wind from the axe. Uriel hurriedly took advantage of this gust of wind. Jin back urgently.

Thor's ax smashed through the air, and the ax face of the storm battle ax slanted across Uriel's body,
A bolt of thunder raged out from the ax face, rushing towards the distance.

Hurricane Lei Guang hit a meteorite that was pulled outside the world tree, and this meteorite, which was the size of a hill, trembled violently."

Then a cloud of mushrooms rose into the sky, and the meteorite was directly reduced to ashes in the strong light.

An ax struck the air, and Thor turned back with another axe. His whole body was shrouded in a layer of incandescent electric light. Under the action of the power of lightning, Thor shot faster and faster.

Uriel, who had been attacked and bitten by the shameless black snake, had not yet fully recovered.
The fierce body went numb, and his dodging frequency was gradually unable to keep up with Thor's ax swinging frequency.

With a dazzling electric light, the storm battle ax slashed fiercely on Uriel's back and buttocks.

The storm battle ax slashed hard on Uriel's half-foot-thick armor.

Amidst the ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing, countless sparks burst out.

Uriel's holy armor was directly split into two huge gaps by the storm axe, and a three-foot-long gash was split on his back, and blood spurted out like a spring.

A piece of meat weighing two or three catties was chopped off from his buttocks, and a large amount of blood spurted out, dyeing the armor covering his thighs golden.

Uriel looked up to the sky and screamed in pain, his body was split nearly a hundred miles away by the heavy storm battle ax like a fired shell.

Thor swung his storm ax and chased after Uriel.

The dozen or so on the side were working together to resist the ten wings of the three-headed dragon, and the eight-winged angels saw that their archangel was at a disadvantage.
The two ten-winged angels directly abandoned their opponents, flapping their wings and rushing towards Thor.

Thor swung his huge ax with both hands, and slashed down at the two birdmen blocking the way. In the blink of an eye, the white thunder tore through the space and fell towards the two ten-winged angels.

The dull thunder shook, and tens of thousands of thunders instantly hit the bodies of the two ten-winged angels.
The two angels were directly smashed and fell from the sky, and they fell headlong to the ground in embarrassment.

Before landing, Ghidorah flapped his wings and caught them kindly. The two dragon heads stretched out and swallowed the two angels one by one.


The two ten-winged angels were swallowed. Feeling the full energy in the stomach, Ghidorah's huge body was slightly startled, and the vertical pupils of the two heads raised their heads in satisfaction.

But the one who didn't eat delicious one shook his head dissatisfied,
Turning around to look at the group of angels who were working together to resist it, it opened its mouth, and a thick current of high-energy particles shot straight at the group of angels.

The blazing electric current directly shattered the body of an eight-winged angel with a dull roar, and a transparent hole penetrating tens of miles was blasted out in the angel army.

Looking at the white feathers flying all over the sky, Ghidor pulled six golden vertical pupils, and at the same time flashed a cruel and exciting pleasure.

Its three faucet heads were lifted up at the same time, and it opened its mouth wide. Three super-powerful currents of incandescent high-energy particles were ejected from his mouth at the same time, and finally turned into three beams of incandescent light and blasted towards the densely packed angels.

And those eight-winged and ten-winged angels who tried their best to resist him could only pray and squeeze out all their strength under Ghidorah's strong attack.

Large pieces of light feathers spewed out from the white wings of these angels, turning into an overwhelming white rain of fire and rushing towards Ghidorah. It became a huge fire dragon.

The price for these high-ranking angels is that the feathers on their backs are disappearing little by little. As the light feathers continue to shoot out, the wings on their backs, and even their entire bodies are gradually turning into nothingness.

Thor, the god of thunder, was no longer entangled, and had already chased Uriel in front of him. He swung the storm ax in his hand, and it was about to hit Uriel's forehead with an axe.

Not far away, Gabriel was blowing the horn, summoning the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to fight against a locomotive-thick black dragon, a tiger that could summon black wind, and the huge eight-headed giant snake.

On her back, half of the original white and flawless wings were infected by black sewage-like venom, and this violent venom even eroded half of her body.

Gabriel, who was holding a silver spear, dragged his wounded body, fighting with the black dragon

Gabriel raised his eyes and noticed the scene of Thor's ax chopping Uriel from a distance. She hurried down, propped up the wings behind her back, and released a dazzling white holy light from the doomsday horn in her hand.

Taking advantage of the gap between the eyes of the black flood dragon being blinded by the sudden burst of holy light, she waved her wings, flashed her figure, and rushed towards Thor, the god of thunder.


Hei Jiao opened his mouth, and spat out a basketball-sized inner alchemy, wrapped in black lightning, and hit Gabriel firmly in the back!

It has to be said that this Archangel is also a ruthless person. A mouthful of pale golden blood spewed out of her mouth, and with this blow from Xiao Hei, her speed was raised to the extreme.

Raising a ray of holy light, Gabriel came behind Thor almost in the blink of an eye, and straightened his silver spear straight to the back of Thor.


