Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 499: Defeated by Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 499: Defeated by Nuclear Explosion

"Don't eat the sour radish, you will die——!"

Before Harley Quinn finished speaking, the timer on the 100,000-ton tactical nuclear warhead had already reset to zero——

Then a powerful shock wave accompanied by blazing fire instantly engulfed Harley Quinn. Her crazy smiling face and her body were instantly reduced to ashes under a high temperature of nearly 100 million degrees.

On the top of a man-made park eighty kilometers away from the old city, John Constantine, wearing a yellow trench coat, kept grabbing some colorful powder from his trench coat pocket.

Bones that looked like human bones, a few gems the size of fingernails, and some viscous liquid that looked like blood!

After arranging the materials, Constantine began to paint complex magic runes on the wasteland. After the complex circular magic circle was completed, he took out a two-meter-long crystal coffin from his windbreaker pocket.

Constantine is not only a knowledgeable black magician, but he is also a master collector who loves collecting.

He collected magic books and magic props from various cultural traditions around the world and stored these items in the storage room of his friend Chas.

In order to make it easier to deal with some "old friends" who are collecting debts!
Constantine's iconic trench coat has an extra-dimensional pocket that can store many magic items!
Constantine placed the crystal coffin in the center of the magic circle. When he saw the yellow paper attached to the crystal coffin, the cinnabar runes on it began to glow red.

Constantine took a hard sip from the cigarette in his mouth, and then blew out a puff of smoke. In the smoke, a huge magic circle began to light up, and an invisible wave spread in all directions——

After just one or two breaths, the smoke above the magic circle suddenly condensed into the shape of a woman, and the baby bird jumped into the crystal coffin like a forest.


In the half-open crystal coffin, a woman with twin ponytails suddenly sat up and breathed in the fresh air.

"Constantine, you bastard, can you please stop mixing soul-nourishing cigarettes into your inferior cigarettes in the future, causing me to smell like cigarettes!"

Harley Quinn raised her arm and sniffed her body. I wonder if it was her imagination, but she always felt that her body smelled like smoke. Harley Quinn glanced at Constantine in disgust.

Constantine still looked like a decadent middle-aged man, and when faced with Harley Quinn's eyes, he showed no sign of anger.

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it slowly: "I knew this mission would not be easy, but I didn't expect to meet a big one!"

"How was it? Did everything go well?"

"I threw a tactical nuclear warhead with an equivalent of 100,000 tons there. Even if the devil of hell really comes, it will be enough for him to drink a pot!"

Harley Quinn said distressedly: "First of all, I have left my treasure bag there. If I can't find it back, I will be compensated for my losses!"

"This mission is completed. The contribution value is enough for you to exchange for ten more treasure bags. I didn't expect that this time we encountered an existence comparable to the devil of hell. What exactly are we looking for?" Constantine muttered weakly. As he muttered, a trace of deeply hidden desire flashed in his eyes.

He said with a little regret:

"Alas, it's a pity that there is no camera at the scene. Otherwise, you must see how fun the nuclear bomb explosion is. Last time we cooperated, we dropped a 10,000-ton tactical nuclear warhead on the red earth continent of that world. It was also I wonder what the result will be?"

"Hehe, I know. I went back again afterwards. The buildings on that continent near the sea were basically flattened. Those natives who called themselves Tianlong people were also stingy. Didn't we just secretly take a dozen of their weird-looking fruits? No, you have to chase us all over the world! Now it’s fine, let’s break up in one fell swoop!”

Harley Quinn chuckled: "The government of that world also issued a reward order for us, saying that we were the most evil perpetrators of attacking the Holy Land. Constantine, you were rewarded with 50 billion, and I was rewarded with 55 billion -"

"The extra 500 million should be the reason why you used a baseball bat to smash the fat man wearing the bubble hood into a pulp!" Constantine looked at Harley Quinn's clown costume but couldn't find it. Hiding his beautiful face, he has always been lustful and has no interest in this crazy companion.

