Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 525 Navy Death List

Chapter 525 Navy Death List
Boss Tang returned to Daluotian and could not escape from seclusion.

A week later, Tony Stark and other Avengers and Superman Clark returned to their respective universes through the Hall of Reincarnation. After Tony Stark tested it, the quantum channel completely failed.

One month later, the number of reincarnation warriors recruited by the Samsara Hall increased tenfold, and the pioneering mission of the Samsara Hall was temporarily closed.
Tens of thousands of reincarnations have been thrown into worlds such as Soul Ferry, One Piece, Naruto, and StarCraft.
This operation also caused devastating blows to the local forces in many worlds. As for the reasons, please watch VCR:
"Datang-class heavy-armed battleship: 50000 contribution points, A-level contribution authority! (Available for rent)"

One Piece World
After the navy lost Admiral Akainu, the two fleets sent to the North Sea to launch the demon-slaying order were also robbed halfway and suffered a devastating blow.

The candidate general Cha Dou died in battle,

The general will die fighting in the burning mountain,
Giant Lieutenant Generals Jaendo and Longzi both died in battle
Seven major generals were killed, dozens of captain-level officers were killed, and almost all ordinary soldiers were wiped out.

When the long list of those killed in battle was placed in front of the Warring States Period, the navy marshal transformed into the form of a giant Buddha and almost demolished the navy headquarters!

If Kizaru hadn't arrived in time and rescued Momotu, there would have been another alternate general on the navy's death list.

Due to Kizaru's extremely fast speed, Ao Qin's water tribe army did not trap him, which also let the navy know the true appearance of this group of enemies - a large number of fishmen!

Ao Qin had no intention of covering up, and with a wave of his hand, he led his 30,000 water tribesmen to blockade the North Sea. In less than a week, all the naval bases in the North Sea were eradicated.

Half a month later, all the large and small pirate groups in the North Sea were eliminated——

The largest tyrant in the North Sea, the Vinsmoke family, fled in despair, and was finally blocked in the waters leading to the Grand Route. After recognizing the strength gap between the two sides, Vinsmoke Gaji decisively surrendered.

A year later, all the world government member countries in the North Sea changed their flags. The news spread and the whole world was in an uproar.

You must know that among the four seas, the North Sea is not weak. On the contrary, the North Sea may be the strongest sea.

Navy Vice Admirals Kizaru and Akainu were both born in the North Sea, Beckman from the Red Haired Pirates, Law, Hawkins, and Drake from Supernova, Evil King and Poison Q from the Blackbeard Pirates. They are also all from Beihai.

This move by Ao Qin and the missionary group undoubtedly pushed the World Government's face into the mud and stepped on it hard.

If the world government does not respond to this, the authority established over eight hundred years will fall apart in an instant.

Two months after receiving the news of the fall of the entire North Sea, the World Government urgently mobilized a large number of manpower, including Shichibukai, and the joint navy dispatched nearly 150,000 troops, dispatching a huge army to face Beihai launched a crusade.

This huge fleet set off from Marineford, the first half of the Great Line,
In order to prevent a sneak attack, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces Gang Gukong sent a large number of small ships to search everywhere near the fleet. They sailed for a month and a half before reaching the North Sea.
This was not because Cyborg was timid. The combined fleet was attacked by a giant sea king as soon as it sailed out of Marineford.

Who would have thought that there would be a Sea King blocking the entrance to the Navy Headquarters. The eight-headed giant snake was really powerful and terrifying. Not only could its physical body resist the powerful volley of artillery fire from the Demon-Slaying Order.

Two admirals and a Shichibukai, known as the world's best swordsman, couldn't keep it.

This giant sea king type arrogantly walked away after destroying several warships in the fleet. This incident undoubtedly cast a shadow on the hearts of everyone on this expedition.

"Young Master, not far away is the North Sea. Do you think these navies can win?"

On a pirate ship that was different from a navy ship and looked like a flamingo floating on the sea, a woman in a black and white maid outfit thoughtfully gave Doflamingo a cup of coffee.

