A corner of the silver-white main control room, which is hundreds of thousands of square meters wide.
A living room measuring thousands of square meters is separated here. The decoration in the living room has a retro British atmosphere...
Of course, this is related to the origin of Supreme Evolution. Dr. Wyndham was born in London in 1910.

At that time, the war was still in its heyday. The bandits who looted all over the world were so fat that they came ashore in order to clear their names and claim to be civilized people.
The entire British aristocracy is pursuing the so-called gentlemanly behavior...

This may be the reason that the more people lack something, they will deliberately show it off.

Influenced by the fashion of the time, the layout and decoration of this living room are more or less in the style of that time.

Tang and Song Dynasty didn't like this kind of retro style very much. Although it was just a temporary place to stay, Tang and Song Dynasty still had people change the living room slightly!
Several long red sandalwood tables were placed and several sets of Chinese coffee tables were put on.

Tang Song waved his hand, and his bodyguards stepped forward and removed the decanter and wine glasses containing red wine.
The Tang and Song Dynasties took out a small red clay stove from the small world.

A box of silver frost charcoal, a purple clay pot, a few tea cups,
In the Tang and Song Dynasties, a few pieces of silver frost charcoal were thrown into the furnace, and a smokeless charcoal fire slowly rose in the small stove.

Just when the Tang and Song Dynasties were planning to prepare tea to entertain guests...
Hearing M.O.D.O.K. call him his name, Tang Song looked around and noticed the big head covered with golden armor.

With just one glance, Tang Song's eyes suddenly narrowed, and there was a strange light in his eyes, not because of M.O.D.O.K.'s weird appearance, but because of the countless causal threads wrapped around his body...
There are so many densely packed causal threads that they can even match one thousandth of the number of causal threads wrapped around his body!

Don't underestimate this one percent.

You must know that since coming to the Marvel Universe, he founded the Tang Group, which enabled the earth's civilization to explore the interstellar era a hundred years ahead of schedule.
It can be said that the entire earth civilization has a causal entanglement with him...

He saved Asgard, which was originally destroyed,
Became the uncrowned king of the nine realms...

Killed Mephisto, occupied more than a dozen abyss of hell, killed God Jehovah, and occupied heaven...

Destroyed the crisis of Thanos' annihilation!Indirectly saved half the universe!

If it weren't for the fact that there is no such thing as merit in this world, with his achievements, why wouldn't he have a golden wheel of merit hanging behind his head?

It can be said that Tang and Song Dynasty single-handedly changed the entire Marvel Universe...

And his influence is not limited to this universe. He has extended his influence to other universes by calculating the Avengers in the universe next door...

In the DC multiverse, he not only has his own agent, but he is even related to many multi-level beings...

If you look at it this way, one thousandth of the cause and effect entangled in Tang and Song Dynasties is terrifying enough.

The so-called cause and effect is a very general concept...

In modern terms, it is the result of something you do and the subsequent impact of it.

For modern human civilization, cause and effect is a philosophical and theological issue.

Immortals are afraid of causes, mortals are afraid of consequences!
The cause is the motivation and beginning of things, and the effect is the ending and reward of things.

The suffering and misfortunes we are currently experiencing are the consequences. Ordinary people are obsessed with them, and they only feel it after experiencing them. The so-called fear of the consequences, although fear will not help.

The reason for the sins committed in the first place is that Bodhisattva has wisdom and sees the beginning and knows the end. The so-called fear is the cause, and fear can stop the evil.

Generally speaking, the eyes of the world are not as far-sighted as those of gods. They often only notice and fear things when they happen.

However, immortals who are successful in spiritual practice have mastered the art of divination and have the ability to predict the secrets of heaven!
You can see the results of an event before it happens and deduce the impact of the event on yourself.

Just like playing Go, ordinary people will only realize and regret after the chess piece is captured!

But those chess masters can see through several moves, dozens of chess moves, and even the entire chessboard in their eyes.

Cause and effect, a seemingly illusory thing, to ordinary people, is like the air that can be seen everywhere. If you believe it, it is there, if you don't believe it, it is not.

But for powerful people who have practiced immortality to a certain height, they can't avoid it.

Mortal cause and effect is a very troublesome thing for those inspirational and detached practitioners.

The so-called cause and effect, there is a theory on earth called the six-dimensional space theory, also known as the six-dimensional separation theory.

This means that there will be no more than six people between you and any stranger. In other words, you can get to know any stranger through at most six people.

