Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 388 Jian'an's character, bayonet see red

Chapter 388 Jian'an's character, bayonet see red
"I never expected that I would become a thief..."

"It's all caused by alcohol."

Boss Wei, who claimed that he would never get drunk after a thousand drinks, turned the blame on alcohol, and Gao Yuanyuan did the same thing.

Da Meiyuan, who was already sober, lay on the bed pretending to be dead, full of regret.

Although I usually have a lot of thoughts, I still have a sense of proportion. If I didn't drink today and the alcohol got to my head, how could I have been so crazy that I made a big mistake.

After taking a look at Gao Yuanyuan, who was still pretending to be an ostrich, Boss Wei hesitated for a moment, then simply stopped thinking about it and hugged him as a pillow.


The meaning is obvious. After exiting this door, you take your sunny path and I cross my single-plank bridge. There is no emotional entanglement between the two parties. It is just a sexual dream.

This is exactly what Gao Yuanyuan means. Her relationship with her boyfriend is quite stable, and she even plans to talk about marriage.

Wei Yang was very good, better than her little boyfriend in every aspect, but he was not a good match according to Gao Yuanyuan's standards. He was not so good that he would change his mind after sleeping with her.

The most important thing is that Gao Yuanyuan knows that she is already 34 this year, which is at the end of the golden age. Ten years ago, she might have competed, but now she really can't afford to waste it with women like Wei Yang, and she doesn't have the energy. .

After getting married in her previous life, Gao Yuanyuan gradually entered a semi-reclusive state, spending most of her time caring for her husband and raising her children.

It can be seen from this that she is a more traditional type of woman who prefers a stable emotional life. It is difficult for a prodigal like Wei Yang to meet her requirements.

Therefore, it's not that Gao Yuanyuan is not interested in Boss Wei at all, but both emotionally and rationally, she tells her that a one-night romance with Jin Feng Yu Lu is the best ending.

But that is what I say, and I understand in my heart that this is good for both parties, but women are still a little emotional.

As for Gao Yuanyuan, she has finalized her departure from the group and has no filming duties, so she will stay as long as she wants, all on Boss Wei's account.

Of course, this is a statement on the surface, but in fact it means that you can't stand the whipping and should stay in cultivation for the time being.


Gao Yuanyuan was such a bad person and regretted how he got Sun Jiayi here. If only the two of them were insiders, Gao Yuanyuan would feel better. With a best friend, it would be a social disaster.

What happened yesterday was that she had clearly agreed to let Sun Jiayi come in, but she ended up having her beard cut off by herself, which made her feel embarrassed and guilty.

"What? I don't understand. I'm starving to death."

Gao Yuanyuan could only pretend to be crazy, and then grabbed the dinner plate. He wanted to close the door, but Sun Jia quickly squeezed him in.

"Don't pretend to be confused with me. I drank too much last night, but I didn't break the piece. I watched you two chew it and then left together last night.

"But this morning I came to see you, and was stopped by Wei Yang's bodyguard. Just now Wei Yang sent me a text message, saying that you were not feeling well and asked me to take care of you. Please tell me, a man and a woman have been alone all night. , how else can you feel uncomfortable?"

Sun Jiayi and Gao Yuanyuan had a very good relationship. They talked about almost everything and didn't make any meanderings. They even started to take off their clothes and check them, and then yelled.

The girls were shouting and teasing in private, and the scale was very large. Gao Yuanyuan was not afraid of her usually, but now he had something in his heart and lacked confidence, so he didn't respond and just emphasized.

"Jiayi, keep this matter a secret for me."

"I understand, not even a word will escape my mouth."

As soon as Sun Jia returned from the trouble, he was not ambiguous about serious matters. He knew the seriousness of this matter and solemnly promised it.

Only then did Gao Yuanyuan feel relieved, with a somewhat complicated expression on his face: "What the hell is this?"

Sun Jiayi didn't know how to persuade her. It was inappropriate at best or at worst, so she could only greet him and eat. After the atmosphere became more harmonious, she couldn't help her curiosity and winked inappropriately.

Soon, several exclamations sounded in the room, as well as more and more enthusiastic questions, some harsh screams and evil smiles...


Gao Yuanyuan was not at peace here, and Wei Yang barely returned to normal until night.

Maybe this is fate. Who gave me the surname Wei? I was born to be destined to be named Cao!

Regardless of whether it is the character of Jian'an or the legacy of Wei and Wu, apart from Cao, there is also the word Wei that cannot be avoided, so it is not that his morals are not up to par, but that the power of blood is irreversible.

The filial boss Wei passed the blame to his ancestors again.I put this matter behind me for the time being and paid attention to the data of "Where Are We Going, Dad".

The premiere ratings were 1.42, slightly higher than the 1.31 of "Run".

This is not surprising. "Run" has an amazing lineup and attracts the attention of the audience. "Where Are We Going, Dad" is not as popular as the former, but it has a good platform and a large number of regular viewers. It is reasonable that the starting point of the ratings is high.

Wei Yang is most concerned about reputation and influence.

How should I put it, it is not inferior to "Run". The outside world still underestimates the charm of parent-child variety shows. These cute babies have become the big killer of "Where Are We Going, Dad".

Chinese people value family and future generations, and interacting with children can accommodate as many viewers as possible.

If the main audience of "Run" is young people and teenagers, then the market of "Where Are We Going, Dad" is mainly adults, including middle-aged and elderly audiences.

These older audiences may be interested in tearing off name tags and acupressure boards, but they are definitely more willing to watch the daily life of a group of cute children.

At the same time, in East Asian culture, it is generally the mother who takes care of children, and the father's responsibility is to make money and support the family.

Now let dads come see their children and see "clumsy" old men taking care of their sons. This creates an interesting contrast and is also a great tool to attract the audience.

