Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 626: Soft-hearted Liu Shishi

Chapter 626: Soft-hearted Liu Shishi
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"Shanshan, be good and call me godmother. I will buy you something delicious."

Upon learning that the child was born, Da Mimi ignored the promotion of "Eternal Love" and rushed over to see the child. She also gave Wei Yang a pure gold safety lock that felt so heavy in his hand.

"You treat my son as Nezha, he can talk when he is born, and you are playing with a small gold locket that weighs one pound."

Wei Yang couldn't help but complain, and Da Mimi was not polite either: "If I give someone a small gift, he will say I'm stingy."

Tang Yan, who had come to see the child together, saw the two people bickering and laughed secretly beside them.

What she gave was a jade Buddha pendant, which was not only valuable, but was also specially sent to a temple to be blessed. It was much more reliable than Da Mimi's gift.

"Okay, okay, the gold lock is affordable, and I can melt it down to make jewelry for my daughter-in-law."

Liu Shishi tried to persuade him, but Wei Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was thinking too far ahead. He was already thinking about getting his son married as soon as he was born.

Besides, there is no shortage of gold at home.

Not to mention the gold jewelry he usually buys, Wei Yang has also deposited some gold in the bank for the purpose of preserving value and investment over the years, probably a few dozen kilograms, which is enough to make jewelry and even buy a set of gold armor.

After giving birth, Liu Shishi stayed in the hospital for two days and then returned home without going to the confinement center.

Because the living environment, nutritious meals, supporting staff, training equipment, related equipment, medical support and other services provided by the confinement center are all available at home, and they are top-notch.

Wei Yang only understood this when Liu Shishi became pregnant.

Really rich people don’t go to confinement centers, but bring the “confinement center” to their homes.

But this does save Boss Wei a lot of trouble. Whether it is a private hospital or a high-end confinement center, privacy may be leaked. It is better to keep it secret and safe at home.

Liu Shishi also likes to stay at home, where she feels more relaxed and comfortable, but her mother-in-law and mother are a little too strict.

"Come, try the fish soup I made. It can help increase milk production and nourish the body. The confinement nanny and the doctor both agree to this."

As they were talking, Wang Yunping came into the room with a bowl in her hand and stuffed the soup into her hands, ignoring Liu Shishi's bitter face.

After Liu Shishi gave birth to the baby, it was finally Wang Yunping and Liu's mother's turn to show off their skills. They brought all kinds of nourishing soups and delicious foods to Liu Shishi's house.

There was too much food and Liu Shishi couldn't eat it all, so she used the doctor and the confinement nanny as a shield, saying that nutrition must be balanced and that one shouldn't take random supplements, etc.

I did manage to persuade them at first, but soon the two began to evolve.

You can't just take supplements randomly, so just follow the recipes prescribed by the doctor and the confinement nanny. If they don't agree, just redo it.

The two old sisters have money and time. For the sake of their daughter-in-law/daughter and grandson/grandson, they don’t care whether the money is wasted or not. If they really can’t afford it, they will just give it to Liu’s father and Old Wei.

Therefore, the two of them relied on this spirit of research to break through the defenses of the confinement nanny and the doctor, and took back the right to produce supplements and confinement meals.

Wang Yunping, in particular, worked very hard, not only buying professional books but also enrolling in relevant training courses.

There is no other way. I still have a daughter-in-law at home. When she is needed, she can help...

Liu Shishi looked at Wei Yang pitifully. Wang Yunping stood in front of the bed and said, "Don't look at him. I'll leave when you finish drinking."

Wei Yang could only give Liu Shishi a helpless expression. Ever since he helped Liu Shishi get caught last time, Wang Yunping and Liu's mother had been on guard against him.

After Wang Yunping left with the empty bowl, Da Mimi and Tang Yan, who had been as quiet as quails just now, dared to speak.

"Auntie has such a strong aura."

Wei Yang felt that he still had to explain for his mother, so as not to become a wicked mother-in-law: "It's mainly because Shishi is prone to being naughty and refusing to drink, so a sullen face is the only way to calm her down. My mother is usually very nice to her."

Liu Shishi also nodded in agreement. If Wang Yunping was really a wicked mother-in-law, she wouldn't have worked so hard to make soup and cook every day.

Do you really think this thing is easy to do? It is very troublesome. It may be fine for a day or two, but I have to do it every day. It all depends on my care for my daughter-in-law and my love for my grandson.

"Then Shishi drank it in such pain, it must be bad?"

Da Mimi was curious, and Liu Shishi shook her head: "The taste is okay, but it's a little bland. It's a bit greasy to eat every day. The key is that I'm a fat person."

Liu Shishi pinched her belly and said, "After giving birth and confinement, I weigh over 120 kilograms."

Even more than that, because she found herself weighing over 120 pounds and unable to avoid dieting, she gave up on herself and didn't dare to step on the scale for several days.

"Actually, being a little fatter is pretty good."

Boss Wei, this is the truth. In order to stay photogenic, most female celebrities are thin. Gaining weight does not appear so exaggerated in real life. On the contrary, a plump figure makes them look like young ladies and they are comfortable to hug.