In the world of spiritual practice, this is the most troublesome thing.
For example, you are a practitioner who has finally achieved success in your practice.

He just taught an apprentice. He went down the mountain to practice and casually eradicated a Heshan Taoist disciple who was refining a skeleton demon.

As a result, cause and effect are entangled. This Heshan Taoist disciple with a shallow practice has a master, classmates, and friends.
Of course, for you, who are successful in spiritual practice, these are just miscellaneous fish. If they come to you, you will just throw them away.

But similarly, these people you killed also had classmates, teachers, friends...

Wave after wave comes to you for revenge, this is cause and effect.

The accumulation of cause and effect is like a ball of yarn that accumulates more and more and becomes a mess. One day it may completely explode...

From out of any corner comes an enemy who is accomplished in spiritual practice and comes to seek revenge on you...

In Taoist terms, this is a human calamity!

Of course, there are not no solutions, and there are many methods.

The simplest way is to defeat ten groups with one force. If you are strong enough, no matter how many people come, it is just Calabash Boy saving grandpa.

Or solve the problem directly from the source.

Of course, after most practitioners achieve success in their practice, they usually stay away from the mud pit of the mortal world and hide in a small building.

Close the cave door tightly and quietly recite the three or two volumes of Huang Ting!

If there are few causes, it is difficult to have bad consequences. This is also the reason why many spiritual masters are very strict in recruiting disciples, or are very strict in recruiting disciples.

Of course, if your strength increases faster than your ability to cause trouble, that's another matter...

Take the Tang and Song Dynasties themselves as an example. The rapid expansion of the Tang Group took away the cakes of countless interest groups...

But do they dare to say anything? The blood of the last Bao Pilao Group that dared to show its teeth has not yet dried.
Nearly two-thirds of the Bao Pilao consortium in the entire federation and their families were bloodbathed...

More than a dozen Bao Pilao families, who controlled the mouthpiece of the federation, were wiped out!
Anyone with a discerning eye can see why. Just before their accident, the media controlled by the bosses were still promoting the Tang Group's conspiracy theory and using Boss Tang's skin color as a reason.As a result, in less than half a month, all the Bao*pi Lao consortiums in the federal territory took care of their families...

It is self-evident who did it, but both the federal government and the Angsa Consortium, which controls the federal military power, seem to be deliberately deaf and dumb. They clearly know who the real culprit of the incident is, but they target the unlucky Chinese. *Eastern region!
As for whether the Greens were wronged or not, who calls them weak?
In this world, being weak is the original sin.

Even if those gangsters know who the murderer is, even if their legs are broken, they still have to limp up and bow to Boss Tang.

He rushed to sell his media shares at a low price to obtain forgiveness from the Tang Group.

In addition to taking away the energy battery business of Sovereign Civilization, the expansion of East Galaxy Company's energy business has also indirectly affected the energy transactions of hundreds of civilizations.

Do they dare to move?
The destruction of Sovereign is the best warning, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction are simmering.

In the Blood Sea Hell, the construction of the Netherworld, countless demons were swallowed up by the sea of ​​blood. The king of hell who could not be counted with two fingers fell under the butcher knife of the blood Taoist...

The Tang and Song dynasties are now strong, highly cultivated, have a vast territory, and have a strong back. He is the only one who can defeat others.

But once others see him showing weakness, all the accumulated karma will explode...

But are Tang and Song afraid? With the resources of several universes in his hands, his cultivation is advancing rapidly. No matter what evil cause he has, he can suppress you with the back of his hand!

The black and white yin and yang fish in the eyes of the Tang and Song Dynasties rotated, and the magical power of pupil called yin and yang pupils was operating.

He could clearly see that there were two extremely thick causal lines on this big head, one extending impartially towards him, and the other extending towards the void...
Interestingly, the two causal lines are also entangled with each other...
Interesting. It seems that my fate has fallen on you. Do you know me? !Earthling!

"Red Queen, compare the Skynet data and find out his identity!" Looking at the familiar light of the main spirit on M.O.D.O.K., Tang Song stood up and greeted everyone enthusiastically. The mechanical watch on his left hand had a A flash of red light passed by.

"Welcome, welcome! Abad, Diego, and this, oh, it's Mr. Claus, you have changed a lot, I almost didn't recognize you!"

In just one second, the Red Queen sent detailed information about the big head in front of her.

Darren Krauss, codenamed Yellowjacket, was Hank Pym's student and company vice president. Later, a series of shareholders drove Hank Pym out of the company.

He disappeared during the early stages of the Tang Group's acquisition of his company...