Doflamingo, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, a former Celestial Dragon, a user with the ability of the Thread Fruit,
He is also one of the few pirates among the Shichibukai under the king who is dedicated to his career. He uses the authority granted to the Shichibukai by the World Government to control many industries around the world. He is also the most powerful Shichibukai.

He takes both black and white, and privately runs an illegal human auction house, providing slaves to the Celestial Dragons and wealthy nobles, and kidnapping creatures of various races.

Engaged in the arms business in the underground world, its power spreads all over the world. It is an intermediary in the underground world, codenamed "Joker".
He also secretly supported the evil scientist Caesar Courant to produce artificial animal devil fruits, and secretly sold the artificial fruits to the Yonko Kaido behind the back of the naval government.

To a certain extent, the business of this King Shichibukai is quite similar to that of the Tang Group, both spanning various fields.
Doflamingo took the coffee from the maid, looked at the endless fleet leisurely, and laughed loudly: "What a huge scene! It's really scary!"

Although Doflamingo went down to the Shichibukai, his original intention was not to become a pirate, but to restore his identity as a Celestial Dragon.

It's a pity that Maria Jo no longer has his place.

Unwilling to be reconciled, he took his men to the sea and established his own business.

This is also the reason why Doflamingo held a banquet for three days after hearing that Mariajo was destroyed.

Hoo ho ho ho——

Doflamingo laughed loudly: "Baby 5, remember, this is the war of the World Government, no matter who loses or wins, it has nothing to do with us! Our mission here is to watch a show!"

baby5 nodded in understanding.

"A church that believes in gods, is there really a god in this world?" Doflamingo's eyes flashed with a strange light: "There is already an existence in this world that claims to be a god? Hey, let me see , which god is more powerful, ho ho ho ho! "

The flagship of the fleet navy, Lieutenant General He took the route map drawn by the navy and read it carefully over and over again, marking the locations where an ambush might be encountered on the map.

From time to time, the busy Lieutenant General He heard the sound of crunching in his ears, which made the busy Lieutenant General He couldn't help but raise his head and glare at the old guy who was slumped in a chair and eating senbei.

A burst of sound sounded behind Lieutenant General He at the right moment. She turned around and saw Aoki Pheasant over there wearing an eye mask and sleeping soundly. The snoring person next to him was none other than Cyborg Sora, the commander-in-chief of the World Government's army.

Seeing the three lazy guys, Lieutenant General He could only smile weakly. She missed the days when Sengoku was by her side. It was a pity that Sengoku had to sit at the naval headquarters.

Shaking his head, Lieutenant General He continued to work with his head down. From time to time, a female officer would pass on her orders...
Along the way, Lieutenant General He sent out a large number of sentries from time to time. Even the always lazy Huang Yuan was commanded by him like a monkey in Mount Emei to explore the situation in front and behind the fleet.

Considering that the enemy was a murloc and might attack underwater, she even arranged for coated ships to be underwater.

Perhaps the Creator still favors the World Government. This joint fleet has been sailing to the North Sea without encountering an attack.

On the way, this joint fleet even hunted rabbits and killed several unlucky pirate groups.

When this huge combined fleet sailed to the North Sea, their good luck ended.

A dozen huge space battleships slowly released their stealth mode and emerged from behind the clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

What a pity, even if the navy has a top scout like Kizaru, who would have thought that the enemy's ship would be hidden 10,000 meters high in the sky.

"Golden Lion, he is still alive!" When Lieutenant General Cyborg Kong, Garp, and Crane saw the fleet suspended in mid-air, the first thing they thought of was the Golden Lion who had eaten the Piao Piao Fruit.

Only he has the ability to make these big ships float at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

This may be the limitation of vision brought about by the times, just like the black uncles who lived on slash-and-burn agriculture in Africa and saw the slave ship from America for the first time.

Even the wise Lieutenant General Ruhe among the top brass in the Navy saw these warships and thought that they were only Devil Fruit users and did not have the terrifying qualities of these warships.

