Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 70 The Destruction of the Gambino Family

Chapter 70 The Destruction of the Gambino Family

A study at the Gambino estate.

The elderly old Gambino was sitting in a wheelchair with a precious Persian cashmere blanket between his legs, half-squinting his eyes and looking at the big screen in front of him.

With a drowsy appearance and a face covered with age spots, no one would have thought that this old man over seventy years old was a ruthless character who dared to shoot at the judge in court if he disagreed with him when he was young.

Connect to the surveillance at the gate of the manor, and take a clear picture of Tang and Song at the gate.

Seeing Tang Song's warm, even shy smile, for some reason, old Gambino only felt a chill down his spine, with a creepy feeling.

"Mr. Gambino, I'm sorry, I failed to complete your order. Our people failed to bring that Asian back to the police station..."

Old Gambino answered the ringing phone with his skinny hands, quietly listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, with no expression on his old face, before the other side finished speaking, old Gambino hung up the phone directly.

His original plan was to use the police to detain Tang and Song for a few days so that they would miss the arms bidding meeting.

He didn't expect that the person he was looking for was not good for the job, and the group of policemen who usually took advantage of it were also useless, and this Asian came to him unexpectedly.

It is said that the older you are, the less courageous you are. Old Gambino has led the Gambino family for forty years.

He has experienced the glory of the Gambino family, and he has also experienced the family plight of being gold and expelled from New York.

However, the growth of age does not seem to have taken away the courage of the old Gambino.

Looking at the Asians in the surveillance video, old Gambino's cloudy eyes flashed a sternness.

He pressed the red button on the wheelchair, and soon a middle-aged man with a suit and leather shoes, combed back hair, and thick pomade walked into the study.


The man put his right hand on his left chest and saluted old Gambino.

"Willie, you are on duty at the Continental Hotel now!"

"Yes, father!" The man's name was Willy Gambino, the adopted son of the old Gambino, and the number one thug of the Gambino family.

"Put a 5000 million bounty on the Continental Hotel, don't let this Asian come out of Rome alive!"

Old Gambino patted the armrest of the wheelchair, and said to Willie lukewarmly.

"This arms order is related to the future rise and fall of the Gambino family. I don't want the family to perish in my hands.

Willie, the family belongs to me. Although Paul is my own son, he cannot support the family. The future of the family belongs to you!I hope you don't let me down! "


Willie seemed to be moved by the old Gambino's words, lowered his head, and stared deeply at the old Gambino's old face full of vicissitudes of time.

"I have no ambitions for the family. If it weren't for you, I would have died at the door of the church. The Gambino family belongs to Paul, and I will try my best to assist him!"

"Okay, okay!" Old Gambino gasped, and Willie quickly knelt down and stroked his chest.

"Okay, I'm fine, let's do it as soon as possible!"

Old Gambino waved his hand, Willy got up and saluted Old Gambino, closed the door gently, and exited the room.

The moment the door was closed, Willie Gambino's eyes changed, and the originally docile eyes instantly became fierce, like a domestic dog transformed into a wild wolf.


Hotel Continental, Rome Branch.

With Roman-style hotel decoration, resplendent and luxurious decoration, there is a huge panel screen in the lobby.

This is certainly not for watching the ball.

From time to time, a list of names, avatars, and the amount of rewards are displayed on it.

This is obviously a killer mission launch panel, just like the mercenary guild in the middle ages.

But the Continental Hotel is more like an open assassin's guild.

Several killers were sitting in the hotel bar drinking wine, their eyes scanning the information on the panel from time to time.

A bartender in a white shirt and a tie knot was performing fancy bartending at the bar counter.

Continental hotels all over the world can be said to have scaled up the entire killer industry.

These killers are sitting in the bar openly waiting to pick up business, and there is a police station less than 500 meters away.

Obviously, there is a special tacit understanding between the Continental Hotel and the police station.

In the corner of the lobby of the hotel, John Wick, with long hair and a sexy stubble on his face, was leaning on the sofa, holding a bottle of whiskey in his hand, taking a sip from the bottle from time to time.

Facing John Wick, Bina the Snake was looking around boredly.

"John, I want to go to Milan, you come with me!"