After getting along on several missions, he knew that the guy in front of him was crazy. Of course, not to mention the eldest brother, Constantine's own reputation in the magic world was not very good!
Judging from the level of skilled cooperation between the two, this is not the first time that this awkward situation has been done!
"It's not my fault. Didn't that guy named Charles Saint say that he wanted to take me in as his slave? As a maid, I would have no problem massaging him with a baseball bat. Who would have thought that this master is so weak that he can't even do this? I can’t even bear any strength!”

Harley Quinn shook her ponytails and said with a smile on her face.

Constantine felt a chill in his lower body when he thought of the miserable appearance of the guy with the bubble head he saw on the bubble island.

"No! It's been so long since you released that nuclear bomb! Why hasn't there been any movement yet!"

"Impossible! I watched the nuclear bomb explode with my own eyes, and my body was destroyed in the nuclear bomb explosion——"

The two of them stood on the top of the mountain and looked towards the old city.
Constantine and Harley Quinn's keen senses clearly noticed that a terrifying force exploded not far away, and a small space in the old city collapsed almost instantly.

All the natural forces there are occupied, torn apart and destroyed by destructive energy!

"The power of the nuclear bomb has been suppressed?! What a terrifying existence!" Looking at the world that was only slightly shaken but not affected, Constantine quickly realized something. He looked in the direction of the old city, murmured to himself.

That ghostly alley that didn't exist on the map of Magic City and was shrouded in thick fog. At the moment when the nuclear bomb exploded, the alley in the thick fog was completely flattened in an instant, and everything was destroyed in the blazing fire. ash.

The ancient buildings on the ground that resembled the Republic of China and the late Qing Dynasty were shattered one after another in the shock wave containing nuclear radiation and heat waves.

In those ancient buildings, some old ghosts wearing cheongsams or long gowns were instantly purified by the light and heat comparable to the sun under the heat weapon, the pinnacle of the human world, and turned into wisps of blue smoke and disappeared. .

"I'll go! What's going on? Why is there such a big hole here!?"

In a foreign-style house with Zhao's mansion hanging outside, Zhao Li was wearing a nightgown, holding a plump beauty in a cheongsam, dancing in the hall of the mansion under the melodious sound of the gramophone.

On the sofa chair beside them, Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya leaned their heads together, and they were talking and laughing, whispering something.

The next second, several people appeared in the sky. The cold night wind blew by, making Xia Dongqing shiver.

Zhao Li lowered his head and saw a large pit of several hundred meters on the ground where thick smoke was rising——

When Zhao Li raised his head again, a man wearing a black dress and a top hat was already standing in front of him, his face was cold and scary.

"My lord Acha!"

"I have met Lord Pluto!" The moment Zhao Li caught a glimpse of Pluto's face, he knelt down on one knee with a look of loyalty and willingness to die.

Next to Officer Zhao, the female ghost wearing a cheongsam knelt down on the ground the moment Chacha appeared.

Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya were left holding each other's arms tightly. Compared to Chacha, the king of Hades, what worried them more was the empty space of a thousand meters above their feet, with no place to stay.

Xia Dongqing was deeply afraid that he would be thrown to death in the next moment. He hugged Wang Xiaoya tightly, expecting that if he really fell down later, he would put his body under Xiaoya as a human body pad.

In Xia Dongqing's arms, Wang Xiaoya's body shook involuntarily when she saw Chacha, the woman who almost became her sister-in-law.

"Li Zhao! You will cause trouble for me!"

Chacha glanced at the disappearing ghosts at her feet, glared at Officer Zhao fiercely, and with a wave of her hand, opened a gap in space. She took Officer Zhao, Xia Dongqing, and Wang Xiaoya in, leaving only The female ghost in cheongsam was kneeling on the spot, highlighting her graceful figure, but she didn't dare to raise her head.

The location where the space gap appeared again was less than three hundred meters above Constantine and Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn's eyes were extremely sharp, and in the blink of an eye she could see the figures above her.

"Constantine! Over the head!"

Harley Quinn screamed, and quickly pulled out two extended pistols from her back waist, and pointed them at Chacha with bang bang bang bang——

In seconds, the magazine was emptied!

Chacha stretched out her right hand and pressed it. The dozens of yellow bullets instantly froze in the air and rolled back toward the two of them.

Constantine's reaction was also extremely fast. After hearing Harley Quinn's scream, he directly crushed several magic props and jade talismans on him.

