"Ding dong ding dong."

Outside 177A Bleecker Street in Manhattan, New York, which looks like a church or a library, two figures covered in cloaks are ringing the doorbell furtively.

"Big guy, are you sure this is the right place!"

Rocket Raccoon looked at the New York Sanctuary, where no one had opened the door for a long time, and looked up at Dr. Banner suspiciously!

Dr. Banner, who was completely covered under his cloak, adjusted his glasses and said, "The location is correct. I have been here before. Could it be that the people inside are not at home?!"

"If there's anyone inside, we'll know if we just go in and take a look!"

The little raccoon rolled his eyes and took out a sonic key from his arms. He approached the door and wanted to show Dr. Banner a unique unlocking skill.

The little raccoon had just pointed the sonic key in his hand at the door of the Sanctuary of New York when the door suddenly opened from the inside.

"Do you believe me when I say I'm the key bearer?" The little raccoon looked at the bald mage in front of him and bared his teeth at her with an awkward smile.

Master Gu Yi looked at the little raccoon with calm eyes. His compassionate eyes, accustomed to the uncertainty of the world, actually made the lawless little raccoon feel a little ashamed.

"Please come in!"

Master Ancient One greeted the two of them, turned around and walked into the Holy of Holies in New York. The little raccoon and Dr. Banner looked at each other and followed in.

Dr. Banner walked into the door of the Holy of Holies. The door closed automatically without any wind.


The little raccoon Rocket walked into the Holy of Holies in New York, one of the three major temples in the world, and was attracted by the various strange collections displayed inside.

The magic cabinet displays magic instruments, various medieval swords, magic wands, cloaks, compasses, crystal balls, and even a little raccoon found a beating heart in it.

The sunlight shines through the starry sky glass ceiling and shines on these magic cabinets, adding a mysterious color to these magic weapons.

Dr. Banner raised his head and glanced at the intact starry sky roof above his head. His eyes were somewhat strange. If I remember correctly, the last time he came to the Holy of Holies in New York, he directly smashed through the roof of the temple.

Of course that's in another world.
  That time Hulk was directly beaten to autistic state by Thanos, which also indirectly caused the fusion of his and Hulk's two personalities.

"Master Ancient One! No offense just now, we came to you because we really have something to ask for your help!" Thinking of Thanos, Dr. Banner's face felt a throbbing pain, as if he thought of Thanos' iron fist hitting his face. pain.

He quickly shook his head to dispel the shadows in his mind and talked about the business to Master Gu Yi.

"Aren't you here to find Strange?" Master Ancient One looked at Dr. Banner with a smile.

Dr. Banner said with some embarrassment: "I went to see Strange, and he is still a surgeon!"

"You are here two years early," Master Ancient One looked at Dr. Banner and the little raccoon gently, and two chairs flew up behind them: "Please sit down, do you want tea or coffee!?"

"I want coffee, thank you!"

"Bring me a beer!"

Master Ancient One glanced at the little raccoon in front of him. As soon as Dr. Banner and the little raccoon who had just sat down finished speaking, two more cups appeared in front of them.

Placed in front of Dr. Banner was a cup of scalding coffee, and in front of the little raccoon was a large cup of yellow beer.

"Si Ha!" The little raccoon picked up the big beer glass in front of him and drank a glass of wine happily. Looking at the expression on his face, he drank heartily.

"Oh? Cool! Is this a magic trick?" Looking at the wine glass that he had just finished drinking and then automatically refilled, the little raccoon opened his eyes wide and looked at the Ancient Master in front of him.

"Magic, almost!" Master Gu Yi smiled, waved his hands in front of him, and a light curtain appeared in front of the three of them.

"I know your origins and the purpose of your coming here! In the future I see, our chance of winning is only one in [-]! We need help to resolve this cosmic disaster!"

In the light curtain created by the ancient mage's spell, a figure wearing a red cloak was wreaking havoc among a group of space battleships.

The fleet sent by Thanos to intercept Superman was a fleet called the Roman Civilization. The Roman Civilization was not even ranked among the top one thousand civilizations that vassal Thanos. The reason why they were selected to follow Thanos's Dark Cult The regiment's main fleet came to Earth simply because they were closest to Thanos at the time.

The technological level of the Roman civilization is not considered advanced, but that depends on who you compare it to.

Compared with the people on earth who have not yet left the planet, the technology of the Roman civilization is at least thousands of years ahead of the human world. Even the Chiritans, who are facing a formidable enemy, can only be regarded as a passable group of wanderers in front of the Romans. Mercenaries.

The Roman warships are somewhat like bullets in the human world, with a round pointed end and a huge engine propeller behind them. This kind of warship flies extremely fast and can fly in the vacuum universe at a speed second only to the speed of light.

