Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 504 The Dark Council Battles Chi You

Micro-nuclear bombs—from the world of "StarCraft" and invented by the human race. The power of ordinary micro-bombs is equivalent to 100,000 tons of standard explosives!

As an aside, in the past two years, the Tang Group has established a small advance base in the StarCraft world relying on the body of Yi Ge, the God of Heaven——

There are about three hundred expatriate employees stationed on the planet where Ego operates. Their main task is to collect useful technologies from the StarCraft world and enrich the Tang Group's technology tree.

The micro-nuclear bomb technology was the result of the Red Queen's sub-body deciphering a crashed human warship captured by Ego.

Of course, in addition to the daily collection of scientific and technological information in the StarCraft world, these three hundred employees also need to expand the market with the cooperation of a group of Decepticon Transformers, looking for ownerless planets to establish silicon-based colonies.

That is to establish another form of Cybertron planet, the Cybertron branch of the Tang Group!
For these Decepticons spawned by the fire source, under Ryan's suggestion, Boss Tang used a carrot in one hand and a stick in the other.

On the one hand, the Red Queen was used to load some backdoor control programs on the newly born Decepticon Transformers. On the other hand, Boss Tang promised Starscream, the director of the Cybertron branch, that he could help the Decepticons reshape Cybertron. brilliant.

Well, as for Megatron, this guy is rebellious and has a criminal record. Currently, weapons experts from several departments are working together to analyze the internal structure at the military industrial base.

The development rights of the StarCraft world were handed over to the newly established Cybertron branch after consideration by the Tang Group's high-level internal meetings. In the early stage, the Tang Group and even Heavenly Court would allocate a large amount of resources to the Cybertron branch.

Once the Cybertron branch is stabilized, it will need to support the head office and provide the Tang Group with a large amount of local resources and materials, including Zerg flesh and blood, human race, god race technology, etc.!

Just like what the employees of the Forward Base have to do, in addition to collecting the technology of this universe, these employees also have to classify the data of the Zerg corpses captured by Yigo, and select the experimental subjects needed for the hive laboratory. The required materials for refining the weapon, as well as the flesh and blood needed to feed monsters such as skeleton monsters and armored corpses, as well as magical weapons.

Heavy workload!
Although there are enough Decepticon Transformers as a labor force, this job is very boring, but within the Tang Group, this cross-universe heterodyne is a real job.

Once every three years, once three years of service are completed, the company's various bonuses and benefits are enough to be worth thirty years of salary and benefits for middle-level employees. In addition, these expatriate employees will be awarded an additional 300 contribution points.

It can be said that for unmotivated employees, receiving a salary after working for these three years is enough to achieve a certain degree of financial freedom!
This kind of foreign work can be said to be something that everyone in the Tang Group is rushing to get. After all, Boss Tang is not trying to spread the pie, as long as he works, he is actually paid!

Back to the subject, when the ghost wolf warrior with the black head and the furry wolf head bared his teeth and excitedly picked up the rocket launcher with the warhead stuffed in it, the orcs around him who were originally attacking frantically ran back like a tide. go.

They are not blind, and all of them with sharp ears and eyes can clearly see the nuclear bomb logo marked on the warhead he just picked up!
Those dark wizards floating in the sky, the vampires also retreated thousands of meters in fear.


Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, this true werewolf warrior pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher in his hand, and a warhead shot out from the mouth of the rocket launcher with a red tail flame.

This special rocket drew an S-shaped arc in mid-air. After contacting the ghost fog like an air barrier, the runes outside the missile flashed with bursts of golden light. After a moment of stalemate between the golden light and the ghost fog, The warhead wrapped in golden light fell into the ghostly place like a broken bamboo.

Then, a strong light rose, and a huge mushroom cloud made a terrifying noise. It seemed extremely slow, but in fact it rose extremely quickly.

A powerful shock wave hit the ghostly creature. The ghostly creature seemed like a huge balloon that was suddenly propped up under the shock wave, and the black mist expanded several times in an instant.

