Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 514 Going to sea

Chapter 514 Going to sea
Facing Queen Mother Xi's question, Tang Song touched his nose and suddenly smiled: "What? In the eyes of fellow Taoists, am I the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately?"

"I once told my Taoist friends that I came to your world just to find a lost artifact. I didn't want to start a big fight, but the Taishan Prefecture Lord went too far. He wanted to steal my things, but I beat him. Damn it, this isn’t too much!”

"Huh?" Tang Song asked with a smile as he glanced at the Queen Mother of the West and the Dragon King behind her with a dragon head and a gorgeous brocade robe.

"No, of course it's not excessive! Even in the mortal world, your behavior is just self-defense and counterattack!" Facing the gaze of Tang Song, the Dragon King felt cold sweat pouring down his back for a moment.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart: "If he hadn't known better just now and had no intention of avenging the traitor, I'm afraid he would have been keeping company with Mr. Taishan Mansion down below!"

The next conversation between Tang Song and the Queen Mother of the West made him break into a cold sweat and his clothes were soaked.

"Oh? Then if I just wanted to seize the cauldron, I'm afraid that in the next moment a sword will pierce the air and cut off Kunlun, killing me!" Queen Mother Xi looked at Tang Song with a smile, but there was no smile in her eyes.

"Are you kidding me, fellow Taoist? You are the majestic Lord of Kunlun, how can you be the kind of scoundrel who just robs other people's things!" Tang Song also looked at the Queen Mother of the West with a smile -

The two of them were obviously laughing, but the Dragon King in the middle was trembling, fearing that if the two of them made a move, he would suffer disaster.

Once these two great gods fight, I am afraid that the entire nearby sea area will be reduced to a dead end!

The Dragon King had tried his best to imagine the horrific scene of the two fighting each other. He had no idea that someone sitting across from him had planned to refine the entire world if he couldn't find what he wanted.

Fortunately, this worst-case scenario did not happen!
"I originally thought that Taoist fellow Taoist was a kind person, but it seems that I underestimated Taoist fellow Taoist!" Queen Mother Xi stared at Tang and Song Dynasties for a long time and sneered:
"The Lord of Taishan Mansion was killed by fellow Taoist, and the underworld fell into the hands of fellow Taoist. It seems that fellow Taoist does not intend to leave this world?"

"Hey, that Lord of Taishan Prefecture is very unwise, but I have a bet with you first.
Although the underworld is not very good, I have always been diligent and thrifty in housekeeping. Since it is my trophy, no matter how small the fly's legs are, it is still fast! "Tang Song sighed, with an expression on his face that seemed to despise the underworld.

"Since the underworld is all in the hands of fellow Taoists, does fellow Taoist Kunlun also want to occupy it? I think fellow Taoists seem to be very interested in my maids!" Queen Mother Xi said quietly:
"Since fellow Taoist has the intention to kill me, he can just do it directly. Why should he find any excuse?" Queen Mother Xi could see Tang Song's vicious thoughts at a glance. He was obviously fishing with the Mingding Cauldron.

But she didn't understand why he had to find a reason for himself?

"Why do fellow Taoists imagine me as the kind of bully who kills whole families and takes over people's property! I always have my own principles in doing things! Since fellow Taoists didn't provoke me, why should I be that evil person!"

Tang Song pointed his finger downward as he spoke. Under his feet, water vapor gathered and formed a three-foot-square white cloud. The clouds gathered together to form three long tables, each with a cloud seat behind them.

Then the sleeves of the Tang and Song robes were waved, and several jade fruit plates immediately appeared on the long table formed by a few white clouds. The fruit plates were filled with fresh fruits of various colors, including sweet fruits, bright red peaches the size of fists, and those It exudes the white jade lotus root melon, egg-sized jujubes with fresh jujube leaves, and cherry-sized red fruits exuding a refreshing fragrance in the fruit plate.

"Come on, you two are welcome, please sit down!" After Tang Song gestured with his hand, he sat directly on the cloud couch, picked up a cherry-sized red fruit from the fruit plate and threw it into his mouth.

