Chapter 73

In the Wakanda vibration gold storage warehouse, four black soldiers held spears and scimitars on their waists, and kept patrolling the door.

Their demeanor looked very relaxed, their stance was loose, and the spears in their hands were crooked.

Wakanda has been at peace for a long time, and the energy shield covering the entire Wakanda makes it impossible for foreign enemies to invade.

These soldiers didn't know that on the reverse slope less than a hundred meters away from them, several pairs of eyes were staring at them.

Even with the energy shield, the African sun is still unbearably hot.But both Kane and his Germanic soldiers were well-trained, and they crawled in the shadows one by one, motionless as if they were sculptures.

Kane waited, waiting for the Wakanda ore truck to arrive.

Another hour passed, and a mine cart full of refined vibration gold came from a distance, and Kane was shocked.


A mine truck that looked like an armored dump truck was parked at the door. Two black men jumped out of the car and greeted the guards at the door.

A black man stretched out his hand toward the warehouse door, and a light blue beam shot from the wristband around his wrist.

After the warehouse door came into contact with the blue light, it slowly opened.


Kane made a tactical throat-cutting motion, and he sprang out like a cheetah.

A black guard only saw a shadow flash by, and a dagger had pierced his heart.


Kane pulled out the dagger without looking back, and threw the dagger backhand, stabbing the black driver who was transporting the ore.


Several Wakanda guards screamed again and again, brandishing spears and rushing towards Kane.

As they swung their spears, streaks of blue light converged on the surface of the spearhead, shooting towards Kane.

Although Kane was caught off guard by these spear energy guns, his reaction was not slow. With an iron bridge, his upper body was almost ninety degrees backward, avoiding several blue lasers.

With his palms on the ground, Kane's figure has already jumped between the two black guards.

The two black guards had no time to dodge, and Kane pinned their heads one by one.

The heads of the two black men collided violently, and the hard skulls exploded immediately.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining two black men turned around and were about to run away, when two figures quietly appeared behind them.


Sharp nails pierced their hearts from behind.

The sharp canine teeth bit their necks tightly, followed by a horrible sucking and swallowing sound!
"Evacuate in 3 minutes!"

Kane ignored the two bronze armored corpses who were eating, and followed him to issue orders.

Several modified mountain bikes drove into the warehouse, and Kane took the time to put pieces of vibration gold ore into the special storage box of the motorcycle.

The density of vibration gold is extremely high,
The orders from Tang and Song were at least two tons of vibrating gold. Kane and his team had refitted motorcycles, each of which could carry two hundred kilograms of vibrating gold.

They prepared a total of ten motorcycles.

It didn't take 3 minutes, two minutes and 23 seconds, the storage boxes of ten modified motorcycles were already full.

Kane and his men galloped out of the warehouse on motorcycles.

Flee quickly according to the predetermined evacuation route.

The response of Wakanda's Skynet system is not slow, just less than 15 minutes.

The harsh alarm bells rang throughout Wakanda.

A series of vibrating planes full of technological sense took off directly, searching for traces of intruders in the air.

About 10 minutes after the Zhenjin plane took off, Kane and his party were exposed to Wakanda's monitoring network.

"Shoot these planes down!"

Kane watched the roaring fighter planes, and calmly ordered.

Two soldiers picked up the bazooka, knelt down halfway, and carried two rockets in the sky.

The two balls of fire exploded in mid-air and did not cause any damage to the Zhenjin aircraft.

However, the pilots in the cockpit of the aircraft felt a flicker of electronic components in the aircraft.

They quickly reported the situation to the command center through the communicator.

"It's graphite bombs, these invaders came prepared!"

At the Skynet command center in Wakanda, the king watched Kane and his party through the surveillance with an angry face.

A little girl with dreadlocks is sitting in front of a supercomputer, her fingers are flying.

"Graphite bombs can destroy the electronic components inside the machine, but our aircraft has added a layer of vibrating gold to the core components of precision instruments, and it will soon be able to get rid of the influence of these graphite bombs!"

The little girl with dirty braids looks like she just went to middle school or high school, but she is extremely proficient in typing codes, her fingers are flying with both hands, and she can control them remotely to eliminate the influence of graphite bombs on fighter planes.

"how long it takes?"

T'Challa looked at the surveillance screen, Kane and his party were speeding up and fleeing, frowning.

These intruders reminded him of a guy he hated.

Ulysses Claw, Wakanda has not found his secret passage into Wakanda all these years.

If these intruders were really related to Ulysses Claw, then they must have a secret passage to the outside world.

It would be a shame and a shame for Wakanda if they were allowed to escape with Zhenjin.

"3 minutes, as long as 3 minutes, the energy recoil of the vibrating gold protective film can remove all the influence of graphite dust!"

The little girl with dirty braids replied without looking back.

"Order the border troops to encircle, these intruders must not be let go!"

In the jungle area on the border of Wakanda, there are towering trees and vine branches.

Ten motorcycles were driving on a jungle path carved out with a machete.

The tall grass concealed their figures, and another team was blocking Wakanda's pursuit.

This also allowed the convoy to evacuate smoothly according to the original plan.

On the other hand, the blocking team was having a hard time resisting.

Kane's soldiers are all the elite among the elite, brave and fearless, and the weapons and equipment in their hands are not inferior to the federal standard weapons.

It's a pity that Wakanda's equipment is an alternative developed on the vibration metal technology.

Energy cloak, the standard 7.62 bullets can't penetrate the bulletproof layer of the cloak at all.

Energy spears, short spears, although I don't know why the blacks are keen on the style of cold weapons, but their weapons are real pulse energy weapons.

Not to mention that there are Zhenjin fighters in the sky, sweeping down a beam of energy from time to time.

Faced with this kind of weapons and equipment crushing, the blocking team could only retreat while fighting and flee in embarrassment.

They wanted to flee for their lives and buy time for the convoy. Gradually, more and more Wakandas came up from all around.

More than a dozen rhinos in battle armor surrounded the team from all sides.

The Wakanda black burly man on the rhino, holding a scimitar in one hand and a blue energy cloak in the other, vented the bullets and rushed up directly on the rhino.

The big guy weighing several tons rushed over roaring and angrily, shaking the ground like a moving hill.

(End of this chapter)

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