Bina watched the bartender not far away make a glass of Mojito in a fancy way, and said to John Wick a little bored.

"I have no money!" John Wick shook the whiskey bottle, "My money is almost spent on evading pursuit!"

His mouth was impatient, but John Wick's eyes glanced at the task release panel from time to time.

I want to take on a mission as soon as possible, earn some money, and accompany Bina to Milan.

Although because of the mediation of an old friend, the manager of the New York Continental Hotel, and John Wick, it is really not easy to mess with.

After completing several tasks issued by the high table, John Wick barely reached a settlement with the Continental Hotel and the high table behind it.

But buying guns and ammunition, intelligence, asking for help, has almost spent John Wick's pension.

He had no choice but to reappear at the Continental Hotel. As for why he was in Rome instead of New York, that's another story!

After all, he killed more than half of the killers at the Continental Hotel in New York.

If John Wick was still in New York, even if he was a legendary killer, there was no guarantee that he would not be shot in the back.

Bina also saw John Wick's distaste for integrity, and looked at him with a smile.

At this moment, a mechanical bell rang.

Several waitresses at the front desk quickly got busy, and one waiter took out a document from the fax machine.

Handed it to another waitress at the front desk, scanned and uploaded it, and another bell rang.

On the high panel of the Continental Hotel, an Asian face appeared at the top of the list.

At the same time, the phones of all the killers on the Continental Hotel's list who were in Rome rang one after another.

"Gudong Gudong..." After two sips of whiskey in the bottle, John Wick frowned as he watched the face appearing on the screen in the hall.

"*Guo Tang, why did he come to New York!"


At night, the naked Tang Song only wrapped his lower body with a bath towel, showing his six-pack abs, standing naked in front of the French windows.

On the big bed of the presidential suite, two twilight flowers embrace each other and sleep.

For the reward offered by the Continental Hotel, Tang Song had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and the moonlight shone on him through the floor-to-ceiling windows, as if there was a deep chill.


The doorbell rang, Tang Song put on a bathrobe and opened the door.

"Boss! It's almost time!"

Ryan stood in front of the door, dressed in a housekeeper's tuxedo suit and white gloves, except that he wore a bulletproof vest over the suit.

At this moment in the corridor, eight bodyguards were also wearing bulletproof vests, holding ready rifles and pistols in their hands, and a chilling atmosphere permeated the hotel.

Tang Song stepped on the carpet in the corridor with bare feet, smoking a cigar as thick as a carrot, and looked at several heavily armed Germanic men.

"How about it, after I go out, can you hold here?"

There was a relaxed smile on Ryan's face: "No problem, boss, it's just a group of killers, I will definitely let them come and go!"

Tang Song exhaled the smoke ring, thought for a while, took off the black jade wrench from his thumb, and spewed out real essence.

There was a rustling sound, and a small black snake stretched out, flapped its fleshy membrane and began to fly up and down in the corridor.

A moment later, the little black snake landed on Tang Song's shoulders, coiled into a snake formation, and lazily spat out the letter.

Tang Song took out a white jade porcelain bottle from the five-pocket wallet, pulled out the jade plug, poured out a crimson elixir from it, and fed it to the little black snake.

"I'm not here, listen to Ryan, kill all hostile people!"

Tang Song's index finger tapped the little black snake's head lightly,
The little black snake shook its head when it was clicked, understood Tang Song's words in a ignorant manner, flapped its fleshy membranes and flew up, wobbling and landing on Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan's expression froze, and he couldn't help turning his eyes to the little black snake on his shoulder.

Hiss!The little black snake spit out the letter and stretched its head towards Ryan.

Ryan only felt the muscles on his shoulders tense up instantly.

Tang and Song took out a thick stack of talisman paper from the five-yin bag, took three bone beads from his wrist, and handed them to Ryan.

"These fifty Vajra Talismans, you can assign them yourself!"

"Skeleton demon, don't use it unless it's a critical moment, it's too close to the Vatican!"

Tang and Song didn't know the background of the Vatican, but a religious force that has been passed down for so long must have no shortage of extraordinary people.

If this skeleton demon is regarded as a dark creature, it will be troublesome if it is killed by people.

"I understand, boss!" Ryan took the bone bead and held it in his palm.