Although he is not as long-lived as ancient gods like Queen Mother of the West, he can sit in the Nine Realms, his sphere of influence radiates to several large worlds, and more than a dozen small worlds, and he still has some financial resources.

Jiaoli Huozao, Zhuguo, Huangjing, these are natural treasures for ordinary monks, but in the Tang and Song Dynasties, they were just ordinary fruits used to entertain guests!
This is the benefit brought by power. He does not need to do it himself. He only needs to say a word, and the people below will continuously find him what he needs.

"Fellow Taoist, are you so principled in your work?" Queen Mother Xi sat directly across from Tang and Song. She picked up a black gem-like sunflower seed in the fruit plate, took it in her hand and peeled off the black skin, revealing the crystal-clear melon seeds and nuts.

She held the translucent melon seed kernel in her hand, looked at it curiously, and then put it into her mouth.

"With your Taoist cultivation, shouldn't you be unruly? Is there anyone in this world that you need to be wary of?"

"You are unscrupulous, haha, there are really few people in your world that I can be afraid of. If there were such masters in this world, I would not dare to do such things as sealing the sky and locking the earth!" Tang Song said bluntly If you say that, it is obvious that you are bullying the old, weak, sick and disabled.
"Fellow Taoist, aren't you afraid that there are masters like you mentioned in our world?"

Queen Mother Xi's expression froze. What was the difference between this and scolding a bald donkey in front of a monk? She was so angry that she almost wanted to grab the fruit plate in front of her and throw it at Tang Song's face.

But the difference in strength was there, and even if she was ridiculed in person, there was nothing she could do.

However, the Queen Mother of the West still rolled her eyes and gave Tang and Song a nice look.

However, the Tang and Song dynasties didn't care about Queen Mother Xi's expression at all. She picked up a piece of white jade lotus root and pointed her fingers. The lotus root section as thick as the child's arm was evenly divided into pieces of white jade lotus root, which scattered into the white jade plate. .

"Look at the sea under our feet, the isolated islands in this sea! For those beasts on the island, this island is a world that they will never leave in their lifetime. Just now you asked me what is outside the world. It seems that your world is an island I pass by.
As for why I am not worried about meeting beings with stronger cultivation than me, it is naturally because tigers cannot be raised in a place the size of a palm! "

Tang Song smiled: "As for my principles of doing things, it depends on my mood! But don't worry, you two, as I said, your world is too small, and it is difficult to raise dragons in shallow water. I will not touch you two. Territory, of course, the prerequisite is that you two don’t provoke me! My destination is ultimately the continents at the end of the sea!"

As Tang and Song talked, he flicked the plate with lotus root slices on the long table of the two of them, stretched out his hand to signal: "Try it, you guys, I grew this lotus root at home. I only dug it once after five years of planting. It’s not a good thing, but it tastes sweet!”

The Queen Mother of the West twisted a piece of lotus root and tasted one. She looked through the clouds at the sea surface dotted with Senluo Islands under her feet, savoring the words of Tang and Song Dynasties.

"Since this is just the scenery along the way for fellow Taoists, after you find your things, you can just continue sailing on the road. Why..."

"Although the mainland is good, it is a big place and difficult to live in. Although the islands are small, not all of them are barren. Look at this red fruit, which is a specialty of a small island. That island is barren, but This red fruit is a rare product that can nourish qi and nourish essence. However, the flowering period is a little longer. It blooms every sixty years and bears fruit every sixty years. The fruit is only thirty or forty at a time! "

In the Tang and Song dynasties, they twisted a red fruit and taught it to the Queen Mother of the West.

This red fruit was brought back by his reincarnation warriors from a small martial arts world. Later, after being evaluated by the Hive Laboratory, another group of people went and dug up the fruit tree growing on the chalcedony.

Now the red fruit tree is planted in Daluo Tianyu Garden.

Queen Mother Xi glanced at the bright red fruits on the plate and picked them up: "It takes a hundred years for a batch to mature. It's really good!"

She picked up a red fruit and it melted in her mouth, making her mouth full of saliva. It was sweet and smooth. After she finished eating, she twisted another one without finishing it.

