Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 506 Taiyin Blood Sacrifice

"A bunch of useless things! Get away!"

Accompanied by a stern reprimand from a cold voice, there was a flash of silver light, and a figure shrouded in silver light suddenly appeared in front of Chi You!

Chi You glanced at the woman in front of him contemptuously, and punched him carelessly. Although he could see that this woman had a high status among these barbarians, after the previous fight.

He found that these barbarians were just relying on their numbers and sophisticated weapons, but in a real fight, none of them could fight.

Those orcs and monsters covered in armor couldn't withstand his punches. In Chi You's opinion, he punched them with all his strength. How could this woman be immortal? ?

Lianxiangxiyu, as early as thousands of years ago, he was deceived by those heavenly maidens, and he secretly swore that he would never trust any woman again!
Women would only affect the speed at which he could swing the tiger sword.

Chi You's fist wind, which was almost tearing apart the space, roared towards Selena. However, the surface of Selena's gorgeous black dress flashed with a dense air. This dense air rose into the air. , turned into three silver lotuses above her head.

Each lotus was the size of a water tank, emitting streams of silver auspicious light that enveloped her whole body. Two pieces of auspicious light appeared under Selena's feet, just like the lotus leaves.

Chi You's fierce fist fell on Selina, and was immediately scattered by the starlight hanging from the anemones, turning her into nothing.

Chi You looked at the three silver lotuses above Selina's head and was slightly stunned! Although he was the leader of the original people and possessed powerful extraordinary power, the means of production at that time were still stuck in the period of slash-and-burn farming.

He has never seen such a magical robe before. Even the feather robe of the goddess cannot transform into such a flower!

Just as he was stunned, Selina touched the ring on her ring finger lightly, and a two-handed sword appeared in her hand.

This sword is about four feet long and three fingers wide. There are three extremely thin blood grooves on both sides of the sword body. The sword body and the hilt are integrated, but they are made of the same material. On the hilt, the texture is spiral. The shape of the sword rotates down, and if you look closely, the pattern on the sword hilt is like a crescent moon.

This sword was naturally made by Boss Tang. It was originally a medieval aristocratic long sword used by Victor, Selena's adoptive father and the enemy who killed her parents.

Later, Victor was beheaded by Selina herself, but after all, Victor had raised her for hundreds of years, so Selina kept the sword as a souvenir.

The sword was forged again in the Tang and Song Dynasties. The main material was a lunar star core from the apocalyptic world. After countless furnaces, the essence was finally obtained, and this sword was forged.

This sword is engraved with the 108 lunar prohibitions of Tiangang Earth Demon, and the dragon soul of a frost giant dragon lord is incorporated into the sword body to nourish it. This sword is a true spiritual magic weapon from the Eight Classics of Zheng'er!
The reason why this sword is engraved with the Taiyin Restriction is because Selina is a vampire. With such a sinister constitution, practicing Taoism, the Buddhist skills and magical powers will naturally be twice the result with half the effort, and she does not want to dabble in the magic of Asura Tao. !

The witchcraft of the Witch Clan requires too much bloodline talent. As for other heretics, the upper limit is there.

Tang and Song Dynasty selected a volume of Taiyin Scripture from the secret inheritance of Heavenly Court and taught it to her!

When it comes to the world of Jambudvipa, which major force has the largest and most complex collection of magical dharma, it is undoubtedly the Heavenly Court.
In ancient times, many great supernatural beings in the world of Jambu established the Heavenly Court to take charge of the three realms of Jambu, heaven, earth and humans. Countless immortals and gods took the initiative or were forced to join the Heavenly Court to encourage the Heavenly Court.

There are many among these immortals who have special status and unparalleled strength. Taiyin Star Lord is one of them. Although she is only one of the 365 star monarchs on the surface, which big star does she control? It is the lunar star second only to the sun star.

In the ancient Demon Court, the person in charge of the Taiyin Star was the Demon Emperor’s empress!
There are also rumors that this Taiyin Star Lord is the empress of the Demon Court who had the innate Taiyin energy. In terms of seniority, this person is equivalent to the Taoist Sanqing. Even the Great Heavenly Lord has to give her enough. respect.

It is precisely because of this that in ancient times, there was an old case! The head of the Four Arctic Saints in Heaven, Marshal Tianpeng, who was in charge of the Tianhe navy, was a half-step golden immortal!

He was actually demoted to the mortal world for molesting a palace maid in Guanghan Palace——

Although the game calculations of several forces in the heaven are indispensable, the special status of the Taiyin Star Lord can also be seen from this.

The "Taiyin Manual" passed down to Selina in the Tang and Song Dynasties was written by Taiyin Xingjun, and it is the true biography of Guanghan Palace!
Selina only held the sword tightly with both hands, and in the blink of an eye, billions of cold lights were emitted from the sword, and the biting cold air immediately froze everything around her.

