Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 632 Bazaar Charity Night, eating melons at home

Chapter 632 Bazaar Charity Night, eating melons at home

In early September, Magic City

The annual Harper's Bazaar Star Charity Night is held at the International Convention Center.

Compared with previous years, the situation this year has changed slightly. In addition to the organizer "Harper's Bazaar", PPTV has also joined in, hosting the live broadcast of this year's Star Charity Night.

Because of this change, this year's celebrity charity night is much more popular than in previous years.

In addition, last year's Harper's Bazaar Celebrity Charity Night was very popular, and Harper's Bazaar Editor-in-Chief Su Mang, who has extensive connections, tried her best to attract people, making many celebrities willing to come and show their support.

When the final list was compiled, there were more than 160 famous stars and public figures, which was an unprecedented event.

The person in charge, Su Mang, even made a bold statement: "You will see a group photo of celebrities that you will never have the chance to see in history!"

COFCO Seaview One
Liu Shishi straightened Boss Wei's suit, still a little reluctant to leave: "What a lively scene, it's a pity I can't go."

"Go if you want to. Just add a seat. Spend a little more money when the time comes. This comeback will be considered respectable."

Liu Shishi was a little tempted, but after touching her face and her plump belly, she shook her head decisively.

I will never leave until you regain your former beauty!
"Forget it, I'd better watch the live broadcast at home. Don't just chat with people, observe your surroundings. If you have any fun in private, tell me later."

Liu Shishi is very experienced. At such a large gathering in the entertainment industry, there must be gossip. She may not be able to go, but there will definitely be gossip.


Wei Yang actually seldom pays attention to celebrity charity events like this. He naturally has his own channels for doing charity.

There is another reason. This kind of party occasionally creates a small Shura scene for him, and Wei Yang will definitely avoid it.

The reason why Wei Yang was invited this time was ostensibly because of PPTV, but privately, Boss Wei also went there to watch the show and personally experience what is hailed as a rare super Shura scene in the entertainment industry that only happens once in a decade.

After all, although there are a lot of gossips in the entertainment industry, it is another thing to see it with your own eyes and be there in person.

Boss Wei has experienced many Shuras himself, so naturally he wants to see the excitement in other people's homes.

Especially when Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying couldn't go, Da Mimi and the others couldn't jump up in his hands. Wei Yang felt that he would be sorry for this precious opportunity if he didn't go.

After going downstairs, Wei Yang got in his Maybach and headed to the venue.

Boss Wei, who came mainly to have fun, originally had no intention of walking the red carpet, but the organizers certainly didn't want to let go of such a top star like him in vain.

The guest should follow the host's wishes and regard it as a contribution to PPTV's listing. Wei Yang came to the red carpet waiting area in a suit.

Originally according to the organizer's idea, Boss Wei would definitely be the last to appear, so Boss Wei arrived relatively late, and it was already the middle and late stages of the red carpet when he arrived.

According to the normal appearance time, it will take at least half an hour.

But with Wei Yang's status, he no longer needed to worry about these empty things. He was the first to appear, and no one dared to ignore him even though he was sitting in the corner of the last row.

I was eighteen that year, standing on the stage like a minion.

He is thirty this year, and he is the center of attention wherever he goes!
Instead of waiting in the waiting area, it is better to enter the venue early. There will be food and drinks, and maybe you can see the excitement in advance.

Therefore, Wei Yang negotiated with the relevant person in charge and went straight into the venue.

At the entrance of the red carpet, there was a sponsored yellow BMW car parked. The etiquette lady indicated that they wanted to take a photo, and Wei Yang did not refuse and stopped for a moment.

His commercial endorsement with Mercedes-Benz has expired.

It’s not that Mercedes-Benz is unwilling to continue cooperating with him. On the contrary, they offered him a sky-high contract renewal, but Boss Wei, who is not short of money, did not sign it.

There are many restrictions associated with endorsements, and the annual endorsement fees are just a small price to pay for Boss Wei. He would rather earn less in exchange for a free position.

At this stage, Boss Wei still has some endorsements, but they are basically projects and brands in which he has invested or has had close cooperation.

For example, Internet platforms such as Meituan, Douyin, Hualuo.com, Pinduoduo, Xiaomi mobile phones, DJI drones, etc.

Some say that he is a spokesperson, but it is better to say that he is a promotion ambassador. Wei Yang just helps out and acts as a platform. He doesn't actually get much in endorsement fees. It is mainly the cooperation of resources from both sides behind the scenes.

As he has an endorsement, Wei Yang doesn't care about this matter. Nowadays, Boss Wei is not busy developing business anymore, so taking a photo doesn't matter, just as a support to the staff.

It doesn't matter if BMW takes advantage of the popularity, but if it makes a big fuss about this, it will just be a good opportunity to find some work for the Xuhui Tumbler.

