Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 381 Fire at the city gate affects Chiyu’s unfortunate Sovereigns

Chapter 381 Fire at the city gate affects Chiyu’s unfortunate Sovereigns

The protective shield on the surface of Igo's body that was ten times stronger than the energy field of a third-level starship exploded into countless debris, and the body originally made of energy directly penetrated a huge hole.

"cough cough"

Egg lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the huge hole that was pierced in his chest, and the palm protruding from the hole. The broad hand turned its fingers into claws, holding tightly a gleaming crystal heart.

That was the energy core of his clone, and it was also a seed he harvested in advance hundreds of years ago.

Igo reached out and was about to touch his heart. The next moment, his broad palms clenched tightly, and a piece of energy dust flew between his fingers.

Having lost his energy core, the energy on the surface of Egg's body was plummeting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Igo, who had absorbed the energy of two living planets and whose energy was so majestic that it could rival a top Heavenly Father God like Odin, instantly fell below the standards of a Heavenly Father God.

The severely wounded Egg was finally extremely angry. As he roared, the surrounding void suddenly trembled violently. The energy he had lost near the fallen star suddenly and rapidly drew inward, with the hole in his chest as the core. Shrink inwards.

Infinite energy continued to pour into the hole in Egg's chest,

The hollow in his chest was like a black hole. The crystals crushed by Kane and even his own mangled upper body were all absorbed into it. When all the energy gathered to the extreme.
"not good!"

Feeling the huge, palpitating energy that was about to move, Kane, who succeeded in the sneak attack, turned his hands into claws and swung them in front of him.

The energy of the White Tiger's Seven Kills mobilized the star power of dozens of big stars above his head, condensing several gray-white cold claw marks and tearing them away towards Yi Ge.

Wherever the tiger's claws passed, everything along the way was covered with a layer of white translucent black ice.

And this is just the killing aura and frost condensed by the tiger's claws, but the real power of the White Tiger's Seven Killing Claws lies in its indestructible Gengjin power.

Wherever Kane's claw wind passed, even the space tore out several dark cracks.
Just when Kane's claw wind was about to tear apart the black hole light ball that Egg had transformed into, the energy light ball compressed to the size of a sesame seed exploded in all directions.
The entire Fallen Star suddenly trembled at this moment. In an instant, the black hole light ball disintegrated into a strong red light fire shock wave that quickly flew around with a harsh and loud sound.

Wherever the red light line of fire passed, all objects melted into a plume of blue smoke...
The next moment, the red light in the sky rolled toward Kane,
"Can't stop it!"

Kane's eyes that turned into tiger eyes twitched, and there was a faint chilling wind in his eyes. His nose twitched slightly. Kane knew that he could not block this enemy's self-destruction attack. .

However, in the face of the self-destructing red light condensed from Yi Ge's self-destructing body, he did not choose to retreat. Once he chose to retreat, the diffuse energy light wave swept over the entire planet, and the fallen star they had worked hard for several years was completely destroyed. It’s over!
"Brother Kane!"

Adam flew to Kane's side and stood side by side with him. At the same time, he used the ability of Kui Niu's blood to control wind, water, thunder and rain, controlling various energy tides to resist the scattered red light lines of fire.

"It's troublesome to fight head-on. This planet will be completely destroyed. Use the void to move it. I will take the lead and move this space out of this planet-"

Without waiting for Adam to answer, Kane made a fist with his hands and waved them repeatedly. He punched out energy crystals engraved with restrictions, blocking the area where the red light spread.

On the other side, Adam also quickly took out a palm-sized white jade token engraved with the Kui Niu totem. He input mana into the token, and instantly the entire Five Elements Huntian Formation was under his control.

The tidal wave of energy from the five elements was mobilized by him to block the spreading line of fire. The line of red light collided with the rolling green wood, boulders, mountains of knives, waves, and lava transformed by the energy of the five elements.
Every collision caused an earthquake with magnitude above seven on the Fallen Star, and as the number of collisions between the two energies became more and more intensive, the earthquakes on the Fallen Star almost became one.

The entire planet seemed to be trembling all the time. If this continued, within a few times, the Fallen Star would probably explode like a ripe watermelon.