In addition, the aspects of parent-child relationship and family education revealed in the program are greater than those in "Run" in terms of concept and structure, and it has won the favor of mainstream media.

Of course, "Run" also has its own positive energy themes, such as spreading happiness, advocating running for fitness, and promoting local attractions Barabara.However, these "Where Are We Going, Dad" can also be done, so they are not so conspicuous.

This is a subject matter disadvantage, but also a subject matter advantage.

The parent-child theme of "Where Are We Going, Dad" can make a fuss, but it is also easy for others to make a fuss about it.

The most important thing is whether the children are suitable to appear in this kind of variety show, whether they are willing to live such a life, whether they are suspected of being induced, and even more worryingly, whether the children will become money-making for their parents and the show crew. Tools to make money and gain fame.

The reason why "Where Are We Going, Dad" later disappeared? There are fewer and fewer child stars in some similar variety shows, and even children are not allowed to appear in live broadcasts. It is all related to these controversial discussions.

From this perspective, "Where Are We Going, Dad" has major weaknesses.

Some people may think that we should not go online, but there will never be a shortage of moral emperors in the world, and from some perspectives, these doubts are not unreasonable.

Now that the program has just been aired, everyone is in a state of freshness and has not thought of this yet. When it becomes more and more influential later, and even involves some economic aspects, it will naturally be brought up to speed.

In contrast, a variety show like "Run" may not have a more focused positive theme, but it also has nothing to control the rhythm.

Congenitally invincible!

This is a bit exaggerated, but it is obviously much better than "Where Are We Going, Dad", and even once the rhythm is set there, "Run" can stand out.

Originally, according to Wei Yang's intention, he was planning to add fuel to the fire behind his back and step on his competitors.

However, now that he plans to learn from "Where Are We Going, Dad" and everyone has the same interests to a certain extent, Boss Wei no longer intends to play dirty tricks, so as not to make a big deal and lose his own share of the pie.

The results of "Where Are We Going, Dad" were even better than Wei Yang expected, so the possibility of him failing was low, and he couldn't do any dirty tricks, so he had no choice but to fight head-on.

Both variety shows are broadcast on weekends. "Where Are We Going, Dad" is on Friday, staggered with "Happy Camp", and the original broadcast of "Tian Tian Shang Shang" has been moved.

"Run" is broadcast on Saturday and directly competes with "Happy Camp".

But right now, the two variety shows are gaining momentum, and "Happy Camp" has to avoid the spotlight for the time being and let the two variety shows face off directly.

Originally, except for Wei Yang and related industry insiders, no one had any intention of competing in the group competition.

The main reason is that "Where Are We Going, Dad" is not very popular.

Youku spent hundreds of millions to buy exclusive copyrights. This does not mean that the program is directly worth that much money. There are many other factors.

The real gold content depends on advertising fees, and compared to the crazy gold-making "Run", "Where Are We Going, Dad" is relatively difficult.

It is said that the title sponsor chose to withdraw midway, but was eventually won by Ganmao Ling, with a bid of only 2800 million.

It’s not low compared to other variety shows, but it’s still a lot worse than trump cards like “Run” and “The Voice of China.”

Therefore, many people do not regard it as a direct competitor of "Run" at all. They compare it only because the two variety shows collided and "Where Are We Going, Dad" has certain strength.

After all, everyone likes this kind of ratings battle, where programs collide and appear topical, so as long as they are similar, the media will set the pace.

However, not many people are optimistic about "Where Are We Going, Dad"? The main cast and themes are too far behind.

Just watch the original variety shows. South Korea's "Run" can be said to be the number one Korean variety show. Although "Where Are We Going, Dad" is popular, it is not as good as the former.

However, after the first episode of "Where Are We Going, Dad" was aired, the discussion, popularity, and ratings were not inferior to those of "Run".

There are even some advantages in some aspects. Of course, there are also some aspects that are not as good as "Run". The two sides are roughly evenly divided.

This situation has both advantages and disadvantages for both producers, but for the public, it is a real joy.

Box office wars are common, and ratings wars are also common. Variety show wars are indeed something new!
Therefore, after the hot premiere of "Where Are We Going, Dad", in addition to the high popularity of its own program, another important topic is the comparison with "Run".

The development of the situation did not disappoint these fun-loving people at all. The topic had just started in full swing, and the second episode of "Run" was broadcast.

Compared with the first issue, which was just a taste, the second issue of "Run" went straight to the big screen and made a "special episode for lovers".

Many actresses were invited to help out, including some florets and even popular actresses.

The most famous one is Sun Niangniang, the official wife of the Deng Dynasty. This is also a rare combination of husband and wife. What is even more irritating is that the program team did not divide the couple into a team.

The couple turns against each other. This alone is enough to make the show crazy.

Another interesting point is that Chen Chichi's "official spouse" Lou Yixiao also came, but was also separated by the program team, leaving Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian to fall in love and kill each other.

Men and women play games together, tearing off each other's name tags, and also add some "taboo betrayal" scenes. The gimmicks are full of topics, and the effect is quite good.

On the night of the show's broadcast alone, there were more than a dozen hot searches, and it took Weibo's position away from "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

What is even more eye-catching is the ratings of "Run!"
From 1.3 in the first issue, after a week of fermentation and this excellent special episode, it soared directly to 1.8, with the market viewing share approaching 6%.

Not only did it once again beat "Happy Camp" to win the first place in the same period, it also beat "Where Are We Going, Dad" to become the number one variety show that week.

The bayonet sees red!

The true meaning of the bayonet is red!

If the previous variety show war was somewhat of a joke, after this real collision, everyone realized that this time the two popular variety shows are really going to war...

(End of this chapter)

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