Chapter 89 Bombing
In the tree house covered by trees, the four fingers of the Hand are discussing about cooperation with Yashida.

This is also the reason why Murakami came late to the party of five, no, four fingers.

He went to the Yashida family first, and met the head of the Yashida family, Yashida Shingen.

The Yashida family made their fortune in the late period of World War II. At that time, Yashida Shingen was on the lap of the Federation, and took advantage of the opportunity of Japan after World War II.

In less than a few decades, the financial industry, manufacturing industry, military industry, real estate, and people's livelihood Dongying's various industries have spread all over Yashida.

Up to now, the Yashida family has become the leading chaebol in Japan.

Even the previous prime ministers of Dongying have nothing to do with him, because if the Yashida family is ruined, there may be a major earthquake in the entire Japanese economy.

This is intolerable to the Japanese government.
It is said that big trees attract the wind. It can be said that in Dongying, the Yashida family has truly become too big to fail.

The Hand has always cooperated with the Yashida family. The Yashida family spends money, and the Hand will dispatch ninjas to help them kill some troublesome competitors.

Physically eliminate those difficult business rivals.

The relationship between the two parties has always been cooperation, but according to the news brought by Murakami, Yashida Shingen intends to accept the Hand as a retainer.

"Retainer, Yashida really dares to think!"

Suowanda, who was the most irritable, couldn't bear his emotions at first, and punched hard on the solid wood round table. The round table made of hard iron birch was punched out of a hole by him.

"Yashida Shingen wants us to be completely attached to their Yashida family?"

Alexandra stared at Murakami with a smile, but her sharp nails left marks on the solid wood tabletop.

It could be seen that she was really angry.

"You promised him?" Alexandra stared at Murakami.

"Botu, what do you say?"

Murakami didn't pay attention to Alexandra, but instead looked at Botu.

Botu hugged his shoulders, with a sneer on his face: "Since Yashida Shingen wants to accept us as his retainers, then we will fulfill him!"

"You blogger?"

It didn't wait for Suowanda and Alexandra to raise objections.

Botu asked back: "How old is Yashida Shingen now? If I remember correctly, he should have lived to be a hundred years old!

Ordinary people, living to the age of 80 is already a long life, do you think this little guy has a few more years to live?

Retainer, heh, after his death, it's hard to say who the Yashida family will belong to! "

Botu's words made the eyes of a few fingers light up.

"Hehehe, I remember correctly, the next generation of the Yashida family doesn't have any decent heirs?"

Alexandra narrowed her eyes like a fox and let out a giggle.

"Since none of you have any objections, let's pass this way. I will go to drink marriage wine with Yashida Shingen tomorrow!"

Murakami glanced at the three of them, stood up and said.

At this moment, Alexandra inadvertently looked towards the door.

She let out a little snort, and said to herself with the disgust of seeing dirty things:

"Strange, why are there so many evil spirits? Could it be that more people have committed suicide recently!"

Five fingers can be selected into the Kunlun outer sect, which is naturally unique, otherwise, as they are foreigners, whether they can find the Kunlun sect is another matter.

Alexandra was born with psychic powers, which is what is often called yin and yang eyes in the East.

Because there are many people who commit suicide every year in Qingmu Shuhai, so she often finds the souls of suicides in the sea of ​​trees.

However, most of these undead are not conscious, and they don't have much influence on ordinary people. When they see people like them who practice martial arts with strong blood, they hide far away.

But today unexpectedly, Alexandra saw four undead in this wooden house.

She subconsciously got up and walked to the window. She just opened the window and looked out, her eyes were facing a pair of black eyes that were bleeding with blood and tears.


Alexandra leaned back in fright, and kicked it out of the window with a flying kick.


Seeing Alexandra's reaction, everyone in the wooden house stood up one after another and looked out the window warily.

Murakami even drew out his samurai sword directly.

Botu came to the window warily,
Outside the window, apart from a few black-clothed ninjas who were on guard, there was no one there.

"Della, what's going on?"

Botu, turn around and ask Alexandra.

"There's something dirty, right behind you!"

Alexandra pointed to the back of Botu's head and said.

Bo Tu only felt the hairs on his body explode in an instant, and the energy around him was stimulated to the greatest extent in an instant, and then he left the window in three steps at a time.

Suowanda and Murakami also looked unlucky. They have been with Alexandra for hundreds of years, and they naturally know what dirty things Suowanda is talking about.

"Are there many of those things?"

Murakami clenched his samurai sword tightly and looked at Alexandra.

Alexandra had already calmed down at this moment. For hundreds of years, she had seen all kinds of dirty things, and the methods of death were horrific, and there were many death images uglier than this.

This time, he was just caught off guard by this thing.

After stabilizing her mind, Alexandra walked to the window again.

The air pierced the palm of his hand, and with a wave, the undead floating outside the window were dodged aside by the impact of the air.

At this time, Alexandra finally saw the scene outside the window,

Seeing this, she immediately turned pale.

"what happened?"

Murakami saw that Alexandra's expression was wrong from the side, and immediately stepped forward.

"There are all these things outside!" Alexandra's voice seemed to be trembling slightly.

"how many?"

"All of them, there are thousands of them!"

At this time, the secret base of the Hand, the shooting range, and the wooden house, there are pale undead floating everywhere.

They gathered around those unaware black-clothed ninjas, sucking their yang energy.

And next to the wooden house where the four fingers of the Hand held a meeting, a large wave of undead gathered, there were two to three hundred of them.

"Get out of here first!"

After listening to Alexandra's statement, several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Without the slightest hesitation, Murakami directly suggested to leave.

The moment Murakami opened the door, there was a whizzing sound of piercing through the sky.

When Murakami looked up, he was about to burst into tears.

A dozen shells were blasting towards the wooden house where they were.

At this time, Murakami almost exploded with his full potential, and his whole body was like a civet cat with fried hair, flying away more than ten meters away.

Boom boom boom!
The other three fingers, which were blocked by him, were not so lucky.

In the roar of the shells, the wooden house was directly blown into a pile of ruins.

boom boom boom…

Before Murakami recovered from his fear, another round of shells blasted towards the ruins of the wooden house.

Boom boom boom...

 After a day of physical cooling, the baby went back and forth, hovering at 37 degrees 5 and 6, and is much better now. If he doesn’t make trouble, there will be another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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