Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 78 Meeting Experiment Missing

Chapter 78 Meeting Experiment Missing
Jin Bin's death caused an uproar in the underground world.

If Qin loses its deer, the whole world will pursue it!

Without Jin Bing, the underground emperor, not only New York, but the underground forces of the entire Federation are about to move.

There is no way, once Jin Bing died, the land he left behind was a fat piece of fat, and everyone wanted to step forward and take a bite.

For the federal government, if one is not handled properly, it will cause violent conflicts throughout the federation.

No one can bear this consequence, even the owner of the white house, if he doesn't handle it properly, his re-election may be ruined.

For this reason, the owner of the White House convened his staff overnight to study countermeasures.

"Jin Bin is dead, then support another person to take Jin Bin's place! Such a trivial matter, do you even need to think about it?"

In the small office meeting, the Secretary of State of the federal government, who is also the whip of the Republican Party, looked at the president and his colleagues with sad faces, and directly expressed his opinions.

The president's eyes lit up when he heard what the Secretary of State said. He needs to settle this matter as soon as possible before his approval rating drops.

"Ander, do you have any good candidates?"

Secretary of State Underwood put on a smile on his face: "I have nothing to do with those gangsters, but Moon recommended a candidate."

"An opportunist who made a large political contribution to Moon's campaign for governor."

When it comes to political donations, our Mr. President shines.

"Although gangsters are the people at the bottom, their huge number is also a rich vote base."

Underwood issued his own suggestion: "So this candidate must be obedient. Both Moon and his father are old people in the party. I still believe in his vision!"

"Who is the candidate recommended by Mu En?" The person who asked the question was a woman in her 50s, dressed in business attire, with a serious face.

She is Linda, chief of staff of the White House.

This occupation is equivalent to the Chief of Staff of the White House, and is the highest-ranking official of the Federal Presidential Office.
He is also a senior assistant to the Federal President.

It's a position of great power, often referred to as "the second most powerful man in Washington.

Underwood took a brown paper bag from the side and opened the file bag.

Go inside and take out a bunch of materials and distribute them to everyone.

"An Asian?"

The Minister of Finance glanced at the photos of Tang and Song Dynasties on the first page of the information, and muttered.

He's a white supremacist racist who obviously doesn't like an Asian.

"Bowen!" The Minister of Defense on the side heard his words and reminded him.

The Minister of Finance was startled when he met Underwood's gentle and scrutinizing eyes.

Underwood is not only the Secretary of State, but also the whip of the Republican Party. He has the right to eliminate all hidden dangers that endanger the safety of the party.

Racial discrimination is a major hidden danger affecting votes for any party.

The Minister of Finance showed a flattering smile to Underwood, picked up the documents in his hand and looked at them.

"Asians, stowaways, are you sure you have nothing to do with the East?"

After reading the information, Mr. President asked Underwood.

Underwood smiled confidently: "I have asked our CIA director to check his details, and there is no problem!"

After listening to Underwood's explanation, the president didn't say anything, and asked other people present.

"Do you have any disagreement?"

Several people in the meeting said no, but an imperceptible ugliness flashed across the face of a fat white man, which was noticed by Underwood on the side.

"Then it's decided. Support this Asian man named Tang to replace Jin Bing, but tell the FBI people that the necessary procedures must not be omitted!" Seeing that no one raised objections, the president quickly made a decision.

"Just like Jin Bin, in the FBI archives, there is ready evidence that this Asian can be sent in at any time!" Underwood told the president about his preparations, and at the same time he did not forget to beat his colleagues:

"With the noose, we can have good hounds!
Gold and counterfeiting on a massive scale has made our relationship with the Federal Reserve very bad!
If our Mr. Lewis hadn't tried his best to prevent him, he would be in prison now and wouldn't cause such a big trouble! "

The Vice President of the Federation and President of the Senate, Lewis, gave Underwood an ugly look, and argued:
"Whether Wilson Fisk was involved in the counterfeit banknote case or not, the CIA is still investigating, Ender, it's too early for you to make a conclusion so early!"

Underwood put on a smile on his face: "The intelligence of the CIA shows that the source of most counterfeit banknotes can be traced back to Jin Bin. Mr. Vice President, Jin Bin is not wronged."

Lewis looked at Underwood, his breathing became a little short.

It's no secret among the high-ranking federal officials that Jin is not his person. When sitting in this position, no one present has a few gloves.