All roads lead to Rome

Tang Song was stepping on the road of Rome at this time, stepping lightly, and taking a step of more than ten feet, the breeze seemed to be under his feet.

Liezi Yufeng, he looks like he is flying!

In the city of Rome, the lights were brilliant, Tang and Song easily surpassed the bustling traffic, and the night wind howled, blowing his clothes,

The sleeves were flicked, and the wind talisman and the invisibility talisman on the side of the sleeve were shining brightly.


Gambino Manor, in a bedroom of more than 200 square meters, the old Gambino woke up from the bed and touched his wet forehead.

Old Gambino rang the alarm bell over the bed.

Soon two female nurses in their 30s came in pushing a tool cart, one of them skillfully wiped the old Gambino's body, and the other took a new quilt from the tool cart to replace the old man's body. The bedding was wet under Gambino.

By the time the two nurses finished their work, half an hour had passed.

Old Gambino leaned against the head of the bed, looking at the pitch-black night outside, thinking about the vague nightmare just now,
After thinking for a while, old Gambino picked up the mobile phone beside the bed.


Willie's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Old Gambino asked, "Willie, where are you?"

"Father, I'm at the hotel!" A busy voice came from Willy's side.

"Those killers are about to act, I need to deal with the aftermath! Father, do you have anything to do?!"

"Nothing, just to see how you are doing!"

Old Gambino encouraged Willy a few words on the phone and hung up the phone.

He didn't tell his adopted son about his vague nightmares.

Just like the wolf king can't show his fatigue in front of the wolf cubs, once the wolf cubs find out that the wolf king is old, the previously docile wolf cub will definitely show his fangs.

Old Gambino turned off the light in the bedroom, but he couldn't fall asleep for a long time in the dark night.


In a police station not far from the Bulgari Hotel, the Italian policeman on duty is watching the World Cup game intently. From his bloodshot eyes, it can be seen that he seems to have made a big bet.

Jingle jingle jingle!
At this moment, the phone at the police desk suddenly rang.

The policeman glanced at the phone impatiently. The moment he saw the phone number clearly, the policeman was shocked and quickly answered the phone.

"Director, yes, I understand, I know what to do!"

Soon, the police station closed its doors.


Under the night, all kinds of cars gathered in the direction of Bulgari Hotel.

In the executive suite on the top floor, Ryan slightly opened the curtains and looked at the sneaky figures downstairs.


Lane loaded the pistol and screwed on the silencer.

At the same time, at the main entrance of the Bulgari Hotel, several beautiful beauties in sales clothes walked into the hotel with bags.

The hotel security guard politely stopped them.

"Hello, this is a new style of clothes and bags in our store. Let's let Ms. Skye choose it!"

The security guard looked at the familiar logos on the clothes bags in the hands of several women!

After gesturing to a few people a few times, he let them go.

Because Tang and Song's party rejected the hotel's room butler service,

Therefore, instead of contacting the upstairs through the walkie-talkie, the security guard asked the front desk to directly call Skye's room number!
"Hey, clothes, bags? Have you designed them? So fast? Let them come up!"

Skye was wearing a nightgown, and picked up the phone while yawning.

She put down the phone here, and turned around to find that Fox was wearing a red dress at the moment, and was playing with two black extended pistols in his hands.


Skye looked at Firefox Fox with some doubts.

Firefox made a hissing gesture at her, and aimed both guns at the door.

Seeing Fox's posture, Skye subconsciously touched a string of beads on his wrist.

Between the green and white jade beads, there are a few white bone beads.


The elevator door opened slowly, and several beautifully dressed shopping guide girls stepped on high heels with smiles on their faces and were about to walk out of the elevator.

At this moment, the muzzles of two black holes appeared in front of their eyes.

The smiles on the faces of these girls froze, and their hands subconsciously quickly touched the clothes bags they were carrying.

Before they took out the pistol hidden in the luxury bag.

puff puff puff puff...

The suppressed pistol fired rapidly, and half of the magazine was emptied. Soon, the group of "shopping guide girls" fell into a pool of blood.

Two big Germanic men walked into the elevator, and dragged the corpses of several women out of the elevator like a dead dog.

Picking up the last girl's body, the bodyguard glanced at the elevator's camera, and shot twice casually, blowing up the elevator's camera.

