Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 432 Sampling Superman

"Hurry, hurry! Hurry up and take samples, this is a rare experimental subject!"

Clark struggled in a black and white world like an ink painting for an unknown amount of time, but he couldn't escape from this mysterious black and white space.

During this period, he tried every means to leave this strange place, but no matter whether he flew at a super-high speed close to the speed of light or used heat rays that could cut off everything, it was to no avail. It felt like He punched the air with all his strength and hit the cotton.
No, it's worse than that. With his power, even if he hits the air, he can set off a sonic boom...
His rapid flight can even set off a storm in the sky that sweeps across the Pacific Ocean.
But the space around him felt like nothingness, like a bottomless whirlpool in the water. His strength could not exert any effect at all. No matter how much strength he used, he would be swallowed by the whirlpool.
I don't know how long it took, just when Clark gave up using his own strength to solve the problem and suspended in this black and white world, closing his eyes and meditating, his super brain was running rapidly, thinking about how to leave this strange world.

Clark, who has super senses, didn't realize that the two black and white clouds that made up this world were changing, and they rotated clockwise with the Yin-Yang fish.

A black and white sigil the size of a palm floated down from high in the sky, hitting Superman on the top of his head.

The Tai Chi symbol, as light and as thin as a layer of paper, fell on Clark's head, and a golden light suddenly sealed his Niwan hole. Clark, who was in the world of the painting, felt his head feel dizzy, and he fell to the ground with a pop.

Drowsily, Clark felt like he was being lifted up, and someone seemed to be talking in his ear.
hive base
As the director of the experimental base, Professor Connors wore a white dust-free suit and led four or five professor-level experts from the laboratory to command two sentry robots. In front of the observation window, under Ryan's gaze, Superman was Carefully lifted it onto the laboratory table.

clack clack clack-

As the most strictly secured laboratory in the entire hive base, the entire laboratory is made of Adamantium alloy, and the cold experimental bed is made of vibranium ore supplemented by Adamantium alloy.

It's strong enough to withstand the full force of Thor's hammer.
After the two sentry robots placed the naked Clark on the laboratory table, with the sound of several mechanical amplifiers opening and closing, he was automatically shackled and handcuffed on the laboratory bed.

These handcuffs and shackles integrated with the experimental bed are engraved with various ant-sized fine runes.

Not only are these pairs of Adamantium metal shackles engraved with soul-calming charms and calming charms...
Even the experimental bed under Clark's body is engraved with imprisonment runes.
As an aside, this alloy test bed is also a structure that is integrated with the entire laboratory. Due to the particularity of the Adamant alloy material, this laboratory was built using liquid pouring mode.

There is also a stone tablet made of Taishan stone in the corner of the laboratory, used to bear the weight.

Once the magic weapon is activated, a gravitational space will appear in the entire laboratory like Mount Tai.
Once the laboratory is destroyed, this stone monument will act as the weight of the box stone, restricting the movement of the experimental subjects.

According to the original security assessment, once locked on this experimental platform, the experimental body would have to drag hundreds of millions of tons of weight to resist the attack of hundreds of sentry robots and rush out of the hive base within two minutes and 30 seconds.

Otherwise, the experimental subject will be attacked by concentrated fire from the entire experimental base and more than 30 defense systems.
These include tens of thousands of dragon-winged golden warriors in the dormant space below the experimental base, [-] alien embryos, hundreds of sentinel robots, thousands of steel soldiers, and thousands of people holding alien high-tech weapons and injected with various lizards. Serum, Hulk Serum, Perfect Serum's security siege...
Even if someone can escape from the hive base within 2 minutes and 30 seconds, if he does not escape from Svartalfheim within 3 minutes.

Then the entire Svartyfheim will be completely blocked by the Skynet formation. Thousands of spaceships will take off at the same time. An artificial sun will appear every [-] meters above Svartyfheim and will be directly taken over by the Skynet. Become the eyes of Skynet,
The interior of these artificial suns is engraved with various pupil magic weapon restrictions such as voyeurism, farsightedness, and delusion breaking. The light released is enough to see through most invisibility, and the magical ability to transform makes the enemy invisible.

Hundreds of thousands of Steel Soldiers and thousands of Sentinel robots in the weapons reserve at the Svartalfheim Military Factory will be activated simultaneously within 3 minutes of receiving the alarm...
Go to contain the escaping experimental subjects.
Hundreds of thousands of the dark races living in Svartalfheim will also receive recruitment orders within the next 10 minutes to join this war...
If there is an experimental subject who can overcome these obstacles, congratulations. A certain black-hearted boss named Tang will come in person with his group of thugs. They will use sap from behind, slap on the wall, fire black guns, and arrange all kinds of cruel things. The method of formation will launch a brutal and inhumane beating on you.