He personally really liked her, but Liu Shishi felt that he was deceiving herself and comforting herself.

"How can I look better? My face is rounder and I have a little belly. I don't even dare to look in the mirror."

Tang Yan followed Wei Yang's words to comfort Liu Shishi, but Da Mimi looked at Boss Wei suspiciously and strangely, leaving him confused.

"What are you looking at me doing?"

"You like fat ones?"

Wei Yang was even more confused: "What do you mean?"

Da Mimi snorted and said nothing, but Tang Yan understood what she meant immediately: "The one in the movie version of Eternal Love seems to be a little plump."

Wei Yang suddenly realized that the TV series "Eternal Love" was popular, and the movie version was also trying to take advantage of the popularity, and it would most likely be released during the summer vacation.

Both the movie and TV versions of Bai Qian are played by well-known actresses, so it is inevitable to compare them. Now the fans of both sides are fighting fiercely, and the one whose body shape is occasionally not "standard" in recent years has been severely criticized by the fans of the rival side. Did he accidentally step on a landmine?
"What are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

Wei Yang felt wronged, but he thought in his heart that Liu Tianxian was indeed more attractive when she was fatter.

The movie "Where the Wind Is" filmed in my previous life was quite charming for a young woman, but "The Story of Rose" was a bit too much.

But Boss Wei could only mutter these words in his heart and dared not say them out loud. Every one of the people present was at odds with Liu Tianxian.

Especially Liu Shishi who was sitting on the bed, Wei Yang sometimes couldn't tell whether she hated Zhao Liying or Liu Tianxian more.

Seeing that the topic was not right, Boss Wei decisively changed his mind and carefully took his son to find a confinement nanny to bask in the sun to treat jaundice.

"Why do I feel like he's guilty?"

Da Mimi was still suspicious, but Liu Shishi was very calm. Given the situation, even if Boss Wei had the intention, he didn't have the courage to do it. He would never dare to provoke Liu Tianxian and risk an uproar in the backyard.

Tang Yan's focus was more normal. She asked about her health and when Liu Shishi would make a comeback.

From being "injured" in October last year to now in June, more than half a year has passed. The rumors outside are flying all over the place, and it is time to calm them down.

"Don't worry, Shanshan is still young, she has to be weaned anyway."

When Liu Shishi was pregnant, she wanted to make a comeback and perform well, but after seeing the baby born after ten months of pregnancy, her mentality began to change. She became less interested in making a comeback in the short term and became more concerned about her son's growth.

Neither Da Mimi nor Tang Yan expected Liu Shishi to say this, but it is normal when you think about it.

Liu Shishi has a Buddhist personality and is not very career-oriented.

In the early days, he actively filmed movies in order to become famous and make money, but later on he was forced into internal competition by people like Zhao Liying.

Now Liu Shishi is content with everything, has a son, is wealthy, has a stable family, and even her competitors have retired, so her fighting spirit has naturally dissipated a lot.

Tang Yan can especially understand Liu Shishi. Her personality and ideas are actually somewhat similar to Liu Shishi. She is not very ambitious and prefers to take care of her husband and children.

Put yourself in her shoes. If she were Liu Shishi, let alone postponing her comeback, even quitting the entertainment industry altogether is not out of the question.

The restless Da Mi Mi disagrees with this idea, but she has no reason to persuade her. She can't let Liu Shi Shi leave her baby at home and go out to film.

Even if Wei Yang agreed, Wang Yunping and even Liu's mother would not agree.

Moreover, ordinary people have a few months of breastfeeding leave after giving birth to recuperate and take care of the baby. Liu Shishi ran out to film right after she finished her confinement. People who didn't know would think that the Wei family was mistreating and exploiting their daughter-in-law.

In fact, from a selfish point of view, Da Mimi also hopes that Liu Shishi will postpone her comeback. It will be good for her career to have a big mountain above her.

"However, even though I won't be back to film, I should show up to dispel the rumors and avoid speculation from the outside world."

It is indeed inconvenient to be busy filming for several months, but attending an event or accepting an interview in public only takes half a day or a few hours, and it will not affect Liu Shishi's recuperation and child care.

"Wei Yang and I have discussed this, and we need to wait a little longer. Let's talk about it in two months."

Seeing that Tangmi and the other two were confused, Liu Shishi started to explain that she had fabricated the injury incident because she couldn't avoid it because the filming of "The Witch" was about to start.

If he shows up now, everyone will consider the time and he will confess himself.

If she waits for two or three months before showing up again, the timing will be consistent with the injury followed by pregnancy.

Although many people probably still don't believe this kind of self-deception, at least it gives fans a reason to whitewash themselves and save some face.

"Wei Yang is still very thoughtful."

Tang Yan started to praise him, but Da Mi Mi couldn't help but spoil his lies: "I think he is very experienced in lying, one thing after another."


Two hours later, Da Mimi and Tang Yan left and coaxed their son to sleep. Liu Shishi felt a little uncomfortable due to bloating, so Wei Yang had to take his place to relieve the pressure.

After a while, Liu Shishi wiped it with a wet towel and said to Boss Wei who was still savoring the taste.

