Earth, Federal New York, Raccoon Town!
Although the Tang Group has built a new branch in Svartalfheim, the 36-day Heaven Realm centered on the Heaven Dimension is also under construction.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Raccoon Town is still the headquarters of the Tang Group on Earth!
Most of the headquarters of more than a dozen branches such as Tang Security Company, Tang Energy Company, Tang Mining Company, Tang Aerospace Company, Tang Financial Company, and Tang Angel Investment are located in the 99-story building in Huanxiong Town. inside the building.

Of course, as one of the top giant unicorn companies in the entire federation and even the entire earth,

The supporting facilities in Huanxiong Town are extremely complete, in addition to various large supermarkets, hospitals and other basic life support

All kinds of luxury stores on New York’s Fifth Avenue can be found in Raccoon Town, such as LV and Coach.

In Raccoon Town, there are many showrooms for luxury car brands such as Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, and Lamborghini..
As for why these luxury brands would open their stores here, it is naturally because Raccoon Town can bring them huge returns.

As everyone knows, Tang Group, a giant unicorn company, not only spans multiple fields, but its salary is also among the highest in the entire federation, and even the entire world.

Not only does he earn [-] yuan a year, his salary is nearly two-thirds higher than that of his peers, but his quarterly bonuses are also ridiculously high.

It can be said that as long as any formal employee of the Tang Group has worked for the Tang Group for a few years, even in the economically developed federation, their assets can reach the middle-class level.

Not to mention the internal rewards given by Tang Group from time to time. In addition to the mysterious rewards that make the outside world speculate, the houses and cars awarded to employees by Tang Group every year are as much as the market value of a listed company.

The ultra-high welfare benefits also make graduates squeeze their heads every year to join the Tang Group.
Huanxiong Town is the headquarters of Tang Group. There are more than 10,000 family members of internal employees living in the town alone. Coupled with the supporting commercial facilities and the staff who come to work here, the entire year-round population of Huanxiong Town is close to 40 people.

In order to facilitate the work and travel of the staff at the headquarters, a new airport was even built outside Huanxiong Town. Although the name of this Tang's Airport sounds as old-fashioned as many branches of the Tang Group, the airport area is more than Newark Liberty International Airport, known as the busiest airport in the federation, covers an area of ​​[-] square kilometers.

Many branches of Tang Group have their own business jets here. In addition, this airport is also the sixth largest international direct airport authorized by the federal government.

From here you can fly directly to any country in the entire Western world (of course, provided that country has an airport and has established diplomatic relations with the Federation!)
Today, Raccoon Town has become the largest town around New York, even larger than some small cities.
The salary of these people and their relatives who can settle down in Raccoon Town is also middle-level and above within the Tang Group, with an annual salary of at least eight figures.

For those luxury brands, Raccoon Town is undoubtedly a treasure land to be developed.
Facts have proved that the ideas and strategies of these luxury brands are correct. Although the annual turnover of the branches they opened in Raccoon Town is not as high as that of New York City next door, it far exceeds that of other second- and third-tier cities in the federation.

The tax revenue brought to New York State from Raccoon Town's annual tourism and various shopping purchases alone can make the governor smile from his dreams every day.

Not to mention that the Tang Group is the largest taxpayer in the entire federation.
It is the nature of most people to hate others and hate me. Although the Tang Group has gradually turned its attention to the outside world, its huge size and near-monopoly in the energy market and military industry have inevitably affected the entire world. caused excessive attention.

A few years ago, there were conspiracy theories circulating on the Internet, which implicitly stated that the Tang Group was the behind-the-scenes manipulator of the federal government, accusing the Tang Group of manipulating elections and state elections, and supporting its agents at the top levels of the government.

Although later the creators of these conspiracy theories, the bosses and giants who controlled the major media organizations and financial institutions in the federation were killed, and those who surrendered,

The rumors did not dissipate..
The mysterious Boss Tang behind the Tang Group was once described as a more mysterious existence than the Rothschilds. It is said that he is a royal nobleman with the surname Tang from the Li family of an ancient Eastern country!
Therefore, as the headquarters of the Tang Group, Raccoon Town attracts a large number of tourists every year...
Of course, so far, Raccoon Town has only opened its outer city areas to the outside world.
A white Audi convertible drove along the spacious road into Raccoon Town, looking at the bustling flow of people on both sides of the road and the almost rows of luxury storefronts, the gorgeously decorated storefront windows, and a gray suit in the driver's seat. Tony Stark, who was wearing a red tie, couldn't help but press down his sunglasses, wondering if he was in the wrong place.