Fortunately, at this moment, Kane also completed his void movement formation. Tens of thousands of golden lights rose from the blue energy crystals. These golden lights completely enveloped the red line of fire. The red light The line of fire and the golden light rubbed against each other, and for a moment the sky was filled with sparks and fire.


Kane shouted loudly, activated all his magic power, tensed his muscles, and used all his strength to activate the Void Movement Formation.

Even in the world of Jambu, the void movement formation is used to teleport people or objects over long distances and move attacks. No one has ever tried this.

Fortunately, the space intensity of the Marvel Universe is not satisfactory. Hundreds of miles of space were directly torn apart by Kane's void movement formation. The red light fire lines that erupted in the space were gradually submerged into the movement channel opened by the void movement formation. .

But to move a space, even though Kane's power is close to that of an adult white tiger at this time, but if he wants to move a space of hundreds of miles, almost all the mana in his body will be consumed in just a few dozen breaths.

Fortunately, Adam arrived in time and released dozens of golden-armored corpses and thousands of yellow scarf warriors that he carried with him, and they all moved the formation.

The blue light flashed in the void formation, with Yi Ge's self-destruction core as the extreme point, and all the red light lines of fire within hundreds of kilometers disappeared directly into the void shifting formation.
"Brother Kane, where did you move these energy waves? Our fleet is in outer space!"

Adam took out a jade bottle from the Wuyin bag, took out a pill and took it. After adjusting his breath for a moment, he came to Kane's side with [-] to [-]% of his mana recovered, and said curiously.

The blood pill pressed under Kane's tongue, under the secretion of saliva, sent streams of cold air into his eight extraordinary meridians, nourishing his depleted mana and purifying the white tiger blood in his body.

"I sensed a wormhole through the void movement formation, so I threw the shock wave through it. The distance is very far and it will not affect the nearby star fields!"

Clenching his fist, Kane felt that his strength was being nourished by the blood elixir. Not only was he recovering his energy and mana, his strength was also slightly visible to the naked eye.

Just when Adam nodded clearly,

Kane looked back at him: "Go back to East Galaxy Company first and explain to me what's going on. How could you get into trouble with such an enemy when you go out for a stroll!?"

"Brother Kane, it's not my fault. It was him who first raised his hostility towards me... You won't tell your father, will you?"

"An enemy at the level of Heavenly Father God must report to the boss and find out if there are any other henchmen or back-up players behind him. Now that he has taken action, he must eradicate the roots to avoid long nights and endless dreams!"

"Brother Kane, your Chinese is getting worse and worse. Can we discuss it? Don't tell your father about this matter! Can't we solve it ourselves?!"

"You can't even flatter me. The boss must know about such a big thing! And with the boss's level of cultivation, he might have known about it a long time ago!"

Next to a natural wormhole 4.2 light-years away from the Fallen Star, a 1000-meter-long mothership has just jumped out of the wormhole. The cabin door is slowly opening, and more than [-] golden equilateral triangle fighter jets are jumping out of the mothership. It was released on the ship and quickly opened the space barrier and protective armor. At the same time, the high-energy cannon on the battleship also began to charge.

On the Sovereign home planet, a huge light screen more than 200 meters long and wide hung from the ceiling of the Soverein war room. What was displayed on the light screen was the three-dimensional hologram near the warships.

In the dense oval golden egg-shaped cabin in the war room, Sovereign unmanned battleship pilots are wearing virtual helmets and remotely controlling these golden unmanned combat aircraft.

These unmanned fighter planes are the Sovereigns' most powerful attack methods in the galaxy. The configuration of each fighter plane is no less than that of an ordinary third-level battleship.

An attack fleet composed of more than 1000 unmanned combat aircraft can destroy an ordinary second-level civilization in less than 3 minutes. This is also one of the strengths of Sovereign people's pride.

This time their target is the Fallen Star, which is also the headquarters of the East Galaxy Company.

The high priest of the Sovereign clan and a group of consuls and elders looked at the fighters on the light screen that exuded a faint golden light with smiles on their faces.