Rays of golden light, white light, black light, and green light intertwined into layers of canopies, and the light shield enveloped himself and Harley Quinn.

The next second, an invisible huge force pressed on the layers of light masks. With the sound of the light masks breaking, Constantine's body was blown hundreds of meters like a cannonball. Two blasts, and three or four ribs were directly broken.

Harley Quinn reacted quickly. The moment before the light shield shattered, her body flipped three times in the air and hid lightly on a boulder.

With a 'click', the rock was crushed to pieces by a huge force.
"Sour radish bichi!"

The burst of gravel scratched across Harley Quinn's face. Feeling the pain on her face, Harley Quinn cursed angrily, threw away the two extended pistols in her hands, and pulled out a repeating high-powered rifle from behind. , pulled the trigger towards Chacha in the sky, and swept it randomly.

'Swish, swish, swish, swish -'

Hundreds of laser beams were fired at Chacha, but Chacha's body disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared in front of Harley Quinn out of thin air.

He raised an index finger with his right hand and gently placed it on Harley Quinn's chin. Then he gave it a heavy lift. Harley Quinn's body immediately seemed to have been hit by a train and was knocked hundreds of meters away.

With a 'crunch', Harley Quinn could even hear the terrifying tearing sound from her own neck. Her body hit a rock hard, and there was a 'crunch, crunch, crunch' sound. Countless broken bones pierced the muscles. And the skin, white raw poked out.

Harley Quinn screamed and passed out, blood spurting out from hundreds of holes in her body.

Constantine had already fallen into a semi-conscious state. He vaguely saw a figure walking towards him. He smiled unconsciously and murmured: "It's over. This time, I'm dead -"

Constantine's hand hanging down from his body crushed a jade talisman into pieces, then his neck tilted and he passed out completely.

Chacha waved her hand, and Harley Quinn and Constantine lying on the ground were swept up by an invisible wind and floated in front of her.

Looking at the traces of magic on the park beneath her feet, Chacha waved her hand gently.

On a hilltop not far from the park, a cat-eared woman wrapped in black tights and a woman wearing a green dress saw an extremely terrifying scene.

With a flash of black mist, this park on the outskirts of the city, the man-made forest, including the trees, rocks, and animals above, all turned into powder.
A circle of smooth, mirror-like flat land appeared where the park originally was!

Poison Ivy murmured to herself: "Selena, when you and Harley are together, do you encounter this kind of enemy?"

Catwoman Selina from the DC multiverse stared like a real cat. She shook her head gently: "I have only carried out two missions, and the opponents I encountered were also very simple. With this kind of power, I'm afraid Only gods own it!"

"What about Harley? She's been captured! We have to save her!"

"Ivy! That bastard Constantine has already called for rescue. As long as the reincarnations in this world will receive his distress message, don't worry, we will definitely be able to rescue Harley!"

Catwoman, who has the same name as Boss Tang's lover, has a very strange view of Harley Quinn. At first, the two were not friends but rivals, but later they discovered that each other was the agent of an evil god, and they had poison ivy. This is a mutual friend.

Over time, the two became friends and foes. However, unlike Harley Quinn, Catwoman Selina is not very interested in adventures traveling through various worlds. Her hobby is all kinds of jewelry!

The last mission she took on was a year ago, when she went to an island country in another world to steal a formula for a potion that could make people smaller!
The god had no hard requirements on whether to accept the mission. The reason why she wanted to accept the mission was because she accidentally browsed the information about that world and discovered that there were several well-known and precious gems in that world.

Like the dark star, the lady in the sky, the emerald emperor, the red-faced mermaid, the miracle of the sea——

After completing the task, it’s not too much for her to grab a few pieces of precious jewelry——

Well, she failed that mission!

Who would have thought that in a world marked as ordinary missions, there would be someone with extraordinary combat power capable of smashing telephone poles with one punch. Even when she kidnapped the "little girl" and was about to ask for the formula of the potion, all kinds of enemies came together. It all came out.

Like magicians who perform magic tricks, little boys playing football, and killers who wear black clothes and look like they are not serious people——

She didn’t want to kill anyone, so she could only leave that world with a few of her trophies—

(End of this chapter)

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