Chapter 512 Baoding
In the waters near Fuso Honshu Island, several fully loaded fishing boats are slowly sailing to the * Island Fish Port!
On the fishing boat, several tanned fishermen were working together to sort out some expensive catches and neatly put them into a fresh-keeping box filled with crushed ice.

Compared with the cheap seafood in the fish hold that cannot be sold at a high price and can only be wholesaled to vendors on the dock, these individually selected seafood are also purchased by specialized people on the dock.

Most of these people are buyers of well-known hotels on Honshu Island. They pay high prices, but they also have high requirements for the quality and appearance of the seafood!

A Japanese fisherman who was picking through the strait in a basket covered with crushed ice picked out some prawns with broken claws. Shrimp of this quality are generally not accepted by hotels, and even if they are, the price is high. It will be very low.

These shrimps that are not in good quality will be picked out and sold to nearby seafood barbecue izakayas!
Although the prices they offer are not as high as those offered by well-known hotels, they are still better than those offered by fishmongers.

Those Baga are like lampreys lying on the bodies of fishermen like them, sucking blood. They know clearly that the fishery resources are not good recently, but they are still trying to keep prices down!
At this time, the captain of the fishing boat, an old man with a gray beard who was over fifty years old, came to the deck, took a look at the busy people on the fishing boat, and said hello,

"Thank you for your hard work. Once we get to the shore and the catch is processed, I'll invite you all to have a drink at Kobayashi Izakaya!"

"Sugu Yi!"

"Long live Captain Kuroki!"

After the fishermen who had been busy at sea for several days heard that the captain wanted to buy him a drink, they all cheered and even the movements of their hands became much more agile.

Before the fishing boat sailed into the port, five or six fishermen finally finished the sorting work at hand.
"Okay, let's all have a cigarette and take a break!" Kuroki took out a few cigarettes from a crumpled cigarette box with a coconut tree printed on it, and scattered them one by one.

"Dad! I have selected all the valuable seafood, there are only four boxes in total!"

Several fishermen held the captain's cigarettes between their fishy fingers, enjoying the pleasure of nicotine after exhaustion.
A bald, middle-aged fisherman blew out a smoke ring, looked at the captain who was over fifty years old, and complained: "Even if we include the hundreds of kilograms of squid, the money we will make on this trip to sea is not as much as working on the shore!" "

"Yes, Uncle Kuroki, if we sell this little catch, we won't get much from it. It's really not as good as working in a club to earn more!"

"Haruko also complained that I only go to sea for a week or two and don't have time to accompany her! If this continues, I might as well set up a roasted bird stall at the night market!" A short fisherman who looked to be in his early thirties complained. road.

"Aida, Haruko will complain that you spend a lot of time at sea. I think she wants you to be floating at sea all the time!"

"Baga! What do you mean, you bastard?" Aida glared at the fisherman who spoke.

"What do you mean, hey?" The unshaven fisherman who spoke exchanged ambiguous looks with the people around him!

I have to say, Haruko is so cool!

"Asshole, you guy, explain it to me clearly!" The fisherman named Aida angrily threw half of the cigarette in his hand on the ground, rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to teach the rude guy a lesson.

The unshaven fisherman also rolled up his sleeves, and the two of them were about to have a full-scale martial arts showdown.

"Okay, Aida! Sakai! Stop it, you two! Even if you want to fight, don't make trouble on my fishing boat. If you have any grievances, you can settle them ashore! If anyone dares to fight on the fishing boat, I will throw him into the sea right now. fish!"

Although Kuroki is over fifty years old, as the captain of this fishing boat, he is still relatively prestigious among the fishermen. When he spoke, the two fishermen who rolled up their sleeves and were about to fight could only stop and sigh. They stared at each other.

Kuroki glanced at Aida with a strange look. He had already heard about his **** wife.

When fishermen go out to sea, they sometimes stay away for ten and a half months. There are wives at home who can't stand the loneliness and have affairs, but it's really rare for the Aida family to indulge in meat and vegetables and make it known to everyone.