This is definitely just a small town that was built less than ten years ago.

Especially when he saw the steel soldiers on the side of the road wearing green reflective vests who seemed to be guiding the traffic, Tony Stark felt that his brain was a little insufficient!

These gadgets reminded him of his old friend named Ivan Vanko who was sent to hell. So, the Iron Soldier could still be used in this way?Directing traffic?
But it has to be said that when faced with these two-meter-tall, cold and expressionless metal robots, even though they have no weapons in their hands, those federal people who usually like to draw guns and shoot when they disagree seem to have changed their road rage. It is a symptom of the disease, and it passes through the crowded road honestly according to their instructions.

"Sorry, sir, there is a restricted area ahead, please go back the way you came!"

After Tony Stark drove his sports car through five or six intersections, at a traffic light intersection, an iron soldier with blue thrust flames spitting out at his feet stopped in front of his car, emotionlessly. Words came from the loudspeaker.

"We are here to visit Mr. Tang, we have an appointment!"

After Tony Stark finished speaking, he glanced at Star-Lord, who was sitting in the passenger seat. Star-Lord, who had some bruises on his face, raised his right hand from high, holding a jade plaque in his palm.

The Iron Soldier's head turned slightly, and Tony Stark was keenly aware of a flash of red in its eyes.

"Welcome home, Mr. Quill!"

The Iron Soldier's voice switched to a soft mode, much like a gentle old butler. After greeting Star-Lord, he rose into the sky and disappeared in front of the two of them.

"Huh? This?" Star-Lord put away the jade pendant in his hand, and faced Tony Stark's scrutinizing gaze, he hesitated to speak. Soon he broke the jar and said: "Okay, that's right, I am Traitor, haven't you noticed it a long time ago?
And he even beat me up. What do you want to do now? Let me tell you, this is not your universe. Believe it or not, if I shout, hundreds of steel soldiers will appear here and beat you up. Even your mother doesn’t recognize you! "

Tony Stark looked at Star-Lord deeply, and there was a trace of guilt in Star-Lord's eyes. Although he was a traitor sent by Boss Tang, he had been working with the Avengers for so long, and they had been in many parallel situations together. The universe has experienced so much danger while fighting side by side. It would be a lie to say that we didn’t get along and develop feelings for each other.

But, sorry, I'm an undercover!

"Where is the Star-Lord of our universe? He was killed by you!" Tony Stark asked in a low voice.

"No, no, he just slept in this universe. I told the boss that you can take him away now!" Star-Lord heard Tony Stark's words and quickly waved his hands to deny it.

Tony Stark continued to ask: "So what does this Don want to do? What is the purpose of your boss planning so much?"

Star-Lord shook his head and said: "I am just a security employee of East Galaxy Company, a subsidiary of the Tang Group. How can I know what the big boss is thinking! If you want to know, you can ask him in person. I have made an appointment with the big boss for you. !”

"Eastern Galaxy Company?" Tony Stark kept the information revealed by Star-Lord in mind, which will be related to his subsequent conversation with the mysterious boss.At this time, the traffic light at the intersection turned from red to green, Tony Stark stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car crossed the road dividing line in the outer city. Behind him, a group of melon-eating people came to the inner city of Raccoon City with envious and commenting eyes. .

Different from the bustling flow of people in the outer city, the roads in the inner city of Raccoon City are full of scattered vegetation and flowers, and there are even winding streams flowing on both sides of the road.

Among the trees, there are typical federal single-family villas scattered...
Through the shade of the trees, Tony Stark could see the children playing in the villa yard, the old people watering the flowers, and the young men and women swimming in the swimming pool.
It's a strange feeling. Although we are in the center of a bustling town, it is a quiet pastoral atmosphere. There are very few cars on the road, and even if there are a few cars, they are not driving very fast.

On both sides of the road, there are more passers-by riding mountain bikes and running and exercising in sportswear. It can be seen that the pace of life here is very slow.

There was a happy smile on everyone's face.

In this environment, even though he was suppressing anger in his heart and stepped on the accelerator, Tony Stark couldn't help but let go of the accelerator, and the speed of the sports car also slowed down.

"Why are you doing this? Where is the justice in your heart?"

He turned to look at Star-Lord, the co-pilot, and asked angrily.

Although while exploring the parallel universe, Tony gradually became aware of Star-Lord's problem, but facing this comrade and companion who once fought side by side, he still did not want to believe that this person turned out to be an undercover agent sent by others.