The two-kilometer-long Datang-class battleship is covered with an energy shield that is a hundred meters thick, and thousands of cannon muzzles all over the body are shining with dazzling glare at the same time.
In the horrified gazes of all the navy, countless rays of light rained down,
Every single shot of the Datang ship's long-charged secondary battery would turn a naval warship into a ball of fire and explode on the sea.

Seeing the enemy thousands of meters high in the sky, the navy who wanted to counterattack were dumbfounded. Their artillery could not reach that distance at all.

Even if they are as powerful as Garp and Kong Kong, their Moon Steps cannot fly so high.

Seeing that most of his own fleet was lost to those giant ships in the sky in a single concentrated fire, Lieutenant General He's hoarse voice sounded:

"Porusalino, you will be the main attack, Garp, cooperate with Aoki to protect the remaining fleet!"

As soon as Lieutenant General He issued the order, a dazzling golden light instantly rose into the sky, and the next moment it appeared around the dozen Tang Dynasty ships.
Kizaru revealed his figure, stretched out his hand, and a golden light condensed between his fingers and shot toward the giant steel ship in front of him.

The golden light emitted by Kizaru hit the protective cover of the Datang ship. In Kizaru's expression as if he had seen a ghost, his attack splashed ripples on the hundred-meter-thick protective cover.

Recognizing the attack on the Datang ship, the main control system quickly adjusted dozens of close-combat anti-aircraft cannons to aim at Kizaru.

Kizaru was stunned for a moment before being completely overwhelmed by the dense laser rain.
"Uh-huh-huh, it's really scary. Come and try my trick, the eight-foot magatama!"

Kizaru, who was shot into a sieve by the dense machine guns of the Datang ship, had holes all over his body emitting golden light. After the golden light flashed, his body returned to its original state again.

Kizaru had a relaxed smile on his face, but his eyes under the brown sunglasses were full of solemnity. He crossed his arms and the index fingers of both hands flashed with golden light.
Countless laser beams instantly fired at the Datang ship in front of them——

The laser dissipated, and the smile on Kizaru's face completely froze. His always invincible big move caused ripples on the protective shield, but it didn't even scratch the skin of the battleship.

On the sea, Garp, Cyborg Kong, and a group of navy vice-admirals joined forces to attack the sea. Their attacks set off huge waves tens of meters high on the sea.

Admiral Aokiji took the opportunity to activate his abilities, sealing these huge waves with ice, creating a layer of protective ice over the fleet that was more than ten meters thick.

Unfortunately, the navy still underestimated the horror of interstellar weapons.

The protective armor of all the gun positions on the twelve Tang ships was moved away, revealing the main guns that had been charged early. Nearly a thousand large and small main guns and hundreds of heavy torpedoes roared towards the sea.

The flames illuminated the entire sea area in an instant, and the sea area where the World Government's coalition fleet was located was instantly evaporated by the roaring main guns, revealing the dry seabed and huge craters on the seabed that were hundreds of meters deep.

In this battle, the World Government's combined fleet was completely destroyed.

The commander-in-chief of the world government, Cyborg, was killed in battle!
Lieutenant General He, Chief of Naval Staff, was killed in action!

Admiral Aokiji was killed in battle!

Vice Admiral Garp was killed!

Don Quixote and Doflamingo are dead! His Majesty's Shichibukai Empress Boya Hancock passed away

King Shichibukai Bartholomew·Big Bear Dies
Shichibukai Moonlight·Death of Moria

The world’s greatest swordsman, Joracol Mihawk, dies
The news was sent back to the Red Earth Continent Maria Qiao, and the five old stars were all silent. When they reported the news to the adult behind them, the adult did not speak for a long time.

One day after the war broke out, the navy abandoned many naval bases in the four seas and retreated to Marineford under the order of Marshal Sengoku, who had grown old overnight.

The same thing also happened in other worlds opened up by the Palace of Reincarnation, in order to allow Tang and Song to retreat with peace of mind, and also to give him a satisfactory answer before leaving the retreat.

With one stroke of his pen, Ryan boldly emptied the twelve strategic reserve warehouses of the Tang Group.

Even the dark wizards and vampires in the soul ferry world are driving star battleships and fighting against the believers of the gods.