In the monitoring room of the Bulgari Hotel, a security guard saw what happened in the elevator through the monitoring, and felt two wars. He swallowed and spit, and was about to reach for the phone with trembling hands.

Before his hand touched the phone, a big hand suddenly covered his mouth from behind, and then a sharp dagger cut his throat.

The security guard's blood was sprayed instantly, instantly staining the keyboard and monitor screen in front of him red.

A man in a windbreaker dragged the security guard to a corner, sat in front of the surveillance camera, and called up the video from the elevator a few minutes ago.

"Vincent, things are troublesome, the target has been prepared!"

The man in the windbreaker had a cigarette in his mouth, and contacted his companions: "The group of poisonous spiders have been planted! How about it, can you find a suitable sniper position!"

On the tall building opposite Bulgari, a thin man was lying on the roof adjusting the sniper rifle in his hand.

"The curtains are all drawn, and the hotel windows have been adjusted to privacy mode, so I can't find a chance for now!"

The man observed the situation of the opposite hotel through the sniper scope, he tilted his head, and communicated with the man in the windbreaker who had sneaked into the hotel through the communicator on his collar.

What he didn't notice was that on the roof of the building under the night, the air seemed to be refracted by the high temperature, and there were subtle wrinkles.

A big hand seemed to appear out of nowhere, covering the sniper's mouth. In the same way as the security guard, a sharp dagger cut his throat.

Hearing the sound of running water coming out of the communicator, the face of the man in the windbreaker changed, and he couldn't help touching his neck!
He was too familiar with this sound, it was the sound of blood spurting out quickly after the throat was cut, like the sound of wind.

The man in the windbreaker looked at the monitoring screen in front of him, and heard the rubbing sound of heavy objects being dragged in the communicator, gritted his teeth, turned and left the monitoring room.


Pulling the sniper aside to hide, one of Tang Song's bodyguards adjusted his shoulder armor, picked up the killer's sniper rifle, and his figure quickly disappeared on the night rooftop with a wrinkle in the air.


In the Gambino family estate, Tang and Song stood at the crown of a tall ash tree, overlooking the scene of the estate.

At this time in the manor, the lights in most of the rooms have been extinguished.

Only the small street lights reserved in the manor were still shining brightly, and from time to time there were patrolling bodyguards leading two large hounds to patrol under the street lights.

The security patrols in the manor were very intensive. What Tang Song didn't know was that it was because old Gambino temporarily doubled the number of patrol posts because of his nightmare.

But even if Tang Song knows, it doesn't matter, if a group of security guards can stop him, Tang Song, the immortal, will stop cultivating.

With a movement of Tang Song's figure, he landed lightly in the flower garden of the manor.

Walking in the manor, the bodyguards leading the hounds walked in front of Tang Song. Both the bodyguards and the hounds with a keen sense of smell regarded Tang Song as air.

One of the master bedrooms in the manor, Tang Song directly opened the door and entered. The lock inside the master bedroom door was easily smashed into powder by him with his real energy.

On the big bed in the bedroom, a naked young man was sleeping soundly with his arms around a big blonde girl.

The quilt was kicked aside by the two of them, and Tang Song Ye's visionary eyes saw two football big breasts, white breasts.

Tang Song was playing with a snakeskin wallet in his hand, running the real yuan, and the wallet floated in Tang Song's palm.

The pocket of the five-yin bag wallet was opened, and in the dark pocket, a chain made of black mist protruded from the pocket of the wallet.

The black mist formed by the five yin black evil locks was like a boa constrictor, binding the sleeping young man and dragging him directly into the bag.

The small wallet, less than the size of a palm, seemed to turn into a huge mouth of an abyss in an instant, swallowing the naked sleeping youth directly into it.

Before the young man who fell into the bag of five yins realized what was going on, the restraint in the bag was activated, and he was instantly turned into a puddle of blood as the five yin black spirits writhed.

Zizizi, the five yin sacks made the sound of a baby sucking Yun's head, and the pool of blood was swallowed up in an instant.

Tang and Song, who had been observing the changes of the five yin bags with spiritual consciousness, keenly discovered that after swallowing the pool of blood, the space of the five yin bags expanded a little invisibly.