Then the ghost creature could no longer withstand the powerful shock wave and exploded with a bang. The huge power immediately drew deep ditches on the ground in the real world.
This villa area, registered under the name of a certain female boss named Chacha of the Underworld Group, shook slightly in the strong light, and the entire reinforced concrete structure of the villa area was directly evaporated.

The fierce ghosts and evil spirits with black ghost mist surging on their bodies only lasted for a second in the face of such a terrifying explosion, and then turned into ashes like burning yellow paper during the Qingming Festival.

The power of the shock wave of the nuclear bomb that broke through the ghost was not reduced. A circle of dazzling red light enveloped countless smoke and dust, like a huge wave emptying and sweeping towards the surroundings.

The closest one was the werewolf holding a rocket launcher, his mouth wide open, watching the nuclear bomb explode at close range!

Further away, there were Selina and the other two people sitting in the RV. Catwoman and Poison Ivy saw the huge mushroom cloud rising with their own eyes. They were almost all scared out of their wits.

When it comes to nuclear warheads, everyone in modern society is familiar with it. If you just browse the Internet, you can find a lot of videos of nuclear bomb explosions.

But who has experienced the scene of a nuclear bomb exploding in front of you, less than two kilometers away?

Poison Ivy, who had been staying at home and not going out much, even felt a little warm in her lower body. This was the instinctive reaction of human beings facing great terror.

Although Catwoman was a reincarnation and had traveled to other universes several times, she was still so frightened that she kept trembling.

"Ms. Selina, should we get out of here quickly!"

Selena watched the red shock wave tearing apart the black mist, still calmly stroking the cat. She raised her hand and looked at the watch on her wrist, and said calmly: "One minute and twenty-three seconds. !It's ok!"

At this time, an electronic mixed sound sounded in the RV: "Master! It has been detected that an energy impact is about to occur. Do you want to open the protective shield?"

Selena gently stroked the head of the black cat in her arms and said calmly: "No need!"

Selina acted very indifferently and refused the Decepticon Transformers' suggestion to open the energy shield.

Catwoman and Poison Ivy looked at the shock wave that swept not far away. The smoke and dust rolled up by the shock wave passed over an armored vehicle parked on the spot, wrapping it up like a toy and throwing it hundreds of meters away. Far.

Watching this scene, the two of them were sweating. Their hands were tightly held together. Catwoman looked back at Selena, who still had a calm expression. While admiring her, she couldn't help but want to look at the person with the same name as her. The boss shouted loudly:

"Sister! If you're not afraid, can you let us two run away first!"

Catwoman looked back out the car window. The red shock wave had already hit her eyes with a strange whistling sound. She could even feel a wave of heat coming towards her face. It was too late to escape at this time!
She squeezed Poison Ivy's hand, which was stiff. Poison Ivy glanced at Catwoman, gritted her teeth and stared out the window. Outside the RV, some vegetation began to grow rapidly. The leaves of these vines soon weaved together in front of the RV. A shield wall half a meter thick——

Judging from Poison Ivy's trembling expression, the meaning of this improvised grass shield may just be to make their death more dignified!

Sure enough, before the red shock wave could reach the area, the grass wall burned to ashes at temperatures of hundreds of degrees!
"Huh!" Poison Ivy was so frightened that her eyes closed as she saw the fierce hot shock wave sweeping towards her.

She held Catwoman's hand tightly, silently imagining what she would look like under the shock wave of the nuclear bomb explosion, and whether it would leave a trace of burnt humanoid like the Japanese ruins of Hiroshima.

However, those traces of Japanese people are imprinted on the wall because of the stone on the wall. I am in the car. Can this car withstand the impact of a nuclear bomb?

