Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 602 Reaching for the Stars

The huge waves in front of him hadn't even come close yet, but Blue Netero was already shaking all over from the aura of the waves.

Blue Netero no longer dared to stay on Xiao Hei, but before leaving, he waved his hands quickly, bringing out cold rays of light, and chopped at the black rock-like scales under his feet.

His speed was extremely fast. Almost the moment he attacked, the sharp energy in the sky struck Xiao Hei's body at the same time. However, the effect was somewhat disappointing. The scales on Xiao Hei's body were frighteningly hard.

Those sharp auras fell on the small black scales, leaving nothing behind except sparks flying all over the sky.

Just this delay,

The waves transformed from the Taiyin True Water sprayed by Xiao Hei were rushing towards Blue Netero, and even formed a water curtain a hundred feet thick around Blue Netero, trying to trap him.

Blue Netero wanted to fly away, but the rolling waves had already reached his head, pressing down on him, and lightning flashed towards him.

With a mixture of shock and anger, Blue Netero, relying on his powerful body, crashed into the water curtain pressing down from the sky.

Xiao Hei just glanced sideways, and the water curtain above Blue Netero's head instantly rose into white waves, gathering into two huge arms and grabbing it by the head.

From a distance of hundreds of feet, the big hand condensed from the Taiyin True Water fiercely grabbed the body of Blue Netero. Before the big hand landed on Blue Netero, a large piece of black ice instantly wrapped around the surface of Blue Netero's body.

The blue Netero was as fast as lightning, twisting his body and passing between the two arms.

Crack, crack. Just as he was passing through the two big hands, the two arms that were blocking in front of him were swept by the aftermath of the big hands condensed by the Taiyin True Water. In an instant, they were smashed into a bloody mess, and the bones of his arms were broken into more than a dozen pieces.

Blue Netero endured the severe pain, passed through the two huge water waves, and crashed into the water curtain.

However, Blue Netero still underestimated the water curtain formed by the Taiyin True Water. The moment he came into contact with the water curtain, he felt like he had hit a mountain.

The huge recoil force instantly broke his bones and tendons, and even his internal organs were shaken.

The unyielding Blue Netero tried hundreds of times in the next dozen breaths.

However, the only thing this storm-like impact brought to him was a series of injuries of varying severity.

He rushed forward again and again, but was knocked down again and again. The water waves were extremely cold, and the Taiyin energy contained in the lightning condensed into extremely sinister cold light thorns, which pierced through the pores on his body.

It froze his blood vessels all the way and stabbed his heart fiercely. At the same time, the Taiyin Qi that penetrated into his body was also constantly eroding the gourmet cells in his body.

The blue Netero twisted his body madly, rushing left and right in the water ball formed by the vast waves, causing the water waves to roll continuously and make a huge sound of waves.

The dragon clan already has a strong control over the water elemental force between heaven and earth. Xiao Hei's Taiyin True Water is even more powerful, so it is not so easy to break it.

The water waves were hundreds of feet thick and rolled and twisted, constantly enveloping the blue Netero that was flying all over the sky. From time to time, huge icebergs formed in the water waves and smashed into the blue Netero.

The Blue Netero was shaken so much that he kept falling into the waves, his body twitching.
Blue Netero was so anxious that he screamed to the sky, and even madly stimulated the gourmet cells in his body to fight against the rolling waves.

But the harder he exerted, the faster the Taiyin energy eroded his body, and soon sticky blood spurted out of his beak.

There were countless Taiyin thorns running along his meridians and piercing his heart. The bone-chilling Taiyin Qi almost froze his heart into ice. The severe pain made the blue Netero burst into tears. These tears were a sticky red juice, just like magma.

However, this blue Netero is also very powerful. Having survived in the gourmet world for so long, he has enjoyed countless rare ingredients, and the gourmet cells in his body have already evolved to countless stages.

His heart was the place where all his blood and essence were concentrated. It was eroded by the Taiyin Qi, but he was not dead for a moment. A demon with a bird's head and a human body appeared faintly behind him. It exerted all its strength and slammed into the water curtain wall above its head.


