Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 481 Hunter Thunder Cloud

Seeing the ugly face of Zeus in front of him, which was even more shameless than the real hell devil like him, Beelzebul's body was trembling with anger.

"Zeus, I have no intention of being an enemy of your Olympus gods. There is no hatred between us that must be divided into life and death. There is no need for us to fight with our lives here!"

Although Beelzebub was shaking with anger, his reason told him that one Zeus was enough to give him a headache, let alone the Hercules, whose strength was not inferior to Zeus!

This illegitimate son of Zeus, even in the whole of Olympus, is ranked among the top three in terms of strength value.

In front of him was Hercules wearing a lion skin cloak, and behind him was Zeus holding a lightning halberd. No matter how angry Beelzebub was, he could only hold back and show weakness.

Beelzebub secretly swore in his heart that as long as he came back from cultivation, he would destroy the entire Pantheon to avenge today!

He will extract the souls of the entire Olympus gods and burn them day and night!

Beelzebub mentally killed Zeus in front of him countless times, but he forced a flattering smile on his face.

Blinking his eyes, Zeus looked at Beelzebub and laughed again: "Of course, I think so too! We have no grudges! As long as you hand over the three infinite gems, I will let you go!"

As he spoke, the tip of the lightning halberd in Zeus's hand pointed directly at Beelzebub like a threat!

Beelzebub's angry face turned from green to white, and he opened hundreds of pairs of compound eyes under his demonic face. Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at Zeus in horror, threatening in a ferocious voice: "Zeus! Since I was born, I have never been able to do anything. No one has ever dared to threaten me like this——"

Zeus looked at Beelzebub with a sneer: "Oh, then you have experienced it now!"

Before provoking a king of hell, and it was Beelzebub, one of the seven kings of hell who represented "arrogance", Zeus would have hesitated before.

After all, they are not afraid of thieves, but they are worried about them. Even their Pantheon does not want to be secretly watched by a hell king all the time.

But for Zeus, if he gets these Infinity Stones, the entire Olympus pantheon will usher in glory again. At this time, let alone provoking Beelzebub, even if Satan comes, he will have to take a hit from him. Let’s talk about the lightning halberd.

Seeing the sarcasm on Zeus's face, Beelzebub's face turned green again. He floated silently in the void, and suddenly let out a sharp howl: "Zeus! You think you've got me! Don't forget Yes, I hold three infinity stones in my hand! Now I will let you taste the power of these infinity stones!"

"Today, Zeus, Hercules, you will die here today. I will kill you, deprive you of your life, deprive you of your soul, and use your blood to witness the rise of the new king!"

Seeing the purple, red, and orange lights glowing in Beelzebub's hand, Zeus' expression tightened, he tightened his grip on the lightning halberd, and stood ready.

Hercules, who was wearing an animal skin cloak, reached out and raised a Greek-style long bow, bent the bow and nocked an arrow, aimed at Beelzebub, and shot an arrow.

The flaming arrows shot straight at Beelzebub at an extremely terrifying speed. The flaming arrows split into hundreds in the air and enveloped Beelzebub in an instant.

When the arrow arrived in front of Beelzebub, the sound of Hercules snapping the bowstring had just sounded. The surrounding void trembled at the sound of the bow, which showed how amazing the power contained in this bow was.

Beelzebub looked at the rockets in the sky with a confident light in his eyes,

Facing the rain of arrows shot by Heracles, Beelzebub did not choose to dodge, but raised his right hand high, and the reality gem in his hand released a dark red barrier.

The dark red ether particles gathered around Beelzebub to form a round, translucent dark red egg.

Hundreds of arrows that turned into fire dragons hit the egg body that was dozens of meters tall. The dark red egg body flashed with light and fluctuated layer by layer!


Under Beelzebub's shocked and puzzled gaze, the dark red barrier held up by the Reality Stone exploded directly under the wave of arrows and turned into pieces.

At this scene, not only Beelzebub was stunned, but even Hercules who shot the arrow stopped to add another arrow in his hand.

Infinity stones, that's it? !

Zeus glanced at Heracles suspiciously, wondering if this cheap son with thick eyebrows and big eyes was deliberately hiding his strength and was worried about his position as the King of the Gods.

After all, a kind father and a filial son have always been their family's tradition. Although, in the prophecy, his position will be advantageous to his daughter, but what if!