I heard that Aida’s wife is indeed very beautiful, well, otherwise, he would come and sit at our door——

Taking a long drag on the cigarette and shaking his head, Kuroki shook away the thoughts in his mind. The most important thing now was to appease his group of fishermen, otherwise he might not have enough people to go out to sea next time!
"In recent years, offshore fishery resources have become increasingly depleted, and our industry has indeed become increasingly difficult to work in!" Kuroki clapped his hands and motioned for everyone to look at him:
"But don't worry, everyone, you are all old people who have been working with me for more than ten years. Aangda is the last to get on the ship and has been working with me for two years. I will not treat you badly!"

Everyone looked at each other and didn't answer. They just smoked in silence.
Kuroki also knows that this is not the simple era thirty years ago, when people could kneel down and shout "board" by drawing a big pie. People nowadays are looking for money. If you don't have money, who will follow you.

After cursing in his heart that people's hearts are not good, Kuroki took out his trump card: "Thanks to everyone for your hard work this time. I've calculated that although we didn't catch much this time, the few things we caught can still be sold well." The price is high, and the bonus will definitely be indispensable to everyone!"

"Uncle Kuroki, those dolphins." As soon as a fisherman said this, Kuromu glared at him fiercely. He quickly changed his words: "Can that thing really sell for a high price? It's the same as whale meat!"

Kuroki took a puff of cigarette unhurriedly and looked around at everyone's expectant eyes before he nodded with satisfaction: "Of course, this thing and whales are in the same category. We old men who used to hunt whales They call them little whales, and I have channels to sell them as whale meat, and one kilogram can be sold for 7000 yen (yen)!”

"Skoichi! Uncle Kuroki, you have also worked on a whaling ship. No wonder there is a whaling gun on the ship!" Aida gave a thumbs up to Kuroki.

"We caught six. I did a visual inspection and found that we can produce almost 600 kilograms of meat, which is enough to make up for this harvest. Let you give an explanation to your family!"

Kuroki's words made several fishermen show excited expressions on their faces.

"Captain Kuroki, I will definitely follow you well from now on!"

"Uncle Kuromu, I will be sold to the Kuromu family for the rest of my life!"

After hearing that there was money to be taken, several fishermen expressed their loyalty to Kuroki, and one fisherman even roared in Japanese style.

"Okay, Oaki, Aida, you two find something to cover the separated water tank. No one can see the contents inside. After all, this thing is illegal now! In case those nosy foreigners take pictures That’s trouble!”

Listening to the flattery of his men, a smile appeared on Kuroki's rough bark-like face. He waved his hand and gave instructions.


Driven by money, the two fishermen got busy with their hands and feet without any complaints about being treated like cattle and horses.

"Well, these boys, as expected, only enough harvest can feed them. Do you want to consider Kishida's suggestion? But now those foreigners are very strict about whaling. If they are caught, the group from the Fisheries Association will Guys may not be able to protect themselves!”

Kuroki smoked his Captain's cigarette, looked at his fishermen, and remembered what his old friend in the Fisheries Association told him.

Using his fishing boat to hunt whales quietly, Kuroki weighed the gains and losses. Now international public opinion has made the government bureaucrats afraid. If he is caught by foreign ships during the whaling process, his fishing boat will not be saved. .

After all, he does not have the qualifications to hunt whales. He cannot be like that guy Takeshita and can hunt whales at will in the name of scientific research.

Today, fewer and fewer young people are willing to go fishing on boats.

Now these guys on the boat are all willing to stay on the boat and work hard because of the high salary from fishing. Judging from the catches they have caught in these few trips to sea, if he does not make any more money, his Kuroki family’s fishing boat will not even go out to sea in the future. The opportunity may not even exist!

Kuroki looked at the bow of the ship, and seemed to see the rusty whale gun hidden below through the deck. Thinking of the current price of whale meat mentioned by his old friend, Kuromu felt hot in his heart, and he twitched hard. Take a puff from the cigarette in hand.

