Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 518: The dragon girl is innately able to overcome the physique of her father-in-law

Thousands of meters under the sea, the entire Dragon Palace is shrouded in a water-proof barrier. Through the barrier, you can see the thick seawater above your head swaying. Outside the barrier, thousands of lantern fish follow a specific route. Parading in the sea, it seems like the lights of stars are hanging down on the sea, which is extremely strange.

The bright blue lunar essence, the crystal-clear light of the stars, as if the Milky Way was broken in the middle, and waterfalls with different colors fell down, and the starlight splashed,
In a magnificent palace in the Dragon Palace, there seems to be a funnel inside, with great suction power, sucking in all the waterfalls of the essence of the sun and moon, but there are still many leaks, and little starlight, like clear water,

It spread throughout the Dragon Palace and penetrated into the sea water.

All the water tribes in the Dragon Palace, whether they were shrimp soldiers or crab generals, or Captains of the turtles, Captains of the fish, Lishi, Admirals, Commander Li, Marshal Li, Taizai Li, Commander-in-Chief, and Prime Minister Turtle all surfaced. His mouth opened wide, and then the little bits of starlight fell down.

Although the aquatic tribe also has a practice method of swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, the environment is now seriously polluted, and the stars in the sky can only be seen for a few days a year.

But at this time, these sun essence and moonlight seem to be endless. It can be said that one swallow of this starlight now is worth their months of hard training. Each of these water tribes seems to have been thirsty for a whole year, with their mouths wide open, no Let go of any ray of starlight.

In the main hall of the Dragon Palace, there is a white jade dragon couch that can accommodate dozens of people. The dragon couch is covered by a mist-like gauze. On the gauze like a nebula, there are 365 big stars faintly rotating.
Three hundred and sixty-five big stars rotated, sucking in the essence of the sun and the moon in this world.

Under the night, all the stars in the sky seem to emit dazzling silver light, as if there are countless light blue crystal blue lights shining down on the stars in the sky,
The area covered by this green light is almost the entire sea area. The fish, shrimps, dolphins, whales and other marine creatures on the sea are cheering for joy because of this purest star power.
The entire sea surface was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the stars in the sky. For a moment, it was difficult to tell where was the sky and where was the sea.

Channels of clear light circulated endlessly in the sea and sky, and the marine creatures became more joyful, jumping up from the calm water and making loud noises.

However, the strange phenomenon that occurred on the quiet and uninhabited sea did not have much impact on ordinary people.

Some people just think that the stars in the sky today are extraordinarily bright, especially the bright moon, which is much larger than before. It is like a huge ball hanging above the head and about to fall at any time, which almost gives people an illusion. , as if you could touch it as soon as you stretched out your hand.

They could even faintly see the osmanthus trees growing above the moon, and the Guanghan Moon Palace, which was made of white jade and was magnificent but a little cold.

Of course, that is actually the Kunlun Celestial Palace in another dimension projected onto the moon, like a mirage.

Ordinary people might just take a photo of this surprisingly bright moon and lament that they can’t remember how long it has been since they saw such a bright moon.

But for the governments of various countries, they are all facing a formidable enemy, and they are deeply afraid that this is a precursor to the strange disaster that Japan will encounter.

What governments are currently struggling to deal with is the disappearance of Japan's largest island, Honshu, along with hundreds of millions of its citizens.

Japan has a total population of only 120 million. If this happens, it is almost the same as destroying the country.

But what worries the governments of various countries is that it was a large island with a population of nearly 100 million, and it disappeared overnight. Even if it was a meteorite impact, at least there would be some movement!

Just like that, after a tsunami, it disappeared out of thin air. If this kind of thing happened in our own country, it would be really worrying not to find out the results.

After the incident occurred, various countries immediately dispatched scientific expedition teams, and tens of thousands of peacekeeping troops were stationed in Japan. On the one hand, they were to explore the cause of the accident, and on the other hand, they were to blockade Japan.

The sad thing is that Japan is so big, even if it loses five-sixths of its population, the magical thing like the disappearance of Honshu Island has at least tens of millions of witnesses. If the news spreads, it will definitely cause panic around the world.

Although the governments of various countries immediately blocked and controlled the news, all fools know that this kind of thing cannot be kept secret for long.