Taking photos, signing autographs, interviews, Boss Wei was very familiar with the process and handled it easily before entering the venue.

The etiquette lady led the way, and before they reached their seats, Su Mang greeted them with a bright smile on her face.

"We are honored to have President Wei here today. Thank you so much for your support."

Su Mang, editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar, is well known to the public because of her outrageous statement on a variety show that 650 yuan for breakfast is not enough.

But in fact, she is quite famous in the circle and is known as the "Chinese Fashion Devil".

Of course, there are many people who disagree or even sneer at it.

However, it is undeniable that Su Mang does have some status in the fashion circle. Many stars have to support her, especially young actors and actresses and rising artists, who curry favor with her in exchange for fashion resources. Popular big names also have good relations with her, otherwise, she would not be able to support such a big place.

But that’s all.

Su Mang is a well-known figure in the entertainment industry, but not so much in the capital circle.

At the Weibo Night in 2015, he sat on Boss Pan's thigh and touched Boss Shi's thigh, and he stole the spotlight.

Well, how to describe it? A typical fashion person who is blinded by the glitz and glitz of capital and flatters the powerful and tramples on the weak.

When facing people who are not as good as himself, he is arrogant and bossy.

When facing someone who is stronger than you, be flattering and be careful about flattering them.

Boss Wei can't say that he likes this kind of people, but he doesn't hate them either. It's mainly because he has seen a lot of them. In the entertainment industry and even in the workplace, there are so many people like this.

It is difficult to say that he can treat everyone relatively equally, including himself.

"Boss Su, come in early, it won't affect your arrangements."

"No no."

Su Mang shook her head like a rattle, talking to Wei Yang while personally leading the way and taking him to the main table seat in the C position.

Wei Yang was delighted when he saw that they were all familiar faces.

Next to him is Xiong Xiaoge, an investment tycoon and the financier of Harper's Bazaar. The IDG Capital he is in charge of has invested in companies such as Baidu, Penguin, Ctrip, and Sohu.

Wei Yang had dealt with him before on Bilibili, and both of them were shareholders.

When PPTV was raising funds, this person was also interested, but in the end the conditions were not negotiated, so the cooperation was not successful.

Wei Yang also knows the man on the right, Boss Zhao, chairman of the Shandong Mining Machinery Group. He is in the manufacturing business and is not very well-known, but the two of them happen to be fellow villagers.

Strictly speaking, Wei Yang was not familiar with this person. He knew Zhao's father and had met him at some fellow villagers' meetings. However, recently, it seemed that the old boss Zhao had retired and the young boss Zhao took over.

He looks mature, but like Wei Yang he was born in the 80s, and actually has more common topics with him than with his father.

There were also some bosses sitting there, some of whom I had met before and some of whom I was not familiar with, but they were all rich people.

To put it bluntly, at this kind of charity dinner, the one who sits at the head table has to pay, and if you don't have some wealth and status, you can't sit there.

Although they knew each other, they were not very familiar with each other. After a brief chat, Wei Yang found an excuse to slip away. After fiddling with his phone for a while, he found Li Jiahang who was bragging to Deng Chao.

"Hey, the big boss is here."

Li Jiahang offered his seat to me politely: "I will go on stage in a while, you have to help me."

Wei Yang also had a general understanding of the process of tonight's party. It seemed that the stars were divided into two teams and went on stage to shout and clamor for donations.

In fact, it doesn’t matter how much you donate. It looks like a competition, but there is no punishment involved. This guy just wants to save face and wants to show his support to Boss Wei.

"Don't worry, I will help anyone who opposes you."

Li Jiahang was choked to death. He could still joke with Boss Wei, while Deng Chao and Lu Han beside him were more restrained. Zhang Yixing turned into a quail.

Wei Yang didn't care. He came here mainly for Li Jiahang. The two of them sat together and chatted about gossip.

"You didn't see it just now, Zhang Ziyi walked on the red carpet and took off her coat..."

Wei Yang almost spit out the champagne in his mouth: "So fierce?"

"No, that's how they designed it. The jacket is attached to the dress underneath, but it's pretty cool."

"I'll have to take a look later."

Wei Yang remembered that Zhang Ziyi seemed to have done a lot of things in his previous life, so it seemed that he was the main target today.

"Who else?"

"I can't tell the difference with the other melons, but the ones in your family are the most straightforward."

Wei Yang: “…?”

Li Jiahang had a malicious smile on his face: "You thought that everything would be fine if those guys didn't come. I just saw with my own eyes that Rouba and Nazha both ignored Tang Yan. Just wait and see, there will definitely be trouble."

Wei Yang thought that since the big ones were not there, the small ones would not dare to make trouble. However, he did not know that it was precisely because there was no tiger in the mountain that the monkey could become king.

