Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 611 3 Like a Wolf, 4 Like Before, Boss Wei is facing a zoo

Chapter 611: Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like the old days, Boss Wei is facing a zoo

After about an hour, Wei Yang and Li Jiahang left the farmhouse and got in the car first, while Huo Jun paid the bill.

Afterwards, Huo Jun went in several batches and moved several sealed jars and a wooden box and placed them in the trunk. Finally, he honked the car horn and drove away. No other people were seen during this time.

"Tsk, we should let those people in the Magic City come and learn from them and see what kind of service they offer."

Li Jiahang sighed repeatedly, but Wei Yang shook his head: "This is just for better confidentiality. If we really want top-notch service, we have to look to the foreigners."

"Hey, what you said is a bit pro-Western, not your style."

Li Jiahang has known Wei Yang for more than ten years. The latter always scoffed at many foreign rumors promoted in China. Why did he change his tone today?

"I'm not admiring foreign things. If you try it, you will know that wealthy people abroad are really comfortable. Some of the services and enjoyment they can get are unimaginable for many wealthy people in China."

“Why can’t our country do this?”

"Because many of those so-called top service consciousness are close to servility, and we had a great man in our time who told everyone not to kneel."

This is not an exaggeration. Not to mention those dirty and filthy things, it is very difficult for rich people to find a qualified housekeeper and nanny in China.

It’s not a question of how much money you spend, it’s that there are too few truly professional and trustworthy people.

In foreign countries, some of the housekeepers and nannies are passed down from the older generation. They have been working for a lifetime and their professionalism and loyalty are impeccable. What's more, some of them simply pass the job down from generation to generation and have been housekeepers or managers for several generations, which is equivalent to the house-born children in ancient times.

These "heritages" actually exist in China, but later the founding of the country and major movements cleared away feudal customs.

After the reform and opening up, some people became rich, but due to different ideas and national conditions, even if related industries developed, they were not as good as those in foreign countries.

"You're talking in such a roundabout way, isn't it just that capitalism doesn't treat people as human beings?"

Li Jiahang has been with Wei Yang for a long time and is very good at extracting the main ideas from Boss Wei's words.

"That's right!"

Wei Yang nodded, and Li Jiahang just complained: "No wonder a bunch of rich people are emigrating to become local landlords."

The two did not talk much about sensitive issues. After all, Boss Wei was not so clean and had also made arrangements overseas. Some of his words sounded like insults to him.

"Give me some of those things in the back of you."

Instead of talking about politics and class, let's talk about topics that all men like. Li Jiahang rubbed his hands and showed Zhang Wei's signature obscene smile on his face.


"Don't be stingy, everyone who sees it gets a share. At worst, I can give you double the money."

"I need your help?"

Wei Yang raised his eyebrows. It was this grandson. Wei Yang liked to trick him occasionally and make him bleed. If it were someone else, even the two Ma brothers and one Wang might not have the confidence to spend money to attack Boss Wei.

"No, no, I see you bought a lot. One person can't use it all. Let me help you share the burden."

Li Jiahang had a flattering look on his face, but Wei Yang sneered, "Aren't you always so arrogant? You said you had your wife in check, but why are you so cowardly today?"

"That was true in the past, but now it's not just her age, it's me too."

Li Jiahang is a few months older than Wei Yang and will soon be turning 30. Li Sheng is two years older than him and is already 32.

"As men age, they inevitably decline a bit, but women are different. The older they get, the more vigorous they become. It's not that we can't handle it, but replenishing our bodies is more conducive to family harmony."

Boss Wei deeply agreed with Li Jiahang's words. A few years ago, he was also a well-known man. He fought for days and nights, and his marksmanship was not disordered and he was as vigorous as a dragon.

He had few rivals among the girls, and at most he had fallen once or twice at the hands of Fat Fan, but the latter was not having an easy time either.

It can be said that he didn't win, but he didn't lose either.

Times have changed, and now that Boss Wei has reached his thirties, there are still some impacts, but overall he is still relatively stable.

But he held on, and couldn't resist the improvement of his opponents, and it was two against one. In order to get pregnant, they frantically demanded at all costs, and repeatedly asked for battles, not even giving him time to rest.

No good person can stand being treated like this!

After fleeing the capital this time, Boss Wei was filled with emotion and felt deeply ashamed. He even let go of some of his pretentious dignity.

Eat what you should eat, and supplement what you should supplement. You must get your face back.

Boss Wei avoided Da Mimi and Naza not because he was so weak that he couldn't get up, but mainly to conserve his energy. Otherwise, if he left all the supplies to them, he would be dealt with by Fan and Zhao before he could even recover.

Boss Wei couldn't even hold his head up after losing once. If it happens again, how will he be able to take charge of the family in the future?

Looking at Wei Yang's expression, Li Jiahang patted him on the shoulder and expressed his deep sympathy.

"After all, I am the only one in my family, so I can handle anything. But it's hard to say for you. A man is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty. Your home is simply a zoo. I'm sure they'll tear you apart and eat you when I get home."

Wei Yang: "..."