But the facts are before our eyes!The person in front of him was not the Star-Lord he knew. What was ridiculous was that this fake person had spent more time with them than the real Star-Lord.

Tony Stark was a little confused at this time as to which of the two was real and who was fake!
"What do you mean, do you mean that I leaked the coordinates of those parallel universes to the company?" Star-Lord sighed: "Sorry, Tony, I am an undercover, this is my mission!"

"As for the justice you mentioned, I don't think I am ashamed of you. I just leaked the coordinates of those parallel universes, but I didn't do anything against justice!"

"You leaked the coordinates of these parallel universes to your mysterious boss. Do you know how big a disaster it will cause? Do you know how many people will die!?" Tony Stark deliberately lowered his voice, almost roaring He said to Star-Lord: "Your boss is probably an evil god. You should know how many casualties the disaster in Gotham City caused!?"

"But, even if my boss is the evil god who initiated the blood sacrifice, didn't he save Gotham? After Superman died, he saved the world!" Star-Lord looked at Tony Stark and asked.

"Mr. Stark, I've read DC comics, and I don't think there's anything wrong with helping Earth defeat Darkseid's invasion?!"

Tony Stark looked directly at Star-Lord, but Star-Lord stared at him without flinching.

The two people's eyes were facing each other through a pair of sunglasses.

Facing the confident Star-Lord, Tony Stark's eyes began to flicker under his sunglasses. Although Star-Lord had infiltrated their universe as a traitor, as Star-Lord said, not only did he not pose any threat to them, but he used that magic many times The magic props saved them more than once.

Ironically, it was precisely because of these magic props and the situation that occurred in the DC universe that he suspected that he was in love with Star-Lord.

As for Star-Lord, the man behind him, indeed, as Star-Lord said, he never harmed them from beginning to end, and even supported them by giving them batches of Pym particles to help them save their own universe.

However, what is his intention to obtain the coordinates of those parallel universes? Thinking of the evil sacrifice that happened in Gotham City in the DC Universe, Tony Stark always has a sense of crisis in his heart.

He suspected that there must be a huge conspiracy hidden behind the man named Tang Song.

This is also the reason why he came to Huanxiong Town to meet Tang and Song.

On the surface, he came to seek help to destroy Thanos in the parallel universe. In fact, his real purpose was to find out the true intentions of Tang and Song Dynasties.

If he is really planning a shocking conspiracy that affects many universes, he will fight to the death to stop him, or even if it doesn't work, he will destroy the method of creating quantum channels in the hands of this suspected evil god.

Otherwise, it will be a catastrophe affecting countless parallel universes
In the face of this crisis, even Thanos, who destroyed half of the universe, can only stand back.

What Star-Lord doesn't know is that after Tony Stark took him into the quantum channel, the quantum channel in that universe now not only has the Avengers on standby, but they also invited several old acquaintances from the Justice League of the DC Universe.

In Tony Stark's own plan, once he does not return at the appointed time, it means that he has been killed, and everyone in the Avengers and the Justice Federation will take over his legacy and travel to the world again through the quantum channel. This universe can prevent this shocking catastrophe.

After disagreeing with each other, and seeing that he could not convince Star-Lord, Tony Stark turned back and continued driving.
Looking down from a high altitude, the inner city of Huanxiong Town is in the shape of a huge Bagua diagram, with the center points of each road converging on the artificial lake covering dozens of hectares in the center of the town.

So go straight along the road, there is no need to worry about taking the wrong road, and soon Tony Stark drove his sports car to the lake.
Rows of weeping willows are planted on the edge of the vast lake, with jasper-like silk strips hanging down. Some willows are even immersed in the water, attracting small silver fish as thick as fingers competing for food.

A breeze blows, and on the lake, lotus leaves the size of pot lids sway in the wind, revealing lotus flowers the size of bowls hidden among them...
Tony Stark even smelled the fragrance of lotus flowers in the wind
Of course, compared to the scenery in the lake, what caught Tony Stark's attention more was the long white jade-like bridge across the lake, and the white man with silver hair standing at the end of the bridge wearing a tuxedo.

Tony Stark opened the door of the sports car and walked straight towards the long bridge without waiting for Star-Lord to get out of the car.

"Welcome to Raccoon Town, Mr. Stark! First time we meet, my name is Ryan, and I am the butler of this manor. The boss is waiting for you, please come with me!"

Ryan saw Tony Stark approaching, took two steps forward to greet him, stretched out his hand wearing white dust-free gloves to shake his hand, and greeted him politely but enthusiastically.

Tony Stark in gray suit

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