Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 52 Planning 7 million shares

Chapter 52 Planning 4000 million shares ([-])

The pain of the poor is that they have no money, and the pain of the rich is that they do not have enough money.

Once a person has money.

Reputation, power and contacts, will rush to you.

This is society.

The yacht belongs exclusively to the VVIP viewing platform, the swimming pool on the luxury cruise ship, and more than a dozen model girls in three-point bikinis are playing in the water.

On the deck chairs under the parasol, eight or nine billionaires are drinking champagne drinks while admiring this pleasing picture.

Compared with the old men who are over half a century old, or even in their sixties, Tang and Song, who are less than 30 years old, can be said to outshine them.

He was holding a green coconut and drinking coconut juice from a bamboo tube, while looking at the beautiful view of the swimming pool, he chatted with the old white man next to him.

The initiator of this party was the vice president of Bank of America,

As a shareholder of this super cruise ship, Bank of America cares about the VIPs on board.

Their criteria for measuring VIPs is also very simple, deposits determine the bank's service attitude.

Bank of America was once ranked among the top three in the federal banking industry. Bank of America, which is backed by the California consortium, has always treated customers coldly.

Unfortunately, after World War II, Bank of America was not as good as before, and the market share of the banking industry was squeezed out by Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo.

Not only the Bank of America, but even the California consortium behind him has lost its glory.

The most profitable business of the California consortium before World War II was the arms industry,

In the ranking of federal arms companies, the first, second, and fourth arms companies all once belonged to the California consortium.

It is a pity that after World War II, Stark Industries sprung up suddenly. Howard Stark and Tony Stark father and son, relying on their advantages in weapon innovation, quickly occupied 46% of the procurement share of the Federal Ministry of Defense.

Don't underestimate this number, relying on this 46% market share, the current market value of Stark Industries exceeds [-] billion US dollars.

The remaining 54% of the procurement share is divided among dozens of arms companies, large and small, throughout the Federation.

Among them, Hanmer Industry has a 14% share by virtue of its price advantage.

The combined market share of the several arms companies of the California consortium is less than 20%.

The gold master behind it is going from bad to worse, and Bank of America is naturally having a hard time.

The goddess Gao Leng changed her style and moved towards dog licking.

Bank of America recruits a group of interns from major universities every year, and the monthly salary can reach more than 3 US dollars.

But the prerequisite is that the appearance and temperament must pass the test. The main task of these interns is to be good escorts at the rich parties organized by the company.

Several of the mermaids in the swimming pool are the so-called "managers!" of the Bank of America.

Tang Song, as a distinguished VIP customer of Bank of America, has more than nine figures in his account in Bank of America.

It can be said that he is the absolute core of this temporary small gathering, and this gathering is held just for him.

After all, being a billionaire and saving over [-] million are two completely different concepts.

"Mr. Tang, compared to arms, the pharmaceutical industry is destined to be a major trend in the future. A mature drug can bring billions of dollars in profits every year!"

A somewhat bald, fat old man held up champagne and toasted Tang and Song:
"Our company is currently working on bone cancer and several other cancers,

Once successful, the annual profit is enough to cover the entire cruise ship with money. Don, if you are interested, I can recommend you to join the board of directors. "

Tang Song raised the coconut juice in his hand and had a drink with the fat old man:
"Mr. Ross, I have never been in contact with the pharmaceutical industry, but it does have a bright future. When I have time, I will visit your company!"

Tang and Song took it easy, chatting with the fat old man.

The fat old man was Demps Ross, the president of a pharmaceutical company.

The purpose of his deliberately getting closer to Tang and Song is for investment. Is the pharmaceutical industry making money? It is undeniable that it is indeed a huge profit.

However, the initial investment is indeed a real investment of gold and silver. The success of a new drug often requires at least nine figures.

Whether it can be successful depends on God's will, and the time-consuming is also measured in years.

This is also the reason why Dempsey is soliciting investment everywhere. The pharmaceutical industry, especially in the research and development of new drugs, is second only to the Internet industry in terms of burning money.

After knowing that Tang Song was planning to go to Italy for arms bidding, he has been very enthusiastic.

After exchanging contact information with Tang Song, Dempsey walked to the swimming pool on the side with interest.