In addition to their flight speed, although these Roman spaceships are less than a thousand meters long, each spacecraft is equipped with hundreds of various energy cannons, with one shot powerful enough to flatten a mountain on the earth.

In the flagship command room of the Roman fleet, the commander of the Roman fleet wearing a blue spacesuit was discussing the goals of Thanos's expedition with the adjutant beside him.

"Commander! What kind of civilization do you think we are conquering this time? Is it a fourth-level civilization? Or the legendary fifth-level civilization! In the past, the Mad Titan has not been in the habit of summoning affiliated civilizations like us!"

After glancing at the adjutant, Commander Roman sighed, shook his head and said:

"I don't know, but I got the news that this time the Mad Titan issued a death order. Not only us, but all civilizations that belong to him and swear allegiance to him must send fleets to join this war this time, otherwise they will be killed. It would be considered a betrayal!”

Looking at the porthole in front of him, Commander Roman squinted his eyes and made calculations.

What makes the Mad Titan feel so close to an enemy must be a powerful enemy. Their Roman civilization is sandwiched between them like a meteorite between two stars. If you are not careful, it will be turned into powder under the gravity of the two.

This Mad Titan's mission was an opportunity. Their fleet simply stayed here to contain the enemy, delaying as much time as possible. When the Mad Titan's main fleet and the unknown powerful enemy decided the winner, they would wait for an opportunity.

"Pass the order," Commander Roman ordered: Let all the warships put into a defensive formation, do not use the main guns, and try to delay as much time as possible. Well, you can abandon a few warships to let the enemy destroy them. In this battle, we must look like we are evenly matched. ! "

"Commander, you are still smart!" The adjutant quickly understood the commander's intention.

The commander said calmly: "Let the Mad Titan and his enemies fight to the death...

Don't forget to send an emergency message to General Deathblade as soon as the fight breaks out, saying that we are under a crazy counterattack by the enemy and need to replenish a large number of battleships! "

"Then what if General Deathblade really sends reinforcements?" the adjutant asked in surprise.

Stomping his feet vigorously, the commander sneered: "I know General Deathblade, that cold-blooded bastard, better than you. With his character, he will definitely not send out a single battleship before our entire army is annihilated."

The adjutant shrugged: "Well, I hope you are right!!"

The Roman fleet accelerated towards the coordinates where the outpost was destroyed.

Commander Roman looked at the scenery outside the porthole in front of him and fell into deep thought. The Roman civilization had been attacked by the Dark Order a long time ago.

Half of the Roman people died in the great purge. The Roman governor at the time used [-]% of the wealth of their civilization to bribe the Archbishop of the Dark Order at the time. This allowed their Roman civilization to become a vassal civilization recognized by the Mad Titan. Yu was robbed by other civilizations.

It is precisely by relying on the banner of the Mad Titan that the Roman civilization can become one of the best secondary civilizations in their star field.

Are Romans grateful to the Mad Titan? No, of course not! Forgetting history is tantamount to betraying one's own civilization.

Moreover, the Mad Titan has brought more pain to the Romans than losing their loved ones. Due to the Mad Titan’s perverted demands, the Romans have been controlling the birth population of their own civilization.

In the Roman civilization, birth quota is more valuable than energy. Only when one Roman dies can a couple be allowed to have their own child.

Even the Commander himself has not had a child of his own until now, and all this was just to avoid another purge by the Mad Titan.

The Romans were like icebergs under the sea to the Mad Titan, hiding their hatred deep under the seemingly calm sea. However, when they received a call to arms from the Dark Order, the Romans had to send out [-] elite warriors. .

And the most advanced Roman warships, a new second-class warship with a length of [-] meters, came to serve the Mad Titan.

Just as Commander Roman was looking at the scenery outside the porthole and meditating, more than thirty light curtains suddenly lit up on the comprehensive command platform in the command cabin at the same time. The piercing sirens kept sounding, and one after another real-time battlefield information rushed in. The light curtain rolled up.

"The Third Fleet was attacked and eleven battleships were lost."

"The Seventh Fleet was attacked and Captain Thorin was killed."

"The defense line of the Sixth Fleet was breached"

From the time the alarm sounded to Commander Roman reacting
  In just ten minutes, there were fifteen unfortunate battle reports, and more than eighty battleships were damaged! "what happened?"

Commander Roman looked at the ten, no, nine fleet captains on the light screen, and his whole body was trembling.

"Your Majesty Commander, the enemy's speed is too fast for our battleship's fire control system to capture!"

"His attack intensity is very high, and the energy field shield of our gaze cannot resist it at all!"

The three thousand battleships of the Roman fleet were divided into ten small fleets. At this time, the captains of the nine surviving small fleets reported the situation to the commander.

"Notify all warships to keep their distance and use full firepower. Since the enemy is fast, use a saturation attack! Cover the entire battlefield with firepower!"