But Lewis didn't understand why Underwood insisted on targeting himself.

"Okay!" Seeing the two people fighting each other, the president hurriedly got up to smooth things over.

"Today I will meet with the President of the * country. If there is nothing else, today's meeting will end here!"

"Mr. President, can we provide some help to that Asian, so as to avoid large-scale violent conflicts in the federal territory!"

At this point Underwood made a suggestion.

"Help?" The president hesitated for a moment: "Directly use the power of the government department to help a black*..."

"Mr. President, we are only using the military to deal with some gangsters who affect the stability of the Federation. Let Raman handle this matter. If I am right, the Ministry of Defense has a special force directly under it!"

Underwood looked at the Minister of Defense beside him...

The Minister of Defense is an old man with gray temples and a strong body. Seeing Underwood push the matter on himself,

He looked at Underwood, and the two exchanged a look.


"Ender, I need an explanation!"

After the meeting, Underwood walked out of the White House with the Secretary of Defense.

Just in front of the White House, the Secretary of Defense looked at Underwood and asked.

The matter of cracking down on gangsters can be handled by the state police and the CIA. He doesn't understand why Underwood pushes the matter to him.

Underwood took out a safe key from his body and handed it to the Secretary of Defense.

"Here is the key to the safe in the vault of the Swiss Bank, where bearer bonds are deposited..."

The Minister of Defense took the key, touched the number on it, and looked a little complicated. He looked at Underwood suspiciously.

"Ender, this is not like your style. Do you think you will be short of money when you are in our position? I don't understand why you do this. Could it be that the Asian is your illegitimate child?"

Looking at the slightly mocking face of the Minister of Defense, "Are you really not short of money, Raman!
Your military's military spending hole is too big, it's so big that you have to team up with people from the bank to defraud insurance! "

Hearing what Underwood said with a smile, Minister of Defense Rahman felt a chill running down his back, and cold sweat came out of his head.


"How do I know?" Underwood interrupted the Minister of Defense with a smile:

"The super cruise ship Costa sank in a shipwreck, and Travelers Insurance Company will pay a huge amount of insurance money for this luxury cruise ship. This astronomical sum is enough to bankrupt this top ten insurance company in the federation!"

Defense Minister Raman looked at Underwood sharply. He knew that the poisonous snake must have his intentions if he didn't expose him.

"Say your terms!"

"Use your special forces first to complete Mr. President's order! Raman!"

Underwood patted the Minister of Defense on the shoulder, turned and walked towards his car.

"By the way, Laman, old friend, you won't find someone to kill me!" After walking two steps, Underwood stopped, turned his head to look at the gloomy face of the Minister of Defense, and teased .

The car was driving on a bustling street, and Secretary of State Underwood sat in the back seat with his eyes closed and rested, reviewing his every move today.

This is his daily habit, and it is precisely this habit that makes him, who is good at thinking and reflecting, achieve the position of Secretary of State today.

Underwood didn't know Tang Song well. The reason why he worked so hard to facilitate this matter at the meeting was that
It wasn't because of the dollar bills that Tang Song sent, nor was it just because of Mu En's suggestion to him.

He needs a ticket warehouse, a ticket warehouse that can be perfectly controlled, and Underwood has received information that this Asian has something to do with the Vatican.

In a federation where Catholicism is almost the state religion, the appeal of the Holy See cannot be underestimated.

If you really want to sit in that position, winning the votes of those believers is the key for Underwood.

This is why he targeted Lewis at the White House meeting. If Underwood's plan is successful, Lewis, the vice president, will be a major obstacle on his way up.


Back at the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Rahman sat in his office chair with veins popping out of his forehead.

He couldn't understand how Underwood, the poisonous snake, knew about such a secret plan.

Looking at the two red phones on the desk, he hesitated for a moment, and finally picked up the one on the left.

"Get me General Duke!"


In the Osborne Building, Tang Song, who had just attended the board of directors, visited Osborne's laboratory accompanied by Professor Connors.

After obtaining the approval of most of the board of directors, Tang Song, the new director, took over six of the sixteen laboratories of the Osborne Group.

Pure white sterile room, the most advanced scientific research equipment on the market.

And the most advanced scientific research team.

The surface of the sterile operating table and the restraint belt are covered with a layer of soft alloy.

The first to enjoy this treatment was a vampire.

This is a gift from Tang Song to Osborne, and it is also the reason why many directors are on his side.