"Let's do it! Isn't it just whaling? One trip to the sea can earn the same as the previous seven or eight trips to the sea. If you work for a few more years, you can save some money and retire!"

"Is Haruko from the Aida family really as naughty as Sakai said? This kid Aida doesn't drink well. It should be normal for me, the captain, to send him home when he's drunk!"

"What is that, a meteorite?"

"Uncle Kuroki! Look at the shooting stars!"

Kuroki carried a basin of water and a rag to the deck and opened a hidden compartment. While wiping the whale gun stained with dolphin blood, he was thinking about sending Aida home at night. Family matters.

Suddenly there was a burst of noise behind him, and when he heard the exclamations of Aida and others, Kuroki turned around with a frown. Just as he was about to reprimand the shouting people, he saw several people looking up at the sky, holding their hands. Pointing fingers.

Following everyone's gaze, Kuroki saw a fireball falling from the sky.

"Meteorite!?" Although Kuroki is over fifty years old, he is not that kind of antique. When he saw the fireball falling from the sky, he, like everyone else, subconsciously thought it was a meteorite falling from the sky.

"I remember Damu said that there are some valuable ones among these meteorites. Unfortunately, judging from the shape, the meteorite is not big. Otherwise, we could have tried to look for it!" Looking at the meteorite hitting the sea from a distance, Kuromu felt a pity in his heart. .

"I heard that some meteorites can be sold for tens of millions of yen, why don't we go take a look!"

"Aida, do you think this is on land? This is the sea. That meteorite is so big. If we want to find it, we might as well pray that we can encounter a school of tuna next time!"

"Aida, did you take a photo of the meteorite? I remember that Haruko likes meteorites very much!"

"Ah, I forgot!"

"But Murakami, how did you know that my wife likes shooting stars!" The fisherman named Murakami stiffened at Aida's words, and then he laughed: "Have you forgotten, the last time we drank together in an izakaya, it was You told me!"

"That's right! I must have been too drunk to remember it!" Aida scratched his head.

When Murakami saw that he had been fooled, he couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. He put down his hand and met Sakai's eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling. The two exchanged a knowing look, and they immediately understood that they were the same people on the other side!

"Damu! Quick! Throw down all the heavy objects, release the water in the fish hold, everyone enter the warehouse, and speed into the harbor!"

Suddenly, a shrill howl sounded from the bow deck, and several fishermen recognized that the roaring sound came from their own captain, Toshio Kuroki!
"Dad! What happened!?" Bald Damu looked at Kuroki Toshio in confusion.

"Tsunami, it's a killer wave, it's a super tsunami. Get into the harbor quickly. No, no, no, it's too late to get into the harbor. Turn the ship's bow around and tilt it at a forty-five-degree angle. I hope the wave area won't be too big! Go quickly!"

Toshio Kuroki looked at the suddenly calm sea surface, and the water retreated to the center of the sea. Having experienced several tsunamis, he immediately realized that danger was about to happen. His decades of experience in surviving at sea told him that the abnormality of this sea surface, It is the precursor of a super tsunami.

After hearing Toshio Kuroki's roaring murderous wave, several fishermen panicked. As people who make a living at sea, they naturally knew that only waves with a wave head of more than 30 meters are called murderous waves.

That was a huge wave that was enough to capsize a 10,000-ton ship in an instant!
Under Toshio Kuroki's scolding, several fishermen hurriedly turned the fishing boat around. Not long after the fishing boat sailed diagonally, they saw an extremely terrifying scene.

"Amaterasu!" In the captain's room, the bald man looked at the endless waves and fell to his knees with a thud.

If a thirty-meter wave is called a killer wave, what does this one mean?
Toshio Kuroki looked at the huge waves that were a hundred meters high. The height of the waves was so high that it seemed to touch the sky. Even though he had been at sea for more than thirty years, he could not even say he had seen such huge waves, he could not even hear them. never heard of that.