With a loud bang, the sharp beak of Blue Netero broke off at the root. With a desperate blow, he finally broke a huge gap in the water curtain in front of him.

"Save me!" The blue Netero's eyes turned red with a broken beak. He let out a crazy howl and his body turned into a flash of lightning and rushed out of the water curtain.

"It's so scary!" In the planet's kitchen, a blue Netero exclaimed as he looked at the light screen in front of him.

"That black dragon, the power it unleashed was actually stellar-level!"

"A terrible race, a terrible existence!"

Several blue Neteros stared at the light screen in front of them, their bodies shaking uncontrollably.

"PAIR sent out a distress signal!"

"We must rescue PAIR!" A blue Netero with a black body swallowed his saliva, staring at the screen intently, and said gloomily:

"I suggest that we use our reserve energy to create a space collapse and kill them all at once!"

As an alien race, these Neteros naturally possess technology that is ahead of Earth, otherwise they would not have been able to chase NEO all the way to Earth through the vast universe.

Soon Netero's suggestion was approved, and several Netero launched their most powerful weapon, the space collapse generator.

This weapon can open a gap between the subspace and positive space, allowing the explosive subspace energy to flow into the positive space and completely annihilate that part of the positive space.

A living being cannot survive such an attack unless its body is stronger than the structure of space.

This space collapse device can instantly cause a space collapse of thousands of kilometers. Although the total destructive power is not as strong as the black hole annihilation of the heaven, the destructive power per unit time and unit space is hundreds of times that of the black hole annihilation.

The blue Netero that broke through the water curtain quickly learned through neural links that the other people had caused the space collapse. He used almost all his strength and quickly fled into the distance.

Just as the blue Netero escaped for dozens of breaths and hundreds of miles, the surrounding void suddenly turned black, and the spatial structure was shattered by a gloomy, dark, and destructive energy. The spatial structure of more than 3,000 kilometers in radius collapsed, and the unique energy frenzy in the subspace surged out, instantly disintegrating all the cotton candy clouds above the volcano hundreds of thousands of meters high.

Flying in the stratosphere, the Dragon King Diluos, who is thousands of meters long and weighs tens of millions of tons, is busy shuttling between continents to transport all kinds of top-notch ingredients for the banquet.

He was flying high in the sky with a shark hundreds of meters long in his claws when suddenly a large stream of black energy burst out from above his head and hit him hard.

With a miserable howl, Diluos was hit by the sudden attack and saw golden stars in front of his eyes. His body lit up and turned into a circle of white light that wrapped around his huge body.

However, the black energy directly blasted the white light on its body into pieces, and Diluos' skin, which was comparable to adamantium alloy, was directly torn into large cracks by this subspace energy.

With a loud bang, Diluos opened his mouth and spurted out a large amount of blood. Countless blood spurted out from the pores all over his body, and his internal organs suffered internal injuries from this strong shock.

The dragon clan is the most powerful species in the world. Although Diluos is only an ancient pterosaur, as one of the eight kings of the food world, with a capture level of over six thousand, he is undoubtedly at the top of the entire food world.

But even though Diluos had lived for tens of thousands of years, his physical body was still unable to compete with the violent torrent of subspace energy.

Diluos spit out large mouthfuls of blood, threw away the level 600 crispy shark in his claws, flapped his wings and retreated quickly, and in the blink of an eye he flew thousands of miles away.

Outside the stratosphere, in the artificially torn subspace cracks, the violent energy formed a materialized energy storm that swept towards the volcano below.

Wherever the energy storm passed, everything was reduced to dust.

Xiao Hei raised his head vigilantly from under the queen snake, looking at the energy storm sweeping over his head. With a hissing sound, the water vapor within a million miles was gathered to his head in an instant using his water control ability.

Under the control of Xiao Hei's innate magical power, countless water vapors turned into a water curtain tens of thousands of meters thick, firmly protecting the entire hall of the crater.

The scene was so spectacular, as if an ocean was moved to the sky.

The next moment, the surging energy tide condensed into an almost tangible storm, smashing down onto the sea.