You can't get any of the supplements in the trunk. I'll get some supplements suitable for women for your wife later...


I traveled around Gyeonggi Province, Shandong Province, Northeast China, and Jiangsu Province, and participated in several variety shows and interviews. The preliminary publicity tasks have been basically completed, and the Spring Festival period is approaching.

At this juncture, Wei Yang also took a short break for personal gain.

The main creators went home to celebrate the New Year first, and gathered on the second day of the New Year to start the roadshow. He himself was also preparing to return to Shanghai.

Fan Xiaopang returned to his home in Beijing, while Zhao Liying brought her parents and younger brother to Shanghai to celebrate the New Year this year. The main reason was that she was preparing to have a child, so she had to inform her parents.

Liu Shishi’s incident was an accident. Now Zhao Liying and Wei Yang are prepared and they must be laying the groundwork.

Wei Yang originally planned to go to Beijing to meet Fan Xiaopang's parents before returning to Shanghai, but was stopped by the latter.

Her parents have already made a plan for her, and it won't be too late to return home after she becomes pregnant.

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Wei Yang did not force her. After all, what Fan Xiaopang pursued was different from those of Liu and Zhao, and many things needed to be handled differently. At least on the Fan family's side, she should be the one taking the lead.

However, Wei Yang, who had some free time, did not seek quiet time.

Wei Yang planned to leave Beijing on the afternoon of the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, but there was heavy fog that day. The airline did not recommend flying, so he had to postpone his return to Shanghai and wait until the fog cleared.

Because Li Jiahang and Boss Wei had to do separate promotions later, he went directly to his hometown in Northeast China to reunite with his wife.

Boss Wei felt bored staying alone, so he went shopping in Wangfujing with Huo Jun and Wei Fei, and took the opportunity to see if there were any new items to bring back as gifts.

Although before this, Wei Fei had already prepared two large boxes of gifts and sent them to the luggage compartment of the private jet.

"This watch is nice. How much is it?"

"Sir, this is the latest model from Cartier..."

"Just tell me how much money?"

"I can give you a discount of 13!"

"Open the ticket."

"Wait, are there other colors?"

"There are pink, blue, white, black, gold..."

"Pack this pink one, and then take the blue one. Never mind, take all the colors as well and put them in boxes of the same color."

For a luxury goods clerk who could sell Cartier in Beijing, she was considered well-informed, but she was still impressed by Boss Wei's generosity.

A watch worth 13!

If I didn’t know, I would have thought you were picking out Spring Festival couplets in the market?

Unexpectedly, Wei Yang did not give up and picked out three more watches, one for himself, one for Wei Fei and one for Huo Jun. The cheapest one was about 8 yuan. Wei Huo wanted to refuse, but Boss Wei waved his hand and said, "It's a New Year's gift."

He went around a few other stores and picked up a bunch of things. He asked Wei Fei to sort them out and then return them to the owner.

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

Wei Fei often does this and has been through it for a long time. He knows exactly who prefers what color, style, thing, etc. Not only can he satisfy everyone, but he can also think of reasons to save face for Boss Wei. Even if those people find that they are wearing the same clothes, Boss Wei will not be in trouble.

"Boss, are we going back to Jiuzhang Villa?"

"No, if she's at home I can't leave so cleanly, let's just go to the hotel. Once the airport calls we can check out and leave."

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, everyone's mood is a little sensitive. If you go to Fan Xiaopang's place, you will have to leave soon. Even if you are a big hearted person, you can't help but think too much. It's better not to worry about it.


Huo Jun drove Wei Yang to the hotel, which was the same hotel where the crew of "Detective Chinatown 2" stayed during the promotion in Gyeonggi. The hotel had an excellent environment and left a good impression on Wei Yang. It was enough for a short stay.

After checking into the room, I discovered that it was not only on the same floor as my previous room, but was also quite close to it.

But it is understandable that the room Boss Wei booked was a high-end business room, and there are only a few of them in a hotel. If the Spring Festival was not the peak season for hotels, Wei Yang might have been able to book the same room.

Taking the elevator upstairs, Wei Yang bumped into a little girl head-on. Upon closer inspection, she was Naza's assistant.

"You haven't left yet?"


Assistant Naza was startled when he saw Wei Yang, and then he explained: "The airport is foggy and we can't fly, so we are waiting at the hotel."

Wei Yang suddenly realized that Nazha and Rouba have now settled in Shanghai and seldom return to their hometown in Xinjiang Province. It was okay in previous years, but this year they had to promote their movie on the second day of the Chinese New Year and there was no time to travel back and forth, so they had to return to Shanghai.

Under normal circumstances, Naza should have contacted him to take a ride on the private plane, but because he was hiding these days, he probably didn't seize the opportunity to mention it.

"That's great. I'm not leaving either. I'll send your ID cards and information to your brother Wei later, and we can leave together then."


The assistant was very happy. Who would take a plane when they could take a private jet? It was comfortable and decent. If he asked Naza and avoided some messages, he might even have a chance to take photos and post them on WeChat Moments to show off.

"I'll go inform Sister Naza right away."