Hexagonal ice crystal snowflakes could be seen condensing in the air. Holding the sword in both hands, Selina's sword moved slightly, but it stabbed hundreds of sword shadows towards Chi You in one second.

A stream of silver-blue sword light struck Chi You, and the silver lunar starlight glowed with a cold blue light.

Selina struck out with hundreds of sword lights, but when reflected in Chi You's blood-stained eyes, she seemed to see a huge wave hitting her overwhelmingly like a mountain falling apart.
Those blue and chilly waves change into various shapes, including water swords, water swords, water dragons, water tigers, water birds, anacondas, water arrows, etc.——

When those various waves of water approached, they seemed to turn into countless mountains of ice, all pressing towards him——

Chi You blinked again. The water swords, water swords, water tigers, water birds, and ice mountains in front of him seemed to be hallucinations. The hundreds of silver-blue sword lights in front of him had already arrived in front of him.

Before the hundreds of sword rays came close, a biting coldness hit his face, and the air around Chi You froze into a lump of ice four to five meters square that was visible to the naked eye.

The biting cold chill made Chi You's whole body tremble. He roared wildly and transformed into a sword with condensed magic energy in his hand. He held the transformed tiger sword with both hands, swung it round and slashed out a series of sword energy,
The sword light containing a fierce aura instantly shattered the ice around him. Hundreds of sword lights collided with the sword light stabbed by Selina.
The sword energy and the sword light collided with each other like glass, and both were shattered into pieces.

But at this time, Chi You was only a half-broken soul. Although he had been nourished by Chacha with the power of six reincarnations for thousands of years, and even though there was an inexplicable power in his body to help him, Xia Dongqing's body could not let him do it at all. Fully unleash this power.

In addition, what Chi You held in his hand was not his real Tiger Soul Magic Weapon. It was equivalent to using his bare hands to meet Selina's blow.

You must know that although Selena has not been practicing the "Taiyin Manual" for a long time, don't forget that the person who practices double cultivation with her and joins the path together is a real golden immortal.

It's like a full-level large account, guiding a level-1 alt account to clear dungeons. Even Ryan, Kane, and his close associates don't get this kind of treatment.

It was a true harmony of water and milk. Even Boss Tang’s magic power had been inside Selena’s body for countless days.
The little white dragon in Journey to the West once said that his urine was eaten by fishes in the water and became a dragon; when he peed across the mountains, the grass in the mountains tasted it and turned into Ganoderma lucidum, which the fairy boy picked and lived long.

The cultivation level of Tang and Song Dynasties was several levels higher than that of the third prince of the Dragon King. Although a drop of his blood essence could not reach the point where a drop of blood could evolve all things and crush the stars. The energy contained in it can easily create an overhaul of the soul, which is much more useful than any panacea! Not to mention some things more precious than blood.

Although Selina's cultivation at this time has not broken through to the level of a true immortal, it is not inferior to those who have practiced soul cultivation for hundreds of years, plus a magic weapon-level sword in her hand.

Facing the empty-handed and semi-remnant Chi You, Selina was hit by dozens of fierce sword lights. Chi You raised his hand to parry with the transformed tiger soul in his hand.
Click, after dozens of consecutive collisions, the tiger soul sword condensed with magic power in Chi You's hand could no longer hold up, and was shattered like glass. Then his entire right arm was stabbed by a silver-blue sword light, and he His entire arm was instantly frozen, frozen into an ice sculpture.

However, Chi You was also a ruthless person. Seeing the blue cold air spreading up his arm, he directly swung his right arm and used his magic power to shatter the frozen right arm into countless ice shards.

"Holly!" A familiar exclamation suddenly sounded in the distance. Chi You subconsciously turned around and faced a familiar face.

"Ya!" Seeing that face, an inexplicable emotion spread in his heart. Chi You himself couldn't tell what it was, resentment, surprise,
Seeing the worry in Tiannuya's eyes, he was actually a little surprised!

But she called Holly, the name of this body, not him! not him!
There was an emotion bottled up in his heart, and at this moment Chi You just wanted to burst out!

Chi You roared, swung a sword light with his left hand, and blocked Selena's sword energy. The moment the sword light he struck was shattered by the Taiyin Moonlight sword energy, Chi You took advantage of this opportunity. With the force of the counter-shock, the whole person flew towards the Mandala Array of the Embryo Realm not far away!
At this time, in the Mandala Formation of the Embryo Realm, the void trembled slightly, and the three thousand angels of strength waved their wings in unison, spraying out streaks of white light toward the ever-changing formation space below.

Three thousand rays of white light gathered together to form a ball of blazing holy flames. This ball of pseudo-sun essence fire formed walls of fire, and the rolling flames enveloped Chacha.