Out of his trust in the Infinity Stones, Beelzebub did not even evade Heracles' attack. As a result, he was stabbed with arrows like a porcupine.

Each arrow pierced deeply into his skin. What made Beelzebub even more uncomfortable was that those arrows contained the divine power of Heracles. Those arrows penetrated his body and continued like flames. Evaporating his blood, magic.

However, Beelzebub didn't pay attention to these at all. He used his magic power crazily to activate the infinite gems in his hands. As a result, the three-color light was like a returning light bulb. After flashing for a few seconds, it shattered.

Three monkey hairs shining with red fire flew out from Beelzebub's palm.

"Frank!" Beelzebub looked at the three hairs and understood immediately. He angrily used the magic power in his body to destroy the three monkey hairs into dregs, and let out an angry roar from his mouth.

"Good, good! Good performance!"

Several dimensions away from this dimension, not far away in the void, Tang Song looked at the scene of Beelzebub being stabbed into a hedgehog by a rain of arrows in the circular light mirror, smiling and applauding.

In front of the mahjong table in front of him, three infinity stones, one purple, one red, and one orange, were thrown there casually like dice.

Frank, who had just been pretending to chase Beelzebub, stood behind Wade at leisure, pointing at his mahjong tiles.

Hela, who looked like an eight-year-old child, sat there angrily, gritting her teeth and glaring at Tang Song. While she was touching the cards, she quietly touched the power gem on the table with her little hand.


Tang Song slapped her palm away, and Hela's bulging mouth could already catch an oil bottle!

But Kane's people are not here, but have gone somewhere?

Three dimensions away from Boss Tang's void world, a pale-faced middle-aged man glared at Kane who was blocking the road with a gloomy look, and a desperate aura spread out from his body.

He shouted sternly: "Let me go, or we will die together!"

The middle-aged man's body was covered with various scars, and even one of his arms was chopped off.

As the middle-aged man recited strange spells, a powerful wave of magic energy surged out of his body, and then this wave of energy continued to increase and soar upward.

Correspondingly, the aura of life in the middle-aged man's body is constantly decreasing, and in the blink of an eye, the gathered magic power around him has touched the threshold of God the Heavenly Father.

The magic power of the surrounding void was drawn by it, turning into countless hurricanes that tore through the void and quickly pressed in the direction of Kane.


Facing the threat of this unknown evil god, Kane just raised his hand, and the ax in his hand flashed with a blazing white sword. This sword flashed and rolled, and the middle-aged man was caught by the ax light. Go in.

After the sound of tearing cloth, a huge ax mark more than two thousand meters long and more than ten meters wide was left directly in the void, but the middle-aged man had disappeared.

"Play with the wind in front of me!"

Kane shook his head, opened his mouth and roared, and the countless hurricanes were instantly dispersed by his voice. Kane has just finished dealing with this unknown dimensional evil god who was attracted by the infinite stones and wanted to defeat the autumn wind.

Countless golden lights flew towards him, and when they were still more than ten kilometers away from Kane, they suddenly turned into thousands of yellow scarf warriors wearing armor.

Kane glanced at the blood stains on the armors of these yellow scarf warriors, then silently carried the ax and flew towards the next target. There were still many birds in the net, and according to the boss's wishes, they had to be collected one by one. .

Thousands of yellow scarf warriors followed behind him.

The Tang and Song Dynasties gloated here across several dimensions. Beelzebub was furious there, and he had to endure the siege of Zeus and Hercules.

In the eyes of Zeus and Heracles, cunning creatures like hell demons have little credibility.

The Infinity Stones were fake, maybe they were just a cover created by Beelzebub to trick them into giving up.

This kind of trick cannot fool the cunning God King Zeus.

Beelzebub, however, truly understood what it means to be speechless. No wonder Hela never showed up, and the man named Tang was nowhere to be seen, so they treated him like a monkey.

While he was trying his best to dodge under the lightning halberd of Zeus, he also had to guard against the arrow attack of Hercules. Although he repeatedly explained, neither Zeus nor Hercules had any intention of stopping the attack.

Beelzebub had no choice but to continue fighting. Strictly speaking, he was desperately escaping toward the abyss of hell.

Although Beelzebub is not a demon in the local universe, for a hell king, as long as he enters the abyss environment, he is like a fish in water.

Only by escaping into the abyss could he save his life under the siege of Zeus and Hercules.