Li Jiahang saw it clearly.

Zhao, Liu and others have retired, and Da Mimi has been enjoying great success in recent times. Tang Yan has also benefited greatly from this, so it is natural that she is a little arrogant.

The two beauties of Xinjiang are no longer helpless now. Rouba is booming and Naza is also rejuvenated. They may not want to try their hand at molasses.

Moreover, this is not just a secret fight between four people!
This time, the five beauties from "Ode to Joy" were present at the same time. In addition, there were also the two from "Tiny Times" and several people from Mixing Studio.

There was a conflict between Tangmei and the two beauties from Xinjiang Province. Even if these people didn't dare to take action, they had to make some gesture.

The two beauties from Xinjiang Province are not fighting alone. There are more than just two Blue Whale artists. They have debuted for so many years and have more or less made some friends.

Not to mention anything else, Nazha and Qin Lan have a good relationship, and the other members of "Sisters Over Flowers" also have a good relationship.

Rouba is not a good person either. Although the seven-member group of "Running Man" are not as close as brothers, they will not watch her being bullied.

"Maybe today could turn into a big fight among the Blue Whales."


Boss Wei felt that what Li Jiahang said was too exaggerated. He complained verbally, but his body was very honest. He simply put Li aside and went to find Da Mimi and Di Lieba to explain.

Family disgrace should not be made public, and what he wants to see today is not a civil war among his own family.

Molasses and the two beauties from Xinjiang may be gone, but Boss Wei’s words still work.

But Boss Wei was still a little uneasy. He knew that a fight was out of the question, but he was afraid that they could not live in harmony either.

As expected, after Cai Yilin's opening performance, the stars were divided into teams, with Huang Xiaoming and Deng Chao leading one team each.

Perhaps in order to increase the fun, some people were separated, such as the five beauties of Ode to Joy and the Running Man team. Except for couples, no one is in the same team.

Then everything went haywire!
Logically, one team should stand on one side, splitting into two teams, but for various reasons, the stage was scattered.

Deng Chao looked at Da Mimi next to him and racked his brains to keep as much distance as possible. Da Mimi didn't care and instead pulled Jing Tian over and put her between herself and Liu Tianxian.

Mao Xiaotong and Xu Lu, who were in the same team with Naza, were trembling with fear and wished they could stay as far away from him as possible.

Li Jiahang's grandson was no longer happy. Tang Yan and Rouba were on either side of him, curled up, looking weak and helpless.

As the team leader, Huang Xiaoming took his wife to avoid the internal fighting of the Blue Whale faction, and then turned around and was caught between two unfriendly big stars, Zhang Ziyi and Li Bingbing.

As members of the Running Man team and Ode to Joy Five Beauties, Lu Han and Reyiza didn't dare to get too close, but they couldn't be too far away either. They could only give each other an awkward polite smile.

Zhang Ruoyun didn't have a good time either. He had worked with Da Mimi and Rouba, but in the end he was just standing alone in the corner.

The remaining neutral artists did not dare to get involved when seeing this situation, and simply gathered in groups of two or three, making the formation even more chaotic.

The host Hua Shao tried his best to control the situation, and Su Mang shouted at the top of her lungs while directing from the audience, but it was all to no avail. The whole scene could only be described as a mess.

Boss Wei in the audience couldn't bear to watch it, and could not help but hold his forehead and smile bitterly, wishing he could run away.

Good news: There is indeed melon to eat, and there is enough of it
The bad news: Most of them are my own fault
What worries him most is that this is just the division, and there is no telling how many "famous scenes" there will be in the final group photo. Boss Wei really wants to slap himself.

She has no sense at all. She is not at home to look after the children. She spends money and still suffers. She is really cheap...

But now that he was here, he couldn't leave even if he wanted to, so Wei Yang could only bite the bullet and continue.

Fortunately, there were fewer embarrassing things in the following period. Boss Wei spent 400 million to buy a painting and donated an ambulance team.

At the end, the total donations for the day were still more than one million short of breaking 100 million, and Boss Wei simply rounded it up, bringing the donations for this charity night to nine figures.

Su Mang was extremely excited. Not only was the donation fully paid, but she also felt honored by Boss Wei's donation, and she kept thanking him on the stage.

When it came to the final group photo, he even ran over personally to invite Boss Wei to come up.

Wei Yang was unwilling to do that. If he went up, it would just add fuel to the fire. He was afraid that someone would start a fight just to stand next to him, and then he would become the biggest entertainment tonight.

Thinking of this, Wei Yang waved his hands so hard that afterimages were almost left, and he would never go on stage.

As it turned out, Wei Yang's plan was wise.

The super Shura field recorded in the history of the entertainment industry in the previous life, combined with the internal fighting of Blue Whale, it can be said to be a "hell on earth"...

(End of this chapter)

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