"The cell division of this species is less than one-tenth of that of ordinary people. The limit life span of ordinary people is 120 years. The life span of this creature is ten times that of normal people,"

Professor Conners was wearing a white coat and his sterile gloves were still stained with blood. He had just dissected the vampire.

"From its teeth, I extracted a rare virus that can transform the host into this kind of life form. It should be the so-called "First Embrace" in vampires!
First Embrace, legend has it that vampires can transform humans into vampires through the First Embrace.

According to the analysis of Professor Connors, the so-called first embrace is a kind of primary parasitic virus.

This virus can be transmitted through blood, but the transmission of ordinary viruses is passive, while the virus in a vampire is controlled by the host.

"Can you get rid of the bloodthirsty problem of this virus?" Tang Song looked at the experimental subject in the ward through the single-sided bulletproof glass.

If the bloodthirsty and photophobic side effects of vampires are removed.

The researched thing is definitely the longevity medicine.

"I'm afraid not. The side effect of this mysterious virus is bloodthirsty. It maintains its activity by absorbing trace elements in the blood,"

Professor Conners wrote a virus research report: "However, by studying another blood sample, the virus can be neutralized, but its effect is also greatly reduced. In terms of cell division, it is less than half of that of ordinary vampires! "

The so-called another blood sample is the blood of the blade,
When in Rome, Tang Song got some blade blood through some small magic.

Blade, a half-vampire, has the ability to walk in sunlight without being afraid of light or silver weapons.

What he paid was far lower than the lifespan of ordinary vampires, but compared to ordinary humans, he could already be regarded as a long-lived species.

"Can you reproduce it!"

Tang Song looked at the vampire as an experimental subject with interest in his eyes. Longevity is always the pursuit that everyone can't avoid.

The princes and generals in ancient times, as well as the rich and powerful nowadays, are all obsessed with longevity and long-term vision.

Tang Song is not worried about his future, but his character makes him habitually not put all his eggs in one basket.

In the Marvel world, superheroes have a limited lifespan, but the supervillains live more and more freely.

Needless to say, the big piece of purple sweet potato, as a family of bronze titans, the unit of life is ten thousand years.

The lives of those latitudes that the Supreme Mage guarded against, from Dormammu, the ruler of the dark latitude, to Mephisto, the lord of hell, all have ridiculously long life spans.

On the other hand, on the superhero side, the Asgardians are considered immortal, and their god-kings will inevitably suffer from the twilight of the gods.

True -- good people don't live long, but disasters can last for thousands of years.

Uh, Boss Tang seems to have taken it into his own words.

If he cultivates to the realm of Yuanshen and Dao, he can theoretically achieve the same lifespan of heaven and earth, and the same age of sun and moon.

The development of longevity medicine is a reassurance pin Tang Song gave to other directors of Osborne, just like the carrot hanging in front of the donkey.

"It's a bit difficult. According to the blood analysis results, this parasitic virus and ordinary human genes can't coexist at all," Professor Conners' eyes were full of doubts and inquiries.

"This experimental body is simply a miracle. The parasitic virus and other human genes are in a state of balanced symbiosis."

"This is a one-in-a-million chance. It may be quite difficult to make a perfect copy!"

Tang Song frowned, but there was no surprise.

Most of the superheroes in the Marvel universe cannot be reproduced.

Spider-Man gained superpowers after being bitten by a mutant spider.

For ordinary people, it is a miracle that they survived to the hospital after being bitten.

Bruce Banner was transformed into the Hulk by gamma radiation.

But after injecting the serum cultivated with his blood, what he got was hatred.

Needless to say, Captain America, after him, the genuine super serum became the swan song.

The mutation in Blade's body is easy to say, his mother was bitten by a vampire when she was pregnant with him, and he was born half-human and half-vampire.

The odds are even smaller than winning the lottery.

"This project is set as A-level, but the research progress does not need to be too fast!"

Tang Song's research on longevity potion was just a gimmick, and what he really focused on was Connors' genetic recombination technology.

"How is Peter Parker's blood analyzed?"

Not long ago, Midtown High School received a charitable donation of $500 million to improve the school's teaching quality.

At the same time, the donor also arranged for a free medical examination for every student at Midtown High School.

Including but not limited to blood routine, urine test, chest cavity examination, cardiac color Doppler ultrasound, etc...