As Hela's death army rushed to the battlefield again, the young version of Thor, the god of thunder, swung Thor's hammer in rotation, fighting among those middle and high-level angels.

Occasionally, he looked up at the sky, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes at the scene where stars collided with each other.

He understands that the people who really decide the outcome of this war are in heaven,
Whether it is the battlefield between the armored man and Uriel, or the fight between Gabriel and the three giant beasts, he is not able to participate in it now.

For the first time, Thor felt an extreme desire for power.

He noticed the scene of Gabriel's rainbow penetrating the sun from afar.

But Gabriel's speed was astonishingly fast, and the young Thor didn't even see her movement clearly. The tip of the silver spear almost pierced through the back of the armored man. .

But at the next moment, a white and slender hand suddenly appeared, tightly grasping Gabriel's spear, Gabriel's attack was suddenly interrupted,

Gabriel looked at the woman who suddenly appeared, clutching his spear, and finally couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood
The silver holy flame wrapped around Hela's hand and burned it crazily, causing her flesh to crackle.

But Hela didn't seem to feel any pain, just with that kind of madness, enjoying the madness of war and death.

At this time, Thor, God of Thunder, realized the movement belatedly. He turned his head and looked at his "eldest sister" with a complicated expression!
Hela is too lazy to talk to this cheap brother, she wants to burst out all her anger towards Odin and Tang Song, two shameless people.

For her, the Gabriel in front of her is a qualified punching bag.

"Well, I've heard of you, Gabriel, you are very powerful, but will you be my opponent?"

Hela's long hair fluttered behind her back, and the overwhelming breath of death rolled out of her body, turning into black hurricanes roaring and flying between the sky and the earth.

Hela released the huge aura of the Father God unreservedly that day. Just the coercion of the aura shook Gabriel, who was seriously injured, to the point of bleeding from his orifices. Bits of golden blood spurted out, and was torn into pieces by the black gust of wind. smash.

Her half black, half white body trembled in the black wind, like a fallen leaf in a strong wind.

At this time, Gabriel didn't dare to confront Hela head-on,
She barely stretched twelve huge wings and soared into the sky.

Under the crisis of life and death, she flew extremely fast, and the young Thor, who had been watching the battlefield all the time, saw a very thin white light passing by, and Gabriel's body disappeared.

But a black flood dragon sneaked up to the top of Gabriel's head at some point,

It also held a washbasin-sized square mark on its paws.

When Gabriel's figure soared into the sky, Xiao Hei instinctively sacrificed his magic weapon,

The square seal swelled out of thin air to hundreds of square meters, and a metal ingot weighing [-] tons was smashed down.

In order to increase the damage of this magic weapon, Xiao Hei poured all of its alchemy into the magic weapon that the master refined for it, so that this metal ingot was filled with black light blood energy several feet thick.

There was a loud noise, and Gabriel let out a miserable howl, half of his head was smashed down abruptly.

Looking at Gabriel who fell to the ground, Xiao Hei directly sacrificed the magic weapon called the True Dragon Seal, which was actually a large metal ingot, and smashed it randomly.

This magic weapon was attached by Tang and Song Dynasties to the size of wishful thinking, lifting weight as if it were light, and many other restrictions. The most important point is that it is heavy.

Every time the seal was dropped, the world tree was shaken, and the ground with a radius of tens of miles shook up and down.

Gabriel hissed and screamed, the wings behind his back were shining brightly, and the golden light shield that was about to form one side wanted to withstand the bombardment of the metal ingot, but it was smashed to pieces within two blows.

Xiao Hei slammed down hundreds of times, and Gabriel quickly rolled his eyes, half of his head was sunken, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

Half of the body was smashed into minced meat, and the remaining half of the head hummed weakly, and the body twitched, and it seemed to be going stiff.

"Lord! Where are you? Your faithful servant needs your guidance!" Looking at the dying Archangel, on the battlefield, those high-ranking angels with self-awareness all wailed, facing the Lord they believed in, doing Pray sincerely.

The dimension of heaven is located in the mysterious space in the hinterland of Mount Paradise.

The Lord these angels believe in is confronting Ancient One, Odin, and Tang and Song.

A request for peace talks with Yahweh.


Gu Yi closed the rhino horn bone fan, patted the palm of his left hand with the bone fan, and said slowly to the Lord: "Among the 210 seven timelines I observed, you only kept your promise in thirteen timelines!"

"In 340 nine timelines, you successfully broke through the shackles of God the Father, led your angelic army to invade the Nine Realms, and then you were killed!"

Jehovah originally listened to what Ancient One had said before, and his face was a bit ugly. He really planned to delay the time. After Odin entered Ragnarok, without the help of Asgard, he solved the burning pain of the fire of faith, and then Immediately sent troops to invade the Nine Realms, and the Nine Realms became their place of faith.

Unfortunately, it seems that Gu Yi knew his intentions by observing the timeline.

But what was the situation that Gu Yi said later, he would die, and he still died 340 nine times, how could it be possible!

As long as he solves the trouble of burning himself with the fire of faith, his strength will surpass the leader of the gods and become the only true god and ruler of the entire universe.