What an evil weapon, Tang and Song put away their wallets and sighed at the ingenuity of the Patriarch of Heshan Taoism.

The spells recorded in Heshan Jing can be said to be crooked, with a limited upper limit, and they are not caught by some famous schools.

But these spells are real instant spells, just like the Five Yin Bags.

Ordinary Taoists, Buddhist monks, if they want to sacrifice a high-grade storage bag, they must at least reach the realm of alchemy.

And to sacrifice a bag of five yins, as long as you have cultivated true qi, enough materials and blood from living beings, you can have a magic weapon that can grow into a shape.

Of course, the bag of five yins is not just a simple storage of magical artifacts. The black evil spirit of the five yins conceived in the bag is extremely yin and evil, and it specializes in filthy flying swords and magic weapons.

However, refining such a magic weapon is too addictive.

As long as it is fed with the blood of living beings, the space in the bag of five yins will be larger, and the power of the black evil spirit of the five yins will be stronger.

Ordinary monks couldn't stand this kind of temptation at all, and often looted and killed living people to sacrifice magical artifacts, and someday they were cut off by a passing sword fairy or swordsman.

This is also called human robbery in the world of Jambudvictus!

Of course, Tang Song didn't have this concern in the Marvel world. He seemed to be transformed into a ghost, shuttling through the various rooms of the manor, turning each and every member of the Gambino family into blood.


Tang Song pushed away a master bedroom, walked in, and happened to meet a pair of eagle-like eyes.

"Cough cough!"

Old Gambino coughed and saw Tang Song's appearance through the moonlight. He coughed repeatedly to hide his inner panic.

"Mr. Tang, our Gambino family has no intention of going against you,

I can call the shots and give you the arms procurement for this military bidding,

I heard that you and Jin have no grievances, our Gambino family has always wanted to return to New York, we can join hands..."

Old Gambino was talking, trying to appease Tang Song, his hand hidden under the quilt quietly touched the alarm on the bedside.

Tang Song didn't say a word, watching the old Gambino's performance quietly. Just when his hand was about to touch the siren, a chain of black mist as thick as his arm bound him and hung him up.

Wuyin Heisha shrank, and directly pulled old Gambino into the Wuyin bag.


The Bulgari Hotel at night is like a giant beast crawling on the streets of Rome.
Well-known killers walked in one by one, as if stones had been thrown into a bottomless pit, without making a single sound.

As one by one colleagues entered the hotel under their noses, they disappeared.

The remaining killers became more and more cautious, and it took a full hour before a middle-aged white man with a dwarf appearance walked into the hotel.

"He is the legendary killer of Rome, Myron Walker, a mutant. He can transform his body into a two-meter-diameter ball. It's a disgusting ability. Ordinary rifle bullets can't penetrate his skin at all!"

Not far from the Bulgari Hotel, a black Dodge parked on the side of the street, John Wick held a silver flat wine jug, rolled down half of the car window, watched the movement of the hotel, and turned to the side The snake girl popularized the killer's information.

"Do you think he can succeed?"

Bina lay on her stomach from John Wick, looking up at the Bulgari Hotel not far away.

John Wick felt the soft touch on his body, and the hand holding the wine jug trembled.

The snake girl felt John Wick's physical changes, stretched out the tip of her forked tongue, licked her upper lip, and let out a delicate smile in her mouth.

"Probably not. * Guotang is very mysterious in New York. It is said that even Jin Bing suffered a few times under his hands!"

On the other hand, after Myron Walker entered the Bulgari Hotel, he did not immediately go upstairs, but stopped from the stairs to the second floor.

He took out his pistol and pulled the trigger towards the top of the stairs.

Fierce gunfire spread outside the hotel, and soon attracted a group of colleagues who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

A hook shot into the roof of the Bulgari Hotel from a room in the tall building opposite, and a figure was hanging on the zipline in the night, about to slide down.


The killer, who wanted to fish in troubled waters, successfully slid to the top floor opposite after two silenced gunshots, and hung on the roof of the building, like a dripping flag, with blood winding down the outer wall of the Bulgari Hotel.

"The gunshots came from the tall building opposite!"

John Wick is worthy of being a legendary killer. He could hear the inaudible gunshots clearly in his ears.