Poison Ivy's mind was filled with random thoughts. She felt that time passed extremely slowly, but it also passed very quickly. It was so fast that all the past events from the past appeared in her mind like a fleeting glance!
"Pamela! Pamela"

Just as Poison Ivy was quietly waiting for death to come, a voice rang in her ears. She opened her eyes and saw her friend looking at her with concern.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Catwoman touched Poison Ivy's hair with concern. Poison Ivy turned her head and looked out the window. She saw a black barrier flickering outside the window, blocking the red shock wave. Stopped.

The heat wave that was so hot that it was almost substantial kept hitting the egg-shaped barrier. The surface of the black barrier flashed with black lightning lines like spider webs, but it blocked the nuclear explosion shock wave within the barrier.

At this time, hundreds of dark wizards were chanting ancient spells in the sky. Each byte of the sounds coming from their mouths seemed to have a special vibration frequency. The magic power of hundreds of people was gathered together, It shrouded downwards and turned into a huge black light shield that lay upside down.

Not far from the black barrier, the werewolf who fired the micro-nuclear warhead was being supported by his companions with weak legs and was being laughed at loudly.

On the Huagai Yunxiang Car, Queen Mother Xi looked at this scene through the bead curtain and said with emotion: "I still remember the scenes of slash-and-burn farming by humans. I didn't expect that only so long ago, humans can already master such terrifying power!"

Her eyes fell on those dark wizards, and Queen Mother Xi looked at Tang Song who was drinking tea leisurely: "Fellow Taoist has many capable people under his command, and they can control such power. I think these people have some strength that can rival the gods!"

Tang Song took a sip of tea, put the tea cup on the table, and said humbly: "Fellow Taoist has given you too much praise. They are just useless things! It is not as great as the great cause of Taoist friend's family! The last time I was a guest in Kunlun, those under Taoist friend The goddesses are not only highly cultivated, but also have refined temperaments! They are much better than these crooked melons and cracked jujubes under my command!"

As Tang and Song spoke, they stared at the Queen Mother of the West with sharp eyes, "I have praised you so much, why don't you give me a few heavenly maidens!"

Queen Mother Xi looked at Tang Song with a familiar look. She had this look on her face last time when this guy stole dozens of kilograms of Yunwu tea from her hands.

This guy is plotting against the goddess under her! ? The Queen Mother of the West was shocked and quickly changed the subject: "The power of this technological creation is indeed impressive, even the body of an ordinary god cannot withstand it! But this thing may not be able to defeat Pluto!

This little girl has learned some skills in the underworld for thousands of years! "When the Tang and Song Dynasties saw that the Queen Mother of the West had no intention of sending a few heavenly maidens, they couldn't help curling their lips, thinking that they had to bring some specialties back to this world.

If the goddess of heaven can’t do it, then what about Pluto?

Suddenly, Tang Song's eyes narrowed and he looked down. A strong aura was resurrecting in the large pit squeezed out by the nuclear bomb in the villa -

This breath was not the Pluto Chacha that he had fought with before, it was a strange breath!

"Hey! Why did Chi You wake up at this time? It was Pluto who woke him up! How bold!" Queen Mother Xi frowned and looked at the pit below.

"Chi You!" Tang Song's spiritual consciousness swept away, and sure enough, a thin young man with blood-red eyes opened his eyes in the deep pit.
The moment his consciousness swept over him, a joyful smile appeared on Tang Song's face. He sensed the breath of eternal particles in this man!

Waking up from the deep darkness, Chi You opened his eyes. He touched his chest, feeling the powerful beating of his heart, and couldn't help but said in a deep voice:

"I didn't expect that I would wake up one day. Well, just wait, Kunlun, you despicable gods and dirty goddesses. One day I will kill Kunlun again and bury you gods completely!"

Xia Dongqing, whose eyes were red, felt as if there was a lump of phlegm in her throat. Her tone changed from the shy and shy tone in the past to a hoarse and strong tone.

Pluto Chacha, who was standing aside, heard this familiar voice, but couldn't help it anymore. He rushed forward and hugged "Xia Dongqing"!
"Brother! Is it you? Brother, you finally woke up!"