With just one wormhole jump, their drones can break through the Fallen Star's defenses and completely overthrow the East Galaxy Company.
At that time, everything will naturally return to the past, and their energy batteries will once again become high-quality commodities that various civilizations are eager to purchase.

The Sovereign star that restored energy pricing power is still brilliant
No matter how good the energy crystal of East Galaxy Company is, after its destruction, the lost energy market will still belong to Sovereign.
High-end business wars can sometimes be so unpretentious...
The several consuls standing behind the high priest exchanged glances, seeking cooperation for profit.

During this period of time, the consuls and elders of Sovereign Star have held cocktail parties from time to time, and the things discussed at their cocktail parties are also very simple.

The issue of profit distribution after seizing the manufacturing method of pure energy crystals from Dongyinhe Company.

In order to share the profits, these arrogant Sovereign elders have almost staged dozens of intrigues and intrigues in the past few days, and even almost staged a full-scale martial arts fight in front of the Sovereign High Priest.

As for whether they can win over Dongyinhe Company, the proud Sovereign people have never doubted this issue.

"what is that?"

Just as Sovereign's high-ranking nobles looked at the light screen, a sharp-eyed consul saw a red line of fire appearing in the dark starry sky.

The line of fire continued to stir up layers of circular red ripples, and each time the ripples stirred, their position jumped a lot.

With every jump, the red line of fire got closer and closer to the sky above the Sovereign drone fleet.

With each jump, the red flames grew larger and larger, and were accompanied by the same space jump ripples when the red flames reached the sky above the Sovereign fleet.

It has expanded into a terrifying fireball with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

At this time, the Sovereign soldiers controlling the unmanned fighter plane also noticed the fireball above their heads. Through the perspective of the fighter plane, they all raised their heads and stared blankly upward.

"what is that.!"

"Like flames? Just fireworks?"

"We have force field shields on our fighter planes. It's just pure flames. It's impossible to break the shield, right?"

"What kind of cosmic wonder?"

In the Sovereign fighter command channel, more than 1000 Sovereign drone fighter pilots exchanged information, perhaps due to the arrogance of the Sovereign planet.

No one thought that this fireball would be dangerous.

It is impossible for a mere ordinary flame to cause
Boom! ! !

Suddenly the fireball exploded. The red fireball exploded in all directions instantly. A stream of red fire light waves directly penetrated the unmanned fighter's legion shield and spread wantonly in the fleet.

The unmanned warship closest to the fireball was ignited and detonated, and the ammunition depot was detonated one after another, causing a larger explosion.

The flames were like living creatures, spreading crazily in the fleet.

Neither the ability field shield nor ordinary protective armor that the Sovereans were proud of could withstand such power.

The huge mothership, relying on the thickness of its ability field shield, could only last a few breaths longer than the other unmanned combat aircraft.

In just a dozen breaths, the entire Sovereign Star expedition to the Fallen Star fleet was like a lit torch, completely lighting up the surrounding starry sky.

After igniting the entire Sovereign fleet, using the energy of two living planets as fuel, Ego's self-destruction blow naturally did not disappear so easily.

The lines of fire spread in all directions, burning everything in the way.
The line of fire was like a bright firework, scattering large red sparks wherever it passed, flying and scattering in all directions.

All things contaminated by the line of fire, whether it is life, meteorites, spacecraft, or even an asteroid blocking the road,
Under the action of the line of fire, they were quickly ignited and turned into red torches.

A few hundred lights away from the Fallen Star, in a spacious starry sky, a small planet with a diameter of only a few hundred miles was floating alone.

Although this small planet is very small, when viewed from a high altitude, the surface of the planet is full of lush vegetation and full of vitality, with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants growing on it, like a fantasy wonderland.

If Boss Tang were here, he would find that this planet contains an extremely rich aura of life. This aura of life is extremely rich and suffocatingly powerful.
“Damn bugs“

Suddenly, the fairyland-like planet shook, as if something huge was turning over inside the planet, and an ancient roar suddenly resounded through the entire planet...
The strange thing is that during this strong vibration, not a single creature on the surface of the planet fled, and not a single bird flew up. Behind this fairyland-like planet, there was deathly silence.

(End of this chapter)

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