Soon Commander Roman's order spread throughout the entire fleet, and the fleets that were originally lined up to attack Dachao began to spread out——
  The dense energy artillery fire was just as Commander Roman expected, and a dense network of blue energy firepower appeared in the space.
  Intense artillery fire completely turned the meteorite belts into dust in the universe.
  The large Chao Clark people were in the net, like fish swimming in the net, and mosquitoes between the screens, constantly shuttling to avoid the attacks of these artillery fires.

In the command module of Roman's flagship, sharp alarms continued to sound, and the situation did not change because Commander Roman changed the combat mode.

More bad news flooded into the integrated command chain.

Compared to the nearly [-]-meter-long battleship, Clark's size is too small, and his attack mode is also very simple. He relies on the speed that surpasses these battleships, the biological force field around him, and his powerful strength.

At this moment, he was like a weapon droplet in the Trisolaran civilization, with his arms stretched forward, easily dodging the enemy's artillery attacks, and at the same time, he crashed into the warships at nearly the speed of light in a vacuum environment.

Roman's battleship energy protection stance was easily shattered by Superman's impact, and the solid battleship armor was as thin as a piece of randomly torn waste paper under his iron fist.

In just one and a half hours, this Roman fleet of [-] battleships suffered more than [-] battleship losses, and the remaining battleships had to distance themselves...
  This did cause some trouble for Clark. After all, these Roman warships were spread farther and farther apart, which also meant that he had to spend more time to defeat this fleet.

"Cool! Looks like we're about to win!"

The little raccoon Rocket looked at the scene of Superman showing off his power in the light screen. He couldn't help but celebrate by picking up the beer glass in his hand and took a big sip into his mouth.

Dr. Banner is not as optimistic as the little raccoon. Although he has not had any contact with the Ancient Master, he has had a lot of contact with Strange and knows that these wizards have the miraculous ability to see into the future with the help of the time stone.

Master Gu Yi just said that their chance of winning is less than one in [-], and he is definitely not being alarmist.

Facing Dr. Banner's puzzled gaze, Master Ancient One sighed and drew a space door at will. The space door with sparks flying appeared on the ceiling of the New York Temple.

I saw a dark environment opposite the space gate. In the dark space, occasionally dotted with a few starlights, a torrent of steel with no beginning or end suddenly appeared.
  "Master Ancient One! Are you sure we have a chance to win!" Dr. Banner looked at the densely packed group of battleships on the other side of the space door, with an invisible side at a glance, and his body couldn't help but trembled. There were more battleships than Superman had faced. More than a hundred times, a thousand times.

When the little raccoon saw the vast group of battleships opposite the space door, he was so frightened that the wine glass in his hand rolled directly to the ground. The beer in the glass instantly soaked the carpet under his feet.

"One chance in [-]!"

At this time, a passing warship seemed to detect the life breath on the opposite side of the space gate, and fired an energy cannon towards the vicinity of the space gate.

The blazing energy beam hits the space gate!

Just when Dr. Banner and the little raccoon wanted to escape, the space door above their heads suddenly disappeared.

And below the alien battleship that blasted out the energy cannon, a space gate flashing with sparks suddenly appeared, and then a blazing white energy beam shot out from the space gate, hitting the armor layer below the battleship——

After dealing with an alien spaceship, Gu Yi flicked his sleeves, and another space door with sparks flying appeared in the temple.

Opposite the space door was a scene of birds singing and flowers fragrant, like a fairyland, but the little raccoon and Dr. Banner could tell at a glance that Asgard was on the opposite side.

Master Gu Yi stepped into the space door, and Dr. Banner and the little raccoon quickly followed.

In Asgard's Golden Palace, Odin sat high on the throne, his one eye shining brightly, wondering what he was thinking.
  In the main hall of the Golden Palace, two Thors, one fat and one thin, were facing each other in the distance. It seemed that the atmosphere was a bit stiff. The still charming Queen Frigga of Asgard stood between the two, holding one by the other, as if she was trying to persuade them. What are you wearing?

Wonder Woman Diana stood aside, looking somewhat helpless.

According to the division of labor established before they came, she and Thor came to Asgard to seek Odin's help.

Unexpectedly, Thor had a special interest in his hammer. As soon as he came to Asgard, he summoned his hammer. As a result, this time he directly summoned the Thor of this universe. Summoned together.

Then there was a scene in front of him.

Thor looked at the fat man in front of him and really didn't want to believe that he would become like this in the future. He was the most powerful man in Asgard!

This must be an illusion caused by Loki! Thor looked at Thor's hammer in Fat Thor's hand unkindly. What's more, even if you are the God of Thunder from a parallel universe, you can't steal my hammer!
  Queen Frigga looked at her son who had become obese with a face full of love. Looking at his uncoordinated eyes, she couldn't help but touch his cheek with her hand.