Holding the coconut, Tang Song looked at his back as he walked away, his eyes flickering.

He did have an interest in the hospital business, but he wasn't aiming for a California-only pharmaceutical company.

He has better options.

"Boss, Boss Kane's phone number!"

After seeing off the fat old man, Tang Song hugged a sweaty little model, and was discussing the "price" of a popular star with a famous director in the film and television industry!
The bodyguard who had been guarding not far away came over, tall and straight, wearing a black suit, paired with a pair of sunglasses, and earphones hanging from his ears.

The bodyguard bent down and handed a satellite phone to Tang Song. Tang Song patted the thigh of the girl in his arms, got up and walked not far away, and connected Kane's phone.

The bodyguard stood three meters away from Tang Song, observing the surroundings vigilantly.

"Boss, it worked!" Kane's voice came through the satellite phone.

"A total of 4000 million U.S. dollars was transferred to two underground banks!"

"The super-dollar bill plan is also very successful. The FBI is suppressing Jin Bing's various businesses, trying to force him to reveal the source of the super-dollar bills!"

"I wonder if the underground emperor of the Federation can resist the pressure from the FBI?"

Tang Song waved with a passing rich man with a smile on his face, and talked with Kane in a leisurely manner.

Jin Bing is a ruthless person in the Marvel world, let alone his ability, just look at the enemies he has provoked.

Daredevil, Spiderman, The Punisher, Iron Fist, Fantastic Four...

In the face of a superhero, many villains were defeated, and Jin Bing faced N superheroes, and he was still handsome in front of his underground emperor.

This is skill and ability.As the underground king of New York and the underworld emperor of the federation, Jin Bing's personal wealth ranks among the top [-] in the entire federation.

But the source of most of his money is shady, and it is not appropriate to deposit it in the bank. Not only the FBI, but also the Federal Internal Revenue Service is staring at him like a mad dog.

Therefore, Jin has private warehouses dedicated to storing cash all over New York, which belong to his personal underground bank.

These locations are very secretive, and even Jin Bing's confidantes only know one or two locations, and some don't even know any of them.

Dozens of elite gunmen are stationed in these underground banks and warehouses all year round.

Manpower is not the key. In New York, except for a few superheroes who don't know what to do, no one has the guts to provoke Jin Bin.

Jin never thought that someone would dare to rob his underground bank, which is why he was so arrogant that he asked his subordinates to deposit some super dollar bills directly in the underground bank.

But Jin did not expect that Tang and Song Dynasties had people tampering with these super dollar bills in advance.

These super dollar bills were smeared with refined green clam juice by people ordered by Tang and Song Dynasties.

Qingfu, the name of insects in legends, also known as 蚨蝉, 蟱表, Pumafly, Yufu, Yubo, etc.
Qingfu gives birth to a child, and the mother and child will gather back together after separation.

The mother's and child's blood are respectively smeared on the money, and the money smeared with the mother's blood or the child's blood will fly back after being used, so there is a saying that "the green scorpion repays the money".

This kind of small spell can't even be called an inflow in the world of Yan Fu, but it can avoid the detection of modern instruments.

Because of this little magic, Jin Bing exposed his two underground banks and lost [-] million yuan.

"[-] million U.S. dollars, presumably our Mr. Jin Bing will feel distressed for a while!"

Tang Song hung up the phone, and handed the phone to the bodyguard beside him with a smile.

[-] million US dollars, Jin is not only distressed, how much is [-] million US dollars.

Let's put it this way, the No.1 reward on the darknet in the underground world all the year round,
For a one-eyed dragon with a marinated egg head, the accumulated reward amount is only 2000 million US dollars.

8000 million US dollars can buy the lives of 39 Directors of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This amount of money is enough to make anyone rich and unrestrained for several lifetimes.

When the news leaked out, the entire underground world in New York almost went crazy. Not to mention the police, the FBI, even Jin Bin's prestige couldn't deter these money-crazed gangsters.

However, tens of thousands of gangsters and the entire New York police searched for half a month, but they did not find any trace of this batch of money.

It is said that Jin Bin smashed the heads of two henchmen for this.


Boss Tang, who made a fortune, was fishing in the swimming pool below with a fishing rod in his hand.

There is only fishing line on the carbon fiber sea fishing rod, and a bright red apple is tied to the fishing line.