In the main world of Marvel, there is a top-secret military underground base somewhere in central Europe, which is heavily guarded.

Tens of thousands of military police and thousands of elite special forces equipped with the latest Titan combat armors guarded the base.
Among the people responsible for this security, there are 300 Alpha-level mutants alone, as well as top superpowers and bodyguards from all over the world!

In the sky above the base, there are ten Nantianmen-class heavy-armed battleships and thirty Datang-class battleships newly manufactured by Tang Company, accompanied by several fighter jet patrol groups patrolling back and forth over the base.

Security can be said to be impregnable.

In the base conference room two hundred meters underground, Ryan helplessly looked at the security forces displayed on the light screen.

He coughed lightly and said, "Ms. Hill, why do you need so much effort?"

The current federal president, Maria Hill, who was wearing black business attire and adjusting her demeanor over and over again in the mirror, looked back at Ryan:

"I know that my career is not worth mentioning in your eyes, but this is my pursuit. As the first president of the Earth Federation, my name will be engraved in the annals of history forever!"

"Don, are you really not able to come?" Maria Hill turned around, took out a lipstick and touched up her makeup.

Ryan spread his hands: "The boss is in retreat, but don't worry, the boss promised before the retreat that the entire Tang Group will support you, the mistress of the Earth Federation!"

The power of Heaven now encompasses several worlds. In the outer galaxies of this universe alone, there are hundreds of life planets belonging to Heaven, and there are even thousands of mineral planets under its name.

The boss's lover wanted to play the trick of becoming an emperor, so Ryan had to help her.

Maria Hill was relieved after hearing Ryan's promise.

Today's Tang Group can be said to be a real giant on earth, the uncrowned king. It not only controls 70% of the earth's new energy industry,

At the same time, it is involved in automobiles, finance, food, grain, and medical care. It has its shadow in all walks of life.

The scale of the umbrella company in the Resident Evil world is already large enough, but the Tang Group's influence on the earth is ten times that.

In recent years, no one has raised antitrust concerns, publicly opposed the Tang Group, and asked the federal government to dismember it.

The earth is the back garden of heaven. How could Boss Tang allow others to get involved? Those opponents all disappeared quietly from the public's sight.

The Tang Group controls 80% of the world's media, and the shareholders behind each platform are more or less involved with the Tang Group. What's more, there is a Skynet system that monitors the world.

Today's Tang Syndrome Group is completely a perverted and deformed product!

There are people with money and people who control 80% of the world's voice channels. The federal government and the European Union's presidential election can be manipulated by the Down Group at will.
Maria Hill was able to become the president of the Federation because of the influence of the Down Group. Otherwise, how could she be elected president in a federation ruled by an old man at the age of less than 40 years old.

"How's the negotiation over there? There's also Beibang. If they don't agree, the formation of the Earth Federation might go bankrupt!"

Marcia Hill arranged her clothes and took the prepared speech from the secretary-general on the side. After reading it for a while, she couldn't help but look at Ryan.

"Don't worry, they will vote in favor of this resolution to form the Earth Federation!"

Ryan’s words undoubtedly gave Maria Hill reassurance.

All white, inside the secret meeting room hundreds of meters underground,

There are elite soldiers wearing various uniforms running back and forth everywhere. Every corridor entrance is guarded by at least one elite soldier from the reinforced squad. Outside the passages of many key departments, there are even more than ten powerful extraordinary beings guarding the soldiers.

In the conference hall, leaders from more than 200 countries around the world gathered together, including King Suwan of Wakanda, President Magneto of Utopia, Asgardian representative Sif, and Inhuman representative from the moon Medu. Shah.

The entire hall was silent and no one spoke.

The hall was quiet, with only four light screens constantly broadcasting the current technological development of the earth and the huge fleet sailing in the cold space.

The fleet was played repeatedly again and again. Occasionally the light screen would shake and a low electronic concussion sound would be emitted, but it would make the hall seem even more lifeless.

Maria Hill, standing in front of the podium, spread her hands, ended her drowsy speech, and looked at the people in the audience:
"How about it, gentlemen, the earth has truly entered the interstellar age. The current system is no longer suitable for the current earth. I suggest the establishment of a new federation. The future journey of mankind will be the stars and the sea!"