He looked thoughtfully at the tall building opposite the Bulgari Hotel.

"Da da da da da..."

A Hummer stopped in front of the Bulgari Hotel at some point. A shirtless and bearded man lifted a modified heavy machine gun from the Hummer, put it on the Hummer, and aimed at the room where the target was. Pulled the trigger.

The dense bullets of the heavy machine gun instantly smashed the outer wall of the Bulgari Hotel into a honeycomb.

Generally speaking, although the Continental Hotel is a semi-public assassin's guild, it also maintains a certain tacit understanding with the government.

In the Continental Hotel, there are some rules that killers need to abide by, such as not using powerful bombs in the downtown area, not causing too many civilian casualties,...

There are many unspoken rules, which belong to the tacit understanding between the mainland hotel and the government.

Once one party breaks this tacit understanding, then sorry, the governments of various countries will definitely make great efforts to rectify the abscess of the Continental Hotel.

Many things that happened in the dark cannot be brought into the light. Once exposed, even the high table behind the Continental Hotel can't hold it.

Ordinary killers are used to using silenced pistols and sniper rifles, at most they are rifles.

Few people used heavy machine guns when "assassinating".

At least John Wick has hardly seen it.

However, the heavy machine gun is barely on the edge of the rules, and it cannot be regarded as a violation.

The heavy machine gun fire instantly shattered the room, outer walls, and windows where the target was.

Just when the killer who was waiting for the opportunity felt that he saw an opportunity.


A sniper bullet went straight through the head of the shirtless man.

The rattling sound of the heavy machine gun stopped abruptly.

This shot not only confirmed John Wick, but the target had arranged snipers on the tall building opposite, and many killers were aware of this.

Many killers lurking near the Bulgari Hotel hid their bodies one after another, looking for the shooting blind spots of tall buildings.

Inside the Bulgari Hotel, Mellen Walker took advantage of the gap of the heavy machine gun fire, and jumped up from the stairs on the first floor flexibly, when approaching the floor where the target was located.

Mellen Walker took a deep breath, and his whole body suddenly swelled up, like a big ball covering his body, more like a bulging puffer fish.

With a hard roll of his body, Mellen Walker, who seemed to be a solid meat ball, directly knocked out the door of the steps, and his whole body directly crashed into the corridor.

"Puff puff……"

"Puff puff……"

The big Germans who reacted one after another aimed at Myron Walker and pulled the trigger.

Mellen Walker rolled the body of the meat ball that almost filled the corridor, and rolled towards the presidential compartment regardless of the shooting of these big men.

"Puff puff…"

With such a large target here, the dense bullets did not need to be deliberately aimed at all, and all focused on Mellen Walker.

It's just that the ball of meat covering Mellen Walker's body is like a fat version of body armor. Bullets are embedded in his surface and bounced out instantly.

"Change the rifle!"

Ryan emptied the bullets in the pistol in one breath, threw the pistol aside casually, took a fully automatic assault rifle, and aimed at the meat ball in front of him to empty out the firepower of a clip.

"Da da da……"

Several big Germanic men threw away their pistols one after another, took out their rifles from behind and aimed at Mellen Walker and fired a burst.

The fleshy ball on Mellen Walker's body exploded in an instant, streaks of blood burst out.

However, although the rifle bullets could break through his body surface, they did not seem to be able to cause fatal damage to him.

Under the pain of Myron Walker, the speed of the meat ball rolling became faster and faster,
The fast-rolling big meat ball, like a meat and egg tank, rammed directly towards Ryan.

Ryan took out a shotgun, aimed it at Mellen Walker's eyes, advanced instead of retreating, pulled the trigger, and was about to go up.

A black shadow suddenly flew out from his shoulder, circled around, and landed on Rolling Meatball's neck.

Let's talk about the neck, amidst the rustling of scales, the little black snake revealed two hollow sharp teeth, aiming at the white and greasy neck below, and biting.


There was a sound of butter being poured into the hot pan, and with a shrill howl, the fat under the skin of Mellen Walker seemed to dissolve.

The moment the little black snake's violent toxin touched his skin, it corroded the flesh and blood of his whole body at an extremely fast speed~~

(End of this chapter)

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