How to explain this incredible phenomenon to the public? Meteors fell from the sky, supernatural power, or those Japanese people dreamed of their great-grandmother, and went down to reunite with them!
However, these worries have nothing to do with the Tang and Song Dynasties. In Eastern myths and legends, fairies in the sky and dragon girls in the sea are enduring topics. The dragon king recruiting a son-in-law and the dragon girl shepherding sheep are all a desirable myth. legend.

What does it feel like to be a dragon girl? Tang and Song Dynasties have really experienced it these days. It is indeed good. They are all carefully selected by the Dragon King.

These dragon girls are all extremely beautiful. Regardless of any dynasty, they are characters that can make those lustful kings climb up the Great Wall in the middle of the night to light beacon fire and make beauties smile.

In particular, the eyebrows of several dragon girls are either light green or fiery red with scales and two small and warm dragon horns on their foreheads.

Even the "shame" has fine scales, which may be as gentle as jade, or warm and fiery, or with a hint of coolness in the ice, which is a unique experience for the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Of course, Boss Tang is not a lecherous person. He has now attained the Golden Immortal Way, got rid of the cycle of life and death, and has the same longevity as heaven and earth, and the same age as the sun and the moon.

How could he be such a lecherous person? However, Ao Guang, the new subordinate, expressed his feelings, criticized the child, contradicted the Great Heavenly Lord, etc.

If Boss Tang did not accept these gifts, it would make the newly accepted Si Yulongshen feel uneasy, and he could only reluctantly aggrieve himself.

The Dragon King is not very powerful, and the sea area he can control is not small. You must know that the ocean area is much larger than the land area, and there are more than a million elite water tribe soldiers stationed near the Dragon Palace.

These Shui Tribe soldiers can indeed alleviate some of the shortage of soldiers in Heaven. For this reason, Boss Tang could only sacrifice himself. After living in the Dragon Palace for several months, he was forced to hug them every day.

Fortunately, his root imprint also contains the art of cultivating the harmony between heaven and earth. People in the Tang and Song Dynasties studied heaven and man, comprehended the infinite mysteries, and naturally understood the true meaning of it. There were more than a dozen dragon girls and clam girls, who went into battle one after another. However, the Tang and Song Dynasties still fought fiercely and killed him until he lost his armor.

Tang and Song took a look at the dragon girls on the dragon couch, who were wearing a transparent shark gauze as thin as cicada wings. They were exhausted and seemed to be sleeping. They shook their heads and made seals with their hands.

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, the man crossed his legs and floated more than three feet high. Using his magical power, a whirlwind blew up in the gauze tent, and the sky was full of clear light. Fireflies gathered and penetrated into the 84,000 pores of his body.
With every breath he took, the stars and moonlight like flowing fireflies were gathered by the great star flags in the sky, gradually converging into strips of silver light as thick as buckets, rushing straight down.
Every time he swallowed, the moonlight starlight, which was huge enough to burst ordinary people, merged into Tang Song's body, but it seemed like streams converging into the sea.

The more powerful the body is, the more mana it can hold. The body structure of the Tang and Song Dynasties is the Nine-turn Mysterious Technique that is said to be able to make the body holy. This Mysterious Technique was created by Taoist Master to imitate Pangu's physical body.

Coincidentally, the Tang and Song Dynasties thought about the true form of the twelve ancestral witches in the root world view, observed their shapes and spirits, refined the banners of the twelve capitals, and condensed the incarnations of the twelve ancestral witches.

This Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique is simply tailor-made for him. After all, even in the world of Jambu, few people have actually seen the Great Sage Pangu, but the Twelve Capitals of Heaven and Pluto can use the Dutian Shensha Formation to join hands. With the power of two, he transformed into Pangu!
Others who practice the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique are copying Pangu's true form in Tao Zun's memory.

However, the Tang and Song Dynasties had personally seen and even incarnated Pangu, and truly experienced the powerful nature of Pangu's physical body. All he had to do was follow Pangu's mold, follow the gourd and draw the gourd, and constantly temper the physical body, just like following the drawings. Diandian will expand the pond into a large lake.

This time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches put their skills to the test for the first time, setting up the Chengdu Heavenly God Evil Formation, manifesting Pangu's true form, and knocked out the Taishan Mansion Lord who was protected by innate spiritual treasures with just one thunderbolt.

This level of power has exceeded the level of Jinxian's power and is directly catching up with Da Luo!
If all the incarnations of the twelve ancestral witches were to be restored to their heyday strength, and then Pangu's true body could be condensed, a single blast of Dutian Divine Thunder might be able to open up a large world.