Regarding the vote on the proposal to establish the Earth Federation, all six countries of the World Security Council voted in favor.

Among the 195 member states of the United Nations, more than % of the member states voted in favor, except for a dozen small countries that abstained from voting.

Except for the incident against Cardano, it is rare that the members of the World Security Council have such unified opinions.

Many heads of state looked at the Japanese representatives with extremely secretive eyes. Before this meeting, all countries had received news in advance and knew what the theme of this meeting was.

Not every country wants to form an Earth Federation.

The establishment of the Earth Federation may be a good thing for human civilization, but for these politicians who are in high positions and hold power, they really want this so-called Earth Federation plan to spread immediately.

They originally hoped that Japan and Russia would come out to oppose it. After all, the members of the World Security Council hold a key veto power in their hands.

Representative Fang looked around at the heads of state staring at him like hungry wolves with green eyes. He picked up the tea cup he was carrying and took a sip.

Mr. Lane was right. Instead of focusing on the earth, it is better to focus on the sea of ​​​​stars.

The Tang Group is expanding faster and faster on the earth. Although the national system prevents this giant from entering the country, he knows in his heart that they cannot stop it for long unless the country is locked down.

Energy is okay. With the first-generation Ark reactor in hand, China can achieve self-sufficiency. However, in the aerospace field, the Tang Group is like a sky hanging over their heads.

* China's aerospace industry has just started relying on the technology of the Chiruta people, but the other side has already achieved interstellar navigation and mastered higher-tech wormhole technology and curvature spacecraft,

Since the Tang Group is willing to give up twenty kinds of technologies that are far ahead of this era, including the new generation Ark reactor blocked by the Tang Group, and the design drawings of the first-class battleship, in exchange for a nominal Earth Federation.

Why wouldn't he do it? He just didn't expect that Mr. Tang was really an infatuated person. He used seven billion people on the earth for a lover, and the entire planet played house with her here!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! The beacon fire is playing tricks on the princes!"

Before the closed-door meeting ended, Ryan left the venue directly after receiving the vote to establish the Earth Alliance.

After his boss went into retreat, he had almost endless things to deal with. If it weren't for the relationship between Maria Hill and his boss, how could he have spared half a day to come here to attend such a boring meeting.

Back in the office of Tianting Thirty-three Days, Ryan just sat down and saw a thick stack of information on the desk in front of him.

"Application for Fund Approval for Improved Djinn Armor"

"Project Approval of Thirty-Two A-level Projects of Honeycomb Laboratory"

"Dobu Battleship Installation Plan" - Kane

"Research and Analysis Report on the Toughness of Hailou Stone and Application for Mass Exploitation of Explosive Rocks" - Ivan Vanke

"Soul Ferry World Ghost Mission Secondment Approval"

"Recommendations for Popularizing the Matrix Virtual Cabin in the Matrix World - Immersive Nipple Fun Project"

Ryan looked at the half-meter-thick review documents in front of him, and couldn't help but reach out and rub his temples. You must know that these documents were screened out layer by layer, and finally delivered to him, they all had to be signed by him personally. document.

There were also some who were fools among them. Ryan took out the documents marked with the names of the applicants. He almost laughed out loud when he opened Kane's document.

"How dare you imagine three thousand warp spaceships equipped with black hole weapons!" Ryan unceremoniously took out his red pen and marked the document with a big X! As for the idea of ​​going to the StarCraft world mentioned by Kane, he was also dismissed.

Ivan Vanke's development of explosive rock was not such nonsense, but Ryan still put it on hold.

There are no other alternatives to Explosive Rock. There is no need to waste time on them. When the world is completely stable, specialty products such as Explosive Rock and Devil Fruit will naturally continue to flow.

"Recommendations for Popularizing the Matrix Virtual Cabin in the Matrix World - Immersive Nipple Fun Project"

Ryan opened a document submitted by the Tang Group's internal think tank, took a quick look at it, and immediately became interested.

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