"Chacha! I've worked hard for you all these years, I know, I know!" "Xia Dongqing" or the awakened Chi You stroked Chacha's face, thinking that she had been staying in the cold underworld for thousands of years, waiting for him to wake up. , a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

But after those bloody eyes saw the wet blood stains on the corners of Pluto Chacha's mouth, Chi You became furious: "Chacha, who hurt you! Who is it?"

A powerful aura burst out from Chi You's body. This aura was so strong that Chacha, the king of Hades, was slightly stunned. Although she had been using the power of six reincarnations to nurture her brother's soul for thousands of years.

However, thousands of years of warmth and nourishment cannot restore my brother's strength. It is only healing his injured soul. But at this moment, the power that my brother bursts out is not inferior to his own!

Before Chacha could figure out the reason, Chi You, who was furious because his sister was injured, felt the chaotic atmosphere outside. He jumped into the sky and flew into the air, wanting to avenge his sister!
Chacha, who had just been busy awakening his brother in the depths of the ghost world, encountered a nuclear bomb again in order to protect the unconscious Chiyou. He was seriously injured and had no time to stop him.

We can only watch him soar into the sky, just like when he led his people on the road to conquer Kunlun.

Chacha looked at the night sky, a ruthless flash in her eyes. She looked not far away. Harley Quinn and Constantine, who were tied up in tortoise shells, felt chilled by Chacha's eyes.

However, Officer Zhao stuffed rags into both of their mouths before leaving. Of course, the way they were tied up was also this guy's bad taste!
"I hope you are important to those people outside, otherwise I will have to sacrifice your souls to Lord Taishan!" Chacha raised her finger, and the two of them suddenly floated.

Chi You, who was soaring into the sky, saw the black light curtain blocking his head. He opened his hands and shot out three-foot-long sharp green light from his ten fingers. He reached into the black light curtain with his backhand.

There was only a scoff, and the magic barrier that could withstand the impact of the nuclear explosion was instantly torn into a large hole, and the cracked light curtain turned into clouds and drifted away.

Many wizards in the Dark Council were shocked by Chi You's blow, and their blood surged, and their minds were buzzing.

However, the leading old wizards reacted quickly. Seeing that the figure was about to rush out of the magic barrier, a dozen wizards raised their staffs, and magic rays of different colors, black or green, hit their faces. Then he hit Chi You.

Chi You looked up to the sky and roared, and a white sonic boom turned into a roaring tiger with his roar, turning the magic rays that hit him into fireworks.

"You are the ones who hurt my sister!"

Chi You looked at the barbarians in the sky without fear at all. He looked around with his red eyes, and finally fixed on the canopy of Yunxiang chariot. When he saw it, the chariot pulled by the three golden dragons was too long. Feng, and another thing is that Chi You felt a smell that he hated in the car.

Chi You took one look and flew towards the direction of the Huagai Yunxiang Car. The next moment, countless rockets, heat rays, and energy beams flew towards him from all directions.

Chi You's eyes were focused, and the entire space seemed to pause for a moment, and then his figure instantly passed over the incoming hot weapon and continued to fly towards the Huagai Yunxiang Chariot.

The high-level Vampires in the sky also vibrated their bat wings at this time, bringing up afterimages and intercepting them in the direction of Chi You.

These high-level vampires did not have weapons in their hands, but their sharp claws and claws were better than many magical weapons. Coupled with their extremely fast speed, they arrived at Chi You's side in an instant.

The first ones to rush to Chi You's side were several blood clan grand dukes, their sharp claws carrying afterimages, never leaving his neck, heart and other vital parts!
Chi You looked at these winged bat spirits and stopped. He raised his hand and struck out with a palm knife!

A half-moon-shaped blade of sword energy shot out from his palm. Several vampires had no time to dodge, and were directly cut in half by his palm sword. The remaining energy of the sword energy did not dissipate.