Among them, Peter Parker's four tubes of blood appeared in this laboratory of the Osborne Group for unknown reasons.

"I extracted some gene fragments from these bloods, which can indeed neutralize the incompatibility between human genes and lizard genes! But the research will take some time!"

Professor Connors explained to Tang Song.

"However, Peter Parker's blood sample is indeed strange. His gene seems to have been modified, and it has a strong genetic adaptability with many modified samples in Osborn's laboratory. This kind of biological genetic technology is simply a miracle!"

Of course it was a miracle. Looking at Professor Connors in amazement, Tang Song had a calm expression.

The genetic modification technology in Peter Parker's body was developed by the couple Richard Parker and Mary Parker from Osborne's laboratory.

They left a big gift for their son.

"Professor Connors, are you interested in doing something for me!"

"Uh!" Professor Conners looked at Tang Song with a puzzled expression: "Tang, you are now Osborne's shareholder, and in principle you are one of my bosses!"

Tang Song smiled and looked at Bob who was busy inside through the glass of the laboratory: "I don't mean Osborne, I recently registered a biological company and plan to set up an experimental base. This project lacks a chief scientist. Are you interested?"


On the outskirts of New York, where the original farm was located.

A team of engineers is expanding the farm. The original farm, the corn field, was directly bulldozed and turned into a small town.

Not only the farm under Boss Tang's name, but also several nearby farms were bought by him. The future plan here is to create a tourist town.

Out of bad taste, Boss Tang has already chosen the name - Raccoon Town.

The project has passed the approval of the New York City government and is led by Tang Group, with a planned initial investment of [-] million US dollars.

In name, it is to create a cultural tourism project integrating culture and health preservation.

At the same time, under Raccoon Town, a base project with a depth of about 300 meters is also in full swing.


In the next few days, an undercurrent surged in New York, and even the underground world of the entire Federation.

Some forces tentatively launched an offensive to the territory left by Jin Bing.

Jin Bin died, and the forces he left behind were leaderless, and several Mexican gangs quickly occupied the two South American drug trafficking channels left by Jin Bin.

But before the drug traffickers could celebrate, their entire gang was taken away.

If this time was an accident,

After the Russian Mafia seized gold and smuggled cars in Europe, the New York site was wiped out by a group of special forces, as if it gave everyone who was about to move a blow.

Everyone is watching.

At this time, Tang and Song Dynasties were nesting in their secret chambers and caves and began to refine magic weapons.

Gold, silver, copper, iron and tin... nearly 20 kinds of metals filled the altar to the brim.

In the center of the altar, a high-tech furnace is releasing heat.

In the high temperature of 20000 degrees, the indestructible vibrating gold ore is melting little by little.

Like Adamantium, vibranium ore has almost indestructible hardness once it is dissolved and solidified at high temperature.

Vibrating gold ore, Adamantium alloy, and various metals turned into clusters of metal solutions.

The metals selected in the Tang and Song Dynasties were very miscellaneous, but the amount of gold was the largest, with a total of five tons.

In the Yanfu world, gold is the best at guiding mana and true essence.

The metal obtained after refining gold is gold essence, also called Gengjin, which is the first choice for monks to refine magic weapons.

A series of restrictions were driven into these metal solutions by Tang and Song Dynasties. These metal solutions exuding high temperature were mixed together and kept stirring in mid-air, changing their shapes.

While Tang and Song cast spells to fix these solutions in mid-air, they made a formula to inject a series of prohibitions representing killing spirit into these solutions.

During the rotation of the vibration gold solution and the Edman alloy solution, a large bell-shaped shell was formed, and the gold essence and other metal solutions formed a dense spider web between the two. One's hair is thick.

Refining this magic weapon in memory is far more difficult than Tang and Song imagined.

For a full five days, Tang and Song didn't take a step out of the secret chamber cave.


When Tang Song was concentrating on refining his bell, a piece of news directly detonated the financial market on Wall Street, and quickly occupied the headlines of the major news media in the Federation.

The most famous playboy in the Federation, the president of Stark Industries, Tony Stark was attacked by terrorists in Afghanistan and disappeared.

When the news came out, the stock price of Stark Industries plummeted, even overshadowing the Osborne Group, which had a human rights scandal not long ago.

Stark Tower President's Office

"[-] million, a global reward, whoever can save Tony, the Stark Group is willing to pay a reward of [-] million!"

Pepper Pepper hung up the phone and slumped on the office chair.