Seeing Yahweh's astonished expression, Gu Yi just gave him a sideways glance, but turned his head to look at Tang Song. Gu Yi, the supreme mage, was quite interested in Tang Song's power system that did not belong to this universe.

In more than 2000 timelines, he witnessed many ways of death of Jehovah,

Burned to ashes by the flames in the formation, smashed into meat paste by huge stones, and even just called by name, he was put into a gourd and turned into pus and blood.

Tang Song looked at the Holy Spirit of Jehovah exuding a powerful aura, and shrugged his shoulders at the ancient master, obviously understanding that the supreme master had seen some of his methods in a certain timeline.

He also simply stopped hiding his clumsiness.

Tang and Song smiled slightly at Yahweh. If this is Yahweh in full body, he might be Gou Yibo, but he is only a soul body, or a soul body entangled in karmic fire.

As far as he knows, there are dozens of ways to detonate this karmic fire.

Is it really just talking about incense being poisonous? Even at the root of the Jambudha world, as far as he knows, there are only three ways to perfectly eliminate the poison of incense and not be infected by karma.

Seeing that Yahweh is so entangled in fire and karma, a barbarian wild god dares to be called God.

Looking at the disdainful smile on Tang Song's face, Yahweh had a bad premonition in his heart, and he couldn't care less.The whole person turned into a white light, and was about to rush towards his own body.

He planned to try his best to sleep his soul for another thousand years, but he had to kill or drive these three people away first.

But before it was too late, four pale rays of light directly sealed his front, back, left, and right sides.

Four pale rays of light twirled and turned into four bone banners covering the sky and the sun, and strips of black air hung down from the bone banners!

The holy soul of Jehovah was trapped in it, and his connection with the flesh was cut off immediately.

At the beginning of refining, the magic weapon of the Ghost White Bone Banner was specifically aimed at the soul, the primordial spirit.

Unless it's the kind of pervert whose physical body and primordial spirit want to combine, in the words of Yanfu World, the physical body is sanctified, otherwise even ordinary true immortals will be degraded by this ghostly bone banner.

If you accidentally fall into the Tao, even your soul will be taken into the banner.

Now the connection between body and soul is severed.

Covered by the black air of the ghost bone banner, Yahweh suddenly became dizzy, and his whole body became dizzy immediately.
The four ghostly bone flags are the formation flags, and the flags form a space of their own.
The space is filled with black mist,
Yahweh is obviously only the holy soul here, but he feels dizzy for a while,
The bell above the head echoed, and when Yahweh looked up, he could faintly see a simple and majestic portal above the black mist. In the shadow of the black mist, the plaque above the portal faintly engraved with the three characters of ghost gate.

There was a creaking sound of the door opening, and the sound of dense footsteps came from inside the door, accompanied by the sound of chains dragging the floor, looming towards Jehovah in the black mist
"Hell in the oriental mythology is closed at the gate of hell!" The holy soul of Jehovah did not panic at all: "I am God, the only true God in this world. I created all things, not to mention the gate of hell, and I am your Lord of hell." Here you are, you have to salute me when you see me, I said, there must be light in this world!"

As soon as Jehovah’s words fell, a white light suddenly appeared in the black mist covered by ghostly bone banners, and the pure and extreme white holy light broke through the entire black mist.
In the black mist, hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers and ghost generals under the command of the Eight Great Yin Commanders immediately revealed their figures under the holy light. Large areas of ghost soldiers and ghost soldiers, exposed to the light of the holy light, directly turned into green smoke,

Yahweh looked at the army of undead that had been annihilated by him without a smile on his face.

The fire of faith that had been suppressed on the surface of his body immediately rose and burned in his body.

All of a sudden, a negative spiritual shock like a heavenly river hanging upside down swept towards him along this flame of faith like a sky ripping apart.

Even the will of Jehovah, the Father God, was like a small boat in the raging sea in the face of this huge spiritual torrent, and it was overturned by the huge wave after struggling for a moment on the top of the wave.

Countless faces flashed before Jehovah's eyes, and the prayers of countless believers were heard in his ears, and he launched the doomsday judgment and destroyed countless worlds.

The mournful howling of the dead,

The soaring resentment brought about by the unsatisfied prayers of the believers is frantically tearing at Jehovah's spiritual consciousness.

The fire of faith formed by wave after wave of negative spiritual shocks keeps flocking to Jehovah,
Constantly bombarding his spirit, wanting to rush into his brain, wanting to rush into his body, and then crush his soul.

It is the resentment of thousands of believers whose prayers cannot be satisfied, and the karmic fire of their negative emotions.

Yahweh absorbed the power of their faith.

This power raised his physical body to the level of a single universe.

But this huge karma is not what Jehovah can bear. He used to choose to use deep sleep to slowly dissolve the fire of faith.

Even if he wakes up occasionally, he is careful not to use too much force,

But now, his consciousness was shaken by the ghost bone banner, and the flame of faith wrapped around his body immediately rioted.

(End of this chapter)

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