Chapter 54 Auction II

Hey, Mr. West, no, no, I haven't been to Italy yet, you received the gift that Ryan brought for me, and you like it very much, that's good! "

In the box, Tang Song took out the satellite phone and rubbed his fingers over the secret mark on the auction album.

For things that you don't know about, related to the Holy Shield Brotherhood, then simply ask someone who knows.

"Yes, I'm on the cruise ship to relax. In a few days, I will visit you in the Vatican. You can pick me up. You don't have to be so polite, okay..."

Tang Song smiled and called on the phone: "By the way, I want to ask you something!"

At this time, an inconspicuous small church in the Vatican was completely closed and closed to tourists. The walls were full of biblical stories.

On the stained glass of the zenith is the famous painting of the Last Supper.

Sunlight shines on the crucifix through the stained glass.

In the chapel, a group of bishops in black and white are praying devoutly to the cross.

In a small square in front of the chapel, next to several chubby little angel sculptures with bare buttocks,

Wearing a white robe, the tall and tall West was holding a mobile phone and was on the phone while watching several knights in medieval armor fighting each other for training with a serious expression.


Listening to Tang Song's narration on the phone, West pondered for a moment.

"This should be Charles' property, Charles Wieland, he is an old man of the fraternity, he is different from us, he is old, and has been looking for a way to continue his life recently!"

"This kind of auction has always been held by him, and many people will entrust him to auction some shady things!"

"The auction may encounter some troubles, do you have any suggestions?"

Looking through the frosted glass, Tang Song looked at the tall old man sitting in the venue outside and the shawl-haired man beside him, and tapped the glass lightly with his fingers.

These two don't look like the bums who came to buy things safely.

Whether the two don't help each other or take advantage of the fire, it depends on the news from West.

"Charles is getting old, and he has always been a maverick in the association, and has been pursuing alien cultures. This is contrary to the original intention of our brotherhood!"

Listening to West's words, Tang Song understood that this Charles Wieland and West were obviously not in the same faction.

"Then I understand, Mr. West, see you in St. Vatican in two days!"

Tang Song hung up his mobile phone and looked outside the box, where burly men walked into the venue carrying suitcases.

It can be seen that the security measures of the auction are really good.

These security guards seemed to be one-of-a-kind elites with firearms on their bodies. Among them, Tang Song felt a strange energy from them. It was not known if they were mutants or other extraordinary people.

This standard of security is completely wrong to deal with ordinary robbers, but there is no ordinary person in the venue who thinks about these things, including Tang Song himself.

With the auctioneer on stage, the auction will start soon,
"The third auction item in this auction is ten kilograms of vibration gold ore! I don't need to describe the price of this auction item, everyone should know its value!
The starting price of this auction is 500 million US dollars, and the price increase is not less than [-] million US dollars each time! "

On the auction stage, an oriental beauty wearing a blue and white porcelain cheongsam stood by the auction table, holding a small wooden square hammer similar to an inkstone, and introduced the auction items with a sweet smile.

The azure cheongsam perfectly outlines the outline of the female auctioneer. She is in her 30s, a mature age for women, with exquisite and clear lines, like a ripe peach.

But those who can come to the auction are all powerful and rich people. Everyone has seen it before. Compared with the beautiful auctioneers, everyone pays more attention to the auction items.

"VIP No. 23, bid 1000 million US dollars, 1000 million once..."

"VIP No. 17, bid 500 million..."

"VIP No. 6, bid 2000 million... Do you have a higher bid, 2000 million once?"

After the dinosaur eggs and an oriental ancient porcelain were auctioned off, the third item soon came to the vibration gold ore.

After the auction price reached 500 million, Tang Song raised the price by 500 million to 2000 million.

This price is already the capped price of this vibrating gold ore, after all, this price is already one-fifth higher than the black market price.

Unless someone is in urgent need, the rich people who can sit here have steelyards in their hearts, and they will all weigh whether it is worth auctioning a piece of ore at this price.

Even Zhenjin has its own price.

Many people gave up bidding decisively after weighing the pros and cons.

"500 million!"

To Tang and Song's surprise, when the auctioneer raised the hammer for the second time, someone actually increased the price on his basis.

"3000 million!" Tang Song pressed the red button.

Although he made up his mind to go whoring for nothing, he still wanted to enjoy the fun of the auction.

"500 million! VIP No. 27 is asking for 500 million! Are there any other VIPs with a higher price?"

The beautiful auctioneer set his sights on the box where Tang Song was.

Tang Song also lived up to her expectations and directly raised the price to 5000 million.

"The VIP in Box No. 6 has an asking price of 5000 million!" The beautiful auctioneer half-raised the hammer in her hand, "5000 million once..."

"500 million, VIP No. 27 bid 500 million..."

Tang Song frowned, and looked at seat 27 of the auction, a big white man in a camouflage uniform, with a cropped beard, a trimmed beard, and a scratch under the corner of his eye.

It looks quite ferocious!
The big man seemed to notice that Tang Song was looking at him, and cast a provocative glance at Tang Song.

"Baby, check this person's background for me!"

Tang Song took a cold look at the big man in camouflage uniform, and instead of choosing to increase the price, he patted Skye's buttocks.

Skye raised his hand, the multifunctional watch on his wrist, the cover popped open, and turned into a miniature microcomputer.

Kaka, after taking pictures of the big man in camouflage uniform, Skye manipulated the computer and quickly found his information.

The information was quickly projected onto the wall of the box.

"Boss, his name is Ulysses Crow, he is a mercenary leader active in Africa, and 80.00% of the vibration gold currently circulating in the underground world comes from him!"

Tang Song looked at the photo of Ulysses Crow projected on the wall of the box. The background was the African grasslands. Ulysses Crow, dressed as a mercenary, stood on a Humvee, holding an anti-aircraft machine gun in high spirits.

Ulysses Crow, Tang Song found this name from his long memory.

If he remembers correctly, this guy brought a large amount of vibration gold from Wakanda.

Tang Song looked at Ulysses, who was a little out of breath because he didn't increase the price, and his eyes lit up immediately.

He rubbed the black jade finger on his thumb, and in a corner where no one was paying attention, the black jade finger swished into a small black snake.

A faint mist enveloped the little snake, its body shrank rapidly, and finally became the thickness of a hair, and flew out along the window gap of the box...

(Tomorrow, my family will have an operation at 5 o'clock, and I will get up at [-] o'clock in the morning to drink pulse, good night, everyone!)

(End of this chapter)

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