With superhuman speed and the special ability to transform his body into pests, Beelzebub escaped all the way——

In terms of speed, Hercules seemed unable to catch up with him, but Hercules drew his bow and arrow from a distance, and the arrow that was enough to kill the Hydra forced Beelzebub to lift 120,000 points. energy to cope.

What Beelzebub didn't expect was that Zeus, the king of the gods in Olympus, had no royal demeanor at all, and had no intention of fighting him head-on. He also stayed far away, and would sneak up on him from time to time.

The Lightning Halberd, as an artifact no less powerful than Odin's Eternal Spear, turned into a huge golden arc of light and struck Beelzebub with a deafening sound of thunder.

A pair of cyan demonic bat wings behind Beelzebub flapped their wings and fled towards the abyss.

'Tsk', a white hole was left in the void. It was the shadow left by him who penetrated the void at too fast speed.

However, the golden arc of lightning formed by the lightning halberd was faster, and it almost flashed and reached behind Beelzebub.

A scream of "Ah" came out, and the entire right half of Beelzebub's body was chopped into charcoal.

Beelzebub dragged his remaining body and fled towards the abyss of hell without looking back. Behind him, Hercules bent his bow and nocked an arrow. The arrows in his hand shot out, as if there were hundreds of Gatling heavy machine guns at the same time. It was like shooting at Beelzebub.

Countless rockets "swish, swish, swish" dragging their long flame tails and blasted straight towards Beelzebub.

Beelzebub roared angrily. How could he dare to receive Hercules' attack if he was seriously injured?

His charred body took a strong breath and turned into countless afterimages, twisting and dodging in the void.

Rockets were shot one after another, and wherever they passed, the void was burned into a sea of ​​fire by the high temperature.

Although Beelzebub kept dodging in the void, more than a dozen arrows still hit his wings hard!

"If you don't take action, Zeus will get it!"

The two figures fell far behind Zeus. When he saw Beelzebub falling from the void like a bird with an arrow, Zeus strode towards it.

A black-haired man wearing a black cloak and a crown looked at the middle-aged man with sapphire-like eyes holding a trident beside him.

"I should ask you this. If Zeus gets the Infinity Stones, his position as the King of Gods will be completely stable! Haven't you always wanted to sit in this position, Hades!"

"Why don't you want to!" Hades, the king of Hades in the myth of Olympus, glanced at the younger brother next to him with pity.

Poseidon, the King of the Sea, clenched the trident in his hand and also looked at Hades. The two glared at each other, and then turned their heads away in disgust.

Although the two of them were the former Pluto and Neptune of the Olympus God System, they were not members of the Pantheon. After the Olympus God System was defeated and exited the earth.

Zeus united with a group of gods who were also driven out of the earth by the Ancient One to create the Pantheon, while Hades and Poseidon also formed their own forces.

The reason why the two of them appeared here was because they got the news that Zeus wanted to snatch the Infinity Stones. Zeus wanted to be an oriole, and the two of them wanted to be hunters, but they were both wary of each other, fearing that they were coming behind each other's back. One shot.

Seeing that Zeus was about to get the infinite stones, the two of them couldn't help but feel ready to move——

Suddenly, without any warning, countless black clouds suddenly surged into the void——

The two of them raised their heads and looked at the black clouds covering thousands of miles in shock. This was not a real dimension. How could there be dark clouds?

Watching the golden thunder twisting and rolling in the dark clouds, the thunder light with a thickness of several meters often tore through the void across thousands of miles, and there was a faint and oppressive aura of despair,

Hades, the king of Hades, could clearly feel a dangerous aura locking on the two of them.

"Is it the work of this guy Zeus?"

Hades looked towards the direction of the dimension where Zeus disappeared, a little puzzled——

Thousands of yellow scarf warriors in the void thousands of miles away from Hades were chanting incantations together, and the seals in their hands fell as they did so!

Countless thunders rumbled down towards Hades and Poseidon.

Thousands of yellow scarf warriors jointly performed the thunder technique. Each thunder and lightning contained a terrifying energy. The void beneath their feet was trembling slightly, with large and small cracks opening.

Under this lightning, Hades and Poseidon were shocked. They were convinced that this was definitely not a magic spell that Zeus could cast. The next moment, the two of them ran away with their heads in hands at the same time, without any intention of forcefully engaging them. idea.

However, a figure suddenly appeared wrapped in lightning and stopped Hades. He flipped his wrist and a half-moon-shaped ax struck down on Hades's head! (End of chapter)

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