Forehead! Tang Song blinked and looked at the serious-looking Queen Mother of the West, a little helpless. Please, have you misunderstood the point? I told you that I took a knife and cut from Penglai East Road to Nantianmen. You asked me if my eyes were dry. , OK, OK, let’s play like this, right?

"Since Taoist friends like it, you might as well eat more!" Tang Song's mouth moved slightly, and he waved the plate of red fruits in front of him to the table of the Queen Mother of the West.

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, another crystal white pear was picked up from the jade plate. It was the size of a bowl, so I took a big bite. This crystal white pear is also a rare species from a certain small world. Although it doesn't have much effect, it is extremely sweet and nourishes the skin after being eaten for a long time.

The jade plates that hold these fruits are also treasures that have been hand-polished by master jade craftsmen.
The landscape paintings above are cleverly integrated with those runic restrictions, forming distinct layers of preservation instruments.

"Fellow Taoist, I want to borrow the resources of these islands to help myself to a higher level!" Seeing the collapse of Tang and Song Dynasties, the Queen Mother of the West felt a sense of depression in her heart. She picked up a fist-sized peach in front of her and took a bite. , said with disgust:

"These peaches don't taste very good. I have some peach trees planted there. If you need to, fellow Taoist, you can move a few of them back!"

"Fellow Taoist is talking about flat peach!"

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, something moved in his mind. When these two words were connected, the Queen Mother of the West and the flat peach, he immediately thought of the legendary flat peach garden.

There are 3,600 peach trees in the peach orchard:

There are 1,200 plants in front, with tiny flowers and small fruits, which ripen once every three thousand years. People who eat them will become immortals and become healthy and light.

There are 1,200 trees in the middle, with layers of sweet and fruity flowers that ripen once every six thousand years. People who eat the Xia Li will ascend to the sky and become immortal.

There are 1,200 plants at the back, with purple lines and cores. They are ripe once every nine thousand years. If a person eats them, he will live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon will have the same age.

This is the scene that he remembers most deeply when he was watching Journey to the West: Havoc in Heaven when he was young, especially the monkey holding a flat peach the size of a human head in his hand, which made him salivate!
But when he grew up, he realized after watching the behind-the-scenes filming of Journey to the West that the peaches he watched on TV were all props made of flour.

And when he really travels to the world of Jambu, even though the Golden Mother does exist in that world, a small person like him can only dare to think about the leaves of a flat peach, let alone a flat peach.

I didn’t expect that my dream could come true in this world——

Although the Queen Mother of the West in front of me is not the Queen Mother, her peaches must not be ordinary things.

"My peach trees are not as magical as in the story of Journey to the West. If an ordinary person eats one, it can increase his life by three to five hundred years!" The Queen Mother of the West seemed to see what was in Tang and Song's mind. She stretched out her hand to twist the peach fruits, Bring it to your lips and smile.

"Oh? Fellow Taoist, you actually know about Journey to the West?" Tang Song looked at the Queen Mother of the West in surprise.

Queen Mother Xi laughed: "Am I the kind of stubborn person in the eyes of fellow Taoists?" Then she sighed: "The technological development of these mortals has exceeded everyone's expectations, including us gods. Even we have to deal with it. Their development is taken seriously!"

The Queen Mother of the West glanced at the Tang and Song Dynasties: "The underworld can keep pace with the development of the human world, and Kunlun can naturally do the same. Kunlun has more than just desolate and empty palaces and beautiful goddesses! Among the satellites operating in the sky, there are three From Kunlun!"

It seems that he is not the only smart person in this world. Tang Song smiled. Those gods and gods are not fools. They will definitely turn their attention when they see the rapid development of human science and technology.

However, the change of attitude of the Queen Mother of the West moved Tang and Song Dynasty: "Do you want to take my boat to see the outside of the island!?"