The laser shot thousands of meters into the sky and directly split a passing cloud layer, revealing the blocked moonlight under the cloud layer.

The moonlight shone down and fell on Chi You. His pair of bloody eyes looked particularly cold and stern.

Duke Camilla's claws created afterimages and tore across Chi You's neck. She only felt as if her claws were tearing on a steel plate, but she did not return without success.

Three bloody wounds appeared on Chi You's neck.

Feeling the burning pain in his neck, Chi You felt a surge of anger in his heart. He raised his hands and waved continuously, and a hundred-meter-long sword light roared into the sky, carrying a white light, strangling the surrounding bat monsters.

Duke Camilla was the focus of Chi You's attention, and was greeted by three sword auras. Facing the sharp sword light, Camilla transformed into dozens of afterimages in mid-air, and hurriedly dodged.

At the same time, streaks of bloody light shot out from the bat wings behind her, shrouding Chi You!
Strange screams continued, and dozens of high-level vampires were either split in half or strangled into blood mist by the light of Chi You's pointed sword.

After some blood clan grand dukes and marquises dodged the light of the sword, they pounced on Chi You without fear of death.

These vampires opened their bat wings, and blood-red energy beams shot from their bat wings and from their mouths towards Chi You!

Some vampires even used various secret magics for manipulating blood spread in the vampire bloodline towards Chi You, including blood-burning spells, bloodthirsty spells, and bleeding spells that can make wounds bleed endlessly——

In addition to these vampires, the dark wizards also raised their staffs again in tacit agreement, and the weakening magic rained down on Chi You!

On the ground, one of the tallest orcs roared: "Kill... Oh woo~~~"

As if in response to his call, countless orcs jumped up. These big guys were wearing anti-gravity boots that sprayed out anti-thrust flames. They jumped hundreds of meters high, swinging the axes weighing hundreds of kilograms in their hands. He struck at Chi You.

Some of the more modern orcs were even dressed in Ivan Vanke's rough steel armor, carrying thick modified shotguns, and fired at Chi You. As for the small matter of large-area shotguns easily injuring surrounding companions, it obviously didn't matter. Take these rough-minded orcs to heart.

The roaring orcs and the vampire army joined forces to surround Chi You. The two sides were entangled together. The dense battle group gave the giant spirit armor no chance to get close.
It can only be adjusted to sniper mode, aiming at gaps in the battle group from a distance, and firing cold shots from time to time.

Strictly speaking, whether it is the blood clan grand duke or those werewolf warriors, few people are Chi You's enemies, but the advantage of the human sea tactic lies in this.

The dark wizard smashed down layers of weakening magic, almost dyeing Chi You's body black and green. Although he could shatter the magic with a slight shock, the frequency of hundreds of dark wizards waving their staffs was not at all. Losing to the speed with which he shattered the magic.

Chi You wanted to fly forward and kill the mages in black robes first, but the orcs in Adamantium armor were blocking him!

Chi You didn't know what Adamantium alloy was, but the armor was able to withstand his sword energy without breaking. I guess it wasn't vulgar!
The hard armor, coupled with the fearless obstruction of the orcs, all kinds of hot and cold weapons were directed at him. Some orcs even directly stepped forward to hug Chi You, trying to protect him by wearing a suit of Adamantium alloy armor. To resist hard.

However, under Chi You's full attack, even bearmen and ghost wolves wearing Edman armor often cannot last for two rounds. However, often when Chi You wants to kill,
Bullets from a distance can often attack the enemy and save them. Bullets that can penetrate the defenses of those third- and fourth-level monsters in Pacific Rim with one blow are aimed at Chi You's eyes, temples and other parts. Even Chi You's immortal body must A little avoidance, plus this body is not his original body.

When Chi You subconsciously dodged and split the bullets, those fast vampires quickly snatched the injured orcs from Chi You's hands and threw them aside.

With this almost disgusting strategy, the Dark Council actually blocked Chi You's footsteps. (End of chapter)

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