However, it is not easy to achieve this step. The difficulty of the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique lies in the consumption of resources. Moreover, the Tianhe Zhenfa practiced in the Tang and Song Dynasties is known as the most powerful in the world of Jamfu, but it is also a big hog of resources.

This little bit of sun essence and moonlight was not enough to fill his teeth. If he really let go of his stomach and swallowed it, he could immediately transform into a black hole larger than the Milky Way. Given enough time for Tang and Song Dynasty, he could even turn it into a black hole. Most of the universe was swallowed up.

Swallowing Star, Swallowing Star was a younger brother in front of Tang and Song Dynasties at this time!

If he wanted to perfect his physical body and mana, and be filled with energy and energy to attack Daluo, Tang Song made a preliminary estimate that he would at least need to devour small and medium-sized worlds such as Soul Ferry and Marvel's single universe. Resources from more than two hundred worlds.

But fortunately, he got the piece that can cross the sea of ​​chaos. With it, he can build his own palace of reincarnation and support himself with the world.

The spiritual consciousness of Tang and Song Dynasties fell into the small world created by themselves, the inner world,
A thousand-foot-tall, golden, and bright bell stood in the void, and the sound of the bell resounded and shook the void. Under the sound of the bell, the Tai Chi Diagram turned into a yin and yang mill with a diameter of one hundred meters. As the yin and yang fish rotated, they continued to consume the remaining spirituality in the main god's components.

The bell has been ringing in the void for three months. Above the Tai Chi Diagram and under the Chaos Bell, a square tripod also emits wisps of black mist, submerging the remaining parts of the main god. among.

Tang Song looked at the remaining weapon that was being polished by Yin and Yang. As soon as his spiritual consciousness came into contact with it, a smile appeared on his face.
Over the past three months, the Chaos Clock, the Tai Chi Diagram, the Ming Cauldron, and the Dutian Pluto Flag to release the Dutian Demonic Fire have been continuously refined, and finally the spirituality in this main god component has been refined.

On the dragon bed, Tang and Song put away the curtains made of large star banners overhead, and several clam girls of high stature carefully stepped forward to help him dress and wash.

At this time, several dragon girls who heard the movement on the bed opened their eyes one by one, feeling the soreness of their bodies. The red clouds flew up on the faces of these dragon girls, looking very shy.

Although dragon nature is inherently lustful, it generally refers to male dragons. Besides, these dragon girls are all carefully selected by the Dragon King, and each of them is the unreleased **.

Several shy dragon girls lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Tang Song. The bold dragon girl looked at Tang Song generously with her beautiful eyes open.

While Tang and Song put on Taoist robes under the costumes of the clam girls, he turned back to look at the girls: "Have you had enough sleep?"

Even the brave Dragon Girl buried her head in embarrassment when Tang Song's gaze swept over her nearly naked body, which was only covered with a shark gauze.

Seeing Tang and Song getting up to wash up, they also got up and dressed, but all of them were so weak and numb, how could they get up in such a short time?

Tang Song laughed, and with a flick of his robe sleeves, several rays of almost liquefied moonlight fell from the sky and sank straight into the bodies of several dragon girls.

Looking at the dragon girls bathed in the starlight, Tang Song pondered for a moment, pointed with his hand, and a few rays of light penetrated into the eyebrows of these dragon girls.

What was passed down to these dragon girls in the Tang and Song Dynasties was the cultivation method of the orthodox dragon tribe in the world of Jambu.

After all, people from the Tang and Song dynasties, even though their faces were strong enough, could not do such things as free prostitution.

It's shameful to say that although Boss Tang now owns several worlds, he doesn't have any decent greeting gifts besides the exercises, which is outrageous.

But think about it, the magic weapons refined in Tianbing Valley can cope with ordinary people. Even if the power level of the Dragon Palace in this world is not high, it is not nonsense to say that the Dragon Palace has no treasures.

The Tang Clan Heavenly Court was founded only a short time ago. The Dragon Palace has been a force that has existed in this world since ancient times. It is really hard to get hold of ordinary magic weapons.

As for the magic weapons he had refined with his own hands, firstly, they were in Daluotian, and secondly, there were too many people to share among them.

There was no other way. The Tang and Song dynasties could only pass on some of the techniques of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, leaving behind two gourds of elixirs.