Queen Mother Xi sighed softly and said: "To be honest with you fellow Taoist, I have existed in this world since the birth of this world. I have witnessed with my own eyes the creation of this world from scratch, and the transformation of this planet from desolation to its present state." bustling--"

"I created the original people and destroyed them with my own hands. I established an order to rule the world, and I also watched the collapse of the order with my own eyes! Now I have reached the pinnacle in this world——"

Tang Song smiled faintly and understood the feelings and thoughts of the Queen Mother of the West. The ancient god's thoughts were slightly different from those of the ancient one.
Because the Supreme Mage was in charge of the timeline, he was completely tired of watching everything. It was like watching a chess game repeated countless times.

What she needs is the freshness outside time, even if this freshness is an apple falling on the chessboard.

The Queen Mother of the West in front of her has truly reached the limit of the power that this world can accommodate. She cannot see the way forward in this world, and she wants to go further, just like those who seek the Tao.

"The cauldron owned by Mr. Taishan once made me think it was my hope for further progress! For this cauldron, I fought with him a lot!" Queen Mother Xi's eyes fell under the sea of ​​clouds. On the sea, nearly a thousand Japanese demons were dead and injured at this moment. For more than half of the time, dozens of figures were still fighting around the black cauldron.

"This Ming Ding is an innate spiritual treasure. Refining it can indeed achieve the status of Golden Immortal!" Tang and Song's eyes also fell on the Ming Ding held by Jiutun boy. As for the one-armed, blind The Japanese great demon was besieged by several great demons and was seriously injured and dying. Tang and Song didn't even bother to look at him.

"Innate Spiritual Treasure!?" Queen Mother Xi looked at Tang and Song in confusion. Obviously, this party did not have the concept of Innate Spiritual Treasure.

"The so-called innate spirit treasures are the embodiment of the rules of the world. Each innate spirit treasure represents different rules, and its power and function are also different. Some innate spirit treasures can fix the earth, fire, feng shui, and others. It can break through chaos and recreate the universe. As for this Underworld Cauldron, it is more like an innate artifact than an innate spiritual treasure!"

"Innate artifact!" The Queen Mother of the West, who was immersed in the power of the innate spiritual treasure described in the Tang and Song Dynasties, subconsciously repeated.

"Innate artifacts are also a type of innate spiritual treasures, but they are born under the influence of heaven and have a certain mission. Just like this underworld cauldron, which appeared in the hands of Taishan Mansion Lord. His mission when he was born holding the cauldron was to open up the underworld. Make up for the shortcomings of heaven!

And in return for opening up the underworld, he received a Golden Immortal Realm!
The way of heaven is to make up for the excess damage and make up for the deficiencies. The way of heaven is actually more like an operating program that can self-check for deficiencies and make up for the deficiencies! "

As Tang Song talked, he fell into some kind of meditation. Combined with the insights from the roots of the world in Jambu, he only felt that his Taoist heart was a little clearer. It felt like a highly myopic author had changed his mind again. I bought a pair of glasses that have been used for four or five years, and I can see the world a little more clearly!
"Then the power of the innate artifact must be greater than the innate spiritual treasure!" Queen Mother Xi thought thoughtfully.

When Tang Song heard her words, he smiled dumbly. He flicked his sleeves, and boundless divine light burst out from his sleeves.

Buzz buzz-----
On the sea surface, the Mingding Cauldron, which was being scrambled back and forth by dozens of big demons and remained motionless, began to shake violently.

Then a ray of clear light and a ray of black light crisscrossed each other, instantly smashing the dozens of big monsters into pieces and putting them into the cauldron.

When Tamamo Mae, who had been peeping at the battlefield from a distance, saw this scene, he was so frightened that his face turned pale, turned into a gust of demonic wind, and ran away, but there was no time.

After the Mingding Cauldron rotated for thirty-six days, a ball of blue-black mist was exhaled from the cauldron. The fist-sized mist spread out and instantly covered a thousand-mile radius.

The fog only existed for two or three breaths. When the fog shrank, the largest island in Fuso disappeared directly——

"The strength of the innate spiritual treasure depends on who is using it?" Tang Song waved, and the black cauldron flew directly into his palm: "Hunting the grass and hunting rabbits, there is an unexpected harvest!"

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