The white flames were mixed with traces of golden light. Facing the golden sparks, Chacha felt a huge wave of heat coming towards her face, suffocating her and making her breathing difficult. She only felt extremely dull in her heart, thump, thump. Jump straight.

Even her immortal body of Pluto had traces of melting in the golden sparks. Seeing the white light from the formation shooting out one after another, turning into billowing white flames, it seemed that the entire space was filled with this flame.

Chacha didn't dare to be careless and quickly used magic power to prop up a black light curtain, fearing that it would be contaminated by the golden sparks in the white flames.

The flames splashed onto the light curtain, immediately splashing into countless dazzling black and white mixed flames.

That was the scene caused by Chacha's mana light curtain being burned by the holy flame essence fire!
The light curtain she propped up was trembling violently in the white flames, and the thickness of the light curtain was also thinning visibly to the naked eye. That was because the mana that made up the light curtain was weakening rapidly.

In the Mandala Array Space of the Embryo Realm, the unique overbearing power of Holy Power excludes all alien energies from the array space. However, this light attribute is in conflict with Chacha, the natural attribute of Pluto.

Of course, in the outside world, this kind of conflicting power would be a joke to the Lord of the Underworld. After all, I have never heard of any exorcist who can go to hell to challenge Satan.

However, after falling into this formation space filled with light power, Chacha, who was already seriously injured, suddenly lost her power supply. This formation space isolated her from the underworld, just like a whale coming ashore. Without sea water, we can only die of thirst!

Above the head, the holy light emitted by the three thousand angels was endless, and the holy light raindrops hit the formation space. The destructive power of each holy light was not great for Chacha.

Even this level of power cannot touch her body at all, and will be annihilated by her eyes.

But the white flames formed by the condensation of these holy lights that disgusted her from the bottom of her heart were a power that made her feel dangerous.

It can even burn her magic.

If she continues like this, the magic power in her body can only support it for three more hours at most, before she loses her balance and can no longer suppress the injuries in her body.

While Chacha was holding up the magic barrier, he was offering his magic sword and hairpin to find a way out of this formation.

Outside the Mandala Array in the Embryo Realm, he saw his sister burning in flames through the white lotus petals. Chi You roared, raised his left hand and slashed out at the white lotus petals.


The fierce sword light of hundreds of meters struck on the white lotus petals. The lotus petals only shook slightly, and the power was instantly shared by the entire formation space and distributed to the three thousand powerful angels. These angels were only A light feather fell.

Chi You looked back and saw the fierce woman coming with a sword. He glanced at his sister who was caught in the blazing fire!
He quickly recited the prayer of the ancient primitive people, which was the power of the legendary witch.

Witches were responsible for sacrificial rituals in ancient tribes in many worlds. As the short and ancient syllables sounded in Chi You's mouth, half of Chi You's soul was pulled into the unspeakable place by a mysterious force!
That is the burial soil of the gods, the ruins of the gods after their death!
As half of Chi You's soul dissipated, the eyeball of Chi You's right eye melted directly into a blood mist. The blood mist enveloped Chi You's whole body. The frail body of "Xia Dongqing" swelled up visibly like blowing air. All the muscles in his body, even his shattered right arm, have grown back!


The blood mist dissipated, and the one-eyed Chi You, whose appearance changed drastically, looked at his sister in the flames, and punched out with his backhand. A fist ten times stronger than before whizzed towards Selina, who was stabbing with the sword.

Selina felt the majestic power contained in the fist wind. It was the power of half of Chi You's soul that Chacha had warmed for thousands of years as a sacrifice to Lord Taishan. It could be said to be half of his life.

In return for sacrificing half of his life, Chi You regained the power he had in his heyday, which gave him the confidence to dare to challenge the Queen Mother of the West, an ancient god who was half a golden immortal.

Selina held her sword in front of her, and with a stroke of the sword in her hand, a dark blue ice wall tens of meters thick was formed directly in front of her. The ice wall, which was dozens of times harder than gold and iron, was struck by Chi You's casual punch. Under the wind, it crackled and shattered into countless ice shards.


The fist hit hard on the spine of the sword in Selina's hand. An ice-blue frost dragon with two wings on its back thrust out half of its body from the sword. Before the dragon soul could show its power, the essence The wind of the fist hit it hard on the head, causing it to whimper like a puppy.

After the sound of gold and iron clashing, the sword made of moon core in Selena's hand trembled continuously and made a buzzing sound! The remaining force of the escaping fist fell on Selena, but was blocked by the starlight hanging from her robe and scattered.

Although Selina was not injured, when she looked at Chi You who had changed greatly, there was a hint of fear in her eyes. She looked at the trembling sword in her hand, and did not choose to swing the sword forward again, but stamped her foot. Flying towards the canopy cloud car in the sky. (End of chapter)

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