Even if they see that you are strong, they will not show up directly, but will directly use vicious spells to kill you by stabbing the villain remotely!

From the above, we can see the high security level of this laboratory and the importance the Hive Base attaches to Superman Clark, the temporarily sent experimental subject.

As we all know, Superman's magic resistance is almost zero. First, his spiritual orifice was sealed by the Tai Chi True Shape Diagram and the Tai Chi talisman, and then he was affixed with the soul-suppressing talisman.

At this time, Clark directly entered a deep sleep (coma state)
The professors who were in charge of the surgery looked at the naked Superman Clark lying in front of them, with the ultimate joy in their eyes and the look of them wanting to pounce on him.

If they hadn't all held scalpels in their hands, they would have been regarded as perverts who liked masculine styles, but they looked nothing like that now. They looked more like perverted doctors and murderous demons in horror movies.

Of course, these masters in biology and genetics are not coveting Clark's beauty, they are coveting Clark's body.

This is the legendary Superman...
I originally thought that it would be exciting enough to study the experimental subjects suspected of Doomsday, but I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to dissect Superman with my own hands.

A professor holding an Adamantium alloy scalpel in his hand was so excited that he directly touched Clark's chest and abdomen, measuring the appropriate position to insert the knife.

"Ahem, Professor Stearns, don't rush yet. We have two and a half hours, which is enough to complete this sampling. We need to measure the data of this superman's body first..."

Professor Connors stopped the fanatical professor's movements and gave instructions to the experimental assistant on the side. The experimenter on the side had already turned on the auxiliary computer in the laboratory and followed his control.
Several green laser beams were quickly projected on the instrument above the experimental table, and measurements began around Clark.

"Height, 195 centimeters, 6 feet 4 inches, weight 102 kilograms, 225 pounds."

The experimental assistant reported the data measured by the instrument to several professors. The reason why there are two measurement units is to prevent errors.

Soon Superman Clark's physical data was recorded
"Professor Connors, can we start sampling now?" Samuel Stearns rubbed his hands impatiently.

Samuel Stearns, the villain who will later become the "Big Boss", was recruited into the Hive Laboratory and successfully became the leader of the Hulk project by virtue of his outstanding abilities and wisdom beyond ordinary people.
Samuel Stearns once used the alias Mr. Blue and became Internet friends with Bruce Banner for a while, remotely helping Bruce Banner deal with the Hulk.

Because of this, Samuel Stearns is very familiar with the Hulk gene...
Under his leadership, the Hulk project quickly achieved a qualitative breakthrough. With the perfect serum, a universal fusion agent, as a stabilizer, the project quickly completed the mass production of the Hulk serum.

In fact, the Hulk Serum originally studied by the military was a semi-finished product that was close to success. However, its fitness was too low, its casualty rate was too high, and the only successful experimental subject was uncontrollable. , this project was shut down by the military.

Afterwards, the Tang Group's biomanufacturing company took over the project from the military at a very low price. Based on this, coupled with the research of Samuel Stearns, the Hulk Serum was completed. of mass production.

The Hulk serum currently produced by the Hive Laboratory can transform into a big guy like the Hulk after injection. Unlike Dr. Banner, this transformation is controllable.

However, once transformed into the Hulk form, the injector will be irritable and manic. However, this problem was quickly solved after Tianbing Valley mass-produced a magical weapon called Bing Xinpei.

After completing the mass production of the Hulk serum, Samuel Stearns was transferred to the Titan Potion project for two years, responsible for the development of Ghidorah, Yamata, Rodan, Godzilla and many other Titan potions. Optimization and transformation.

The experimental projects in the hive base are roughly divided into five levels, and the same is true for biopharmaceutical research.
Projects like the Lizard Serum, which are nearly [-]% developed and tend to be saturated, with little research value, are at the bottom of experimental medicines and are classified as Level D.

Werewolf serum, vampire potion, shapeshifter magic powder, and invisibility potion, these projects are also highly developed, but these experimental potions have a lot of room for improvement.

Just like the werewolf serum, due to the discovery of a blood sample of a demon wolf in hell, the ninth generation serum project of the werewolf serum has begun, so these medicines are classified as C level.

Projects such as Perfect Serum, Hulk Serum, and God's Elixir are classified as Level B. The development of Perfect Serum is already quite mature, but its effect is more like a neutralizer.