"It's over! The *island is over!"


Although Toshio Kuroki tried his best to control the fishing boat with trembling hands, trying to avoid the super huge wave in front of him, the super huge wave seemed to stretch for thousands of meters, and before the fishing boat could move diagonally out of the scope of the super huge wave

Huge waves hundreds of meters high passed by, and the whole body of the fishing boat, which weighed less than a thousand tons, made a creaking sound of steel breaking. Then it was swept into the seabed by the huge waves like building blocks.

The 100-meter-high waves passed over the fishing boats that were speeding crazily towards the fishing port. Like a wheel that crushed a few ants at will, it rumbled towards the harbor of * Island with an overwhelming momentum without any pause.

Whether it was a single-family house with a wooden structure or a high-rise building made of steel and concrete, they were all treated equally by the huge waves of 100 meters high. They collapsed suddenly and were swept into ruins by the huge waves!
In just a few minutes, this prosperous county near the sea was completely reduced to a wasteland!
And the initiator of this tsunami turned out to be nothing more than a three-foot-square black tripod!

Less than a hundred kilometers away from the coastline, in the center of a huge crater on the seabed about a few hundred meters deep and a thousand meters in diameter, a black tripod lay quietly there.

Minutes after a 100-meter-high super tsunami swept across the island, a tall woman dressed as an urban white-collar worker came to the bottom of the sea. The moment she entered the water, the surrounding seawater automatically separated to both sides.

The moment the woman came to the bottom of the sea, her eyes were immediately attracted by the black cauldron on the bottom of the sea. She, who was not a mortal, could clearly see a ray of cyan brilliance slowly rippling in the cauldron.

Wherever the clear light passed, it rippled, penetrated the sea water, and spread in all directions.

The surrounding fish, shrimps, crabs and clams, and countless aquatic animals were covered by the clear light, and their souls all separated from their bodies and merged into the clear light.

"No wonder there are such big waves, it turns out to be a divine weapon descended from heaven!" The woman looked at the black cauldron and clamped her legs excitedly. As the daughter of Amaterasu, one of the gods of the sea, she had seen Amaterasu holding it. Many artifacts.

She was sure that even if those artifacts were put together, they would not be as powerful as this artifact!
"This is a sign from God! I, Toyotama Bimai, will soon replace Amaterasu as the Lord of Takamagahara!"

The woman looked at the black cauldron and couldn't help but walk towards it step by step. She greedily put her hand on the cauldron and stroked it gently. She was so intoxicated that she didn't notice that her body was being cleaned bit by bit. Dissolve.

The clear light penetrated her body, and under the ripples, her body also decomposed little by little, and soon the Japanese female sea goddess disappeared in the clear light.

Not long after the woman disappeared, the seabed returned to calm, leaving only the black cauldron lying quietly on the dead seabed.

Not long after, another Japanese god came here. When he fell into the clear light, his eyes also became crazy.

In the divine prison, the two brothers Shen Tu and Yu Lei looked at each other.

"What day is it today? Why are there so many gods here at once, and they are all Japanese gods? Could it be that Mr. Fu has gone to the land of Fuso!"

"Don't worry about it for now, let's escort the people in first!" Yu Lei skillfully pulled out the rope and trapped the souls of the Japanese gods who were ignorant and demented, and led a string of ghosts and gods toward the ghosts like animals. Go to the door.

"This is."

The Dragon King with a dragon head and human body was suspended in the air. As far as he could see, he saw a flash of cyan brilliance under his feet.

As the clear light flowed, it swallowed up countless aquatic souls——

The Dragon King's hands and feet felt cold as he looked at the ever-expanding clear light. At this time, the clear light had expanded to more than two hundred miles away from when he first arrived here.

Not only the souls of the Shui tribe were devoured, but also the souls of nearly a million creatures on Fuso Island not far away.

"What kind of monster is this? It's so terrifying!"