"Do you feel that Mimi is a little impatient today? You say one thing and she retorts."

"She always argues with me. She is an ETC person, a reincarnated argumentative person. She feels uncomfortable if she doesn't argue with me."

Boss Wei has long been accustomed to daily bickering with Da Mimi. Every time they meet, he feels like something is missing if they don't say a few words. So he didn't feel any difference today, and even if he felt it, he wouldn't say it.

Don’t ask why, this is the intuition and cultivation of a scumbag!
"Today is different from usual. Mimi is angry, and Tangtang is more silent than usual. The way she looks at you is full of resentment."

Liu Shishi swore that similar situations had actually been happening since she became pregnant, but when she saw the child today, her emotions were particularly prominent.

"Then what do you think, are you secretly happy or are you soft-hearted?"

Seeing that she spoke seriously, Wei Yang stopped pretending to be stupid. Liu Shishi pondered for a moment.

"A little bit of both. I was more secretly happy before, but now that I'm a mother, my heart is softer."

After all, the three of them are of similar age. Even though they are just plastic sisters, they are not without feelings. They can more or less feel Tangmei's thoughts.

Liu Shishi became a mother and entered the next stage of her life. The two of them had no status and no clear future. Although they seemed to be living a glamorous life, they were actually feeling empty. Putting herself in their shoes, Liu Shishi felt a little bit reluctant.

"What on earth are you thinking, dragging them along like this?"

This time it was Wei Yang's turn to remain silent. After a long while, he replied, "To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet."

Let go?

Some were reluctant, and Molasses might not be willing to leave him.

At least Tang Yan was determined not to leave. He had tried to test her before, and her reaction was quite intense.

do not let it go?
The situation is already chaotic enough now. If a few more people come along, Boss Wei will be worried that he won’t be able to handle it.

But it's not a good idea to continue like this without knowing the reason. It would be too cruel if it ruined someone's life.

"You want it and yet you don't want it. How shameless."

Liu Shishi guessed what Boss Wei was thinking and expressed her contempt. Now that she had a son by her side, she felt more confident and was much more arrogant than before.

Boss Wei is thick-skinned and doesn't get angry even when being scolded. Anyway, he doesn't have time to think about this matter recently, so let's talk about it later.

Looking at Liu Shishi who was still standing up for Tangmi, he couldn't help but ask back.

"So what do you think?"

Liu Shishi spoke her mind: "I naturally hope that the two of them can leave that scumbag and find their own happiness.

This woman really wants me to be abandoned by everyone!
Wei Yang complained in his heart, and then asked: "What if they are determined that I am their happiness in this life?"

Liu Shishi choked and wanted to scold Boss Wei for being shameless, but when she thought about Tangmei's attitude towards Wei Yang, she swallowed her words back and wondered what she would do.

If she turns a blind eye, she would be at a great disadvantage.

But if we give up on both of them, it would be too cruel!
After thinking it over again and again, Liu Shishi finally lay down on the bed, turned his back, and said in a muffled voice: "I'm sleepy, go to sleep."

Boss Wei shook his head. With this kind of personality, it was fortunate that he protected her, otherwise she would have to help count the money after selling the molasses…


While Wei Yang was a stay-at-home dad, "Eternal Love", which had been raging for most of June, finally came to an end.

Although the ratings of 1.58 are not high, it is also among the highest this year.

What is even more eye-catching is the number of views, which is nearly 300 billion. Although many people have questioned whether PPTV has inflated its views in order to go public, its popularity is real.

Da Mimi has contributed another phenomenal hit, which is so popular that it is extremely popular.

The male lead Zhang Binbin also saw a surge in popularity, with his Weibo fans increasing by over 10 million. Although he cannot be said to have become a top star, he has successfully become one of the popular young actors.

Mi Xing has also become a new entertainment star that has received a lot of attention nowadays. Many people regard him as the next Bingyang, and Da Mimi’s fans are even clamoring to create the second Blue Whale.

Although it is wishful thinking to compete with the blue whale, there is still hope to compete with the Arctic Ocean.

Zeng Jia, the actual person in charge of Mihang, brought in an investment of 3 million yuan, pushing the market value of Mihang to 60 billion yuan in one go. More importantly, it is expected to achieve a backdoor listing through the channels of this shareholder.

You know, Bingyang is still in the development stage. It’s not that it’s a long way from going public, but there has indeed not been much progress.

Mi Xing's move is a direct way to overtake others. If all goes well, she might be able to ring the bell next year.

Even Boss Wei was a little surprised by this operation. He is indeed a ruthless person who kicked Da Mimi out. He is really capable.

However, backdoor listing is not that simple. He remembered that Jiaxing seemed to have tried this in his previous life, but failed in the end.

Although there have been many positive changes in this round of power trading, it remains to be seen whether it can be successful.

No one can say for sure whether Mixing will be listed or not, but PPTV is completely stable, and all the procedures are progressing very smoothly.

The popularity of "Eternal Love" has made everyone look forward to PPTV.

However, PPTV is not satisfied with its current achievements and will launch two more excellent works in the coming July.

Grave Robbers' Chronicles 2

"Together with You 2"

(End of this chapter)

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