The young assistant left in a hurry. Wei Yang shook his head, turned around, opened the door and went into the room. He saw wine and tea in the room. He was hesitating whether to drink some tea or taste the wine when the door rang.

Wei Fei went over to open the door, and it was indeed Naza who came. He was very happy to see Wei Yang.

"Brother, are we really going back to the Magic City together?"

"of course."

Na Zha smiled even more brightly, and was about to walk towards Wei Yang, but suddenly she looked at Wei Fei beside her, and then looked at Wei Yang with her beautiful eyes lingering.

These days, Wei Yang deliberately avoided her, largely because it was Wei Fei who was "making trouble". After all, in front of outsiders, Na Zha didn't dare to go too far.

At times like this before, Wei Yang pretended not to notice Na Zha's hint, but now that he has been nurturing it for so many days and taking supplements every day, to be honest, Boss Wei is a little angry.

I'm going back to Shanghai soon, Fat Fan is not here, and I have to leave on the second day of the Chinese New Year, so it's not wrong to indulge myself a little.

"Ahem, Naza, come with us. We need to report the flight. Go and take care of it."


Wei Fei received the signal and left immediately. After he left, Naza, who had been restrained just now, threw himself directly into Wei Yang's arms.

Afraid that Boss Wei would dodge, she wrapped her long legs around his waist and held it tightly, looking aggrieved and resentful.

"Brother, why have you been avoiding me these days?"

"I'm not hiding from you, I just have something important to do."

Wei Yang also knew that he had treated Nazha and Da Mimi badly in the past few days, so he coaxed them with sweet words and quietly put his hands into Nazha's clothes.

Regarding this, Naza was not angry but happy. He was not afraid that Wei Yang would behave like a hooligan, but was afraid that he would not behave like a hooligan.

God knows how anxious she has been these past few days, fearing that Boss Wei would no longer want her. Now that Wei Yang has returned to his old ways, she has no time to be angry and wants to be eaten by Boss Wei.

"and many more."

Just as Boss Wei was about to pick up the person and throw him onto the bed, Na Zha suddenly blocked Wei Yang.

"Don't worry, I have a surprise for you. Wait for me for a moment."

Putting down the clothes that were pushed to her chest, Nazha found a pair of shoes to put on and said she was going back to her room.

Wei Yang finally stopped hiding. She wanted to make a final effort and perform more perfectly to win her brother's heart back.

Boss Wei also thought of Nazha's deliberate outfit to seduce her, and became interested. He asked Nazha to go back to the room to change while he waited.

About seven or eight minutes after Nazha left, the door rang again. Boss Wei, who had just been aroused and was waiting anxiously, opened the door and hugged the person waiting outside into the room.

"Why have you been gone so long?"

“What’s taking so long?

The voice sounded strange, and she was still wearing a down jacket and even felt a little cold. Wei Yang looked carefully and found that it was not Naza, but Da Mimi.

"How did you come?"

Da Mimi is not Nazha. Her home is in Beijing. When the crew disbanded, she went straight home. Why is she back to the hotel now?

"I heard that someone in the crew who hadn't left said that you were back, so I came here to see what was going on."

Da Mimi sneered at Wei Yang: "You are meeting your lover here."

As she spoke, Da Mimi's eyes began to glow with anger. She had been tortured so much these days that she once thought that Boss Wei had turned over a new leaf. She was so scared that she and Tang Yan sat opposite each other in silence and almost burst into tears.

She came here today to have a good talk with Wei Yang and see if there was any room for reconciliation, but before they even started talking, they were caught in an affair.

Da Mimi felt relieved, but also became even angrier!

What do you mean? I seduced you for several days and you didn’t respond, and now you come here to fool around with a vixen?

Believe it or not...I...I will tell Shi Shi!

Boss Wei was also confused. He could understand why she stayed in the hotel, but he didn't expect that Da Mimi would suddenly come over. This woman actually arranged spies.

If it was just catching an adulterer, Wei Yang wouldn't be afraid of that. After all, Da Mimi knew who he was, so he could cover it up.

But he had indeed treated others badly before and was caught red-handed, so it was difficult for him to prove himself.

Da Mimi can bear jealousy but cannot stand unfairness. It would be strange if she didn't make a fuss when she couldn't eat meat while others were eating and drinking to their heart's content.

When Wei Yang was having a headache, Da Mimi took off her down jacket, revealing a slim sweater, and then sat on the sofa with a fierce look in her eyes.

I want to see who is so powerful that dares to steal her girl!

She didn't have to wait long. Soon the door rang again. Wei Yang opened the door and Naza flashed in.

Naza, who only had Wei Yang in her eyes, didn't notice Da Mimi on the sofa at all. When she saw Wei Yang, she hugged his neck and gave him a kiss.

Then she took off her outer coat, revealing the sexy lingerie underneath, and struck a seductive pose. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Boss Wei's complicated expression. Following his gaze, she saw Da Mimi's face turned pale.

(ps: This is the only limit. Anything more excessive may not be approved)

The shrill scream made Boss Wei rub his ears and sigh slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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