Even many A-level projects require it to fuse different gene fragments, so its practical value is very high.

Needless to say, the Hulk serum can greatly enhance the Tang Group's armed strength.

As for the potion of God, it has been iterated to the sixth generation. An injection of one potion of God can slow down the division of cells at the end of an ordinary person. One injection is enough to extend the life of an ordinary person to 180 years.

Of course, so far, the divine potion sold by the Tang Group is only the second-generation version on the market, which can extend a person's natural life span to 140 years.

Even so, the second type of Divine Potion, which sells for [-] US dollars, is still in short supply.

You must know that in order to pursue greater profits, the biological company under the Tang Group sold a medicine in five parts. In other words, if it wants to naturally extend life span to 140 years, it will cost at least 50 US dollars...
If you go through the black market, the price will be even higher. At the time when a set of God's Potion was the most expensive on the market, it was even sold for 1000 million US dollars. Ordinary people simply cannot afford this potion, or in other words, this potion was not prepared for ordinary people from the beginning.

Ordinary people who want to get the God's Potion have two other ways besides spending money. One is to join the Tang Group. The God's Potion is now an internal benefit for every Tang Group employee.

As long as you have been employed for one year, you can use your contribution points to redeem a set of divine potions for yourself and your immediate family members.

Another one is the church. Devout believers who believe in Pope Hyde’s revised version of the New Testament and the Emperor of Heaven will receive blessings from God and bathe in holy water. As for the ingredients of this holy water, it goes without saying.

Therefore, in the past two years, the influence of the Holy See has gone from a large number of believers demonstrating against the New Testament at the beginning to now having believers spread across five continents. Even in Japan, which has always had difficulty in preaching, there are a large number of old men and women at the church door on time every morning. There are long queues waiting to bathe in the holy water, all thanks to the potion of God.

According to the analysis of the Tang Group's think tank think tank team, the real popularization of the God's Potion will need to wait until the Earth's alien planet immigration plan is implemented.

Otherwise, the current resources of the earth simply cannot support it, and the population will explode with a serious imbalance in birth and death rates.

As for resources, Boss Tang doesn't care. With Tang Group's current revenue in the galaxy plus the share of the Universe Bank, it would be a piece of cake to buy hundreds or thousands of living planets, let alone an earth. .

However, firstly, Boss Tang claimed that he was not the nanny of the earth. Secondly, Hill begged Tang and Song in public, wanting to use the divine potion as a bargaining chip for her to run for president and win over the Earth Federation.

Boss Tang naturally supports his little lover's little power game, so the progress of making the God's Potion popular has been delayed.
Perhaps when Ms. Maria Hill is truly elected as the president of the Earth Federation, the potion of God can truly enter thousands of households.

A-level biological potions are naturally various Titan potions!

Ghidorah, Godzilla, Rodan, and Baqi, these are the four potions whose technology has tended to be stable and appear on the Tang Group's internal contribution list.

As for the development of S-class biopharmaceuticals, only three projects have been planned so far. Among them, the project of cultivating demon warriors using the blood of the Lord of Hell has been shelved because it involves a large number of unknown areas on the magic side.

At present, the only S-class experimental project officially carried out in the entire Hive Base is the Doomsday project in charge of Little Raccoon Rocket.
Samuel Stearns and more than a dozen top experts in biological sciences, genetics, medicine and surgery, as well as dozens of experimenters worked on this little raccoon. Sometimes even Professor Connors from the experimental base Everyone in charge must make way for this project.

This shows the importance of this project. Samuel Stearns was initially puzzled that such an important project was handed over to a raccoon.

But when he truly saw Rocket's understanding and analytical ability in the field of biological sciences beyond ordinary people, he realized the power of this little raccoon.

The laboratory spacecraft of the Supreme Evolution's Pinnacle has now returned to the solar system and is currently parked in Svartalfheim. The Red Queen is summarizing the research data on the Supreme Evolution.

Later, everyone in the hive base, from Professor Connors to ordinary researchers, will undergo another internal training within the group to absorb this biological science knowledge.

The third S-class project in the hive base is the one in front of them. What Samuel Stens and the others have to do now is to collect as many biological samples as possible within two and a half hours.

In order to carry out later research on the clone of the "God on Earth".

However, collecting Superman samples was not as easy as they imagined. After breaking two pairs of scissors, they urgently retrieved several scissors and scalpels made of Ayman alloy from the Hive Laboratory. , and successfully collected Superman’s hair.

As for the blood samples, it took a lot of effort and bent several needles to collect a 600cc blood sample.