The apples were hanging in the swimming pool, and the mermaids competed to bite them, their gestures were meandering.

On the fishing chair next to it, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes and a curvy figure leaned over, feeding iced ruby ​​grapes into Tang Song's mouth.

"Mr. Tang, this is the ticket for the auction held the day after tomorrow!"

A gray-haired, blush-faced half-century old man walked up to Tang Song, sat on the sun chair next to him, and handed over a black and gold-plated card.

The old man who spoke was Barlow, a senior vice president of Bank of America, and also a member of the board of directors of Bank of America.

He is also the initiator of this rich party.

Barlow originally wanted to build bridges among various billionaires, solicit investment for the rich who lack money, and find an investment outlet for the rich but have no resources.

As for what Bank of America can get, compared to money, what Barlow values ​​most is network resources.

After learning that Tang Song intended to participate in the upcoming auction, the vice president directly obtained a ticket through his own channel.

Although Bank of America is not the organizer of the auction, the venue has a stake in Bank of America.

A cruise ship captain can get invitations, let alone a shareholder like him.

Getting an invitation was effortless for Barlow.

"Excuse me, Mr. Barlow!" Tang Song smiled and took the invitation from Barlow.

"I also heard from the crew that there is such an auction. I am a little curious. I still don't know what is in this auction?"

Barlow shook his head and said, "The organizer of this auction is very mysterious. Many things and people participating in the auction will not board the boat until they are on the high seas. It is not very clear what will be auctioned!"

"Mr. Tang, if you are interested in the auction, we have cooperated with Sotheby's and Christie's auctions. They hold several high-level auctions every year. I will ask your personal assistant to notify you when the time comes!"

"I have always been very satisfied with the services of Bank of America," Tang Song said with a smile to Barlow.

Barlow laughed and chatted with Tang Song, and the conversation gradually turned to investment business.

"Mr. Tang, apart from the arms business, I wonder if you are interested in other investments!"

Tang Song glanced at Barlow with a smile: "I intend to buy the shares of the two companies. I want to keep it a little secret. I don't know if Bank of America has a connection!"

After Tang Song finished talking about his plan, Barlow scratched his balding hair in some embarrassment.

But Tang Song's request stumped him a bit. This Asian rich man was interested in two companies, one was Osborne Group and the other was Hammer Industries.

The former has a market value of 2000 billion, and the latter also has a market value of tens of billions. Both companies are established companies and do not easily accept foreign funds.

Barlow smiled wryly:
"Don, it's a bit difficult to become a shareholder of these two companies, unless they have a funding gap, or you can come up with conditions that make them tempted!"

Tang Song was not surprised by Barlow's answer,
Both companies are well-known in the Marvel world,
Osborne Group, in particular, is the leader in the field of biology.

Spiderman, Doctor Lizard, Electro, Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus...

Because of the superheroes and supervillains born in this company, ten fingers can't count them.

This is also the reason why Tang Song is interested in the Osborne Group, and there is another reason.

Osborne Group has a complete biological research system, a mature market network, and scientific research talents.

Tang and Song have been greedy for a long time.

Although he knew Norman Osborn, he didn't mind being a director of the Osborn Group.

Tang Song opened his mouth and held an ice grape.

"Bank of America has a financial relationship with a director of the Osborne Group. Don, if you are really interested in the shares of the Osborne Group, I can make an appointment for you!"

"It's too much trouble for you, Mr. Barlow," Tang Song said with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand towards Barlow:

"Compared to Citigroup, I still like Bank of America. In this way, my two accounts in Citibank will be transferred to Bank of America. I hope Mr. Barlow will take care of it!"

Barlow's face exposed to the sun was sweating with excitement, and he held Tang Song's hand with both hands:

"Don't worry, Mr. Tang, Bank of America will seriously serve every valued customer!"

Barlow carefully chatted with Tang Song until Skye came back with Fox and a few bodyguards carrying big bags and small bags.

Barlow got up to say goodbye.

"Mr. Tang, the crew member you met is very famous in certain fields on the ship.

If you are interested in a female crew member on the ship, you can go to him directly, and he can even arrange some special ladies and you. . "

Before leaving, Barlow said something furtively to Tang Song.

(End of this chapter)

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