Seeing that the clear light was about to spread to the sea area he ruled, the Dragon King was helpless. He watched as more than a dozen Japanese gods entered the clear light and were turned into nothing in an instant. This terrifying scene made the Dragon King flinch.

It was not that he had never tried to find the source of this clear light. He glanced at the broken sword in his hand and could only sigh.

"This is not a monster, this is the artifact used by Lord Taishan to control the Netherworld!" A woman in palace clothes with a majestic and cold face appeared next to the Dragon King, her eyes fixed on the center of the clear light, as if she could see To the black underworld cauldron.

"The little god has seen the empress!"

Seeing the woman's figure, the Dragon King shouldn't be negligent and quickly bowed.

Queen Mother Xi glanced at him and nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty, you are saying that below is Fujun's precious tripod!" The Dragon King looked at the water that had become the Dead Sea, and his teeth were exposed in surprise.

As the co-lord of the world in this world, although the Dragon King is not extremely powerful, in terms of status, he is on an equal footing with Chacha, the Pluto, and compared to Chacha, the Pluto who became a monk halfway.

However, the Dragon King knew a lot of ancient secrets, including who was the real owner of the Netherworld before Hades, and the treasured cauldron controlled by Lord Taishan.

It was precisely because of this cauldron that during the ancient battle between the gods, the Lord of Taishan Prefecture defeated the one in front of him!
Thinking of this, the Dragon King glanced at the Queen Mother of the West subconsciously: "My Lady, how could the Lord's tripod appear in the mortal waters and shine so brightly? If this continues, the entire human world may become a dead place!"

"This cauldron has been held in Taishan Fujun's arms since he was born and has never left his body. This cauldron appears here naturally because he died!" Queen Mother Xi wrote lightly!
"Hiss!" These words of Queen Mother Xi made the Dragon King take a breath of air. Who in this world can kill Taishan Mansion Lord, that is the real ancient god, unless it is——

The Dragon King raised his eyes and glanced at the Queen Mother of the West carefully. If anyone could possibly kill the Lord of Taishan Mansion, it would be no one else but the one in front of him!
Queen Mother Xi glanced at the Dragon King and seemed to guess his thoughts. She said calmly: "It's not me!"

"Your Majesty, forgive me! It's just a little god's random speculation, but in this world, you are the only one who can beat me!" The Dragon King saw that his thoughts had been read, and he quickly bowed and apologized, and also flattered him.

Queen Mother Xi sighed slightly: "There is no such thing in this world, but what about heaven?"

Hearing the words of the Queen Mother of the West, the Dragon King was shocked and looked up at the sky. The sharp sword across the stars was still hanging there.

"Your Majesty, is it someone from outside the territory who did this!?" The Dragon King swallowed and spat.

"Half an hour ago, he killed Lord Taishan in front of me. By the way, that little guy named Taotie is your son. He also fell into his hands. Whether he is dead or alive, I don't know. !”

Queen Mother Xi glanced at the Dragon King: "If you want to take revenge, it will be difficult!"

"Your Majesty, stop joking with the little god. Although Taotie is my fifth son, he has been doing evil in the world for so many years. I have long wanted to kill this evil son! Now that he takes action, I will clean up the troubled ones. The door is open!”

The Dragon King waved his sleeves and kept wiping the sweat on his forehead, taking revenge. What a joke, he saw with his own eyes that day, the transparent beast was crushed into a kitten with one palm!
Now he learned from the Queen Mother of the West that the king of Taishan Palace was actually killed. Let alone revenge, even if the traitor was alive and dared to offend such a big shot, he would immediately kill the traitor and kill the traitor with his own hands.

The Dragon King felt a chill running down his back and into his neck. What he was worried about now was nothing else. What he was concerned about was how the traitor could offend that being, and whether this matter would implicate the Dragon Palace.

A slender white palm silently rested on the Dragon King's neck. After hearing the Dragon King's words, the palm retracted silently.

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