"Although you guys are of the dragon genus, your bloodline is not pure. However, the skills I taught you can achieve the body of a true dragon. You should practice hard! You will become a true immortal as soon as possible!"

Several dragon girls realized the scripture techniques that came to their minds. They were also knowledgeable, and they were all very happy. This technique was more than ten times better than the true inheritance of Dragon Palace.

In the main hall, Tang Song spent some time giving instructions on the practice of several dragon girls before walking out of the main hall.

At this time, outside the main hall, Ao Guang, who had received the news early, had been waiting outside the hall for a long time.

He was short-tongued and soft-handed. Faced with this cheap father-in-law, who had slept with more than a dozen of his daughters, Tang and Song couldn't afford to show off to others. He nodded towards him and said, "I have been bothering the Dragon King during this period." !”

Tang Song looked at the Dragon King, and a strange thought suddenly arose in his mind. It seemed that since he came to the Marvel world, he had more cheap father-in-laws.

Odin, Magneto, Zeus, and the Dragon King in front of him, but except for Magneto, the fate of his cheap father-in-law was not very good.

Odin entered the eternal dusk, and Zeus was killed, leaving only a trace of his soul. As for the dragon king in front of him,

If he remembers correctly, he had just killed his brother-in-law with his own hands. Fortunately, this cheap father-in-law had many children, so many that he couldn't even remember them. In addition, for the sake of those dragon girls, he released a ray of Taotie's true spirit. Reincarnation, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Tang and Song suddenly felt a toothache. Could it be that he had the legendary constitution that overcame his father-in-law's constitution!

"Your Majesty, you are so polite. This is what a subordinate should do!" Although Tang and Song Dynasty behaved very friendly, the Dragon King was too mature to take the leader's polite words seriously.

Ever since he knew that this person in front of him was the Lord of Heaven who controlled several worlds, Ao Guang had always kept his posture very low, calling Boss Tang high in the air.

I have to say that Boss Tang was quite comfortable with the licking. Dragon Palace has gained a lot of benefits during this period. The moonlight starlight essence that overflowed during the Tang and Song Dynasty training is enough to make the aquariums in Dragon Palace feel full. .

If it weren't for Ao Guang, the Dragon King's daughter-in-law, who kept Boss Tang alive in the Dragon Palace for more than a month, how could the Dragon Palace Aquatic Tribe enjoy such benefits?

"Since the Dragon King is listed in Zhou Tianxian's book, then you and I are naturally our own. Although Kunlun has formed an alliance with us, they are still outsiders. I can't trust them in the management of this world, so I have to trouble the Dragon King!" Tang Song looked at it with a smile. The Dragon King said.

"My subordinates must do their best!" The Dragon King quickly bowed.

"By the way, how are the people from the Dark Council I brought here doing?" Tang Song seemed to have remembered something and asked the Dragon King.

"Little Ao Qing is practicing their formations. Although those orcs are a little anxious, they are willing to study hard!" the Dragon King said carefully.

"Ao Qing, I remember him. He is young and promising. With a little experience, he will be able to achieve immortality! Let him lead this expedition to that pirate world! If that world can be pacified, I will allow him to join the immortal world. Leave a name in the family tree!”

"I would like to thank the Great Heavenly Lord on behalf of my son!" After hearing Tang Song's words, the Dragon King suddenly showed an excited look on his face.

Tang Song waved his hand casually: "I'm going to Kunlun for a banquet later, take me to the training place!"

"Your Majesty, please come down!" The Dragon King led the way, summoning two whale sharks with saddles on their backs, and led the two of them to the Dragon Palace Barracks.

Eight spirited lantern fish opened the way in front, some aquatic guards wearing armor and holding weapons, and two whale sharks, both of which were aquatic spirits with spiritual intelligence activated, swimming at extremely fast speeds underwater.

As for the saddle on the whale shark's back, it is inlaid with several thumb-sized water-proof beads, which provide a dry and water-free space for passengers.

The training ground of Dragon Palace is located more than 400 miles away from Dragon Palace. There is a vast flat land below a submarine canyon. At the bottom of this sea area that human submarines cannot reach, countless military camps have been set up. They are so densely packed that it is unknown how many aquatic tribes are stationed there. Soldier.

As soon as Tang and Song's group broke through the water barrier, they saw a four-clawed green dragon with a single horn on its head and sapphire scales hovering in the air above the barracks, yelling at a group of burly orcs. (End of chapter)

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