"What's the next step?" Samuel Stearns looked at Superman Clark's lower body and looked at Professor Connors...
Professor Connors glanced at the experimental assistant next to him. The experimental assistant took out a large airplane cup from under the experimental table with a bitter look on his face. Under the watchful eyes of all the professors, he stepped forward to collect samples.

Compared with Superman, who is in the spotlight and is placed in the most heavily guarded position, Dr. Banner's treatment is much worse.

In the detention room of the Raccoon Town Police Station, Dr. Banner sat on the bench in the detention room with his head in his hands. Several thieves who were caught for stealing were hiding in the corner timidly. From time to time, they secretly glanced at the man next to them. Big green guy.

Sometimes Dr. Banner would just adjust his glasses, which would make these gangsters tremble in fear. There was nothing they could do about it. The Hulk's size brought extraordinary psychological pressure to ordinary people.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that two bodyguards in black wearing Bluetooth headsets walked to the police station and released Dr. Banner on bail.

It wasn't until Dr. Banner walked out of the door of the detention room that the gangsters inside dared to take a deep breath.
With the last ray of red clouds on the horizon of Raccoon Town disappearing...
The spark-filled space door flickered in Boss Tang's study at Lake Center Island Manor, and Ryan walked out of the space door holding a Tai Chi true diagram.

At this time, Tang and Song Dynasty were holding white jade pens, leaning over the red sandalwood table, writing and drawing on a document.
There are seven or eight pages of documents scattered around the long desk next to it...
In the Tang and Song dynasties, it was clear that the drawings were bird seal scripts and talismans, but when the pen and ink fell on the paper, they turned into printed fonts. It was very strange...
Ryan stepped forward and picked up a copy, with an employment agreement written clearly on the top.
"Boss, you want to hire them to work for us. Given their character, I'm afraid they won't agree!" Ryan said after scanning the contract in his hand.

After Tang Song finished writing the last rune in his hand, he casually placed the jade rune pen on the pen holder beside him, picked up the contract in front of him, blew on it, shook his head at Ryan with a smile and said:
"Do you think I will use them to do evil things? No, no, no. I told you before, don't cast us as villains. Aren't they worried that I will launch a war between gods and cause disaster in the multiverse? Well, then, I listen to them!”

Tang Song let out a long sigh: "Hey, as a righteous god and a kind-hearted person, I can't bear to see evil gods like Darkseid endangering the security of the universe. Since they don't let me control them, then these demons and evil gods endangering the security of the universe." Leave it to them, these righteous superheroes!”

Ryan blinked and looked at Boss Tang with a familiar evil smile on his face.

"So, boss, you want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman and watch the fight between tigers!" Ryan said suddenly.

Tang Song spread his hands: "Ryan, don't think that your boss, me, is so dirty. How can I do such a thing as reaping the benefits of others? Of course I am the man behind a superhero!"

"When you sign the contract, whether it's the Justice League or the Avengers, they will become my agents, letting them spread the faith for me and destroy the evil villains."

"But, boss, I don't think they will agree!"

"Don't they advertise themselves as superheroes? Rather than me launching a war between gods in the multiverse and spreading the war to dozens of parallel universes, I just want them to fight evil in these universes on my behalf. Why don't they do it? !”

"Allowing the evil in the multiverse to spread is not what superheroes do. If they don't do it and don't let us take action, won't their consciences hurt?"

Ryan said thoughtfully: "No wonder boss, you let them go. It turned out to be this idea. However, even if they sign this agreement and stipulate the terms in the agreement, it won't be of much benefit to us!"

Tang Song smiled and said: "In addition to the forbidden laws above, my agreement is also mixed with the contract magic of the devil in hell and the hidden black magic spell found in the Kama Taj Library. As long as they sign the contract, some things can't be controlled. They’re gone!”

"Besides, I really don't want to do anything big with them. I just want to use their hands to eliminate some opponents and save some trouble!"

"When the time comes, whichever parallel universe we want to enter, we will send people to check it out in advance, collect information about the evil forces in that universe, and then give them the task of eradicating the evil..."

Ryan immediately understood: "After they finish processing, our people will fill the vacancy in this part of the power."

After understanding what Boss Tang was thinking, Ryan echoed Tang Song and said with a smile:

"Boss, let's wait and see how Thor resolves this misunderstanding. Let's raise this matter high in the meantime, so that we can put more pressure on it!"

Tang Song glanced at Ryan approvingly, and the two of them laughed evilly at the same time, giving the impression of Mr. Huang being tall and hard.

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