No wonder there would be causal entanglement with him, Tang and Song understood clearly after listening to the report of the Red Queen.

But his words directly angered M.O.D.O.K.

The reason why Darren Cross changed his name to M.O.D.O.K. was because of this deformed appearance. He could not accept that he had become like this, so he could only numb himself by changing his name.

But Tang Song's words were undoubtedly exposing his scars, not to mention that the man in front of him was the culprit responsible for his current appearance.

If he hadn't resisted the Tang Group's acquisition of his company, how could he have taken the risk to conduct the experiment, and how could he have become like this?

"Shut up! Fake Squid, it's all you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be like this..."

M.O.D.O.K. shouted at Tang Song with veins popping out from his forehead!

Tang Song frowned as he looked at the big head that was almost losing his mind.
"You said it was me who made you look like you are now, but I don't remember seeing you. I hate it when others frame me. You'd better make it clear!"

"It's all you, it's all you. If your Tang Corporation hadn't forced the acquisition of my company, how could I have become like this~"


The more he spoke, the more excited M.O.D.O.K.'s forehead glowed with a burst of white light, and a powerful telepathic force mixed with spiritual shock waves swept towards Tang and Song...

The mental shock wave was so powerful that the mind interfered with reality and directly tore everything between the two people, including carpets, chandeliers, tables, chairs, and sofas, into pieces...

The air in the living room suddenly shot out in all directions, and the bodyguard in black who had been standing next to M.O.D.O. turned around.

The red punch hit M.O.D.O.K. in the face like a cloud bomb.

M.O.D.O.K.'s little hands were quietly pressing on Ant-Man's shrinking belt, like a baseball being knocked away.

Without even making a sound, he was sent flying for dozens of meters, and his head hit the wall of the living room hard, creating a dent in the thick alloy wall.

M.O.D.O. rolled down from the indentation. The golden armor on his body protected him very well. He was not seriously injured, but he was slightly concussed. He was staggering and was about to reach out to touch Ant-Man on his belt. When turning the transformer on and off.

The black-clothed bodyguard rushed forward in two steps, and erupted a wave of lava as thick as a water tank from his fist. The wave of air hit M.O.D.O.K. with a shrill, soul-shattering and terrifying roar.
With this punch, M.O.D.O.K.'s golden armor was completely deflated, and the big head was completely knocked out.


Looking at Tang Song who suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked his half-punch, the black-clothed bodyguard quickly retracted his fist and bowed.

"I'll keep this man for use. You take him down first and keep him under strict supervision!" Tang Song waved his hand.

The bodyguard in black bowed and said: "Yes, boss!"

The bodyguard in black stepped forward and picked up M.O.D.O.K. before walking out. Tang Song added: "Tear off his belt and armor!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Little Toad Diego and Abad stood uncomfortably as the man in black quickly peeled the big head into a braised egg, leaving even the mini underwear behind.

Diego rolled his eyes and gave Abad a questioning look, and Abad returned his wishful look.

"Don't be afraid, you two. He is an enemy of mine that I have never met before. We are traveling together and can be considered friends. I will treat you to a drink!" Tang Song turned around, warmly entertained Diego and Abad, and invited them to sit down. .

M.O.D.O.K.'s mental storm just now destroyed most of the living room's decoration, but the area behind Tang Song was safe and sound.

As for Tang and Song, who bore the brunt, his soul baby was only one step away from the three flowers blooming. For Tang and Song, that little mental impact was like a breeze blowing in the face.

Little Toad Diego and Abad sat down dubiously. Tang Song waved and ordered the two bodyguards in black standing at the door to serve wine.

"Haha, don't be so nervous. Don't worry, I'm a good person!" Tang Song saw the tension between the two of them, laughed and comforted,

Ding, a reminder bell suddenly rang not far away. Little Toad Diego and Abad followed the sound and saw a silver-white hatch opening in the main control room outside the living room, revealing a familiar tall figure. He walked out of the hatch with half of his bloody head in his hand.

(Thank you, 159yzk, for the tip. I am an e-commerce operator. I am busy with Double Eleven activities during this period, so I can’t keep up with the updates. In addition, I am working on a new book, so I can’t add updates. Thank you, boss. , this book seems to have collapsed, and fewer and fewer people are reading it, because I used to mess with *** Lu, where the pace is very fast, and a book is usually completed within a million words, but this one is My first book was worth 200 million, and I didn’t have an outline. It was a headache to write...
So I’m working on the outline and details of this book,) (End of this chapter)

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