The energy storm and the sea were like two Himalayas colliding with each other, causing the space to collapse. This was a direct collision between the two spaces. In the face of the two huge energies, even the female king cobra, whose body was large enough to circle the earth, subconsciously retracted its colorful snake head under Xiao Hei's body.

The two collided, and in just a blink of an eye, trillions of tons of sea water were melted away. Xiao Hei used his magical power to control water and continuously condensed water vapor, but the waves were instantly destroyed by the subspace energy frenzy.

In just two or three seconds, the energy storm broke through the sea surface and poured down violently.

Xiao Hei stretched out his dragon body, and a black beam of light shot up into the sky from his mouth. In the black beam of light, a black ice ball kept spinning. Wherever the black beam of light passed, everything around it condensed into eternal black ice.

Click click click——

The subspace energy storm swept in, constantly colliding with the ice wall condensed from ten thousand years of black ice, making waves of sound of the ice wall shattering.

Every time the subspace energy storm crushed a layer of the ice wall, as the dragon pill hovering in the air rotated once, the broken ice wall would instantly return to its original state, and even become a little bit stronger than before.

Every time Xiao Hei's natal dragon pill rotated, the surrounding ice wall became thicker. In just a few moments, the ten thousand years of black ice blocking the subspace energy storm had become more than ten kilometers thick.

This is Xiao Hei's natal dragon pill. As long as his magic power is not exhausted, he can use it to continuously spew out the Taiyin Qi that can freeze everything. To put it bluntly, if he is given enough time, he can even freeze the entire universe.

The subspace energy storm is violent, but space collapse is different from black hole annihilation. The damage caused by black hole annihilation is continuous, and a black hole can last for a long time.

The damage caused by the space collapse will only last for a short time, and the torn space will heal naturally.

It was strong at first, then weaker, and finally exhausted. When the violent subspace energy was blocked by the black ice wall, a few minutes later, the subspace cracks that were torn by humans healed naturally.

This energy storm suddenly turned into rootless water, changing from violent to soothing, and finally returning to calm.

At this time, two figures rushed out of the hall. Frank glanced at Xiao Hei, then looked up at the energy storm above his head. Two golden lights burst out from his eyes, and he looked up at the void above his head.

With just one glance, he saw the probe the size of a human head and a spaceship that was quietly turning.

Looking in the direction of the spacecraft, Frank saw the asteroid with a diameter of 200 kilometers several light years away.

This asteroid is a man-made object. It is impossible for such a flawless sphere to exist in nature.

"You've offended the boss and you still want to run away!" Frank, who found the culprit, sneered, swung the black gold stick in his hand, and directly drew a space door with sparks flying.

He walked into the space gate carrying the black gold stick, stepped into the space gate, and the next moment, he arrived above the asteroid.

In the planet's kitchen, the seven blue Neteros also noticed Frank, the uninvited guest. One of the blue Neteros manipulated the light screen in front of him a few times.

Around the asteroid, several aircraft disguised as meteorites launched an attack on Frank at the same time. Thick blue energy particle streams blasted towards Frank from all directions.

Frank did not dodge or evade, allowing these energy particles to flow onto his body. Before the torrent of energy particles could penetrate ten feet around him, a cloud of fire rose up around Frank, and this cloud of fire formed a Zhuyan Dharma image with white head and red feet outside Frank's body.

This Dharma image was so tall that a 200-kilometer-tall asteroid was like a speck of mud under its feet compared to it. The attacks of those energy cannons landed on the surface of this Dharma image without even causing a ripple.


The Neteros in the asteroid seemed to sense the danger. The huge asteroid suddenly started to rotate and accelerated towards Frank.

Frank stretched out his hand and made a virtual grabbing gesture. The Dharma image behind him also used the same move of void catching. The Zhu Yan Dharma image, which was condensed with red flames, grabbed the rapidly approaching asteroid with a big hand.

With a crackling sound, Zhu Yan squeezed the asteroid with his big hands, and with the red flames rising, the entire asteroid was crushed into a pile of powder in his hands. (End of this chapter)

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