When someone is around, you may feel that he is not important, but when he is gone, you will find that the world really cannot live without him!
Day and night, Pepper called around, mobilizing all the connections, trying to find and rescue Tony.

When Tony was by her side, she was so busy that she had to take care of the women around her for this young and handsome guy, and also take care of the company's affairs for him.

She complained, got angry, and sometimes she wondered if it was worth it, which woman would get up early every morning to deal with the woman in his bed for a playboy.

Even though Pepper told herself countless times, she was just doing what a secretary should do.

But when the news of Tony Stark's disappearance came back, Pepper suddenly felt that the sky had fallen.

Only then did she realize the importance of Tony's flamboyance in her heart.

Pepper slumped on the bed without any image, emptied his head, trying to think of what else to do.

The Ministry of National Defense, the Federal Central Intelligence Agency... and the reward offered by the Continental Hotel that Pepper just found out from a friend.

Whether it worked or not, Pepper tried it all.

"Miss Pepper, there is a visitor!"

In the office, Jarvis's voice sounded. Pepper tried to get up, adjusted his clothes and make-up a little, and turned on the monitoring at the door.

At the door of the office stood a middle-aged man in a black suit who was slightly bald.

Seeing the camera turn slightly, he showed a gentle smile towards the camera, and took out a certificate from his arms:
"Ms. Pepper, I am from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency, and I am here for Mr. Tony Stark!"


"You should rush to rescue him instead of investigating financial stocks!"

Pepper looked at the man in front of him, and couldn't help being a little angry after hearing his intentions.

Phil Coulson still had a nice face on his face: "Ms. Pepper, this is very important. Mr. Tony Stark's itinerary in Afghanistan is top secret even in the military. How did the terrorists know about it?"

"We suspect that someone in Stark Industries has connections with terrorists. We need to find him, so we can find the base of the terrorists and rescue Mr. Stark!"

Pepper finally calmed down after hearing Coulson's explanation.

"The first thing we need to do is to find the speculators who shorted Stark Industries stock before the disappearance of Mr. Tony Stark and the announcement of the disappearance, so that we can narrow down the scope of finding the murderer behind the scenes!"

Coulson clasped his thumb and index finger and made a shrinking gesture, "This will help us a lot in rescuing Mr. Stark!"

When Pepper heard Coulson's words, he didn't hesitate any longer, and directly authorized Jarvis to investigate.

As the artificial intelligence developed by Tony Stark, Jarvis can defeat 90.00% of the hackers in the world.

In less than 5 minutes, Jarvis screened out a few funds with abnormal timing from a bunch of funds shorting Stark Industries.

Coulson got the first-hand information and immediately ordered people to investigate.

On the other side, Obadiah was furious.

He contacted the terrorists of the Ten Rings Gang, trying to get rid of his eldest nephew who was in the way in Afghanistan, but those bastards let him go.

"You violated my agreement with the Mandarin, Khwaja!"

"Dear friend, Mr. Obadiah, you didn't tell me that the person you want to kill is Tony Stark. You get what you pay for. The price you pay can't buy the life of the CEO of Stark Industries!"

The bearded man in white cloth looked at Obadiah on the other side of the phone, with uncontrollable joy on his face.

Tony Stark, this is a rare talent.

He couldn't help but want to hug Obadiah's bald head and kiss them hard. With Tony Stark around, would they want any weapons in the future.

Thinking of this, the bearded man felt a burning sensation in his heart.

"How much do you want?"

Obadiah squeezed the phone tightly, trying to take a deep breath to calm down his anger.

"Hey, hello, Mr. Obadiah, are you listening, bad signal, beep beep beep beep!"

Snapped!Obadiah angrily smashed the phone to the ground.

"With Tony Stark, what kind of weapon is there?" The bearded man walked out of the tent, looked at the cave in the distance, and wanted to laugh proudly.

In the desert where Tony Stark disappeared, more than a dozen armed helicopters, dozens of military Humvees, and hundreds of heavily armed federal garrisons are pulling a net to start a search and rescue.

 Many friends said that the quality has deteriorated a lot since it was put on the shelves. I can only promise to write and improve as much as possible.

  The main thing is to watch the children while writing something. I just finished writing a paragraph, and then I went to wash the quilt and change the diaper, which affected my thinking too much.

  Alas, if you have any comments, please mention them as soon as possible, and I will try my best to correct them.

(End of this chapter)

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