"My child, you must have suffered a lot these years!"

"I have lived a good life these years!" Thor felt the warmth of his mother's palm on his cheek and felt that his tears were about to fall again. He pretended to be strong and said:
  "I found another home. That mother was as good to me as you are. And Loki, he has changed now. Although the cheap sister is very violent, she is also good to me!"

When he heard Thor mention his sister, Odin, who had been sitting on the throne meditating, raised his head and looked at Thor, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

"That's good! That's good!" Frigga stroked Thor. As the goddess of magic, she could feel how much damage Thor had suffered over the years.

Seeing his mother and the counterfeit from the parallel universe performing a show of affection between mother and son in front of him, Thor felt disgusted and his whole body felt sour. If he hadn't encountered a series of things recently, he had been training on the earth for a period of time. , if it had been before, according to his character, he would have picked up a hammer and started fighting with the fakes claiming to be from parallel universes.

When the space door with sparks flying appeared in the main hall of the Golden Palace, dozens of Asgardian berserkers wearing horned helmets stationed in the hall drew their swords and surrounded the sudden space door.

"Everyone, stand down. This is my guest!" Odin looked at the space door that suddenly appeared in the hall, raised his right hand to signal the guards to stand down, stood up from the throne, and went forward.

Many guards roared and backed away from the space door. At this time, Master Gu Yi, who was wearing a yellow robe, stepped out of the space door with his hands behind his back.

"Master Gu Yi! Long time no see!"

Odin walked up to Ancient One, and the two exchanged pleasantries.

"The last time we met, I remember it was thirty years ago. When Bahamut wanted to invade the real dimension, you came to me to borrow the eternal fire! I didn't expect that so much time has passed in such a flash!"

"Thirty years, for you Asa Clan, is only a few days!"

"That was before. When I was young, I didn't know how precious time was. Seeing that Ragnarok was coming, I cherish every moment now! Is the purpose of the ancient master here also to destroy the tyrant?"

"The future I see has changed. This time if the earth wants to get through the difficulties, I'm afraid it needs your personal help!"

Odin looked at Ancient One and frowned slightly: "Master Ancient One, it's not that I want to shirk it, but you should know that since the last incident, Asgard's strength has not been as good as before, and the manpower it can dispatch There really aren’t many, and the frost giants in Jotunheim are always ready to make a move.”

"Father! I will deal with the frost giants in Jotunheim. I have long disliked them!" After hearing Odin's words, the young prince couldn't help but plead.

However, Thor's invitation to fight only received a cold glance from Odin's one eye, which instantly turned him into a frost-beaten eggplant.

Ancient Yi still had a warm smile on his face. It seemed that Odin's reaction was not beyond her expectation. Instead, he nodded in agreement: "Indeed, with Asgard's current strength, even if it's all filled in, , can’t prevent this disaster!”

"Oh? Even with your strength, Master Ancient One, you can't stop Thanos!" God Odin's eyes were full of doubt.

It took more than a day or two to deal with the bald man in front of him. He had seen it with his own eyes more than once. This bald man spoke modestly, but in an understatement he banished evil gods and demons who broke into the real dimension into endless hell.

He even felt that if Ancient One was willing to take action, he could even pull the millions of warships entering the solar system into the time loop.

"Neither can I," Ancient One sighed: "The power of the Time Stone may not be effective on guests from parallel universes. If I am restrained, Dormammu and several other old friends will take advantage of the situation and defeat them. Not only will the earth be unable to be saved, this disaster will also evolve into a catastrophe that affects the entire universe!"

Odin knew that Ancient One could see through countless timelines in the future with the help of the Time Stone, and what she said was definitely not alarmist.

He looked at Gu Yi solemnly: "Then what do you need me to do?"

"I hope God King you can use the Eternal Spear to summon the World Tree and block a line of defense outside the earth!"

Gu Yi swiped his finger, and the defense line she wanted Odin to set up suddenly appeared in front of her. A green branch of the world tree enveloped the entire earth.

"That's it?" Odin looked at Ancient One in disbelief: "Creating a battlefield for the people on earth, do you think they can win?"

The Eternal Spear in his hand can indeed materialize the concept of World Tree, but even with the blessing of his divine power, World Tree does not have any lethality. As for defensive power, the concept of World Tree surrounds nine worlds. You can tell just how big the gap between the leaves is.

It is said to be defense, but it only shortens the original battle line of one million miles to one hundred thousand miles. There are only so many people on the earth. Even if they include Asgard, they cannot resist the attack of millions of Thanos warships.

If Thanos directly uses powerful star-destroying weapons, he does not even need to come to the earth, but only needs to attack the sun, then the entire solar system will be buried with this star.

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